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Best Famous Conducted Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Conducted poems. This is a select list of the best famous Conducted poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Conducted poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of conducted poems.

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Written by John Masefield | Create an image from this poem

A Ballad of John Silver

 We were schooner-rigged and rakish, 
with a long and lissome hull, 
And we flew the pretty colours of the crossbones and the skull; 
We'd a big black Jolly Roger flapping grimly at the fore, 
And we sailed the Spanish Water in the happy days of yore.
We'd a long brass gun amidships, like a well-conducted ship, We had each a brace of pistols and a cutlass at the hip; It's a point which tells against us, and a fact to be deplored, But we chased the goodly merchant-men and laid their ships aboard.
Then the dead men fouled the scuppers and the wounded filled the chains, And the paint-work all was spatter dashed with other peoples brains, She was boarded, she was looted, she was scuttled till she sank.
And the pale survivors left us by the medium of the plank.
O! then it was (while standing by the taffrail on the poop) We could hear the drowning folk lament the absent chicken coop; Then, having washed the blood away, we'd little else to do Than to dance a quiet hornpipe as the old salts taught us to.
O! the fiddle on the fo'c'sle, and the slapping naked soles, And the genial "Down the middle, Jake, and curtsey when she rolls!" With the silver seas around us and the pale moon overhead, And the look-out not a-looking and his pipe-bowl glowing red.
Ah! the pig-tailed, quidding pirates and the pretty pranks we played, All have since been put a stop to by the naughty Board of Trade; The schooners and the merry crews are laid away to rest, A little south the sunset in the islands of the Blest.

Written by Louisa May Alcott | Create an image from this poem

The Lay of a Golden Goose

 Long ago in a poultry yard 
One dull November morn, 
Beneath a motherly soft wing 
A little goose was born.
Who straightway peeped out of the shell To view the world beyond, Longing at once to sally forth And paddle in the pond.
"Oh! be not rash," her father said, A mild Socratic bird; Her mother begged her not to stray With many a warning word.
But little goosey was perverse, And eagerly did cry, "I've got a lovely pair of wings, Of course I ought to fly.
" In vain parental cacklings, In vain the cold sky's frown, Ambitious goosey tried to soar, But always tumbled down.
The farmyard jeered at her attempts, The peacocks screamed, "Oh fie! You're only a domestic goose, So don't pretend to fly.
" Great cock-a-doodle from his perch Crowed daily loud and clear, "Stay in the puddle, foolish bird, That is your proper sphere," The ducks and hens said, one and all, In gossip by the pool, "Our children never play such pranks; My dear, that fowl's a fool.
" The owls came out and flew about, Hooting above the rest, "No useful egg was ever hatched From transcendental nest.
" Good little goslings at their play And well-conducted chicks Were taught to think poor goosey's flights Were naughty, ill-bred tricks.
They were content to swim and scratch, And not at all inclined For any wild goose chase in search Of something undefined.
Hard times she had as one may guess, That young aspiring bird, Who still from every fall arose Saddened but undeterred.
She knew she was no nightingale Yet spite of much abuse, She longed to help and cheer the world, Although a plain gray goose She could not sing, she could not fly, Nor even walk, with grace, And all the farmyard had declared A puddle was her place.
But something stronger than herself Would cry, "Go on, go on! Remember, though an humble fowl, You're cousin to a swan.
" So up and down poor goosey went, A busy, hopeful bird.
Searched many wide unfruitful fields, And many waters stirred.
At length she came unto a stream Most fertile of all Niles, Where tuneful birds might soar and sing Among the leafy isles.
Here did she build a little nest Beside the waters still, Where the parental goose could rest Unvexed by any bill.
And here she paused to smooth her plumes, Ruffled by many plagues; When suddenly arose the cry, "This goose lays golden eggs.
" At once the farmyard was agog; The ducks began to quack; Prim Guinea fowls relenting called, "Come back, come back, come back.
" Great chanticleer was pleased to give A patronizing crow, And the contemptuous biddies clucked, "I wish my chicks did so.
" The peacocks spread their shining tails, And cried in accents soft, "We want to know you, gifted one, Come up and sit aloft.
" Wise owls awoke and gravely said, With proudly swelling breasts, "Rare birds have always been evoked From transcendental nests!" News-hunting turkeys from afar Now ran with all thin legs To gobble facts and fictions of The goose with golden eggs.
But best of all the little fowls Still playing on the shore, Soft downy chicks and goslings gay, Chirped out, "Dear Goose, lay more.
" But goosey all these weary years Had toiled like any ant, And wearied out she now replied "My little dears, I can't.
"When I was starving, half this corn Had been of vital use, Now I am surfeited with food Like any Strasbourg goose.
" So to escape too many friends, Without uncivil strife, She ran to the Atlantic pond And paddled for her life.
Soon up among the grand old Alps She found two blessed things, The health she had so nearly lost, And rest for weary limbs.
But still across the briny deep Couched in most friendly words, Came prayers for letters, tales, or verse From literary birds.
Whereat the renovated fowl With grateful thanks profuse, Took from her wing a quill and wrote This lay of a Golden Goose.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Death of Lord and Lady Dalhousie

