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Best Famous Discoursed Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Discoursed poems. This is a select list of the best famous Discoursed poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Discoursed poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of discoursed poems.

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Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

The Triumph Of Love

 By love are blest the gods on high,
Frail man becomes a deity
When love to him is given;
'Tis love that makes the heavens shine
With hues more radiant, more divine,
And turns dull earth to heaven!

In Pyrrha's rear (so poets sang
In ages past and gone),
The world from rocky fragments sprang--
Mankind from lifeless stone.
Their soul was but a thing of night, Like stone and rock their heart; The flaming torch of heaven so bright Its glow could ne'er impart.
Young loves, all gently hovering round, Their souls as yet had never bound In soft and rosy chains; No feeling muse had sought to raise Their bosoms with ennobling lays, Or sweet, harmonious strains.
Around each other lovingly No garlands then entwined; The sorrowing springs fled toward the sky, And left the earth behind.
From out the sea Aurora rose With none to hail her then; The sun unhailed, at daylight's close, In ocean sank again.
In forests wild, man went astray, Misled by Luna's cloudy ray-- He bore an iron yoke; He pined not for the stars on high, With yearning for a deity No tears in torrents broke.
But see! from out the deep-blue ocean Fair Venus springs with gentle motion The graceful Naiad's smiling band Conveys her to the gladdened strand, A May-like, youthful, magic power Entwines, like morning's twilight hour, Around that form of godlike birth, The charms of air, sea, heaven, and earth.
The day's sweet eye begins to bloom Across the forest's midnight gloom; Narcissuses, their balm distilling, The path her footstep treads are filling.
A song of love, sweet Philomel, Soon carolled through the grove; The streamlet, as it murmuring fell, Discoursed of naught but love, Pygmalion! Happy one! Behold! Life's glow pervades thy marble cold! Oh, LOVE, thou conqueror all-divine, Embrace each happy child of thine! .
By love are blest the gods on high,-- Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
The gods their days forever spend In banquets bright that have no end, In one voluptuous morning-dream, And quaff the nectar's golden stream.
Enthroned in awful majesty Kronion wields the bolt on high: In abject fear Olympus rocks When wrathfully he shakes his locks.
To other gods he leaves his throne, And fills, disguised as earth's frail son, The grove with mournful numbers; The thunders rest beneath his feet, And lulled by Leda's kisses sweet, The Giant-Slayer slumbers.
Through the boundless realms of light Phoebus' golden reins, so bright, Guide his horses white as snow, While his darts lay nations low.
But when love and harmony Fill his breast, how willingly Ceases Phoebus then to heed Rattling dart and snow-white steed! See! Before Kronion's spouse Every great immortal bows; Proudly soar the peacock pair As her chariot throne they bear, While she decks with crown of might Her ambrosial tresses bright, Beauteous princess, ah! with fear Quakes before thy splendor, love, Seeking, as he ventures near, With his power thy breast to move! Soon from her immortal throne Heaven's great queen must fain descend, And in prayer for beauty's zone, To the heart-enchainer bend! .
By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
'Tis love illumes the realms of night, For Orcus dark obeys his might, And bows before his magic spell All-kindly looks the king of hell At Ceres' daughter's smile so bright,-- Yes--love illumes the realms of night! In hell were heard, with heavenly sound, Holding in chains its warder bound, Thy lays, O Thracian one! A gentler doom dread Minos passed, While down his cheeks the tears coursed fast And e'en around Megaera's face The serpents twined in fond embrace, The lashes' work seemed done.
Driven by Orpheus' lyre away, The vulture left his giant-prey [8]; With gentler motion rolled along Dark Lethe and Cocytus' river, Enraptured Thracian, by thy song,-- And love its burden was forever! By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! .
Wherever Nature's sway extends, The fragrant balm of love descends, His golden pinions quiver; If 'twere not Venus' eye that gleams Upon me in the moon's soft beams, In sunlit hill or river,-- If 'twere not Venus smiles on me From yonder bright and starry sea, Not stars, not sun, not moonbeams sweet, Could make my heart with rapture beat.
'Tis love alone that smilingly Peers forth from Nature's blissful eye, As from a mirror ever! Love bids the silvery streamlet roll More gently as it sighs along, And breathes a living, feeling soul In Philomel's sweet plaintive song; 'Tis love alone that fills the air With streams from Nature's lute so fair.
Thou wisdom with the glance of fire, Thou mighty goddess, now retire, Love's power thou now must feel! To victor proud, to monarch high, Thou ne'er hast knelt in slavery,-- To love thou now must kneel! Who taught thee boldly how to climb The steep, but starry path sublime, And reach the seats immortal? Who rent the mystic veil in twain, And showed thee the Elysian plain Beyond death's gloomy portal? If love had beckoned not from high, Had we gained immortality? If love had not inflamed each thought, Had we the master spirit sought? 'Tis love that guides the soul along To Nature's Father's heavenly throne By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven!

Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Black Watch Memorial

 Ye Sons of Mars, it gives me great content
To think there has been erected a handsome monument
In memory of the Black Watch, which is magnificent to see,
Where they first were embodied at Aberfeldy.
And as a Highland regiment they are worthy of what has been done for them, Because a more courageous regiment we cannot find of men Who have bravely fought and bled in defence of their country, Especially in the Ruusian War and Soudan War they made their enemies flee.
The monument I hope will stand secure for many a long day, And may the people of Aberfeldy always feel gay; As they gaze upon the beautiful Black Watch monument, I hope they will think of the brave soldiers and feel content.
'Twas in the year of 1887, and on Saturday the 12th of November, Which the people of Aberfeldy and elsewhere will remember, Who came all the way from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee, Besides the Pitlochry Volunteers headed the procession right manfully.
And the Perthshire Rifies joined the procession with their pipe band, Then followed a detachment of the 42nd Righlanders so grand, Under the command of Lieutenant McCleod, Whose duty if was to represent the regiment of which he felt proud.
The pipe band of the Glasgow Highlanders also were there, And Taymouth Brass Band, which discoursed sweet music I do declare; Also military officers and the magistrates of Aberfeldy, While in the rear came the members of Committee.
There were also Freemasons, Foresters, all in a row, And wearing their distinctive regalias, which made a great show; And the processionists were formed into three sides of a square Around the monument, while the music of the bands did rend the air.
The noble Marquis of Breadalbane arrived on the ground at 1.
30, Escorted by a guard of honour and his pipe band; Then the bands struck up, and the pipes were set a bumming, And all with one accord played up the "Campbell's are Coming.
" Then his Lordship ascended a platform on the north side of the monument, And the bands played cheerfully till their breath was almost spent; Then his Lordship received three ringing cheers from the people there, Then he requested the Rev.
John McLean to open the proceedings with prayer.
And after the prayer, Major Menzies stepped forward And said, "Ladies and gentlemen, for the Black Watch I have great regard; And the duty I have to perform gives me great content, And that is to ask the noble Marquis to unveil this monument.
" Then he handed the noble Marquis a Lochaber axe to unveil the Monument, And the Marquis said, "Sir, to your request I most willingly consent.
" Then he unveiled the monument in memory of the gallant Forty-twa, While the bands played up the "Highland Laddie" as loud as they could blaw.
And when the bands ceased playing the noble Marquis said, "This monument I declare is very elegantly made, And its bold style is quite in keeping with the country I find, And the Committee were fortunate in obtaining so able a designer as Mr.
" Then, turning to the Chief Magistrate of Aberfeldy, He said, "Sir, I have been requested by the Committee To give you the deed conveying the monument to your care, With the feu-charter of the ground, therefore, sir, I'd have you beware.
" Then the Chief Magistrate Forbes to Lord Breadalbane said, "My noble Lord, I accept the charge, and you needn't be afraid.
Really it gives me much pleasure in accepting as I now do from thee This Memorial, along with the deeds, on behalf of Aberfeldy.
" Then Major Menzies proposed three cheers for the burgh of Aberfeldy, And three cheers were given right heartily.
Then the Taymouth Band played "God Save the 8ueen," Then the processionists marched to the New Public School, happy and serene.
Then there was a banquet held in the school, At which three hundred sat down and ate till they were full; And Lord Breadalbane presided, and had on his right, Magistrates, Colonels, end Provosfs, a most beautiful sight.
And the toast of "The Queen," "Prince and Princess of Wales," were given, Wishing them prosperity while they are living; Then the noble Chairman proposed "The Army, Navy and Volunteers," Which was loudly responded to with three loud cheers.
Then Colonel Smith, of the Highland Volunteers, from Bonnie Dundee Replied for the Volunteers right manfully.
Then the noble Chairman said, "The toast I have now to propose Is long life and prosperity to the Royal Highlanders in spite of their foes.
" Then the toast was drnnk with Highland honours and hearts While Pipe-Major McDougall played "The 42nd March at Waterloo.
" So ended the proceedings in honour of the Black Watch, the bravest of men, And the company with one accord sung the National Anthem.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The Conversazzhony

