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Best Famous Chafes Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Chafes poems. This is a select list of the best famous Chafes poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Chafes poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of chafes poems.

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Written by Robert Browning | Create an image from this poem

A Grammarians Funeral

Let us begin and carry up this corpse, Singing together.
Leave we the common crofts, the vulgar thorpes Each in its tether Sleeping safe on the bosom of the plain, Cared-for till cock-crow: Look out if yonder be not day again Rimming the rock-row! That's the appropriate country; there, man's thought, Rarer, intenser, Self-gathered for an outbreak, as it ought, Chafes in the censer.
Leave we the unlettered plain its herd and crop; Seek we sepulture On a tall mountain, citied to the top, Crowded with culture! All the peaks soar, but one the rest excels; Clouds overcome it; No! yonder sparkle is the citadel's Circling its summit.
Thither our path lies; wind we up the heights: Wait ye the warning? Our low life was the level's and the night's; He's for the morning.
Step to a tune, square chests, erect each head, 'Ware the beholders! This is our master, famous calm and dead, Borne on our shoulders.
Sleep, crop and herd! sleep, darkling thorpe and croft, Safe from the weather! He, whom we convoy to his grave aloft, Singing together, He was a man born with thy face and throat, Lyric Apollo! Long he lived nameless: how should spring take note Winter would follow? Till lo, the little touch, and youth was gone! Cramped and diminished, Moaned he, ``New measures, other feet anon! ``My dance is finished?'' No, that's the world's way: (keep the mountain-side, Make for the city!) He knew the signal, and stepped on with pride Over men's pity; Left play for work, and grappled with the world Bent on escaping: ``What's in the scroll,'' quoth he, ``thou keepest furled? ``Show me their shaping, ``Theirs who most studied man, the bard and sage,--- ``Give!''---So, he gowned him, Straight got by heart that hook to its last page: Learned, we found him.
Yea, but we found him bald too, eyes like lead, Accents uncertain: ``Time to taste life,'' another would have said, ``Up with the curtain!'' This man said rather, ``Actual life comes next? ``Patience a moment! ``Grant I have mastered learning's crabbed text, ``Still there's the comment.
``Let me know all! Prate not of most or least, ``Painful or easy! ``Even to the crumbs I'd fain eat up the feast, ``Ay, nor feel queasy.
'' Oh, such a life as he resolved to live, When he had learned it, When he had gathered all books had to give! Sooner, he spurned it.
Image the whole, then execute the parts--- Fancy the fabric Quite, ere you build, ere steel strike fire from quartz, Ere mortar dab brick! (Here's the town-gate reached: there's the market-place Gaping before us.
) Yea, this in him was the peculiar grace (Hearten our chorus!) That before living he'd learn how to live--- No end to learning: Earn the means first---God surely will contrive Use for our earning.
Others mistrust and say, ``But time escapes: ``Live now or never!'' He said, ``What's time? Leave Now for dogs and apes! ``Man has Forever.
'' Back to his book then: deeper drooped his head _Calculus_ racked him: Leaden before, his eyes grew dross of lead: _Tussis_ attacked him.
``Now, master, take a little rest!''---not he! (Caution redoubled, Step two abreast, the way winds narrowly!) Not a whit troubled Back to his studies, fresher than at first, Fierce as a dragon He (soul-hydroptic with a sacred thirst) Sucked at the flagon.
Oh, if we draw a circle premature, Heedless of far gain, Greedy for quick returns of profit, sure Bad is our bargain! Was it not great? did not he throw on God, (He loves the burthen)--- God's task to make the heavenly period Perfect the earthen? Did not he magnify the mind, show clear Just what it all meant? He would not discount life, as fools do here, Paid by instalment.
He ventured neck or nothing---heaven's success Found, or earth's failure: ``Wilt thou trust death or not?'' He answered ``Yes: ``Hence with life's pale lure!'' That low man seeks a little thing to do, Sees it and does it: This high man, with a great thing to pursue, Dies ere he knows it.
That low man goes on adding nine to one, His hundred's soon hit: This high man, aiming at a million, Misses an unit.
That, has the world here---should he need the next, Let the world mind him! This, throws himself on God, and unperplexed Seeking shall find him.
So, with the throttling hands of death at strife, Ground he at grammar; Still, thro' the rattle, parts of speech were rife: While he could stammer He settled _Hoti's_ business---let it be!--- Properly based _Oun_--- Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic _De_, Dead from the waist down.
Well, here's the platform, here's the proper place: Hail to your purlieus, All ye highfliers of the feathered race, Swallows and curlews! Here's the top-peak; the multitude below Live, for they can, there: This man decided not to Live but Know--- Bury this man there? Here---here's his place, where meteors shoot, clouds form, Lightnings are loosened, Stars come and go! Let joy break with the storm, Peace let the dew send! Lofty designs must close in like effects Loftily lying, Leave him---still loftier than the world suspects, Living and dying.

