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Best Famous Citadel Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Citadel poems. This is a select list of the best famous Citadel poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Citadel poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of citadel poems.

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Written by John Keats | Create an image from this poem

Ode on a Grecian Urn

THOU still unravish'd bride of quietness  
Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time  
Sylvan historian who canst thus express 
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: 
What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape 5 
Of deities or mortals or of both  
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? 
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? 
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? 
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? 10 

Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard 
Are sweeter; therefore ye soft pipes play on; 
Not to the sensual ear but more endear'd  
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: 
Fair youth beneath the trees thou canst not leave 15 
Thy song nor ever can those trees be bare; 
Bold Lover never never canst thou kiss  
Though winning near the goal¡ªyet do not grieve; 
She cannot fade though thou hast not thy bliss  
For ever wilt thou love and she be fair! 20 

Ah happy happy boughs! that cannot shed 
Your leaves nor ever bid the Spring adieu; 
And happy melodist unweari¨¨d  
For ever piping songs for ever new; 
More happy love! more happy happy love! 25 
For ever warm and still to be enjoy'd  
For ever panting and for ever young; 
All breathing human passion far above  
That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy'd  
A burning forehead and a parching tongue.
30 Who are these coming to the sacrifice? To what green altar O mysterious priest Lead'st thou that heifer lowing at the skies And all her silken flanks with garlands drest? What little town by river or sea-shore 35 Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel Is emptied of its folk this pious morn? And little town thy streets for evermore Will silent be; and not a soul to tell Why thou art desolate can e'er return.
40 O Attic shape! fair attitude! with brede Of marble men and maidens overwrought With forest branches and the trodden weed; Thou silent form! dost tease us out of thought As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral! 45 When old age shall this generation waste Thou shalt remain in midst of other woe Than ours a friend to man to whom thou say'st 'Beauty is truth truth beauty ¡ªthat is all Ye know on earth and all ye need to know.
' 50

Written by Joyce Kilmer | Create an image from this poem

In Memory

Serene and beautiful and very wise,
Most erudite in curious Grecian lore,
You lay and read your learned books, and bore
A weight of unshed tears and silent sighs.
The song within your heart could never rise Until love bade it spread its wings and soar.
Nor could you look on Beauty's face before A poet's burning mouth had touched your eyes.
Love is made out of ecstasy and wonder; Love is a poignant and accustomed pain.
It is a burst of Heaven-shaking thunder; It is a linnet's fluting after rain.
Love's voice is through your song; above and under And in each note to echo and remain.
II Because Mankind is glad and brave and young, Full of gay flames that white and scarlet glow, All joys and passions that Mankind may know By you were nobly felt and nobly sung.
Because Mankind's heart every day is wrung By Fate's wild hands that twist and tear it so, Therefore you echoed Man's undying woe, A harp Aeolian on Life's branches hung.
So did the ghosts of toiling children hover About the piteous portals of your mind; Your eyes, that looked on glory, could discover The angry scar to which the world was blind: And it was grief that made Mankind your lover, And it was grief that made you love Mankind.
III Before Christ left the Citadel of Light, To tread the dreadful way of human birth, His shadow sometimes fell upon the earth And those who saw it wept with joy and fright.
"Thou art Apollo, than the sun more bright!" They cried.
"Our music is of little worth, But thrill our blood with thy creative mirth Thou god of song, thou lord of lyric might!" O singing pilgrim! who could love and follow Your lover Christ, through even love's despair, You knew within the cypress-darkened hollow The feet that on the mountain are so fair.
For it was Christ that was your own Apollo, And thorns were in the laurel on your hair.
Written by Alfred Lord Tennyson | Create an image from this poem