 What conversazzhyonies wuz I really did not know,
For that, you must remember, wuz a powerful spell ago;
The camp wuz new 'nd noisy, 'nd only modrit sized,
So fashionable sossiety wuz hardly crystallized.
There hadn't been no grand events to interest the men, But a lynchin', or a inquest, or a jackpot now an' then.
The wimmin-folks wuz mighty scarce, for wimmin, ez a rool, Don't go to Colorado much, excep' for teachin' school, An' bein' scarce an' chipper and pretty (like as not), The bachelors perpose, 'nd air accepted on the spot.
Now Sorry Tom wuz owner uv the Gosh-all-Hemlock mine, The wich allowed his better haff to dress all-fired fine; For Sorry Tom wuz mighty proud uv her, an' she uv him, Though she wuz short an' tacky, an' he wuz tall an' slim, An' she wuz edjicated, an' Sorry Tom wuz not, Yet, for her sake, he'd whack up every cussid cent he'd got! Waal, jest by way uv celebratin' matrimonial joys, She thought she'd give a conversazzhyony to the boys,-- A peert an' likely lady, 'nd ez full uv 'cute idees 'Nd uv etiquettish notions ez a fyste is full uv fleas.
Three-fingered Hoover kind uv kicked, an' said they might be durned So far ez any conversazzhyony was concerned; He'd come to Red Hoss Mountain to tunnel for the ore, An' not to go to parties,--quite another kind uv bore! But, bein' he wuz candidate for marshal uv the camp, I rayther had the upper holts in arguin' with the scamp; Sez I, "Three-fingered Hoover, can't ye see it is yer game To go for all the votes ye kin an' collar uv the same?" The wich perceivin', Hoover sez, "Waal, ef I must, I must; So I'll frequent that conversazzhyony, ef I bust!" Three-fingered Hoover wuz a trump! Ez fine a man wuz he Ez ever caused an inquest or blossomed on a tree!-- A big, broad man, whose face bespoke a honest heart within,-- With a bunch uv yaller whiskers appertainin' to his chin, 'Nd a fierce mustache turnt up so fur that both his ears wuz hid, Like the picture that you always see in the "Life uv Cap'n Kidd.
" His hair wuz long an' wavy an' fine as Southdown fleece,-- Oh, it shone an' smelt like Eden when he slicked it down with grease! I'll bet there wuzn't anywhere a man, all round, ez fine Ez wuz Three-fingered Hoover in the spring uv '69! The conversazzhyony wuz a notable affair, The bong tong deckolett 'nd en regaly bein' there; The ranch where Sorry Tom hung out wuz fitted up immense,-- The Denver papers called it a "palashal residence.
" There wuz mountain pines an' fern an' flowers a-hangin' on the walls, An' cheers an' hoss-hair sofies wuz a-settin' in the halls; An' there wuz heaps uv pictures uv folks that lived down East, Sech ez poets an' perfessers, an' last, but not the least, Wuz a chromo uv old Fremont,--we liked that best, you bet, For there's lots uv us old miners that is votin' for him yet! When Sorry Tom received the gang perlitely at the door, He said that keerds would be allowed upon the second floor; And then he asked us would we like a drop uv ody vee.
Connivin' at his meanin', we responded promptly, "Wee.
" A conversazzhyony is a thing where people speak The langwidge in the which they air partickulerly weak: "I see," sez Sorry Tom, "you grasp what that 'ere lingo means.
" "You bet yer boots," sez Hoover; "I've lived at Noo Orleens, An', though I ain't no Frenchie, nor kin unto the same, I kin parly voo, an' git there, too, like Eli, toot lee mame!" As speakin' French wuz not my forte,--not even oovry poo,-- I stuck to keerds ez played by them ez did not parly voo, An' bein' how that poker wuz my most perficient game, I poneyed up for 20 blues an' set into the same.