 Alas! Lord and Lady Dalhousie are dead, and buried at last,
Which causes many people to feel a little downcast;
And both lie side by side in one grave,
But I hope God in His goodness their souls will save.
And may He protect their children that are left behind, And may they always food and raiment find; And from the paths of virtue may they ne'er be led, And may they always find a house wherein to lay their head.
Lord Dalhousie was a man worthy of all praise, And to his memory I hope a monument the people will raise, That will stand for many ages to came To commemorate the good deeds he has done.
He was beloved by men of high and low degree, Especially in Forfarshire by his tenantry: And by many of the inhabitants in and around Dundee, Because he was affable in temper.
and void of all vanity.
He had great affection for his children, also his wife, 'Tis said he loved her as dear as his life; And I trust they are now in heaven above, Where all is joy, peace, and love.
At the age of fourteen he resolved to go to sea, So he entered the training ship Britannia belonging the navy, And entered as a midshipman as he considered most fit Then passed through the course of training with the greatest credit.
In a short time he obtained the rank of lieutenant, Then to her Majesty's ship Galatea he was sent; Which was under the command of the Duke of Edinburgh, And during his service there he felt but little sorrow.
And from that he was promoted to be commander of the Britannia, And was well liked by the men, for what he said was law; And by him Prince Albert Victor and Prince George received a naval education.
Which met with the Prince of Wales' roost hearty approbation.
'Twas in the year 1877 he married the Lady Ada Louisa Bennett, And by marrying that noble lady he ne'er did regret; And he was ever ready to give his service in any way, Most willingly and cheerfully by night or by day.
'Twas in the year of 1887, and on Thursday the 1st of December, Which his relatives and friends will long remember That were present at the funeral in Cockpen, churchyard, Because they had for the noble Lord a great regard.
About eleven o'clock the remains reached Dalhousie, And were met by a body of the tenantry.
They conveyed them inside the building allseemingly woe begone And among those that sent wreaths was Lord Claude Hamilton.
Those that sent wreaths were but very few, But one in particular was the Duke of Buccleuch; Besides Dr.
Herbert Spencer, and Countess Rosebery, and Lady Bennett, Which no doubt were sent by them with heartfelt regret.
Besides those that sent wreaths in addition were the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, Especially the Prince of Wales' was most lovely to be seen, And the Earl of Dalkeith's wreath was very pretty too, With a mixture of green and white flowers, beautiful to view.
Amongst those present at the interment were Mr Marjoribanks, M.
, Also ex-Provost Ballingall from Bonnie Dundee; Besides the Honourable W.
Colville, representing the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, While in every one's face standing at the grave was depicted sorrow.
The funeral service was conducted in the Church of Cockpen By the Rev.
Crabb, of St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, town of Brechin; And as the two coffins were lowered into their last resting place, Then the people retired with sad hearts at a quick pace.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Burning of the Exeter Theatre

