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Best Famous Come Along Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Come Along poems. This is a select list of the best famous Come Along poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Come Along poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of come along poems.

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Written by John Ashbery | Create an image from this poem

My Philosophy of Life

 Just when I thought there wasn't room enough
for another thought in my head, I had this great idea--
call it a philosophy of life, if you will.
Briefly, it involved living the way philosophers live, according to a set of principles.
OK, but which ones? That was the hardest part, I admit, but I had a kind of dark foreknowledge of what it would be like.
Everything, from eating watermelon or going to the bathroom or just standing on a subway platform, lost in thought for a few minutes, or worrying about rain forests, would be affected, or more precisely, inflected by my new attitude.
I wouldn't be preachy, or worry about children and old people, except in the general way prescribed by our clockwork universe.
Instead I'd sort of let things be what they are while injecting them with the serum of the new moral climate I thought I'd stumbled into, as a stranger accidentally presses against a panel and a bookcase slides back, revealing a winding staircase with greenish light somewhere down below, and he automatically steps inside and the bookcase slides shut, as is customary on such occasions.
At once a fragrance overwhelms him--not saffron, not lavender, but something in between.
He thinks of cushions, like the one his uncle's Boston bull terrier used to lie on watching him quizzically, pointed ear-tips folded over.
And then the great rush is on.
Not a single idea emerges from it.
It's enough to disgust you with thought.
But then you remember something William James wrote in some book of his you never read--it was fine, it had the fineness, the powder of life dusted over it, by chance, of course, yet still looking for evidence of fingerprints.
Someone had handled it even before he formulated it, though the thought was his and his alone.
It's fine, in summer, to visit the seashore.
There are lots of little trips to be made.
A grove of fledgling aspens welcomes the traveler.
Nearby are the public toilets where weary pilgrims have carved their names and addresses, and perhaps messages as well, messages to the world, as they sat and thought about what they'd do after using the toilet and washing their hands at the sink, prior to stepping out into the open again.
Had they been coaxed in by principles, and were their words philosophy, of however crude a sort? I confess I can move no farther along this train of thought-- something's blocking it.
Something I'm not big enough to see over.
Or maybe I'm frankly scared.
What was the matter with how I acted before? But maybe I can come up with a compromise--I'll let things be what they are, sort of.
In the autumn I'll put up jellies and preserves, against the winter cold and futility, and that will be a human thing, and intelligent as well.
I won't be embarrassed by my friends' dumb remarks, or even my own, though admittedly that's the hardest part, as when you are in a crowded theater and something you say riles the spectator in front of you, who doesn't even like the idea of two people near him talking together.
Well he's got to be flushed out so the hunters can have a crack at him-- this thing works both ways, you know.
You can't always be worrying about others and keeping track of yourself at the same time.
That would be abusive, and about as much fun as attending the wedding of two people you don't know.
Still, there's a lot of fun to be had in the gaps between ideas.
That's what they're made for!Now I want you to go out there and enjoy yourself, and yes, enjoy your philosophy of life, too.
They don't come along every day.
Look out!There's a big one.

Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

Sestina Of The Tramp-Royal

 Speakin' in general, I'ave tried 'em all 
The 'appy roads that take you o'er the world.
Speakin' in general, I'ave found them good For such as cannot use one bed too long, But must get 'ence, the same as I'ave done, An' go observin' matters till they die.
What do it matter where or 'ow we die, So long as we've our 'ealth to watch it all— The different ways that different things are done, An' men an' women lovin' in this world; Takin' our chances as they come along, An' when they ain't, pretendin' they are good? In cash or credit—no, it aren't no good; You've to 'ave the 'abit or you'd die, Unless you lived your life but one day long, Nor didn't prophesy nor fret at all, But drew your tucker some'ow from the world, An' never bothered what you might ha' done.
But, Gawd, what things are they I'aven't done? I've turned my 'and to most, an' turned it good, In various situations round the world For 'im that doth not work must surely die; But that's no reason man should labour all 'Is life on one same shift—life's none so long.
Therefore, from job to job I've moved along.
Pay couldn't 'old me when my time was done, For something in my 'ead upset it all, Till I'ad dropped whatever 'twas for good, An', out at sea, be'eld the dock-lights die, An' met my mate—the wind that tramps the world! It's like a book, I think, this bloomin, world, Which you can read and care for just so long, But presently you feel that you will die Unless you get the page you're readi'n' done, An' turn another—likely not so good; But what you're after is to turn'em all.
Gawd bless this world! Whatever she'oth done— Excep' When awful long—I've found it good.
So write, before I die, "'E liked it all!"
Written by Carl Sandburg | Create an image from this poem

Nights Nothings Again

 WHO knows what I know
when I have asked the night questions
and the night has answered nothing
only the old answers?