Three-fingered Hoover stayed behind an' parly-vood so well That all the kramy delly krame allowed he wuz the belle.
The other candidate for marshal didn't have a show; For, while Three-fingered Hoover parlyed, ez they said, tray bow, Bill Goslin didn't know enough uv French to git along, 'Nd I reckon that he had what folks might call a movy tong.
From Denver they had freighted up a real pianny-fort Uv the warty-leg and pearl-around-the-keys-an'-kivver sort, An', later in the evenin', Perfesser Vere de Blaw Performed on that pianny, with considerble eclaw, Sech high-toned opry airs ez one is apt to hear, you know, When he rounds up down to Denver at a Emmy Abbitt show; An' Barber Jim (a talented but ornery galoot) Discoursed a obligatter, conny mory, on the floot, 'Till we, ez sot up-stairs indulgin' in a quiet game, Conveyed to Barber Jim our wish to compromise the same.
The maynoo that wuz spread that night wuz mighty hard to beat,-- Though somewhat awkward to pernounce, it was not so to eat: There wuz puddin's, pies, an' sandwidges, an' forty kinds uv sass, An' floatin' Irelands, custards, tarts, an' patty dee foy grass; An' millions uv cove oysters wuz a-settin' round in pans, 'Nd other native fruits an' things that grow out West in cans.
But I wuz all kufflummuxed when Hoover said he'd choose "Oon peety morso, see voo play, de la cette Charlotte Rooze;" I'd knowed Three-fingered Hoover for fifteen years or more, 'Nd I'd never heern him speak so light uv wimmin folks before! Bill Goslin heern him say it, 'nd uv course he spread the news Uv how Three-fingered Hoover had insulted Charlotte Rooze At the conversazzhyony down at Sorry Tom's that night, An' when they asked me, I allowed that Bill for once wuz right; Although it broke my heart to see my friend go up the fluke, We all opined his treatment uv the girl deserved rebuke.
It warn't no use for Sorry Tom to nail it for a lie,-- When it come to sassin' wimmin, there wuz blood in every eye; The boom for Charlotte Rooze swep' on an' took the polls by storm, An' so Three-fingered Hoover fell a martyr to reform! Three-fingered Hoover said it was a terrible mistake, An' when the votes wuz in, he cried ez if his heart would break.
We never knew who Charlotte wuz, but Goslin's brother Dick Allowed she wuz the teacher from the camp on Roarin' Crick, That had come to pass some foreign tongue with them uv our alite Ez wuz at the high-toned party down at Sorry Tom's that night.
We let it drop--this matter uv the lady--there an' then, An' we never heerd, nor wanted to, of Charlotte Rooze again, An' the Colorado wimmin-folks, ez like ez not, don't know How we vindicated all their sex a twenty year ago.
For in these wondrous twenty years has come a mighty change, An' most of them old pioneers have gone acrosst the range, Way out into the silver land beyond the peaks uv snow,-- The land uv rest an' sunshine, where all good miners go.
I reckon that they love to look, from out the silver haze, Upon that God's own country where they spent sech happy days; Upon the noble cities that have risen since they went; Upon the camps an' ranches that are prosperous and content; An' best uv all, upon those hills that reach into the air, Ez if to clasp the loved ones that are waitin' over there.
Written by Adela Florence Cory Nicolson | Create an image from this poem