Written by John Ashbery | Create an image from this poem

Into the Dusk-Charged Air

 Far from the Rappahannock, the silent
Danube moves along toward the sea.
The brown and green Nile rolls slowly Like the Niagara's welling descent.
Tractors stood on the green banks of the Loire Near where it joined the Cher.
The St.
Lawrence prods among black stones And mud.
But the Arno is all stones.
Wind ruffles the Hudson's Surface.
The Irawaddy is overflowing.
But the yellowish, gray Tiber Is contained within steep banks.
The Isar Flows too fast to swim in, the Jordan's water Courses over the flat land.
The Allegheny and its boats Were dark blue.
The Moskowa is Gray boats.
The Amstel flows slowly.
Leaves fall into the Connecticut as it passes Underneath.
The Liffey is full of sewage, Like the Seine, but unlike The brownish-yellow Dordogne.
Mountains hem in the Colorado And the Oder is very deep, almost As deep as the Congo is wide.
The plain banks of the Neva are Gray.
The dark Saône flows silently.
And the Volga is long and wide As it flows across the brownish land.
The Ebro Is blue, and slow.
The Shannon flows Swiftly between its banks.
The Mississippi Is one of the world's longest rivers, like the Amazon.
It has the Missouri for a tributary.
The Harlem flows amid factories And buildings.
The Nelson is in Canada, Flowing.
Through hard banks the Dubawnt Forces its way.
People walk near the Trent.
The landscape around the Mohawk stretches away; The Rubicon is merely a brook.
In winter the Main Surges; the Rhine sings its eternal song.
The Rhône slogs along through whitish banks And the Rio Grande spins tales of the past.
The Loir bursts its frozen shackles But the Moldau's wet mud ensnares it.
The East catches the light.
Near the Escaut the noise of factories echoes And the sinuous Humboldt gurgles wildly.
The Po too flows, and the many-colored Thames.
Into the Atlantic Ocean Pours the Garonne.
Few ships navigate On the Housatonic, but quite a few can be seen On the Elbe.
For centuries The Afton has flowed.
If the Rio ***** Could abandon its song, and the Magdalena The jungle flowers, the Tagus Would still flow serenely, and the Ohio Abrade its slate banks.
The tan Euphrates would Sidle silently across the world.
The Yukon Was choked with ice, but the Susquehanna still pushed Bravely along.
The Dee caught the day's last flares Like the Pilcomayo's carrion rose.
The Peace offered eternal fragrance Perhaps, but the Mackenzie churned livid mud Like tan chalk-marks.
Near where The Brahmaputra slapped swollen dikes And the Pechora? The São Francisco Skulks amid gray, rubbery nettles.
The Liard's Reflexes are slow, and the Arkansas erodes Anthracite hummocks.
The Paraná stinks.
The Ottawa is light emerald green Among grays.
Better that the Indus fade In steaming sands! Let the Brazos Freeze solid! And the Wabash turn to a leaden Cinder of ice! The Marañón is too tepid, we must Find a way to freeze it hard.
The Ural Is freezing slowly in the blasts.
The black Yonne Congeals nicely.
And the Petit-Morin Curls up on the solid earth.
The Inn Does not remember better times, and the Merrimack's Galvanized.
The Ganges is liquid snow by now; The Vyatka's ice-gray.
The once-molten Tennessee s Curdled.
The Japurá is a pack of ice.
Gelid The Columbia's gray loam banks.
The Don's merely A giant icicle.
The Niger freezes, slowly.
The interminable Lena plods on But the Purus' mercurial waters are icy, grim With cold.
The Loing is choked with fragments of ice.
The Weser is frozen, like liquid air.
And so is the Kama.
And the beige, thickly flowing Tocantins.
The rivers bask in the cold.
The stern Uruguay chafes its banks, A mass of ice.
The Hooghly is solid Ice.
The Adour is silent, motionless.
The lovely Tigris is nothing but scratchy ice Like the Yellowstone, with its osier-clustered banks.
The Mekong is beginning to thaw out a little And the Donets gurgles beneath the Huge blocks of ice.
The Manzanares gushes free.
The Illinois darts through the sunny air again.
But the Dnieper is still ice-bound.
Somewhere The Salado propels irs floes, but the Roosevelt's Frozen.
The Oka is frozen solider Than the Somme.
The Minho slumbers In winter, nor does the Snake Remember August.
Hilarious, the Canadian Is solid ice.
The Madeira slavers Across the thawing fields, and the Plata laughs.
The Dvina soaks up the snow.
The Sava's Temperature is above freezing.
The Avon Carols noiselessly.
The Drôme presses Grass banks; the Adige's frozen Surface is like gray pebbles.
Birds circle the Ticino.
In winter The Var was dark blue, unfrozen.
The Thwaite, cold, is choked with sandy ice; The Ardèche glistens feebly through the freezing rain.
Written by Edward Taylor | Create an image from this poem

