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Best Famous Enclosure Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Enclosure poems. This is a select list of the best famous Enclosure poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Enclosure poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of enclosure poems.

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Written by Eavan Boland | Create an image from this poem


 Flesh is heretic.
My body is a witch.
I am burning it.
Yes I am torching ber curves and paps and wiles.
They scorch in my self denials.
How she meshed my head in the half-truths of her fevers till I renounced milk and honey and the taste of lunch.
I vomited her hungers.
Now the ***** is burning.
I am starved and curveless.
I am skin and bone.
She has learned her lesson.
Thin as a rib I turn in sleep.
My dreams probe a claustrophobia a sensuous enclosure.
How warm it was and wide once by a warm drum, once by the song of his breath and in his sleeping side.
Only a little more, only a few more days sinless, foodless, I will slip back into him again as if I had never been away.
Caged so I will grow angular and holy past pain, keeping his heart such company as will make me forget in a small space the fall into forked dark, into python needs heaving to hips and breasts and lips and heat and sweat and fat and greed.

Written by Rainer Maria Rilke | Create an image from this poem

The Unicorn

 The saintly hermit, midway through his prayers
stopped suddenly, and raised his eyes to witness
the unbelievable: for there before him stood
the legendary creature, startling white, that
had approached, soundlessly, pleading with his eyes.
The legs, so delicately shaped, balanced a body wrought of finest ivory.
And as he moved, his coat shone like reflected moonlight.
High on his forehead rose the magic horn, the sign of his uniqueness: a tower held upright by his alert, yet gentle, timid gait.
The mouth of softest tints of rose and grey, when opened slightly, revealed his gleaming teeth, whiter than snow.
The nostrils quivered faintly: he sought to quench his thirst, to rest and find repose.
His eyes looked far beyond the saint's enclosure, reflecting vistas and events long vanished, and closed the circle of this ancient mystic legend.
Written by Robert Lowell | Create an image from this poem

Memories of West Street and Lepke

Only teaching on Tuesdays, book-worming
in pajamas fresh from the washer each morning,
I hog a whole house on Boston's 
"hardly passionate Marlborough Street,"
where even the man
scavenging filth in the back alley trash cans,
has two children, a beach wagon, a helpmate,
and is "a young Republican.
" I have a nine months' daughter, young enough to be my granddaughter.
Like the sun she rises in her flame-flamingo infants' wear.
These are the tranquilized Fifties, and I am forty.
Ought I to regret my seedtime? I was a fire-breathing Catholic C.
, and made my manic statement, telling off the state and president, and then sat waiting sentence in the bull pen beside a ***** boy with curlicues of marijuana in his hair.
Given a year, I walked on the roof of the West Street Jail, a short enclosure like my school soccer court, and saw the Hudson River once a day through sooty clothesline entanglements and bleaching khaki tenements.
Strolling, I yammered metaphysics with Abramowitz, a jaundice-yellow ("it's really tan") and fly-weight pacifist, so vegetarian, he wore rope shoes and preferred fallen fruit.
He tried to convert Bioff and Brown, the Hollywood pimps, to his diet.
Hairy, muscular, suburban, wearing chocolate double-breasted suits, they blew their tops and beat him black and blue.
I was so out of things, I'd never heard of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Are you a C.
?" I asked a fellow jailbird.
"No," he answered, "I'm a J.
" He taught me the "hospital tuck," and pointed out the T-shirted back of Murder Incorporated's Czar Lepke, there piling towels on a rack, or dawdling off to his little segregated cell full of things forbidden to the common man: a portable radio, a dresser, two toy American flags tied together with a ribbon of Easter palm.
Flabby, bald, lobotomized, he drifted in a sheepish calm, where no agonizing reappraisal jarred his concentration on the electric chair hanging like an oasis in his air of lost connections.
Written by Wang Wei | Create an image from this poem

Lily Magnolia Enclosure

 Autumn hill gather surplus shine 
Fly bird chase before companion.
Colour green moment bright, Sunset mist no fixed place.
The autumn hill gathers remaining light, A flying bird chases its companion before.
The green colour is momentarily bright, Sunset mist has no fixed place.
Written by John Clare | Create an image from this poem

To A Fallen Elm

 Old Elm that murmured in our chimney top
The sweetest anthem autumn ever made
And into mellow whispering calms would drop
When showers fell on thy many coloured shade
And when dark tempests mimic thunder made
While darkness came as it would strangle light
With the black tempest of a winter night
That rocked thee like a cradle to thy root
How did I love to hear the winds upbraid
Thy strength without while all within was mute
It seasoned comfort to our hearts desire
We felt thy kind protection like a friend
And pitched our chairs up closer to the fire
Enjoying comforts that was was never penned

Old favourite tree thoust seen times changes lower
But change till now did never come to thee
For time beheld thee as his sacred dower
And nature claimed thee her domestic tree
Storms came and shook thee with aliving power
Yet stedfast to thy home thy roots hath been
Summers of thirst parched round thy homely bower
Till earth grew iron—still thy leaves was green
The children sought thee in thy summer shade
And made their play house rings of sticks and stone
The mavis sang and felt himself alone
While in they leaves his early nest was made
And I did feel his happiness mine own
Nought heeding that our friendship was betrayed