"Love Lightly"

   Rose Pink am I, the colour gleams and glows
     In many a flower; her lips, those tender doors
   By which, in time of love, love's essence flows
     From him to her, are dyed in delicate Rose.
   Mine is the earliest Ruby light that pours
     Out of the East, when day's white gates unclose.

   On downy peach, and maiden's downier cheek
     I, in a flush of radiant bloom, alight,
   Clinging, at sunset, to the shimmering peak
     I veil its snow in floods of Roseate light.

   Mine is the heavenly hue of Azure skies,
     Where the white clouds lie soft as seraphs' wings,
   Mine the sweet, shadowed light in innocent eyes,
     Whose lovely looks light only on lovely things.

   Mine the Blue Distance, delicate and clear,
     Mine the Blue Glory of the morning sea,
   All that the soul so longs for, finds not here,
     Fond eyes deceive themselves, and find in me.

   Hail! to the Royal Red of living Blood,
     Let loose by steel in spirit-freeing flood,
   Forced from faint forms, by toil or torture torn
     Staining the patient gates of life new born.

   Colour of War and Rage, of Pomp and Show,
     Banners that flash, red flags that flaunt and glow,
   Colour of Carnage, Glory, also Shame,
     Raiment of women women may not name.

   I hide in mines, where unborn Rubies dwell,
     Flicker and flare in fitful fire in Hell,
   The outpressed life-blood of the grape is mine,
     Hail! to the Royal Purple Red of Wine.

   Strong am I, over strong, to eyes that tire,
     In the hot hue of Rapine, Riot, Flame.
   Death and Despair are black, War and Desire,
     The two red cards in Life's unequal game.

   I am the Life of Forests, and Wandering Streams,
     Green as the feathery reeds the Florican love,
   Young as a maiden, who of her marriage dreams,
     Still sweetly inexperienced in ways of Love.

   Colour of Youth and Hope, some waves are mine,
     Some emerald reaches of the evening sky.
   See, in the Spring, my sweet green Promise shine,
     Never to be fulfilled, of by and by.

   Never to be fulfilled; leaves bud, and ever
     Something is wanting, something falls behind;
   The flowered Solstice comes indeed, but never
     That light and lovely summer men divined.

   I were the colour of Things, (if hue they had)
         That are hard to name.
   Of curious, twisted thoughts that men call "mad"
         Or oftener "shame."
   Of that delicate vice, that is hardly vice,
         So reticent, rare,
   Ethereal, as the scent of buds and spice,
         In this Eastern air.

   On palm-fringed shores I colour the Cowrie shell,
         With its edges curled;
   And, deep in Datura poison buds, I dwell
         In a perfumed world.
   My lilac tinges the edge of the evening sky
         Where the sunset clings.
   My purple lends an Imperial Majesty
         To the robes of kings.

   Gold am I, and for me, ever men curse and pray,
     Selling their souls and each other, by night and day.
   A sordid colour, and yet, I make some things fair,
     Dying sunsets, fields of corn, and a maiden's hair.

   Thus they discoursed in the daytime,—Violet, Yellow, and Blue,
     Emerald, Scarlet, and Rose-colour, the pink and perfect hue.
   Thus they spoke in the sunshine, when their beauty was manifest,
     Till the Night came, and the Silence, and gave them an equal rest.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

Prof. vere de blaw

 Achievin' sech distinction with his moddel tabble dote
Ez to make his Red Hoss Mountain restauraw a place uv note,
Our old friend Casey innovated somewhat round the place,
In hopes he would ameliorate the sufferin's uv the race;
'Nd uv the many features Casey managed to import
The most important wuz a Steenway gran' pianny-fort,
An' bein' there wuz nobody could play upon the same,
He telegraffed to Denver, 'nd a real perfesser came,--
The last an' crownin' glory uv the Casey restauraw
Wuz that tenderfoot musicianer, Perfesser Vere de Blaw!

His hair wuz long an' dishybill, an' he had a yaller skin,
An' the absence uv a collar made his neck look powerful thin:
A sorry man he wuz to see, az mebby you'd surmise,
But the fire uv inspiration wuz a-blazin' in his eyes!
His name wuz Blanc, wich same is Blaw (for that's what Casey said,
An' Casey passed the French ez well ez any Frenchie bred);
But no one ever reckoned that it really wuz his name,
An' no one ever asked him how or why or whence he came,--
Your ancient history is a thing the Coloradan hates,
An' no one asks another what his name wuz in the States!