Upon A Wasp Chilled With Cold

 The bear that breathes the northern blast
Did numb, torpedo-like, a wasp
Whose stiffened limbs encramped, lay bathing
In Sol's warm breath and shine as saving,
Which with her hands she chafes and stands
Rubbing her legs, shanks, thighs, and hands.
Her pretty toes, and fingers' ends Nipped with this breath, she out extends Unto the sun, in great desire To warm her digits at that fire.
Doth hold her temples in this state Where pulse doth beat, and head doth ache.
Doth turn, and stretch her body small, Doth comb her velvet capital.
As if her little brain pan were A volume of choice precepts clear.
As if her satin jacket hot Contained apothecary's shop Of nature's receipts, that prevails To remedy all her sad ails, As if her velvet helmet high Did turret rationality.
She fans her wing up to the wind As if her pettycoat were lined, With reason's fleece, and hoists sails And humming flies in thankful gales Unto her dun curled palace hall Her warm thanks offering for all.
Lord, clear my misted sight that I May hence view Thy divinity, Some sparks whereof thou up dost hasp Within this little downy wasp In whose small corporation we A school and a schoolmaster see, Where we may learn, and easily find A nimble spirit bravely mind Her work in every limb: and lace It up neat with a vital grace, Acting each part though ne'er so small Here of this fustian animal.
Till I enravished climb into The Godhead on this ladder do, Where all my pipes inspired upraise An heavenly music furred with praise.
Written by Anne Kingsmill Finch | Create an image from this poem