 'Twas in the year of 1887, which many people will long remember,
The burning of the Theatre at Exeter on the 5th of September,
Alas! that ever-to-be-remembered and unlucky night,
When one hundred and fifty lost their lives, a most agonising sight.
The play on this night was called "Romany Rye," And at act four, scene third, Fire! Fire! was the cry; And all in a moment flames were seen issuing from the stage, Then the women screamed frantically, like wild beasts in a cage.
Then a panic ensued, and each one felt dismayed, And from the burning building a rush was made; And soon the theatre was filled with a blinding smoke, So that the people their way out had to grope.
The shrieks of those trying to escape were fearful to hear, Especially the cries of those who had lost their friends most dear; Oh, the scene was most painful in the London Inn Square, To see them wringing their hands and tearing their hair! And as the flames spread, great havoc they did make, And the poor souls fought heroically in trying to make their escape; Oh, it was horrible to see men and women trying to reach the door! But in many cases death claimed the victory, and their struggles were o'er.
Alas! 'twas pitiful the shrieks of the audience to hear, Especially as the flames to them drew near; Because on every face were depicted despair and woe, And many of them jumped from the windows into the street below.
The crushed and charred bodies were carried into London Hotel yard, And to alleviate their sufferings the doctors tried hard; But, alas! their attendance on many was thrown away, But those that survived were conveyed to Exeter Hospital without delay.
And all those that had their wounds dressed proceeded home, Accompanied by their friends, and making a loud moan; While the faces and necks of others were sickening to behold, Enough to chill one's blood, and make the heart turn cold.
Alas! words fail to describe the desolation, And in many homes it will cause great lamentation; Because human remains are beyond all identification, Which will cause the relatives of the sufferers to be in great tribulation.
Oh, Heaven! it must have been an awful sight, To see the poor souls struggling hard with all their might, Fighting hard their lives to save, While many in the smoke and burning flame did madly rave! It was the most sickening sight that ever anybody saw, Human remains, beyond recognition, covered with a heap of straw; And here and there a body might be seen, and a maimed hand, Oh, such a sight, that the most hard-hearted person could hardly withstand! The number of people in the theatre was between seven and eight thousand, But alas! one hundred and fifty by the fire have been found dead; And the most lives were lost on the stairs leading from the gallery, And these were roasted to death, which was sickening to see.
The funerals were conducted at the expense of the local authority, And two hours and more elapsed at the mournful ceremony; And at one grave there were two thousand people, a very great crowd, And most of the men were bareheaded ad weeping aloud.
Alas! many poor children have been bereft of their fathers and mothers, Who will be sorely missed by little sisters and brothers; But, alas! unto them they can ne'er return again, Therefore the poor little innocents must weep for them in vain.
I hope all kind Christian souls will help the friends of the dead, Especially those that have lost the winners of their bread; And if they do, God surely will them bless, Because pure Christianity is to help the widows and orphans in distress.
I am very glad to see Henry Irving has sent a hundred pounds, And I hope his brother actors will subscribe their mite all round; And if they do it will add honour to their name, Because whatever is given towards a good cause they will it regain.
Written by Ogden Nash | Create an image from this poem

The People Upstairs

 The people upstairs all practise ballet
Their living room is a bowling alley
Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.
Their radio is louder than yours, They celebrate week-ends all the week.
When they take a shower, your ceilings leak.
They try to get their parties to mix By supplying their guests with Pogo sticks, And when their fun at last abates, They go to the bathroom on roller skates.
I might love the people upstairs more If only they lived on another floor.

Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Jack Honest or the Widow and Her Son