Who picked a crimson cryptogram,
the tail light of a motor car turning a corner,
or the midnight sign of a chile con carne place,
or a man out of the ashes of false dawn muttering “hot-dog” to the night watchmen:
Is there a spieler who has spoken the word or taken the number of night’s nothings? am I the spieler? or you?

Is there a tired head
the night has not fed and rested
and kept on its neck and shoulders?

Is there a wish
of man to woman
and woman to man
the night has not written
and signed its name under?

Does the night forget
as a woman forgets?
and remember
as a woman remembers?

Who gave the night
this head of hair,
this gipsy head
calling: Come-on?

Who gave the night anything at all
and asked the night questions
and was laughed at?

Who asked the night
for a long soft kiss
and lost the half-way lips?
who picked a red lamp in a mist?

Who saw the night
fold its Mona Lisa hands
and sit half-smiling, half-sad,
nothing at all,
and everything,
all the world ?

Who saw the night
let down its hair
and shake its bare shoulders
and blow out the candles of the moon,
whispering, snickering,
cutting off the snicker .
and sobbing .
out of pillow-wet kisses and tears? Is the night woven of anything else than the secret wishes of women, the stretched empty arms of women? the hair of women with stars and roses? I asked the night these questions.
I heard the night asking me these questions.
I saw the night put these whispered nothings across the city dust and stones, across a single yellow sunflower, one stalk strong as a woman’s wrist; And the play of a light rain, the jig-time folly of a light rain, the creepers of a drizzle on the sidewalks for the policemen and the railroad men, for the home-goers and the homeless, silver fans and funnels on the asphalt, the many feet of a fog mist that crept away; I saw the night put these nothings across and the night wind came saying: Come-on: and the curve of sky swept off white clouds and swept on white stars over Battery to Bronx, scooped a sea of stars over Albany, Dobbs Ferry, Cape Horn, Constantinople.
I saw the night’s mouth and lips strange as a face next to mine on a pillow and now I know … as I knew always … the night is a lover of mine … I know the night is … everything.
I know the night is … all the world.
I have seen gold lamps in a lagoon play sleep and murmur with never an eyelash, never a glint of an eyelid, quivering in the water-shadows.
A taxi whizzes by, an owl car clutters, passengers yawn reading street signs, a bum on a park bench shifts, another bum keeps his majesty of stone stillness, the forty-foot split rocks of Central Park sleep the sleep of stone whalebacks, the cornices of the Metropolitan Art mutter their own nothings to the men with rolled-up collars on the top of a bus: Breaths of the sea salt Atlantic, breaths of two rivers, and a heave of hawsers and smokestacks, the swish of multiplied sloops and war dogs, the hesitant hoo-hoo of coal boats: among these I listen to Night calling: I give you what money can never buy: all other lovers change: all others go away and come back and go away again: I am the one you slept with last night.
I am the one you sleep with tonight and tomorrow night.
I am the one whose passion kisses keep your head wondering and your lips aching to sing one song never sung before at night’s gipsy head calling: Come-on.
These hands that slid to my neck and held me, these fingers that told a story, this gipsy head of hair calling: Come-on: can anyone else come along now and put across night’s nothings again? I have wanted kisses my heart stuttered at asking, I have pounded at useless doors and called my people fools.
I have staggered alone in a winter dark making mumble songs to the sting of a blizzard that clutched and swore.
It was the night in my blood: open dreaming night, night of tireless sheet-steel blue: The hands of God washing something, feet of God walking somewhere.
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem


 When the Waters were dried an' the Earth did appear,
 ("It's all one," says the Sapper),
The Lord He created the Engineer,
 Her Majesty's Royal Engineer,
 With the rank and pay of a Sapper!