The Poor Mans Lamb

 NOW spent the alter'd King, in am'rous Cares, 
The Hours of sacred Hymns and solemn Pray'rs: 
In vain the Alter waits his slow returns, 
Where unattended Incense faintly burns: 
In vain the whisp'ring Priests their Fears express, 
And of the Change a thousand Causes guess.
Heedless of all their Censures He retires, And in his Palace feeds his secret Fires; Impatient, till from Rabbah Tydings tell, That near those Walls the poor Uriah fell, Led to the Onset by a Chosen Few, Who at the treacherous Signal, soon withdrew; Nor to his Rescue e'er return'd again, Till by fierce Ammon's Sword they saw the Victim slain.
'Tis pass'd, 'tis done! the holy Marriage-Knot, Too strong to be unty'd, at last is cut.
And now to Bathsheba the King declares, That with his Heart, the Kingdom too is hers; That Israel's Throne, and longing Monarch's Arms Are to be fill'd but with her widow'd Charms.
Nor must the Days of formal Tears exceed, To cross the Living, and abuse the Dead.
This she denies; and signs of Grief are worn; But mourns no more than may her Face adorn, Give to those Eyes, which Love and Empire fir'd, A melting Softness more to be desir'd; Till the fixt Time, tho' hard to be endur'd, Was pass'd, and a sad Consort's Name procur'd: When, with the Pomp that suits a Prince's Thought, By Passion sway'd, and glorious Woman taught, A Queen she's made, than Michal seated higher, Whilst light unusual Airs prophane the hallow'd Lyre.
Where art thou Nathan? where's that Spirit now, Giv'n to brave Vice, tho' on a Prince's Brow? In what low Cave, or on what Desert Coast, Now Virtue wants it, is thy Presence lost? But lo! he comes, the Rev'rend Bard appears, Defil'd with Dust his awful silver Hairs, And his rough Garment, wet with falling Tears.
The King this mark'd, and conscious wou'd have fled, The healing Balm which for his Wounds was shed: Till the more wary Priest the Serpents Art, Join'd to the Dove-like Temper of his Heart, And thus retards the Prince just ready now to part.
Hear me, the Cause betwixt two Neighbors hear, Thou, who for Justice dost the Sceptre bear: Help the Opprest, nor let me weep alone For him, that calls for Succour from the Throne.
Good Princes for Protection are Ador'd, And Greater by the Shield, than by the Sword.
This clears the Doubt, and now no more he fears The Cause his Own, and therefore stays and hears: When thus the Prophet: – –In a flow'ry Plain A King-like Man does in full Plenty reign; Casts round his Eyes, in vain, to reach the Bound, Which Jordan's Flood sets to his fertile Ground: Countless his Flocks, whilst Lebanon contains A Herd as large, kept by his numerous Swains, That fill with morning Bellowings the cool Air, And to the Cedar's shade at scorching Noon repair.
Near to this Wood a lowly Cottage stands, Built by the humble Owner's painful Hands; Fenc'd by a Stubble-roof, from Rain and Heat, Secur'd without, within all Plain and Neat.
A Field of small Extent surrounds the Place, In which One single Ewe did sport and graze: This his whole Stock, till in full time there came, To bless his utmost Hopes, a snowy Lamb; Which, lest the Season yet too Cold might prove, And Northern Blasts annoy it from the Grove, Or tow'ring Fowl on the weak Prey might sieze, (For with his Store his Fears must too increase) He brings it Home, and lays it by his Side, At once his Wealth, his Pleasure and his Pride; Still bars the Door, by Labour call'd away, And, when returning at the Close of Day, With One small Mess himself, and that sustains, And half his Dish it shares, and half his slender Gains.
When to the great Man's table now there comes A Lord as great, follow'd by hungry Grooms: For these must be provided sundry Meats, The best for Some, for Others coarser Cates.
One Servant, diligent above the rest To help his Master to contrive the Feast, Extols the Lamb was nourished with such Care, So fed, so lodg'd, it must be Princely Fare; And having this, my Lord his own may spare.
In haste he sends, led by no Law, but Will, Not to entreat, or purchase, but to Kill.
The Messenger's arriv'd: the harmless Spoil, Unus'd to fly, runs Bleating to the Toil: Whilst for the Innocent the Owner fear'd, And, sure wou'd move, cou'd Poverty be heard.
Oh spare (he cries) the Product of my Cares, My Stock's Encrease, the Blessing on my Pray'rs; My growing Hope, and Treasure of my Life! More was he speaking, when the murd'ring Knife Shew'd him, his Suit, tho' just, must be deny'd, And the white Fleece in its own Scarlet dy'd; Whilst the poor helpless Wretch stands weeping by, And lifts his Hands for Justice to the Sky.
Which he shall find, th' incensed King replies, When for the proud Offence th' Oppressor dies.
O Nathan! by the Holy Name I swear, Our Land such Wrongs unpunished shall not bear If, with the Fault, th' Offender thou declare.
To whom the Prophet, closing with the Time, Thou art the Man replies, and thine th' ill-natur'd Crime.
Nor think, against thy Place, or State, I err; A Pow'r above thee does this Charge prefer; Urg'd by whose Spirit, hither am I brought T' expostulate his Goodness and thy Fault; To lead thee back to those forgotten Years, In Labour spent, and lowly Rustick Cares, When in the Wilderness thy Flocks but few, Thou didst the Shepherd's simple Art pursue Thro' crusting Frosts, and penetrating Dew: Till wondring Jesse saw six Brothers past, And Thou Elected, Thou the Least and Last; A Sceptre to thy Rural Hand convey'd, And in thy Bosom Royal Beauties laid; A lovely Princess made thy Prize that Day, When on the shaken Ground the Giant lay Stupid in Death, beyond the Reach of Cries That bore thy shouted Fame to list'ning Skies, And drove the flying Foe as fast away, As Winds, of old, Locusts to Egypt's Sea.
Thy Heart with Love, thy Temples with Renown, Th' All-giving Hand of Heav'n did largely crown, Whilst yet thy Cheek was spread with youthful Down.
What more cou'd craving Man of God implore? Or what for favour'd Man cou'd God do more? Yet cou'd not These, nor Israel's Throne, suffice Intemp'rate Wishes, drawn thro' wand'ring Eyes.
One Beauty (not thy own) and seen by chance, Melts down the Work of Grace with an alluring Glance; Chafes the Spirit, fed by sacred Art, And blots the Title AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART; Black Murder breeds to level at his Head, Who boasts so fair a Part'ner of his Bed, Nor longer must possess those envy'd Charms, The single Treasure of his House, and Arms: Giving, by this thy Fall, cause to Blaspheme To all the Heathen the Almighty Name.
For which the Sword shall still thy Race pursue, And, in revolted Israel's scornful View, Thy captiv'd Wives shall be in Triumph led Unto a bold Usurper's shameful Bed; Who from thy Bowels sprung shall seize thy Throne, And scourge thee by a Sin beyond thy own.
Thou hast thy Fault in secret Darkness done; But this the World shall see before the Noonday's Sun.
Enough! the King, enough! the Saint replies, And pours his swift Repentance from his Eyes; Falls on the Ground, and tears the Nuptial Vest, By which his Crime's Completion was exprest: Then with a Sigh blasting to Carnal Love, Drawn deep as Hell, and piercing Heaven, above Let Me (he cries) let Me attend his Rod, For I have sinn'd, for I have lost my God.
Hold! (says the Prophet ) of that Speech beware, God ne'er was lost, unless by Man's Despair.
The Wound that is thus willingly reveal'd, Th' Almighty is as willing should be heal'd.
Thus wash'd in Tears, thy Soul as fair does show As the first Fleece, which on the Lamb does grow, Or on the Mountain's top the lately fallen Snow.
Yet to the World that Justice may appear Acting her Part impartial, and severe, The Offspring of thy Sin shall soon resign That Life, for which thou must not once repine; But with submissive Grief his Fate deplore, And bless the Hand, that does inflict no more.
Shall I then pay but Part, and owe the Whole? My Body's Fruit, for my offending Soul? Shall I no more endure (the King demands) And 'scape thus lightly his offended Hands? Oh! let him All resume, my Crown, my Fame; Reduce me to the Nothing, whence I came; Call back his Favours, faster than he gave; And, if but Pardon'd, strip me to my Grave: Since (tho' he seems to Lose ) He surely Wins, Who gives but earthly Comforts for his Sins.
Written by Walt Whitman | Create an image from this poem