 Jack Honest was only eight years of age when his father died,
And by the death of his father, Mrs Honest was sorely tried;
And Jack was his father's only joy and pride,
And for honesty Jack couldn't be equalled in the country-side.
So a short time before Jack's father died, 'Twas loud and bitterly for Jack he cried, And bade him sit down by his bedside, And then told him to be honest whatever did betide.
John, he said, looking him earnestly in the face, Never let your actions your name disgrace, Remember, my dear boy, and do what's right, And God will bless you by day and night.
Then Mr Honest bade his son farewell, and breathed his last, While the hot tears from Jack's eyes fell thick and fast; And the poor child did loudly sob and moan, When he knew his father had left him and his mother alone.
So, as time wore on, Jack grew to be a fine boy, And was to his mother a help and joy; And, one evening, she said, Jack, you are my only prop, I must tell you, dear, I'm thinking about opening a shop.
Oh! that's a capital thought, mother, cried Jack, And to take care of the shop I won't be slack; Then his mother said, Jackey, we will try this plan, And look to God for his blessing, and do all we can.
So the widow opened the shop and succeeded very well, But in a few months fresh troubles her befell-- Alas! poor Mrs Honest was of fever taken ill, But Jack attended his mother with a kindly will.
But, for fear of catching the fever, her customers kept away, And once more there wasn't enough money the rent to pay; And in her difficulties Mrs Honest could form no plan to get out, But God would help her, she had no doubt.
So, one afternoon, Mrs Honest sent Jack away To a person that owed her some money, and told him not to stay, But when he got there the person had fled, And to return home without the money he was in dread.
So he saw a gentleman in a carriage driving along at a rapid rate, And Jack ran forward to his mansion and opened the lodge-gate, Then the gentleman opened his purse and gave him, as he thought, a shilling For opening the lodge-gate so cleverly and so willing.
Then Jack stooped to lift up the coin, when lo and behold! He found to his surprise it was a piece of gold! And Jack cried oh! joyful, this will make up for my mother's loss, Then he ran home speedily, knowing his mother wouldn't be cross.
And when he got home he told his mother of his ill success, And his adventure with the gentleman, then she felt deep distress; And when Jack showed her the sovereign, the gentleman gave him, She cried, We mustn't keep that money, it would be a sin.
Dear mother, I thought so, there must be some mistake, But in the morning, to Squire Brooksby, the sovereign I'll take; So, when morning came, he went to Squire Brooksby's Hall, And at the front door for the Squire he loudly did call.
Then the hall door was opened by a footman, dressed in rich livery, And Jack told him he wished Mr Brooksby to see; Then to deliver Jack's message the footman withdrew, And when the footman returned he said, Master will see you.
Then Jack was conducted into a rich furnished room, And to Mr Brooksby he told his errand very soon, While his honest heart, with fear, didn't quake, Saying, Mr Brooksby, you gave me a sovereign yesterday in a mistake.
Why, surely I have seen you before, said Mr Brooksby; Yes, Sir, replied Jack Honest, bowing very politely; Then what is your name, my honest lad? Asked Mr Brooksby; John Honest, sir, replied Jack, right fearlessly.
The, my brave lad, you are Honest by name, and honest by nature, Which, really, you appear to be in every feature, But, I am afraid, such boys as you are very few, But, I dare say, your mother has taught you.
Then Jack laid the sovereign down on the table before Mr Brooksby; But Mr Brooksby said, No! my lad, I freely give it to thee; Then Jack said, Oh, sir, I'm obliged to you I'm sure, Because, sir, this money will help my mother, for she is poor.
Mrs Brooksby came to see Mrs Honest in a few days, And for Jack's honesty she was loud in praise; And she took Jack into her service, and paid him liberally, And she gave Mrs Honest a house, for life, rent free.
Now, I must leave Jack Honest and his mother in fresh found glory, Hoping my readers will feel interested in this story, And try always to imitate the hero-- Jack Honest-- And I'm sure they will find it the safest and the best!
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

An Adventure in the Life of King James V of Scotland

 On one occasion King James the Fifth of Scotland, when alone, in disguise,
Near by the Bridge of Cramond met with rather a disagreeable surprise.
He was attacked by five gipsy men without uttering a word, But he manfully defended himself with his sword.
There chanced to be a poor man threshing corn in a barn near by, Who came out on hearing the noise so high; And seeing one man defending himself so gallantly, That he attacked the gipsies with his flail, and made them flee.
Then he took the King into the barn, Saying, "I hope, sir, you've met with no great harm; And for five men to attack you, it's a disgrace; But stay, I'll fetch a towel and water to wash your face.
" And when the King washed the blood off his face and hands, "Now, sir, I wish to know who you are," the King demands.
"My name, sir, is John Howieson, a bondsman on the farm of Braehead.
" "Oh, well," replied the King, "your company I need not dread.
" "And perhaps you'll accompany me a little way towards Edinburgh, Because at present I'm not free from sorrow.
And if you have any particular wish to have gratified, Let me know it, and it shall not be denied.
" Then honest John said, thinking it no harm, "Sir, I would like to be the owner of Braehead farm; But by letting me know who you are it would give my mind relief.
" Then King James he answered that he was the Gudeman of Ballingeich.
"And if you'll meet me at the palace on next Sunday, Believe me, for your manful assistance, I'll you repay.
Nay, honest John, don't think of you I'm making sport, I pledge my word at least you shall see the royal court.
" So on the next Sunday John put on his best clothes, And appeared at the palace gate as~you may suppose.
And he inquired for the Gudeman of Ballingeich; And when he gained admittance his heart was freed from grief.
For John soon found his friend the Gudeman, And the King took John by the han', Then conducted John from one apartment to another, Just as kindly as if he'd been his own brother.
Then the King asked John if he'd like to see His Majesty.
"Oh, yes," replied John, "His Majesty I would really like to see.
" And John looked earnestly into the King's face, And said, "How am I to know His Grace?" "Oh, John, you needn't be the least annoyed about that, For all heads will be uncovered: the King will wear his hat.
" Then he conducted John into a large hall, Which was filled by the nobility, crown officers, and all.
Then said John to the King, when he looked round the room, "Sir, I hope I will see the King very soon.
" Because to see the King, John rather dreaded, At last he said to the King, "'Tis you! the rest are bare-headed.
" Then the King said, "John, I give you Braehead farm as it stands, On condition you provide a towel and basin of water to wash my hands, If ever I chance to come your way.
Then John said, "Thanks to your Majesty, I'll willingly obey.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Funeral of the German Emperor

