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Best Famous Drub Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Drub poems. This is a select list of the best famous Drub poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Drub poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of drub poems.

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Written by Dylan Thomas | Create an image from this poem

Authors Prologue

 This day winding down now
At God speeded summer's end
In the torrent salmon sun,
In my seashaken house
On a breakneck of rocks
Tangled with chirrup and fruit,
Froth, flute, fin, and quill
At a wood's dancing hoof,
By scummed, starfish sands
With their fishwife cross
Gulls, pipers, cockles, and snails,
Out there, crow black, men
Tackled with clouds, who kneel
To the sunset nets,
Geese nearly in heaven, boys
Stabbing, and herons, and shells
That speak seven seas,
Eternal waters away
From the cities of nine
Days' night whose towers will catch
In the religious wind
Like stalks of tall, dry straw,
At poor peace I sing
To you strangers (though song
Is a burning and crested act,
The fire of birds in
The world's turning wood,
For my swan, splay sounds),
Out of these seathumbed leaves
That will fly and fall
Like leaves of trees and as soon
Crumble and undie
Into the dogdayed night.
Seaward the salmon, sucked sun slips, And the dumb swans drub blue My dabbed bay's dusk, as I hack This rumpus of shapes For you to know How I, a spining man, Glory also this star, bird Roared, sea born, man torn, blood blest.
Hark: I trumpet the place, From fish to jumping hill! Look: I build my bellowing ark To the best of my love As the flood begins, Out of the fountainhead Of fear, rage read, manalive, Molten and mountainous to stream Over the wound asleep Sheep white hollow farms To Wales in my arms.
Hoo, there, in castle keep, You king singsong owls, who moonbeam The flickering runs and dive The dingle furred deer dead! Huloo, on plumbed bryns, O my ruffled ring dove in the hooting, nearly dark With Welsh and reverent rook, Coo rooning the woods' praise, who moons her blue notes from her nest Down to the curlew herd! Ho, hullaballoing clan Agape, with woe In your beaks, on the gabbing capes! Heigh, on horseback hill, jack Whisking hare! who Hears, there, this fox light, my flood ship's Clangour as I hew and smite (A clash of anvils for my Hubbub and fiddle, this tune On atounged puffball) But animals thick as theives On God's rough tumbling grounds (Hail to His beasthood!).
Beasts who sleep good and thin, Hist, in hogback woods! The haystacked Hollow farms ina throng Of waters cluck and cling, And barnroofs cockcrow war! O kingdom of neighbors finned Felled and quilled, flash to my patch Work ark and the moonshine Drinking Noah of the bay, With pelt, and scale, and fleece: Only the drowned deep bells Of sheep and churches noise Poor peace as the sun sets And dark shoals every holy field.
We will ride out alone then, Under the stars of Wales, Cry, Multiudes of arks! Across The water lidded lands, Manned with their loves they'll move Like wooden islands, hill to hill.
Huloo, my prowed dove with a flute! Ahoy, old, sea-legged fox, Tom tit and Dai mouse! My ark sings in the sun At God speeded summer's end And the flood flowers now.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Battle Of The Bulge

 This year an ocean trip I took, and as I am a Scot
And like to get my money's worth I never missed a meal.
In spite of Neptune's nastiness I ate an awful lot, Yet felt as fit as if we sailed upon an even keel.
But now that I am home again I'm stricken with disgust; How many pounds of fat I've gained I'd rather not divulge: Well, anyway I mean to take this tummy down or bust, So here I'm suet-strafing in the Battle of the Bulge.
No more will sausage, bacon, eggs provide my breakfast fare; On lobster I will never lunch, with mounds of mayonnaise.
At tea I'll Spartanly eschew the chocolate éclair; Roast duckling and péche melba shall not consummate my days.
No more nocturnal ice-box raids, midnight spaghetti feeds; On slabs of pâté de foie gras I vow I won't indulge: Let bran and cottage cheese suffice my gastronomic needs, And lettuce be my ally in the Battle of the Bulge.
To hell with you, ignoble paunch, abhorrent in my sight! I gaze at your rotundity, and savage is my frown.
I'll rub you and I'll scrub you and I'll drub you day and night, But by the gods of symmetry I swear I'll get you down.
Your smooth and smug convexity, by heck! I will subdue, And when you tucker in again with joy will I refulge; No longer of my toes will you obstruct my downward view .
With might and main I'll fight to gain the Battle of the Bulge.
Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

55. The Twa Herds; or The Holy Tulyie

 O A’ ye pious godly flocks,
Weel fed on pastures orthodox,
Wha now will keep you frae the fox,
 Or worrying tykes?
Or wha will tent the waifs an’ crocks,
 About the dykes?

