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Best Famous Election Day Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Election Day poems. This is a select list of the best famous Election Day poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Election Day poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of election day poems.

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Written by Oliver Wendell Holmes | Create an image from this poem

The Dorchester Giant

 THERE was a giant in time of old,
A mighty one was he; 
He had a wife, but she was a scold, 
So he kept her shut in his mammoth fold;
And he had children three.
It happened to be an election day, And the giants were choosing a king; The people were not democrats then, They did not talk of the rights of men, And all that sort of thing.
Then the giant took his children three, And fastened them in the pen; The children roared; quoth the giant, "Be still!" And Dorchester Heights and Milton Hill Rolled back the sound again.
Then he brought them a pudding stuffed with plums, As big as the State-House dome; Quoth he, "There's something for you to eat; So stop your mouths with your 'lection treat, And wait till your dad comes home.
" So the giant pulled him a chestnut stout, And whittled the boughs away; The boys and their mother set up a shout.
Said he, "You're in, and you can't get out, Bellow as loud as you may.
" Off he went, and he growled a tune As he strode the fields along 'Tis said a buffalo fainted away, And fell as cold as a lump of clay, When he heard the giant's song.
But whether the story's true or not, It isn't for me to show; There's many a thing that's twice as ***** In somebody's lectures that we hear, And those are true, you know.
What are those lone ones doing now, The wife and the children sad? Oh, they are in a terrible rout, Screaming, and throwing their pudding about, Acting as they were mad.
They flung it over to Roxbury hills, They flung it over the plain, And all over Milton and Dorchester too Great lumps of pudding the giants threw; They tumbled as thick as rain.
Giant and mammoth have passed away, For ages have floated by; The suet is hard as a marrow-bone, And every plum is turned to a stone, But there the puddings lie.
And if, some pleasant afternoon, You'll ask me out to ride, The whole of the story I will tell, And you shall see where the puddings fell, And pay for the punch beside.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 He wrote a play; by day and night
He strove with passion and delight;
Yet knew, long ere the curtain drop,
His drama was a sorry flop.
In Parliament he sought a seat; Election Day brought dire defeat; Yet he had wooed with word and pen Prodigiously his fellow men.
And then he wrote a lighter play That made him famous in a day.
He won a seat in Parliament, And starry was the way he went.
Yet as he neared the door of death They heard him say with broken breath: 'For all I've spoken, planned and penned, I'm just a wash-out in the end.
' So are we all; our triumphs won Are mean by what we might have done.
Our victories that men applaud Are sordid in the sight of God.

Book: Shattered Sighs