Friend not inanimate—tho stocks and stones
There are and many cloathed in flesh and bones
Thou ownd a lnaguage by which hearts are stirred
Deeper than by the attribute of words
Thine spoke a feeling known in every tongue
Language of pity and the force of wrong
What cant assumes what hypocrites may dare
Speaks home to truth and shows it what they are

I see a picture that thy fate displays
And learn a lesson from thy destiny
Self interest saw thee stand in freedoms ways
So thy old shadow must a tyrant be
Thoust heard the knave abusing those in power
Bawl freedom loud and then oppress the free
Thoust sheltered hypocrites in many an hour
That when in power would never shelter thee
Thoust heard the knave supply his canting powers
With wrongs illusions when he wanted friends
That bawled for shelter when he lived in showers
And when clouds vanished made thy shade ammends
With axe at root he felled thee to the ground
And barked of freedom—O I hate that sound

It grows the cant terms of enslaving tools
To wrong another by the name of right
It grows a liscence with oer bearing fools
To cheat plain honesty by force of might
Thus came enclosure—ruin was her guide
But freedoms clapping hands enjoyed the sight
Tho comforts cottage soon was thrust aside
And workhouse prisons raised upon the scite
Een natures dwelling far away from men
The common heath became the spoilers prey
The rabbit had not where to make his den
And labours only cow was drove away
No matter—wrong was right and right was wrong
And freedoms brawl was sanction to the song

Such was thy ruin music making Elm
The rights of freedom was to injure thine
As thou wert served so would they overwhelm
In freedoms name the little so would they over whelm
And these are knaves that brawl for better laws
And cant of tyranny in stronger powers
Who glut their vile unsatiated maws
And freedoms birthright from the weak devours

Written by Wang Wei | Create an image from this poem

Deer Enclosure

 Empty hill not see person 
Yet hear person voice sound 
Return scene enter deep forest 
Duplicate light green moss on 

Hills are empty, no man is seen, 
Yet the sound of people's voices is heard.
Light is cast into the deep forest, And shines again on green moss.
Written by John Clare | Create an image from this poem

The Mores

 Far spread the moorey ground a level scene
Bespread with rush and one eternal green
That never felt the rage of blundering plough
Though centurys wreathed spring's blossoms on its brow
Still meeting plains that stretched them far away
In uncheckt shadows of green brown, and grey
Unbounded freedom ruled the wandering scene
Nor fence of ownership crept in between
To hide the prospect of the following eye
Its only bondage was the circling sky
One mighty flat undwarfed by bush and tree
Spread its faint shadow of immensity
And lost itself, which seemed to eke its bounds
In the blue mist the horizon's edge surrounds
Now this sweet vision of my boyish hours
Free as spring clouds and wild as summer flowers
Is faded all—a hope that blossomed free,
And hath been once, no more shall ever be
Inclosure came and trampled on the grave
Of labour's rights and left the poor a slave
And memory's pride ere want to wealth did bow
Is both the shadow and the substance now
The sheep and cows were free to range as then
Where change might prompt nor felt the bonds of men
Cows went and came, with evening morn and night,
To the wild pasture as their common right
And sheep, unfolded with the rising sun
Heard the swains shout and felt their freedom won
Tracked the red fallow field and heath and plain
Then met the brook and drank and roamed again
The brook that dribbled on as clear as glass
Beneath the roots they hid among the grass
While the glad shepherd traced their tracks along
Free as the lark and happy as her song
But now all's fled and flats of many a dye
That seemed to lengthen with the following eye
Moors, loosing from the sight, far, smooth, and blea
Where swopt the plover in its pleasure free
Are vanished now with commons wild and gay
As poet's visions of life's early day
Mulberry-bushes where the boy would run
To fill his hands with fruit are grubbed and done
And hedgrow-briars—flower-lovers overjoyed
Came and got flower-pots—these are all destroyed
And sky-bound mores in mangled garbs are left
Like mighty giants of their limbs bereft
Fence now meets fence in owners' little bounds
Of field and meadow large as garden grounds
In little parcels little minds to please
With men and flocks imprisoned ill at ease
Each little path that led its pleasant way
As sweet as morning leading night astray
Where little flowers bloomed round a varied host
That travel felt delighted to be lost
Nor grudged the steps that he had ta-en as vain
When right roads traced his journeys and again -
Nay, on a broken tree he'd sit awhile
To see the mores and fields and meadows smile
Sometimes with cowslaps smothered—then all white
With daiseys—then the summer's splendid sight
Of cornfields crimson o'er the headache bloomd
Like splendid armys for the battle plumed
He gazed upon them with wild fancy's eye
As fallen landscapes from an evening sky
These paths are stopt—the rude philistine's thrall
Is laid upon them and destroyed them all
Each little tyrant with his little sign
Shows where man claims earth glows no more divine
But paths to freedom and to childhood dear
A board sticks up to notice 'no road here'
And on the tree with ivy overhung
The hated sign by vulgar taste is hung
As tho' the very birds should learn to know
When they go there they must no further go
Thus, with the poor, scared freedom bade goodbye
And much they feel it in the smothered sigh
And birds and trees and flowers without a name
All sighed when lawless law's enclosure came
And dreams of plunder in such rebel schemes
Have found too truly that they were but dreams.
Written by Du Fu | Create an image from this poem