When the Flood come along for an extra monsoon,
'Twas Noah constructed the first pontoon
 To the plans of Her Majesty's, etc.
But after fatigue in the wet an' the sun, Old Noah got drunk, which he wouldn't ha' done If he'd trained with, etc.
When the Tower o' Babel had mixed up men's bat, Some clever civilian was managing that, An' none of, etc.
When the Jews had a fight at the foot of a hill, Young Joshua ordered the sun to stand still, For he was a Captain of Engineers, etc.
When the Children of Israel made bricks without straw, They were learnin' the regular work of our Corps, The work of, etc.
For ever since then, if a war they would wage, Behold us a-shinin' on history's page -- First page for, etc.
We lay down their sidings an' help 'em entrain, An' we sweep up their mess through the bloomin' campaign, In the style of, etc.
They send us in front with a fuse an' a mine To blow up the gates that are rushed by the Line, But bent by, etc.
They send us behind with a pick an' a spade, To dig for the guns of a bullock-brigade Which has asked for, etc.
We work under escort in trousers and shirt, An' the heathen they plug us tail-up in the dirt, Annoying, etc.
We blast out the rock an' we shovel the mud, We make 'em good roads an' -- they roll down the khud, Reporting, etc.
We make 'em their bridges, their wells, an' their huts, An' the telegraph-wire the enemy cuts, An' it's blamed on, etc.
An' when we return, an' from war we would cease, They grudge us adornin' the billets of peace, Which are kept for, etc.
We build 'em nice barracks -- they swear they are bad, That our Colonels are Methodist, married or mad, Insultin', etc.
They haven't no manners nor gratitude too, For the more that we help 'em, the less will they do, But mock at, etc.
Now the Line's but a man with a gun in his hand, An' Cavalry's only what horses can stand, When helped by, etc.
Artillery moves by the leave o' the ground, But we are the men that do something all round, For we are, etc.
I have stated it plain, an' my argument's thus ("It's all one," says the Sapper), There's only one Corps which is perfect -- that's us; An' they call us Her Majesty's Engineers, Her Majesty's Royal Engineers, With the rank and pay of a Sapper!
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

Cain and Abel

 Cain and Abel were brothers born.
(Koop-la! Come along, cows!) One raised cattle and one raised corn.
(Koop-la! Come along! Co-hoe!) And Cain he farmed by the river-side, So he did not care how much it dried.
For he banked, and he sluiced, and he ditched and he led (And the Corn don't care for the Horn)-- A-half Euphrates out of her bed To water his dam' Corn! But Abel herded out on the plains Where you have to go by the dams and rains.
It happened, after a three-year drought, The wells, and the springs, and the dams gave out.
The Herd-bulls came to Cain's new house ( They wanted water so!--) With the hot red Sun between their brows, Sayin' "Give us water for our pore cows!" But Cain he told 'em--"No!" The Cows they came to Cain's big house With the cold white Moon between their brows, Sayin' "Give some water to us pore cows!" But Cain he told 'em--"No?" The li'l Calves came to Cain's fine house With the Evenin' Star between their brows, Sayin' "'Give us water an' we'll be cows.
" But Cain he told 'em--"No!" The Herd-bulls led 'em back again, An' Abel went an' said to Cain: -- "Oh sell me water, my brother dear, Or there will be no beef this year.
" And Cain he answered--"No! " "Then draw your hatches, my brother true, An' let a little water through.
" But Cain he answered: -"No! "My dams are tight an' my ditches are sound, An' not a drop goes through or round Till she's done her duty by the Corn.
"I will not sell, an' I will not draw, An' if you breach, I'll have the Law, As sure as you are borne! " Then Abel took his best bull-goad, An' holed a dyke on the Eden road.
He opened her up with foot an' hand, An' let Euphrates loose on the land.
He spilled Euphrates out on the plain, So's all his cattle could drink again.
Then Cain he saw what Abel done-- But, in those days, there was no Gun! So he made him a club of a hickory-limb, An' halted Abel an' said to him: -- "I did not sell an' I did not draw, An' now you've breached I'll have the Law.
"You ride abroad in your hat and spurs, Hell-hoofin' over my cucumbers! "You pray to the Lord to send you luck An' you loose your steers in my garden-truck: "An' now you're bust, as you ought to be, You can keep on prayin' but not to me!" Then Abel saw it meant the life; But, in those days, there was no Knife: So he up with his big bull-goad instead, But--Cain hit first and dropped him dead! The Herd-bulls ran when they smelt the blood, An' horned an' pawed in that Red Mud.
The Calves they bawled, and the Steers they milled, Because it was the First Man Killed; - An' the whole Herd broke for the Land of Nod, An' Cain was left to be judged by God! But, seein' all he had had to bear, I never could call the Judgment fair!

Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

An Evening in Dandaloo

 It was while we held our races -- 
Hurdles, sprints and steplechases -- 
Up in Dandaloo, 
That a crowd of Sydney stealers, 
Jockeys, pugilists and spielers 
Brought some horses, real heelers, 
Came and put us through.
Beat our nags and won our money, Made the game by np means funny, Made us rather blue; When the racing was concluded, Of our hard-earned coin denuded Dandaloonies sat and brooded There in Dandaloo.
* * * * * Night came down on Johnson's shanty Where the grog was no way scanty, And a tumult grew Till some wild, excited person Galloped down the township cursing, "Sydney push have mobbed Macpherson, Roll up, Dandaloo!" Great St Denis! what commotion! Like the rush of stormy ocean Fiery horsemen flew.
Dust and smoke and din and rattle, Down the street they spurred their cattle To the war-cry of the battle, "Wade in, Dandaloo!" So the boys might have their fight out, Johnson blew the bar-room light out, Then, in haste, withdrew.
And in darkness and in doubting Raged the conflict and the shouting, "Give the Sydney push a clouting, Go it, Dandaloo!" Jack Macpherson seized a bucket, Every head he saw he struck it -- Struck in earnest, too; And a man from Lower Wattle, Whom a shearer tried to throttle, Hit out freely with a bottle There in Dandaloo.
Skin and hair were flying thickly, When a light was fetched, and quickly Brought a fact to view -- On the scene of the diversion Every single, solid person Come along to help Macpherson -- All were Dandaloo! When the list of slain was tabled -- Some were drunk and some disabled -- Still we found it true.
In the darkness and the smother We'd been belting one another; Jack Macpherson bashed his brother There in Dandaloo.
So we drank, and all departed -- How the "mobbing" yarn was started No one ever knew -- And the stockmen tell the story Of that conflict fierce and gory, How he fought for love and glory Up in Dandaloo.
It's a proverb now, or near it -- At the races you can hear it, At the dog-fights, too! Every shrieking, dancing drover As the canines topple over Yells applause to Grip or Rover, "Give him 'Dandaloo'!" And the teamster slowly toiling Through the deep black country, soiling Wheels and axles, too, Lays the whip on Spot and Banker, Rouses Tarboy with a flanker -- "Redman! Ginger! Heave there! Yank her Wade in, Dandaloo!"
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The Bench-Legged Fyce

 Speakin' of dorgs, my bench-legged fyce
Hed most o' the virtues, an' nary a vice.
Some folks called him Sooner, a name that arose From his predisposition to chronic repose; But, rouse his ambition, he couldn't be beat - Yer bet yer he got thar on all his four feet! Mos' dorgs hez some forte - like huntin' an' such, But the sports o' the field didn't bother him much; Wuz just a plain dorg, an' contented to be On peaceable terms with the neighbors an' me; Used to fiddle an' squirm, and grunt "Oh, how nice!" When I tickled the back of that bench-legged fyce! He wuz long in the bar'l, like a fyce oughter be; His color wuz yaller as ever you see; His tail, curlin' upward, wuz long, loose, an' slim - When he didn't wag it, why, the tail it wagged him! His legs wuz so crooked, my bench-legged pup Wuz as tall settin' down as he wuz standin' up! He'd lie by the stove of a night an' regret The various vittles an' things he had et; When a stranger, most likely a tramp, come along, He'd lift up his voice in significant song - You wondered, by gum! how there ever wuz space In that bosom o' his'n to hold so much bass! Of daytimes he'd sneak to the road an' lie down, An' tackle the country dorgs comin' to town; By common consent he wuz boss in St.
Joe, For what he took hold of he never let go! An' a dude that come courtin' our girl left a slice Of his white flannel suit with our bench-legged fyce! He wuz good to us kids - when we pulled at his fur Or twisted his tail he would never demur; He seemed to enjoy all our play an' our chaff, For his tongue 'u'd hang out an' he'd laff an' he'd laff; An' once, when the Hobart boy fell through the ice, He wuz drug clean ashore by that bench-legged fyce! We all hev our choice, an' you, like the rest, Allow that the dorg which you've got is the best; I wouldn't give much for the boy 'at grows up With no friendship subsistin' 'tween him an' a pup! When a fellow gits old - I tell you it's nice To think of his youth and his bench-legged fyce! To think of the springtime 'way back in St.
Joe - Of the peach-trees abloom an' the daisies ablow; To think of the play in the medder an' grove, When little legs wrassled an' little han's strove; To think of the loyalty, valor, an' truth Of the friendships that hallow the season of youth!
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