 While about the shore of Mona those Neronian legionaries
Burnt and broke the grove and altar of the Druid and Druidess,
Far in the East Boadicea, standing loftily charioted,
Mad and maddening all that heard her in her fierce volubility,
Girt by half the tribes of Britain, near the colony Camulodune,
Yell'd and shriek'd between her daughters o'er a wild confederacy.
`They that scorn the tribes and call us Britain's barbarous populaces, Did they hear me, would they listen, did they pity me supplicating? Shall I heed them in their anguish? shall I brook to be supplicated? Hear Icenian, Catieuchlanian, hear Coritanian, Trinobant! Must their ever-ravening eagle's beak and talon annihilate us? Tear the noble hear of Britain, leave it gorily quivering? Bark an answer, Britain's raven! bark and blacken innumerable, Blacken round the Roman carrion, make the carcase a skeleton, Kite and kestrel, wolf and wolfkin, from the wilderness, wallow in it, Till the face of Bel be brighten'd, Taranis be propitiated.
Lo their colony half-defended! lo their colony, Camulodune! There the horde of Roman robbers mock at a barbarous adversary.
There the hive of Roman liars worship a gluttonous emperor-idiot.
Such is Rome, and this her deity: hear it, Spirit of Cassivelaun! `Hear it, Gods! the Gods have heard it, O Icenian, O Coritanian! Doubt not ye the Gods have answer'd, Catieuchlanian, Trinobant.
These have told us all their anger in miraculous utterances, Thunder, a flying fire in heaven, a murmur heard aerially, Phantom sound of blows descending, moan of an enemy massacred, Phantom wail of women and children, multitudinous agonies.
Bloodily flow'd the Tamesa rolling phantom bodies of horses and men; Then a phantom colony smoulder'd on the refluent estuary; Lastly yonder yester-even, suddenly giddily tottering-- There was one who watch'd and told me--down their statue of Victory fell.
Lo their precious Roman bantling, lo the colony Camulodune, Shall we teach it a Roman lesson? shall we care to be pitiful? Shall we deal with it as an infant? shall we dandle it amorously? `Hear Icenian, Catieuchlanian, hear Coritanian, Trinobant! While I roved about the forest, long and bitterly meditating, There I heard them in the darkness, at the mystical ceremony, Loosely robed in flying raiment, sang the terrible prophetesses.
"Fear not, isle of blowing woodland, isle of silvery parapets! Tho' the Roman eagle shadow thee, tho' the gathering enemy narrow thee, Thou shalt wax and he shall dwindle, thou shalt be the mighty one yet! Thine the liberty, thine the glory, thine the deeds to be celebrated, Thine the myriad-rolling ocean, light and shadow illimitable, Thine the lands of lasting summer, many-blossoming Paradises, Thine the North and thine the South and thine the battle-thunder of God.
" So they chanted: how shall Britain light upon auguries happier? So they chanted in the darkness, and there cometh a victory now.
Hear Icenian, Catieuchlanian, hear Coritanian, Trinobant! Me the wife of rich Prasutagus, me the lover of liberty, Me they seized and me they tortured, me they lash'd and humiliated, Me the sport of ribald Veterans, mine of ruffian violators! See they sit, they hide their faces, miserable in ignominy! Wherefore in me burns an anger, not by blood to be satiated.
Lo the palaces and the temple, lo the colony Camulodune! There they ruled, and thence they wasted all the flourishing territory, Thither at their will they haled the yellow-ringleted Britoness-- Bloodily, bloodily fall the battle-axe, unexhausted, inexorable.
Shout Icenian, Catieuchlanian, shout Coritanian, Trinobant, Till the victim hear within and yearn to hurry precipitously Like the leaf in a roaring whirlwind, like the smoke in a hurricane whirl'd.
Lo the colony, there they rioted in the city of Cunobeline! There they drank in cups of emerald, there at tables of ebony lay, Rolling on their purple couches in their tender effeminacy.
There they dwelt and there they rioted; there--there--they dwell no more.
Burst the gates, and burn the palaces, break the works of the statuary, Take the hoary Roman head and shatter it, hold it abominable, Cut the Roman boy to pieces in his lust and voluptuousness, Lash the maiden into swooning, me they lash'd and humiliated, Chop the breasts from off the mother, dash the brains of the little one out, Up my Britons, on my chariot, on my chargers, trample them under us.
' So the Queen Boadicea, standing loftily charioted, Brandishing in her hand a dart and rolling glances lioness-like, Yell'd and shriek'd between her daughters in her fierce volubility.
Till her people all around the royal chariot agitated, Madly dash'd the darts together, writhing barbarous lineaments, Made the noise of frosty woodlands, when they shiver in January, Roar'd as when the rolling breakers boom and blanch on the precipices, Yell'd as when the winds of winter tear an oak on a promontory.
So the silent colony hearing her tumultuous adversaries Clash the darts and on the buckler beat with rapid unanimous hand, Thought on all her evil tyrannies, all her pitiless avarice, Till she felt the heart within her fall and flutter tremulously, Then her pulses at the clamoring of her enemy fainted away.
Out of evil evil flourishes, out of tyranny tyranny buds.
Ran the land with Roman slaughter, multitudinous agonies.
Perish'd many a maid and matron, many a valorous legionary.
Fell the colony, city, and citadel, London, Verulam, Camulodune.
Written by Kahlil Gibran | Create an image from this poem