Winding River (1)

One petal blossom fly reduce but spring
Wind flutter ten thousand points now sorrow person
Now watch soon exhaust flower pass eyes
Not satisfied much wine enter lip
River on little hall nest halcyon bird
Decorative border high tomb lie unicorn
Careful investigate natural law must seek joy
What use undeserved reputation trip up this body

Each piece of flying blossom leaves spring the less,
I grieve as myriad points float in the wind.
I watch the last ones move before my eyes,
And cannot have enough wine pass my lips.
Kingfishers nest by the little hall on the river,
Unicorns lie at the high tomb's enclosure.
Having studied the world, one must seek joy,
For what use is the trap of passing honour?
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Last Berkshire Eleven

 'Twas at the disastrous battle of Maiwand, in Afghanistan,
Where the Berkshires were massacred to the last man;
On the morning of July the 27th, in the year eighteen eighty,
Which I'm sorry to relate was a pitiful sight to see.
Ayoub Khan's army amounted to twelve thousand in all, And honestly speaking it wasn't very small, And by such a great force the Berkshires were killed to the last man, By a murderous rebel horde under the command of Ayoub Khan.
The British force amounted to about 2000 strong in all, But although their numbers were but few it didn't them appal; They were commanded by General Burrows, a man of courage bold, But, alas! the British army was defeated be it told.
The 66th Berkshire Regiment stood as firm as a wall, Determined to conquer or die whatever would befall, But in the face of overwhelming odds, and covered to the last, The broken and disordered Sepoys were flying fast Before the victorious Afghan soldiers, whose cheers on the air arose, But the gallant band poured in deadly volleys on their foes; And, outnumbered and surrounded, they fell in sections like ripe grain; Still the heroes held their ground, charging with might and main.
The British force, alas! were shut up like sheep in a pen, Owing to the bad position General Burrows had chosen for his men; But Colonel Galbraith with the Berkshires held the enemy at bay, And had the Sepoys been rallied the Afghans would not have won the day.
But on the Berkshires fell the brunt of the battle, For by the Afghan artillery they fell like slaughtered cattle; Yet the wild horsemen were met with ringing volleys of musketry, Which emptied many a saddle; still the Afghans fought right manfully.
And on came the white cloud like a whirlwind; But the gallant Berkshires, alas! no help could find, While their blood flowed like water on every side around, And they fell in scores, but the men rallied and held their ground The brave Berkshires under Colonel Galbraith stood firm in the centre there, Whilst the shouts of the wild Ghazis rent the air; But still the Berkshires held them at bay, At the charge of the bayonet, without dismay.
Then the Ghazis, with increased numbers, made another desperate charge On that red line of British bayonets, which wasn't very large; And the wild horsemen were met again with ringing volleys of musketry, Which was most inspiring and frightful to see.
Then Ayoub concentrated his whole attack on the Berkshire Regiment, Which made them no doubt feel rather discontent, And Jacob's Rifles and the Grenadiers were a confused and struggling mass, Oh heaven! such a confused scene, nothing could it surpass.
But the Berkshires stood firm, replying to the fire of the musketry, While they were surrounded on all sides by masses of cavalry; Still that gallant band resolved to fight for their Queen and country, Their motto being death before dishonour, rather than flee.
At last the gallant British soldiers made a grand stand, While most of the officers were killed fighting hand to hand, And at length the Sepoys fled from the enclosure, panic-stricken and irate, Alas! leaving behind their European comrades to their fate.
The Berkshires were now reduced to little more than one hundred men, Who were huddled together like sheep in a pen; But they broke loose from the enclosure, and back to back, Poured volley after volley in the midst of the enemy, who weren't slack.
And one by one they fell, still the men fought without dismay, And the regimental pet dog stuck to the heroes throughout the day; And their cartridge pouches were empty, and of shot they were bereft, And eleven men, most of them wounded, were all that were left.
And they broke from the enclosure, and followed by the little dog, And with excitement it was barking savagely, and leaping like a frog; And from the field the last eleven refused to retire, And with fixed bayonets they charged on the enemy in that sea of fire.
Oh, heaven! it was a fearful scene the horrors of that day, When I think of so many innocent lives that were taken away; Alas! the British force were massacred in cold blood, And their blood ran like a little rivulet in full flood.
And the Ghazis were afraid to encounter that gallant little band At the charge of the bayonet : Oh! the scene was most grand; And the noble and heroic eleven fought on without dismay, Until the last man in the arms of death stiff and stark lay.

Book: Shattered Sighs