Sestina of the Tramp-Royal

 Speakin' in general, I'ave tried 'em all
The 'appy roads that take you o'er the world.
Speakin' in general, I'ave found them good For such as cannot use one bed too long, But must get 'ence, the same as I'ave done, An' go observin' matters till they die.
What do it matter where or 'ow we die, So long as we've our 'ealth to watch it all -- The different ways that different things are done, An' men an' women lovin' in this world; Takin' our chances as they come along, An' when they ain't, pretendin' they are good? In cash or credit -- no, it aren't no good; You've to 'ave the 'abit or you'd die, Unless you lived your life but one day long, Nor didn't prophesy nor fret at all, But drew your tucker some'ow from the world, An' never bothered what you might ha' done.
But, Gawd, what things are they I'aven't done? I've turned my 'and to most, an' turned it good, In various situations round the world For 'im that doth not work must surely die; But that's no reason man should labour all 'Is life on one same shift -- life's none so long.
Therefore, from job to job I've moved along.
Pay couldn't 'old me when my time was done, For something in my 'ead upset it all, Till I'ad dropped whatever 'twas for good, An', out at sea, be'eld the dock-lights die, An' met my mate -- the wind that tramps the world! It's like a book, I think, this bloomin, world, Which you can read and care for just so long, But presently you feel that you will die Unless you get the page you're readi'n' done, An' turn another -- likely not so good; But what you're after is to turn'em all.
Gawd bless this world! Whatever she'oth done -- Excep' When awful long -- I've found it good.
So write, before I die, "'E liked it all!"
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

A Tale of Christmas Eve

 'Twas Christmastide in Germany,
And in the year of 1850,
And in the city of Berlin, which is most beautiful to the eye;
A poor boy was heard calling out to passers-by.
"Who'll buy my pretty figures," loudly he did cry, Plaster of Paris figures, but no one inclined to buy; His clothes were thin and he was nearly frozen with cold, And wholly starving with hunger, a pitiful sight to behold.
And the twilight was giving place to the shadows of approaching night, And those who possessed a home were seeking its warmth and light; And the market square was dark and he began to moan, When he thought of his hungry brother and sisters at home.
Alas! The poor boy was afraid to go home, Oh, Heaven! hard was his lot, for money he'd none; And the tears coursed down his cheeks while loudly he did cry, "Buy my plaster of Paris figures, oh! please come buy.
" It was now quite dark while he stood there, And the passers-by did at the poor boy stare, As he stood shivering with cold in the market square; And with the falling snow he was almost frozen to the bone.
And what would it avail him standing there alone, Therefore he must make up his mind to return home.
Then he tried to hoist the board and figures on to his head, And for fear of letting the board fall he was in great dread; Then he struggled manfully forward without delay, But alas! He fell on the pavement, oh! horror and dismay.
And his beautiful figures were broken and scattered around him, And at the sight thereof his eyes grew dim; And when he regained his feet he stood speechless like one bowed down, Then the poor boy did fret and frown.
Then the almost despairing boy cried aloud, And related his distress to the increasing crowd; Oh! What a pitiful sight on a Christmas eve, But the dense crowd didn't the poor boy relieve, Until a poor wood-cutter chanced to come along, And he asked of the crowd what was wrong; And twenty ready tongues tells him the sad tale, And when he heard it the poor boy's fate he did bewail.
And he cried, "Here! Something must be done and quickly too, Do you hear! Every blessed soul of you; Come, each one give a few pence to the poor boy, And it will help to fill his heart with joy.
" Then the wood-cutter gave a golden coin away, So the crowd subscribed largely without delay; Which made the poor boy's heart feel gay, Then the wood-cutter thanked the crowd and went away.
So the poor boy did a large subscription receive, And his brother, mother, and sisters had a happy Christmas eve; And he thanked the crowd and God that to him the money sent, And bade the crowd good-night, then went home content.
Written by Richard Crashaw | Create an image from this poem