Freedom XIV

 And an orator said, "Speak to us of Freedom.
" And he answered: At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom, Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him though he slays them.
Ay, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff.
And my heart bled within me; for you can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment.
You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief, But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound.
And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of your understanding have fastened around your noon hour? In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dazzle the eyes.
And what is it but fragments of your own self you would discard that you may become free? If it is an unjust law you would abolish, that law was written with your own hand upon your own forehead.
You cannot erase it by burning your law books nor by washing the foreheads of your judges, though you pour the sea upon them.
And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.
For how can a tyrant rule the free and the proud, but for a tyranny in their own freedom and a shame in their won pride? And if it is a care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by you rather than imposed upon you.
And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared.
Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape.
These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling.
And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light.
And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

Cold Iron

 Cold is for the mistress -- silver for the maid --
Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.
" "Good!" said the Baron, sitting in his hall, "But Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of them all.
" So he made rebellion 'gainst the King his liege, Camped before his citadel and summoned it to siege.
"Nay!" said the cannoneer on the castle wall, "But Iron -- Cold Iron -- shall be master for you all!" Woe for the Baron and his knights so strong, When the cruel cannon-balls laid 'em all along; He was taken prisoner, he was cast in thrall, And Iron -- Cold Iron -- was master of it all! Yet his King spake kindly (ah, how kind a Lord!) "What if I release thee now and give thee back thy sword?" "Nay!" said the Baron, "mock not at my fall, For Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of men all.
" "Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown -- Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.
" "As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small, For Iron -- Cold Iron -- must be master of men all!" Yet his King made answer (few such Kings there be!) "Here is Bread and here is Wine -- sit and sup with me.
Eat and drink in Mary's Name, the whiles I do recall How Iron -- Cold Iron -- can be master of men all!" He took the Wine and blessed it.
He blessed and brake the Bread, With His own Hands He served Them, and presently He said: "See! These Hands they pierced with nails, outside My city wall, Show Iron -- Cold Iron -- to be master of men all.
" "Wounds are for the desperate, blows are for the strong.
Balm and oil for weary hearts all cut and bruised with wrong.
I forgive thy treason -- I redeem thy fall -- For Iron -- Cold Iron -- must be master of men all!" "Crowns are for the valiant -- sceptres for the bold! Thrones and powers for mighty men who dare to take and hold.
" "Nay!" said the Baron, kneeling in his hall, "But Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of men all! Iron out of Calvary is master of men all!"

Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

The Hermit of Mont-Blanc

 High, on the Solitude of Alpine Hills,
O'er-topping the grand imag'ry of Nature,
Where one eternal winter seem'd to reign;
An HERMIT'S threshold, carpetted with moss,
Diversified the Scene.
Above the flakes Of silv'ry snow, full many a modest flow'r Peep'd through its icy veil, and blushing ope'd Its variegated hues; The ORCHIS sweet, The bloomy CISTUS, and the fragrant branch Of glossy MYRTLE.
In his rushy cell, The lonely ANCHORET consum'd his days, Unnotic'd, and unblest.
In early youth, Cross'd in the fond affections of his soul By false Ambition, from his parent home He, solitary, wander'd; while the Maid Whose peerless beauty won his yielding heart Pined in monastic horrors ! Near his sill A little cross he rear'd, where, prostrate low At day's pale glimpse, or when the setting Sun Tissued the western sky with streamy gold, His Orisons he pour'd, for her, whose hours Were wasted in oblivion.
Winters pass'd, And Summers faded, slow, unchearly all To the lone HERMIT'S sorrows: For, still, Love A dark, though unpolluted altar, rear'd On the white waste of wonders! From the peak Which mark'd his neighb'ring Hut, his humid Eye Oft wander'd o'er the rich expanse below; Oft trac'd the glow of vegetating Spring, The full-blown Summer splendours, and the hue Of tawny scenes Autumnal: Vineyards vast, Clothing the upland scene, and spreading wide The promised tide nectareous; while for him The liquid lapse of the slow brook was seen Flashing amid the trees, its silv'ry wave! Far distant, the blue mist of waters rose Veiling the ridgy outline, faintly grey, Blended with clouds, and shutting out the Sun.
The Seasons still revolv'd, and still was he By all forgotten, save by her, whose breast Sigh'd in responsive sadness to the gale That swept her prison turrets.
Five long years, Had seen his graces wither ere his Spring Of life was wasted.
From the social scenes Of human energy an alien driv'n, He almost had forgot the face of Man.
-- No voice had met his ear, save, when perchance The Pilgrim wand'rer, or the Goatherd Swain, Bewilder'd in the starless midnight hour Implored the HERMIT'S aid, the HERMIT'S pray'rs; And nothing loath by pity or by pray'r Was he, to save the wretched.
On the top Of his low rushy Dome, a tinkling bell Oft told the weary Trav'ller to approach Fearless of danger.
The small silver sound In quick vibrations echo'd down the dell To the dim valley's quiet, while the breeze Slept on the glassy LEMAN.
Thus he past His melancholy days, an alien Man From all the joys of social intercourse, Alone, unpitied, by the world forgot! His Scrip each morning bore the day's repast Gather'd on summits, mingling with the clouds, From whose bleak altitude the Eye look'd down While fast the giddy brain was rock'd by fear.
Oft would he start from visionary rest When roaming wolves their midnight chorus howl'd, Or blasts infuriate shatter'd the white cliffs, While the huge fragments, rifted by the storm, Plung'd to the dell below.
Oft would he sit In silent sadness on the jutting block Of snow-encrusted ice, and, shudd'ring mark (Amid the wonders of the frozen world) Dissolving pyramids, and threatening peaks, Hang o'er his hovel, terribly Sublime.
And oft, when Summer breath'd ambrosial gales, Soft sailing o'er the waste of printless dew Or twilight gossamer, his pensive gaze Trac'd the swift storm advancing, whose broad wing Blacken'd the rushy dome of his low Hut; While the pale lightning smote the pathless top Of tow'ring CENIS, scatt'ring high and wide A mist of fleecy Snow.
Then would he hear, (While MEM'RY brought to view his happier days) The tumbling torrent, bursting wildly forth From its thaw'd prison, sweep the shaggy cliff Vast and Stupendous ! strength'ning as it fell, And delving, 'mid the snow, a cavern rude! So liv'd the HERMIT, like an hardy Tree Plac'd on a mountain's solitary brow, And destin'd, thro' the Seasons, to endure Their wond'rous changes.
To behold the face Of ever-varying Nature, and to mark In each grand lineament, the work of GOD! And happier he, in total Solitude Than the poor toil-worn wretch, whose ardent Soul That GOD has nobly organiz'd, but taught, For purposes unknown, to bear the scourge Of sharp adversity, and vulgar pride.
Happier, O ! happier far, than those who feel, Yet live amongst the unfeeling ! feeding still The throbbing heart, with anguish, or with Scorn.
