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Best Famous Consultation Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Consultation poems. This is a select list of the best famous Consultation poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Consultation poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of consultation poems.

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Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

A Dogs Mistake

 He had drifted in among us as a straw drifts with the tide, 
He was just a wand'ring mongrel from the weary world outside; 
He was not aristocratic, being mostly ribs and hair, 
With a hint of spaniel parents and a touch of native bear.
He was very poor and humble and content with what he got, So we fed him bones and biscuits, till he heartened up a lot; Then he growled and grew aggressive, treating orders with disdain, Till at last he bit the butcher, which would argue want of brain.
Now the butcher, noble fellow, was a sport beyond belief, And instead of bringing actions he brought half a shin of beef, Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right And removed it to the garden, where he buried it at night.
'Twas the means of his undoing, for my wife, who'd stood his friend, To adopt a slang expression, "went in off the deepest end", For among the pinks and pansies, the gloxinias and the gorse He had made an excavation like a graveyard for a horse.
Then we held a consultation which decided on his fate: 'Twas in anger more than sorrow that we led him to the gate, And we handed him the beef-bone as provision for the day, Then we opened wide the portal and we told him, "On your way.

Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

Mulligans Mare

 Oh, Mulligan's bar was the deuce of a place 
To drink, and to fight, and to gamble and race; 
The height of choice spirits from near and from far 
Were all concentrated on Mulligan's bar.
There was "Jerry the Swell", and the jockey-boy Ned, "Dog-bite-me" -- so called from the shape of his head -- And a man whom the boys, in their musical slang, Designated the "Gaffer of Mulligan's Gang".
Now Mulligan's Gang had a racer to show, A bad un to look at, a good un to go; Whenever they backed her you safely might swear She'd walk in a winner, would Mulligan's mare.
But Mulligan, having some radical views, Neglected his business and got on the booze; He took up with runners -- a treacherous troop -- Who gave him away, and he "fell in the soup".
And so it turned out on a fine summer day, A bailiff turned up with a writ of "fi.
"; He walked to the bar with a manner serene, "I levy," said he, "in the name of the Queen.
" Then Mulligan wanted, in spite of the law, To pay out the bailiff with "one on the jaw"; He drew out to hit him; but ere you could wink, He changed his intention and stood him a drink.
A great consultation there straightway befell 'Twixt jockey-boy Neddy and Jerry the Swell, And the man with the head, who remarked "Why, you bet! Dog-bite-me!" said he, "but we'll diddle 'em yet.
"We'll slip out the mare from her stall in a crack, And put in her place the old broken-down hack; The hack is so like her, I'm ready to swear The bailiff will think he has Mulligan's mare.
"So out with the racer and in with the screw, We'll show him what Mulligan's talent can do; And if he gets nasty and dares to say much, I'll knock him as stiff as my grandfather's crutch.
" Then off to the town went the mare and the lad; The bailiff came out, never dreamt he was "had"; But marched to the stall with a confident air -- "I levy," said he, "upon Mulligan's mare.
" He watched her by day and he watched her by night, She was never an instant let out of his sight, For races were coming away in the West And Mulligan's mare had a chance with the best.
"Here's a slant," thought the bailiff, "to serve my own ends, I'll send off a wire to my bookmaking friends: 'Get all you can borrow, beg, snavel or snare And lay the whole lot against Mulligan's mare.
'" The races came round, and the crowd on the course Were laying the mare till they made themselves hoarse, And Mulligan's party, with ardour intense, They backed her for pounds and for shillings and pence.
But think of the grief of the bookmaking host At the sound of the summons to go to the post -- For down to the start with her thoroughbred air As fit as a fiddle pranced Mulligan's mare! They started, and off went the boy to the front, He cleared out at once, and he made it a hunt; He steadied as rounding the corner they wheeled, Then gave her her head -- and she smothered the field.
The race put her owner right clear of his debts; He landed a fortune in stakes and in bets, He paid the old bailiff the whole of his pelf, And gave him a hiding to keep for himself.
So all you bold sportsmen take warning, I pray, Keep clear of the running, you'll find it don't pay; For the very best rule that you'll hear in a week Is never to bet on a thing that can speak.
And whether you're lucky or whether you lose, Keep clear of the cards and keep clear of the booze, And fortune in season will answer your prayer And send you a flyer like Mulligan's mare.
Written by Barry Tebb | Create an image from this poem


 Leeds this silent solemn Sunday

Tempest Road is clear of all

But wistful birds, parked cars

And vagrant trees.
The surgery and pharmacy are shuttered tight "Get your medication straight into your bag", The friendly GP gravely warned, "The junks Lay in wait to grab and run from those no longer young The building site’s scaffolding of bone Masks pristine piles of bricks where May winds mourn and moan among The gaping frames beneath a bannered Street-wide invitation to a "Housing Consultation Initiative" Flapping desultory and unread Where last year ‘Beeston in Bloom’ was up instead.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things