To the Name above every Name the Name of Jesus

 I sing the Name which None can say
But touch’t with An interiour Ray:
The Name of our New Peace; our Good:
Our Blisse: and Supernaturall Blood:
The Name of All our Lives and Loves.
Hearken, And Help, ye holy Doves! The high-born Brood of Day; you bright Candidates of blissefull Light, The Heirs Elect of Love; whose Names belong Unto The everlasting life of Song; All ye wise Soules, who in the wealthy Brest Of This unbounded Name build your warm Nest.
Awake, My glory.
Soul, (if such thou be, And That fair Word at all referr to Thee) Awake and sing And be All Wing; Bring hither thy whole Self; and let me see What of thy Parent Heaven yet speakes in thee, O thou art Poore Of noble Powres, I see, And full of nothing else but empty Me, Narrow, and low, and infinitely lesse Then this Great mornings mighty Busynes.
One little World or two (Alas) will never doe.
We must have store.
Goe, Soul, out of thy Self, and seek for More.
Goe and request Great Nature for the Key of her huge Chest Of Heavns, the self involving Sett of Sphears (Which dull mortality more Feeles then heares) Then rouse the nest Of nimble, Art, and traverse round The Aiery Shop of soul-appeasing Sound: And beat a summons in the Same All-soveraign Name To warn each severall kind And shape of sweetnes, Be they such As sigh with supple wind Or answer Artfull Touch, That they convene and come away To wait at the love-crowned Doores of This Illustrious Day.
Shall we dare This, my Soul? we’l doe’t and bring No Other note for’t, but the Name we sing.
Wake Lute and Harp And every sweet-lipp’t Thing That talkes with tunefull string; Start into life, And leap with me Into a hasty Fitt-tun’d Harmony.
Nor must you think it much T’obey my bolder touch; I have Authority in Love’s name to take you And to the worke of Love this morning wake you; Wake; In the Name Of Him who never sleeps, All Things that Are, Or, what’s the same, Are Musicall; Answer my Call And come along; Help me to meditate mine Immortall Song.
Come, ye soft ministers of sweet sad mirth, Bring All your houshold stuffe of Heavn on earth; O you, my Soul’s most certain Wings, Complaining Pipes, and prattling Strings, Bring All the store Of Sweets you have; And murmur that you have no more.
Come, n? to part, Nature and Art! Come; and come strong, To the conspiracy of our Spatious song.
Bring All the Powres of Praise Your Provinces of well-united Worlds can raise; Bring All your Lutes and Harps of Heaven and Earth; What ?re cooperates to The common mirthe Vessells of vocall Ioyes, Or You, more noble Architects of Intellectuall Noise, Cymballs of Heav’n, or Humane sphears, Solliciters of Soules or Eares; And when you’are come, with All That you can bring or we can call; O may you fix For ever here, and mix Your selves into the long And everlasting series of a deathlesse Song; Mix All your many Worlds, Above, And loose them into One of Love.
Chear thee my Heart! For Thou too hast thy Part And Place in the Great Throng Of This unbounded All-imbracing Song.
Powres of my Soul, be Proud! And speake lowd To All the dear-bought Nations This Redeeming Name, And in the wealth of one Rich Word proclaim New Similes to Nature.
May it be no wrong Blest Heavns, to you, and your Superiour song, That we, dark Sons of Dust and Sorrow, A while Dare borrow The Name of Your Dilights and our Desires, And fitt it to so farr inferior Lyres.
Our Murmurs have their Musick too, Ye mighty Orbes, as well as you, Nor yeilds the noblest Nest Of warbling Seraphim to the eares of Love, A choicer Lesson then the joyfull Brest Of a poor panting Turtle-Dove.
And we, low Wormes have leave to doe The Same bright Busynes (ye Third Heavens) with you.
Gentle Spirits, doe not complain.
We will have care To keep it fair, And send it back to you again.
Come, lovely Name! Appeare from forth the Bright Regions of peacefull Light, Look from thine own Illustrious Home, Fair King of Names, and come.
Leave All thy native Glories in their Georgeous Nest, And give thy Self a while The gracious Guest Of humble Soules, that seek to find The hidden Sweets Which man’s heart meets When Thou art Master of the Mind.