One dreary night when Winter's icy breath Half petrified the scene, when not a star Gleam'd o'er the black infinity of space, Sudden, the HERMIT started from his couch Fear-struck and trembling! Ev'ry limb was shook With painful agitation.
On his cheek The blanch'd interpreter of horror mute Sat terribly impressive! In his breast The ruddy fount of life convulsive flow'd And his broad eyes, fix'd motionless as death, Gaz'd vacantly aghast ! His feeble lamp Was wasting rapidly; the biting gale Pierc'd the thin texture of his narrow cell; And Silence, like a fearful centinel Marking the peril which awaited near, Conspir'd with sullen Night, to wrap the scene In tenfold horrors.
Thrice he rose; and thrice His feet recoil'd; and still the livid flame Lengthen'd and quiver'd as the moaning wind Pass'd thro' the rushy crevice, while his heart Beat, like the death-watch, in his shudd'ring breast.
Like the pale Image of Despair he sat, The cold drops pacing down his hollow cheek, When a deep groan assail'd his startled ear, And rous'd him into action.
To the sill Of his low hovel he rush'd forth, (for fear Will sometimes take the shape of fortitude, And force men into bravery) and soon The wicker bolt unfasten'd.
The swift blast, Now unrestrain'd, flew by; and in its course The quiv'ring lamp extinguish'd, and again His soul was thrill'd with terror.
On he went, E'en to the snow-fring'd margin of the cragg, Which to his citadel a platform made Slipp'ry and perilous! 'Twas darkness, all! All, solitary gloom!--The concave vast Of Heav'n frown'd chaos; for all varied things Of air, and earth, and waters, blended, lost Their forms, in blank oblivion ! Yet not long Did Nature wear her sable panoply, For, while the HERMIT listen'd, from below A stream of light ascended, spreading round A partial view of trackless solitudes; And mingling voices seem'd, with busy hum, To break the spell of horrors.
Down the steep The HERMIT hasten'd, when a shriek of death Re-echoed to the valley.
As he flew, (The treach'rous pathway yielding to his speed,) Half hoping, half despairing, to the scene Of wonder-waking anguish, suddenly The torches were extinct; and second night Came doubly hideous, while the hollow tongues Of cavern'd winds, with melancholy sound Increas'd the HERMIT'S fears.
Four freezing hours He watch'd and pray'd: and now the glimm'ring dawn Peer'd on the Eastern Summits; (the blue light Shedding cold lustre on the colder brows Of Alpine desarts;) while the filmy wing Of weeping Twilight, swept the naked plains Of the Lombardian landscape.
On his knees The ANCHORET blest Heav'n, that he had 'scap'd The many perilous and fearful falls Of waters wild and foamy, tumbling fast From the shagg'd altitude.
But, ere his pray'rs Rose to their destin'd Heav'n, another sight, Than all preceding far more terrible, Palsied devotion's ardour.
On the Snow, Dappled with ruby drops, a track was made By steps precipitate; a rugged path Down the steep frozen chasm had mark'd the fate Of some night traveller, whose bleeding form Had toppled from the Summit.
Lower still The ANCHORET descended, 'till arrived At the first ridge of silv'ry battlements, Where, lifeless, ghastly, paler than the snow On which her cheek repos'd, his darling Maid Slept in the dream of Death ! Frantic and wild He clasp'd her stiff'ning form, and bath'd with tears The lilies of her bosom,--icy cold-- Yet beautiful and spotless.
Now, afar The wond'ring HERMIT heard the clang of arms Re-echoing from the valley: the white cliffs Trembled as though an Earthquake shook their base With terrible concussion ! Thund'ring peals From warfare's brazen throat, proclaim'd th' approach Of conquering legions: onward they extend Their dauntless columns ! In the foremost group A Ruffian met the HERMIT'S startled Eyes Like Hell's worst Demon ! For his murd'rous hands Were smear'd with gore; and on his daring breast A golden cross, suspended, bore the name Of his ill-fated Victim!--ANCHORET! Thy VESTAL Saint, by his unhallow'd hands Torn from RELIGION'S Altar, had been made The sport of a dark Fiend, whose recreant Soul Had sham'd the cause of Valour ! To his cell The Soul-struck Exile turn'd his trembling feet, And after three lone weeks, of pain and pray'r, Shrunk from the scene of Solitude--and DIED!
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Battle of Corunna