 Ye sons of Germany, your noble Emperor William now is dead.
Who oft great armies to battle hath led; He was a man beloved by his subjects all, Because he never tried them to enthral.
The people of Germany have cause now to mourn, The loss of their hero, who to them will ne'er return; But his soul I hope to Heaven has fled away, To the realms of endless bliss for ever and aye.
He was much respected throughout Europe by the high and the low, And all over Germany people's hearts are full of woe; For in the battlefield he was a hero bold, Nevertheless, a lover of peace, to his credit be it told.
'Twas in the year of 1888, and on March the 16th day, That the peaceful William's remains were conveyed away To the royal mausoleum of Charlottenburg, their last resting-place, The God-fearing man that never did his country disgrace.
The funeral service was conducted in the cathedral by the court chaplain, Dr.
Kogel, Which touched the hearts of his hearers, as from his lips it fell, And in conclusion he recited the Lord's Prayer In the presence of kings, princes, dukes, and counts assembled there.
And at the end of the service the infantry outside fired volley after volley, While the people inside the cathedral felt melancholy, As the sound of the musketry smote upon the ear, In honour of the illustrous William, whom they loved most dear.
Then there was a solemn pause as the kings and princes took their places, Whilst the hot tears are trickling down their faces, And the mourners from shedding tears couldn't refrain; And in respect of the good man, above the gateway glared a bituminous flame.
Then the coffin was placed on the funeral car, By the kings and princes that came from afar; And the Crown Prince William heads the procession alone, While behind him are the four heirs-apparent to the throne.
Then followed the three Kings of Saxony, and the King of the Belgians also, Together with the Prince of Wales, with their hearts full of woe, Besides the Prince of Naples and Prince Rudolph of Austria were there, Also the Czarevitch, and other princes in their order I do declare.
And as the procession passes the palace the blinds are drawn completely, And every house is half hidden with the sable drapery; And along the line of march expansive arches were erected, While the spectators standing by seemed very dejected.
And through the Central Avenue, to make the decorations complete, There were pedestals erected, rising fourteen to fifteen feet, And at the foot and top of each pedestal were hung decorations of green bay, Also beautiful wreaths and evergreen festoons all in grand array.
And there were torches fastened on pieces of wood stuck in the ground; And as the people gazed on the weird-like scene, their silence was profound; And the shopkeepers closed their shops, and hotel-keepers closed in the doorways, And with torchlight and gaslight, Berlin for once was all ablaze.
The authorities of Berlin in honour of the Emperor considered it no sin, To decorate with crape the beautiful city of Berlin; Therefore Berlin I declare was a city of crape, Because few buildings crape decoration did escape.
First in the procession was the Emperor's bodyguard, And his great love for them nothing could it retard; Then followed a squadron of the hussars with their band, Playing "Jesus, Thou my Comfort," most solemn and grand.
And to see the procession passing the sightseers tried their best, Especially when the cavalry hove in sight, riding four abreast; Men and officers with their swords drawn, a magnificent sight to see In the dim sun's rays, their burnished swords glinting dimly.
Then followed the footguards with slow and solemn tread, Playing the "Dead March in Saul," most appropriate for the dead; And behind them followed the artillery, with four guns abreast, Also the ministers and court officials dressed in their best.
The whole distance to the grave was covered over with laurel and bay, So that the body should be borne along smoothly all the way; And the thousands of banners in the procession were beautiful to view, Because they were composed of cream-coloured silk and light blue.
There were thousands of thousands of men and women gathered there, And standing ankle deep in snow, and seemingly didn't care So as they got a glimpse of the funeral car, Especially the poor souls that came from afar.
And when the funeral car appeared there was a general hush, And the spectators in their anxiety to see began to crush; And when they saw the funeral car by the Emperor's charger led, Every hat and cap was lifted reverently from off each head.
And as the procession moved on to the royal mausoleum, The spectators remained bareheaded and seemingly quite dumb; And as the coffin was borne into its last resting-place, Sorrow seemed depicted in each one's face.
And after the burial service the mourners took a last farewell Of the noble-hearted William they loved so well; Then rich and poor dispersed quietly that were assembled there, While two batteries of field-guns fired a salute which did rend the air In honour of the immortal hero they loved so dear, The founder of the Fatherland Germany, that he did revere.
Written by Thomas Paine | Create an image from this poem