The twa best herds in a’ the wast,
The e’er ga’e gospel horn a blast
These five an’ twenty simmers past—
 Oh, dool to tell!
Hae had a bitter black out-cast
 Atween themsel’.
O, Moddie, 1 man, an’ wordy Russell, 2 How could you raise so vile a bustle; Ye’ll see how New-Light herds will whistle, An’ think it fine! The L—’s cause ne’er gat sic a twistle, Sin’ I hae min’.
O, sirs! whae’er wad hae expeckit Your duty ye wad sae negleckit, Ye wha were ne’er by lairds respeckit To wear the plaid; But by the brutes themselves eleckit, To be their guide.
What flock wi’ Moodie’s flock could rank?— Sae hale and hearty every shank! Nae poison’d soor Arminian stank He let them taste; Frae Calvin’s well, aye clear, drank,— O, sic a feast! The thummart, willcat, brock, an’ tod, Weel kend his voice thro’ a’ the wood, He smell’d their ilka hole an’ road, Baith out an in; An’ weel he lik’d to shed their bluid, An’ sell their skin.
What herd like Russell tell’d his tale; His voice was heard thro’ muir and dale, He kenn’d the L—’s sheep, ilka tail, Owre a’ the height; An’ saw gin they were sick or hale, At the first sight.
He fine a mangy sheep could scrub, Or nobly fling the gospel club, And New-Light herds could nicely drub Or pay their skin; Could shake them o’er the burning dub, Or heave them in.
Sic twa-O! do I live to see’t?— Sic famous twa should disagree’t, And names, like “villain,” “hypocrite,” Ilk ither gi’en, While New-Light herds, wi’ laughin spite, Say neither’s liein! A’ ye wha tent the gospel fauld, There’s Duncan 3 deep, an’ Peebles 4 shaul, But chiefly thou, apostle Auld, 5 We trust in thee, That thou wilt work them, het an’ cauld, Till they agree.
Consider, sirs, how we’re beset; There’s scarce a new herd that we get, But comes frae ’mang that cursed set, I winna name; I hope frae heav’n to see them yet In fiery flame.
Dalrymple 6 has been lang our fae, M’Gill 7 has wrought us meikle wae, An’ that curs’d rascal ca’d M’Quhae, 8 And baith the Shaws, 9 That aft hae made us black an’ blae, Wi’ vengefu’ paws.
Auld Wodrow 10 lang has hatch’d mischief; We thought aye death wad bring relief; But he has gotten, to our grief, Ane to succeed him, A chield wha’ 11 soundly buff our beef; I meikle dread him.
And mony a ane that I could tell, Wha fain wad openly rebel, Forby turn-coats amang oursel’, There’s Smith 12 for ane; I doubt he’s but a grey nick quill, An’ that ye’ll fin’.
O! a’ ye flocks o’er a, the hills, By mosses, meadows, moors, and fells, Come, join your counsel and your skills To cowe the lairds, An’ get the brutes the power themsel’s To choose their herds.
Then Orthodoxy yet may prance, An’ Learning in a woody dance, An’ that fell cur ca’d Common Sense, That bites sae sair, Be banished o’er the sea to France: Let him bark there.
Then Shaw’s an’ D’rymple’s eloquence, M’Gill’s close nervous excellence M’Quhae’s pathetic manly sense, An’ guid M’Math, Wi’ Smith, wha thro’ the heart can glance, May a’ pack aff.
Note 1.
Moodie of Riccarton.
[back] Note 2.
John Russell of Kilmarnock.
[back] Note 3.
Robert Duncan of Dundonald.
[back] Note 4.
Peebles of Newton-on-Ayr.
[back] Note 5.
Auld of Mauchline.
[back] Note 6.
Dalrymple of Ayr.
[back] Note 7.
M’Gill, colleague of Dr.
[back] Note 8.
Minister of St.
[back] Note 9.
Andrew Shaw of Craigie, and Dr.
David Shaw of Coylton.
[back] Note 10.
Peter Wodrow of Tarbolton.
[back] Note 11.
John M’Math, a young assistant and successor to Wodrow.
[back] Note 12.
George Smith of Galston.
Written by Marriott Edgar | Create an image from this poem

Albert and His Savings

 One day, little Albert Ramsbottom
To see 'ow much money 'e'd got
Stuck a knife in 'is money-box slot 'ole
And fiddled and fished out the lot.
It amounted to fifteen and fourpence Which 'e found by a few simple sums Were ninety two tuppenny ices Or twice that in penn'orths of gums.
The sound of the chinkin' of money Soon brought father's 'ead round the door He said, "Whats that there, on the table?" Albert said it were, "Fifteen and four.
" "You're not going to spend all that money.
" Said Pa, in an admonitory tone "On toffee an' things for your stomach.
" Said Mother, "Why not?.
it's his own.
" Said Pa, "Nay, with that fifteen shillings, We'll buy National Savings and then.
In five years we'll have seventeen and six And one pound and sixpence, in ten!" Young Albert weren't what you'd call eager He saw his sweet dreams fade away, Ma said, "Let 'im 'ave the odd fourpence.
" Pa lovingly answered, "Nay.
nay!" "It's our duty in crisis.
what's 'appened For every child, woman and man To strain every muscle and sinew To raise every penny we can!" He said, "Even this little fourpence.
Might help us, the Germans to drub!" Then 'e dropped the four coins in 'is pocket And made for the neighbouring pub.
These words stirred the 'eart of young Albert He made up 'is mind then and there To take up 'is part in the straining And sell everything 'e could spare.
So off 'e went down to the junk shop With some toys and a flashlamp, he'd got.
And the stick with the 'orses 'ead 'andle He received half a crown for the lot.
He went off to the Post Office counter Where National Savings was bought But found that they cost fifteen shillings Which meant he were twelve and six short.
The little lad wasn't down 'earted He went off without wastin' words And sold 'is dad's smoking companion And 'is Mother's glass case of stuffed birds.
At the Post Office counter they gave 'im A certificate all crisp and clean Then back 'e went 'ome, to his parents To say what a good boy he'd been.
They didn't 'alf shout, when he told 'em By Gumm.
but 'e were in the wars But at finish, they 'ad to forgive 'im It were all done in such a grand cause.
There's a moral, of course.
to this story That's pointing to you and to me.
Let's all be young Alberts and tend To defend the right to be free.

Book: Shattered Sighs