 'Twas in the year of 1808, and in the autumn of the year,
Napoleon resolved to crush Spain and Portugal without fear;
So with a mighty army three hundred thousand strong
Through the passes of the Pyrenees into spain he passed along.
But Sir John Moore concentrated his troops in the north, And into the west corner of Spain he boldly marched forth; To cut off Napoleon's communications with France He considered it to be advisable and his only chance.
And when Napoleon heard of Moore's coming, his march he did begin, Declaring that he was the only General that could oppose him; And in the month of December, when the hills were clad with snow, Napoleon's army marched over the Guadiana Hills with their hearts full of woe.
And with fifty thousand cavalry, infantry, and artillery, Napoleon marched on, facing obstacles most dismal to see; And performed one of the most rapid marches recorded in history, Leaving the command of his army to Generals Soult and Ney.
And on the 5th of January Soult made his attack, But in a very short time the French were driven back; With the Guards and the 50th Regiment and the 42d conjoint, They were driven from the village of Elnina at the bayonet's point.
Oh! It was a most gorgeous and inspiring sight To see Sir John Moore in the thickest of the fight, And crying aloud to the 42d with all his might, "Forward, my lads, and charge them with your bayonets left and right.
" Then the 42d charged them with might and main, And the French were repulsed again and again; And although they poured into the British ranks a withering fire, The British at the charge of the bayonet soon made them retire.
Oh! That battlefield was a fearful sight to behold, 'Twas enough to make one's blood run cold To hear the crack, crack of the musketry and the cannon's roar, Whilst the dead and the dying lay weltering in their gore.
But O Heaven! It was a heartrending sight, When Sir John Moore was shot dead in the thickest of the fight; And as the soldiers bore him from the field they looked woebegone, And the hero's last words were "Let me see how the battle goes on.
" Then he breathed his last with a gurgling sound, And for the loss of the great hero the soldier's sorrow was profound, Because he was always kind and served them well, And as they thought of him tears down their cheeks trickling fell.
Oh! it was a weird and pathetic sight As they buried him in the Citadel of Corunna at the dead of night, While his staff and the men shed many tears For the noble hero who had commanded them for many years.
Success to the British Army wherever they go, For seldom they have failed to conquer the foe; Long may the highlanders be able to make the foe reel, By giving them an inch or two of cold steel.
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Lorsque avec ses enfants Cain se fût enfui.") 
 {Bk. II} 