Come, lovely Name; life of our hope! Lo we hold our Hearts wide ope! Unlock thy Cabinet of Day Dearest Sweet, and come away.
Lo how the thirsty Lands Gasp for thy Golden Showres! with longstretch’t Hands.
Lo how the laboring Earth That hopes to be All Heaven by Thee, Leapes at thy Birth.
The’ attending World, to wait thy Rise, First turn’d to eyes; And then, not knowing what to doe; Turn’d Them to Teares, and spent Them too.
Come Royall Name, and pay the expence Of all this Pretious Patience.
O come away And kill the Death of This Delay.
O see, so many Worlds of barren yeares Melted and measur’d out is Seas of Teares.
O see, The Weary liddes of wakefull Hope (Love’s Eastern windowes) All wide ope With Curtains drawn, To catch The Day-break of Thy Dawn.
O dawn, at last, long look’t for Day! Take thine own wings, and come away.
Lo, where Aloft it comes! It comes, Among The Conduct of Adoring Spirits, that throng Like diligent Bees, And swarm about it.
O they are wise; And know what Sweetes are suck’t from out it.
It is the Hive, By which they thrive, Where All their Hoard of Hony lyes.
Lo where it comes, upon The snowy Dove’s Soft Back; And brings a Bosom big with Loves.
Welcome to our dark world, Thou Womb of Day! Unfold thy fair Conceptions; And display The Birth of our Bright Ioyes.
O thou compacted Body of Blessings: spirit of Soules extracted! O dissipate thy spicy Powres (Clowd of condensed sweets) and break upon us In balmy showrs; O fill our senses, And take from us All force of so Prophane a Fallacy To think ought sweet but that which smells of Thee.
Fair, flowry Name; In none but Thee And Thy Nectareall Fragrancy, Hourly there meetes An universall Synod of All sweets; By whom it is defined Thus That no Perfume For ever shall presume To passe for Odoriferous, But such alone whose sacred Pedigree Can prove it Self some kin (sweet name) to Thee.
Sweet Name, in Thy each Syllable A Thousand Blest Arabias dwell; A Thousand Hills of Frankincense; Mountains of myrrh, and Beds of species, And ten Thousand Paradises, The soul that tasts thee takes from thence.
How many unknown Worlds there are Of Comforts, which Thou hast in keeping! How many Thousand Mercyes there In Pitty’s soft lap ly a sleeping! Happy he who has the art To awake them, And to take them Home, and lodge them in his Heart.
O that it were as it was wont to be! When thy old Freinds of Fire, All full of Thee, Fought against Frowns with smiles; gave Glorious chase To Persecutions; And against the Face Of Death and feircest Dangers, durst with Brave And sober pace march on to meet A Grave.
On their Bold Brests about the world they bore thee And to the Teeth of Hell stood up to teach thee, In Center of their inmost Soules they wore thee, Where Rackes and Torments striv’d, in vain, to reach thee.
Little, alas, thought They Who tore the Fair Brests of thy Freinds, Their Fury but made way For Thee; And serv’d them in Thy glorious ends.
What did Their weapons but with wider pores Inlarge thy flaming-brested Lovers More freely to transpire That impatient Fire The Heart that hides Thee hardly covers.
What did their Weapons but sett wide the Doores For Thee: Fair, purple Doores, of love’s devising; The Ruby windowes which inrich’t the East Of Thy so oft repeated Rising.
Each wound of Theirs was Thy new Morning; And reinthron’d thee in thy Rosy Nest, With blush of thine own Blood thy day adorning, It was the witt of love ?reflowd the Bounds Of Wrath, and made thee way through All Those wounds.
Wellcome dear, All-Adored Name! For sure there is no Knee That knowes not Thee.
Or if there be such sonns of shame, Alas what will they doe When stubborn Rocks shall bow And Hills hang down their Heavn-saluting Heads To seek for humble Beds Of Dust, where in the Bashfull shades of night Next to their own low Nothing they may ly, And couch before the dazeling light of thy dread majesty.
They that by Love’s mild Dictate now Will not adore thee, Shall Then with Just Confusion, bow And break before thee.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things