At evenin', when the work wuz done, an' the miners rounded up
At Casey's, to indulge in keerds or linger with the cup,
Or dally with the tabble dote in all its native glory,
Perfessor Vere de Blaw discoursed his music repertory
Upon the Steenway gran' piannyfort, the wich wuz sot
In the hallway near the kitchen (a warm but quiet spot),
An' when De Blaw's environments induced the proper pride,--
Wich gen'rally wuz whiskey straight, with seltzer on the side,--
He throwed his soulful bein' into opry airs 'nd things
Wich bounded to the ceilin' like he'd mesmerized the strings.
Oh, you that live in cities where the gran' piannies grow, An' primy donnies round up, it's little that you know Uv the hungerin' an' the yearnin' wich us miners an' the rest Feel for the songs we used to hear before we moved out West.
Yes, memory is a pleasant thing, but it weakens mighty quick; It kind uv dries an' withers, like the windin' mountain crick, That, beautiful, an' singin' songs, goes dancin' to the plains, So long ez it is fed by snows an' watered by the rains; But, uv that grace uv lovin' rains 'nd mountain snows bereft, Its bleachin' rocks, like dummy ghosts, is all its memory left.
The toons wich the perfesser would perform with sech eclaw Would melt the toughest mountain gentleman I ever saw,-- Sech touchin' opry music ez the Trovytory sort, The sollum "Mizer Reery," an' the thrillin' "Keely Mort;" Or, sometimes, from "Lee Grond Dooshess" a trifle he would play, Or morsoze from a' opry boof, to drive dull care away; Or, feelin' kind uv serious, he'd discourse somewhat in C,-- The wich he called a' opus (whatever that may be); But the toons that fetched the likker from the critics in the crowd Wuz not the high-toned ones, Perfesser Vere de Blaw allowed.
'T wuz "Dearest May," an' "Bonnie Doon," an' the ballard uv "Ben Bolt," Ez wuz regarded by all odds ez Vere de Blaw's best holt; Then there wuz "Darlin' Nellie Gray," an' "Settin' on the Stile," An' "Seein' Nellie Home," an' "Nancy Lee," 'nd "Annie Lisle," An' "Silver Threads among the Gold," an' "The Gal that Winked at Me," An' "Gentle Annie," "Nancy Till," an' "The Cot beside the Sea.
" Your opry airs is good enough for them ez likes to pay Their money for the truck ez can't be got no other way; But opry to a miner is a thin an' holler thing,--The music that he pines for is the songs he used to sing.
One evenin' down at Casey's De Blaw wuz at his best, With four-fingers uv old Wilier-run concealed beneath his vest; The boys wuz settin' all around, discussin' folks an' things, 'Nd I had drawed the necessary keerds to fill on kings; Three-fingered Hoover kind uv leaned acrosst the bar to say If Casey'd liquidate right off, he'd liquidate next day; A sperrit uv contentment wuz a-broodin' all around (Onlike the other sperrits wich in restauraws abound), When, suddenly, we heerd from yonder kitchen-entry rise A toon each ornery galoot appeared to recognize.
Perfesser Vere de Blaw for once eschewed his opry ways, An' the remnants uv his mind went back to earlier, happier days, An' grappled like an' wrassled with a' old familiar air The wich we all uv us had heern, ez you have, everywhere! Stock still we stopped,--some in their talk uv politics an' things, I in my unobtrusive attempt to fill on kings, 'Nd Hoover leanin' on the bar, an' Casey at the till,-- We all stopped short an' held our breaths (ez a feller sometimes will), An' sot there more like bumps on logs than healthy, husky men, Ez the memories uv that old, old toon come sneakin' back again.
You've guessed it? No, you hav n't; for it wuzn't that there song Uv the home we'd been away from an' had hankered for so long,-- No, sir; it wuzn't "Home, Sweet Home," though it's always heard around Sech neighborhoods in wich the home that is "sweet home" is found.
And, ez for me, I seemed to see the past come back again, And hear the deep-drawed sigh my sister Lucy uttered when Her mother asked her if she 'd practised her two hours that day, Wich, if she hadn't, she must go an' do it right away! The homestead in the States 'nd all its memories seemed to come A-floatin' round about me with that magic lumty-tum.
And then uprose a stranger wich had struck the camp that night; His eyes wuz sot an' fireless, 'nd his face wuz spookish white, 'Nd he sez: "Oh, how I suffer there is nobody kin say, Onless, like me, he's wrenched himself from home an' friends away To seek surcease from sorrer in a fur, seclooded spot, Only to find--alars, too late!--the wich surcease is not! Only to find that there air things that, somehow, seem to live For nothin' in the world but jest the misery they give! I've travelled eighteen hundred miles, but that toon has got here first; I'm done,--I'm blowed,--I welcome death, an' bid it do its worst!" Then, like a man whose mind wuz sot on yieldin' to his fate, He waltzed up to the counter an' demanded whiskey straight, Wich havin' got outside uv,--both the likker and the door,-- We never seen that stranger in the bloom uv health no more! But some months later, what the birds had left uv him wuz found Associated with a tree, some distance from the ground; And Husky Sam, the coroner, that set upon him, said That two things wuz apparent, namely: first, deceast wuz dead; And, second, previously had got involved beyond all hope In a knotty complication with a yard or two uv rope!

Book: Shattered Sighs