 Then, with his children, clothed in skins of brutes, 
 Dishevelled, livid, rushing through the storm, 
 Cain fled before Jehovah. As night fell 
 The dark man reached a mount in a great plain, 
 And his tired wife and his sons, out of breath, 
 Said: "Let us lie down on the earth and sleep." 
 Cain, sleeping not, dreamed at the mountain foot. 
 Raising his head, in that funereal heaven 
 He saw an eye, a great eye, in the night 
 Open, and staring at him in the gloom. 
 "I am too near," he said, and tremblingly woke up 
 His sleeping sons again, and his tired wife, 
 And fled through space and darkness. Thirty days 
 He went, and thirty nights, nor looked behind; 
 Pale, silent, watchful, shaking at each sound; 
 No rest, no sleep, till he attained the strand 
 Where the sea washes that which since was Asshur. 
 "Here pause," he said, "for this place is secure; 
 Here may we rest, for this is the world's end." 
 And he sat down; when, lo! in the sad sky, 
 The selfsame Eye on the horizon's verge, 
 And the wretch shook as in an ague fit. 
 "Hide me!" he cried; and all his watchful sons, 
 Their finger on their lip, stared at their sire. 
 Cain said to Jabal (father of them that dwell 
 In tents): "Spread here the curtain of thy tent," 
 And they spread wide the floating canvas roof, 
 And made it fast and fixed it down with lead. 
 "You see naught now," said Zillah then, fair child 
 The daughter of his eldest, sweet as day. 
 But Cain replied, "That Eye—I see it still." 
 And Jubal cried (the father of all those 
 That handle harp and organ): "I will build 
 A sanctuary;" and he made a wall of bronze, 
 And set his sire behind it. But Cain moaned, 
 "That Eye is glaring at me ever." Henoch cried: 
 "Then must we make a circle vast of towers, 
 So terrible that nothing dare draw near; 
 Build we a city with a citadel; 
 Build we a city high and close it fast." 
 Then Tubal Cain (instructor of all them 
 That work in brass and iron) built a tower— 
 Enormous, superhuman. While he wrought, 
 His fiery brothers from the plain around 
 Hunted the sons of Enoch and of Seth; 
 They plucked the eyes out of whoever passed, 
 And hurled at even arrows to the stars. 
 They set strong granite for the canvas wall, 
 And every block was clamped with iron chains. 
 It seemed a city made for hell. Its towers, 
 With their huge masses made night in the land. 
 The walls were thick as mountains. On the door 
 They graved: "Let not God enter here." This done, 
 And having finished to cement and build 
 In a stone tower, they set him in the midst. 
 To him, still dark and haggard, "Oh, my sire, 
 Is the Eye gone?" quoth Zillah tremblingly. 
 But Cain replied: "Nay, it is even there." 
 Then added: "I will live beneath the earth, 
 As a lone man within his sepulchre. 
 I will see nothing; will be seen of none." 
 They digged a trench, and Cain said: "'Tis enow," 
 As he went down alone into the vault; 
 But when he sat, so ghost-like, in his chair, 
 And they had closed the dungeon o'er his head, 
 The Eye was in the tomb and fixed on Cain. 
 Dublin University Magazine 


Written by Edwin Muir | Create an image from this poem

The Castle

 All through that summer at ease we lay,
And daily from the turret wall
We watched the mowers in the hay
And the enemy half a mile away
They seemed no threat to us at all.
For what, we thought, had we to fear With our arms and provender, load on load, Our towering battlements, tier on tier, And friendly allies drawing near On every leafy summer road.
Our gates were strong, our walls were thick, So smooth and high, no man could win A foothold there, no clever trick Could take us, have us dead or quick.
Only a bird could have got in.
What could they offer us for bait? Our captain was brave and we were true.
There was a little private gate, A little wicked wicket gate.
The wizened warder let them through.
Oh then our maze of tunneled stone Grew thin and treacherous as air.
The cause was lost without a groan, The famous citadel overthrown, And all its secret galleries bare.
How can this shameful tale be told? I will maintain until my death We could do nothing, being sold; Our only enemy was gold, And we had no arms to fight it with.
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Moune, écureuil.") 

 Squirrel, mount yon oak so high, 
 To its twig that next the sky 
 Bends and trembles as a flower! 
 Strain, O stork, thy pinion well,— 
 From thy nest 'neath old church-bell, 
 Mount to yon tall citadel, 
 And its tallest donjon tower! 
 To your mountain, eagle old, 
 Mount, whose brow so white and cold, 
 Kisses the last ray of even! 
 And, O thou that lov'st to mark 
 Morn's first sunbeam pierce the dark, 
 Mount, O mount, thou joyous lark— 
 Joyous lark, O mount to heaven! 
 And now say, from topmost bough, 
 Towering shaft, and peak of snow, 
 And heaven's arch—O, can you see 
 One white plume that like a star, 
 Streams along the plain afar, 
 And a steed that from the war 
 Bears my lover back to me? 


Book: Shattered Sighs