Liberty Tree

In a chariot of light from the regions of day,
The Goddess of Liberty came;
Ten thousand celestials directed the way,
And hither conducted the dame.
A fair budding branch from the gardens above,
Where millions with millions agree,
She brought in her hand as a pledge of her love,
And the plant she named Liberty Tree.
The celestial exotic struck deep in the ground,
Like a native it flourished and bore;
The fame of its fruit drew the nations around,
To seek out this peaceable shore.
Unmindful of names or distinction they came,
For freemen like brothers agree;
With one spirit endued, they one friendship pursued,
And their temple was Liberty Tree.
Beneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of old,
Their bread in contentment they ate,
Unvexed with the troubles of silver and gold,
The cares of the grand and the great.
With timber and tar they Old England supplied,
And supported her power on the sea;
Her battles they fought, without getting a groat,
For the honor of Liberty Tree.
But hear, O ye swains, 'tis a tale most profane,
How all the tyrannical powers,
Kings, Commons, and Lords, are uniting amain,
To cut down this guardian of ours;
From the east to the west blow the trumpet to arms,
Through the land let the sound of it flee,
Let the far and the near, all unite with a cheer,
In defence of our Liberty Tree.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Inauguration of the University College

 Good people of Dundee, your voices raise,
And to Miss Baxter give great praise;
Rejoice and sing and dance with glee,
Because she has founded a College in Bonnie Dundee.
Therefore loudly in her praise sing, And make Dundee with your voices ring, And give honour to whom honour is due, Because ladies like her are very few.
'Twas on the 5th day of October, in the year of 1883, That the University College was opened in Dundee, And the opening proceedings were conducted in the College Hall, In the presence of ladies and gentlemen both great and small.
Worthy Provost Moncur presided over the meeting, And received very great greeting; And Professor Stuart made an eloquent speech there, And also Lord Dalhousie, I do declare.
Also, the Right Hon W.
Baxter was there on behalf of his aunt, And acknowledged her beautiful portrait without any rant, And said that she requested him to hand it over to the College, As an incentive to others to teach the ignorant masses knowledge, Success to Miss Baxter, and praise to the late Doctor Baxter, John Boyd, For I think the Dundonians ought to feel overjoyed For their munificent gifts to the town of Dundee, Which will cause their names to be handed down to posterity.
The College is most handsome and magnificent to be seen, And Dundee can now almost cope with Edinburgh or Aberdeen, For the ladies of Dundee can now learn useful knowledge By going to their own beautiful College.
I hope the ladies and gentlemen of Dundee will try and learn knowledge At home in Dundee in their nice little College, Because knowledge is sweeter than honey or jam, Therefore let them try and gain knowledge as quick as they can.
It certainly is a great boon and an honour to Dundee To have a College in our midst, which is most charming to see, All through Miss Baxter and the late Dr Baxter, John Boyd, Which I hope by the people of Dundee will long be enjoyed Now since Miss Baxter has lived to see it erected, I hope by the students she will long be respected For establishing a College in Bonnie Dundee, Where learning can be got of a very high degree.
"My son, get knowledge," so said the sage, For it will benefit you in your old age, And help you through this busy world to pass, For remember a man without knowledge is just like an ass.
I wish the Professors and teachers every success, Hoping the Lord will all their labours bless; And I hope the students will always be obedient to their teachers And that many of them may leam to be orators and preachers.
I hope Miss Baxter will prosper for many a long day For the money that she has given away, May God shower his blessings on her wise head, And may all good angels guard her while living and hereafter when dead.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things