Ox Tamer The

 IN a faraway northern county, in the placid, pastoral region, 
Lives my farmer friend, the theme of my recitative, a famous Tamer of Oxen: 
There they bring him the three-year-olds and the four-year-olds, to break them; 
He will take the wildest steer in the world, and break him and tame him; 
He will go, fearless, without any whip, where the young bullock chafes up and down the
The bullock’s head tosses restless high in the air, with raging eyes; 
Yet, see you! how soon his rage subsides—how soon this Tamer tames him: 
See you! on the farms hereabout, a hundred oxen, young and old—and he is the man who
 tamed them; 
They all know him—all are affectionate to him; 
See you! some are such beautiful animals—so lofty looking!
Some are buff color’d—some mottled—one has a white line running along his
 back—some are brindled, 
Some have wide flaring horns (a good sign)—See you! the bright hides; 
See, the two with stars on their foreheads—See, the round bodies and broad backs; 
See, how straight and square they stand on their legs—See, what fine, sagacious eyes;

See, how they watch their Tamer—they wish him near them—how they turn to look
What yearning expression! how uneasy they are when he moves away from them: 
—Now I marvel what it can be he appears to them, (books, politics, poems
 else departs;) 
I confess I envy only his fascination—my silent, illiterate friend, 
Whom a hundred oxen love, there in his life on farms, 
In the northern county far, in the placid, pastoral region.

Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Gastibelza, l'homme à la carabine.") 
 {XXII., March, 1837.} 

 Gastibelza, with gun the measure beating, 
 Would often sing: 
 "Has one o' ye with sweet Sabine been meeting, 
 As, gay, ye bring 
 Your songs and steps which, by the music, 
 Are reconciled— 
 Oh! this chill wind across the mountain rushing 
 Will drive me wild! 
 "You stare as though you hardly knew my lady— 
 Sabine's her name! 
 Her dam inhabits yonder cavern shady, 
 A witch of shame, 
 Who shrieks o' nights upon the Haunted Tower, 
 With horrors piled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Sing on and leap—enjoying all the favors 
 Good heaven sends; 
 She, too, was young—her lips had peachy savors 
 With honey blends; 
 Give to that hag—not always old—a penny, 
 Though crime-defiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "The queen beside her looked a wench uncomely, 
 When, near to-night, 
 She proudly stalked a-past the maids so homely, 
 In bodice tight 
 And collar old as reign of wicked Julian, 
 By fiend beguiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "The king himself proclaimed her peerless beauty 
 Before the court, 
 And held it were to win a kiss his duty 
 To give a fort, 
 Or, more, to sign away all bright Dorado, 
 Tho' gold-plate tiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Love her? at least, I know I am most lonely 
 Without her nigh; 
 I'm but a hound to follow her, and only 
 At her feet die. 
 I'd gayly spend of toilsome years a dozen— 
 A felon styled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "One summer day when long—so long? I'd missed her, 
 She came anew, 
 To play i' the fount alone but for her sister, 
 And bared to view 
 The finest, rosiest, most tempting ankle, 
 Like that of child— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "When I beheld her, I—a lowly shepherd— 
 Grew in my mind 
 Till I was Caesar—she that crownèd leopard 
 He crouched behind, 
 No Roman stern, but in her silken leashes 
 A captive mild— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Yet dance and sing, tho' night be thickly falling;— 
 In selfsame time 
 Poor Sabine heard in ecstasy the calling, 
 In winning rhyme, 
 Of Saldane's earl so noble, ay, and wealthy, 
 Name e'er reviled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "(Let me upon this bench be shortly resting, 
 So weary, I!) 
 That noble bore her smiling, unresisting, 
 By yonder high 
 And ragged road that snakes towards the summit 
 Where crags are piled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "I saw her pass beside my lofty station— 
 A glance—'twas all! 
 And yet I loathe my daily honest ration, 
 The air's turned gall! 
 My soul's in chase, my body chafes to wander— 
 My dagger's filed— 
 Oh! this chill wind may change, and o'er the mountain 
 May drive me wild!" 


Written by Hart Crane | Create an image from this poem


 We will make our meek adjustments,
Contented with such random consolations
As the wind deposits
In slithered and too ample pockets.
For we can still love the world, who find A famished kitten on the step, and know Recesses for it from the fury of the street, Or warm torn elbow coverts.
We will sidestep, and to the final smirk Dally the doom of that inevitable thumb That slowly chafes its puckered index toward us, Facing the dull squint with what innocence And what surprise! And yet these fine collapses are not lies More than the pirouettes of any pliant cane; Our obsequies are, in a way, no enterprise.
We can evade you, and all else but the heart: What blame to us if the heart live on.
The game enforces smirks; but we have seen The moon in lonely alleys make A grail of laughter of an empty ash can, And through all sound of gaiety and quest Have heard a kitten in the wilderness.
Written by D. H. Lawrence | Create an image from this poem

Monologue of a Mother

 This is the last of all, this is the last!
I must hold my hands, and turn my face to the fire, 
I must watch my dead days fusing together in dross, 
Shape after shape, and scene after scene from my past
Fusing to one dead mass in the sinking fire
Where the ash on the dying coals grows swiftly, like heavy moss.
Strange he is, my son, whom I have awaited like a loyer, Strange to me like a captive in a foreign country, haunting The confines and gazing out on the land where the wind is free; White and gaunt, with wistful eyes that hover Always on the distance, as if his soul were chaunting The monotonous weird of departure away from me.
Like a strange white bird blown out of the frozen seas, Like a bird from the far north blown with a broken wing Into our sooty garden, he drags and beats From place to place perpetually, seeking release From me, from the hand of my love which creeps up, needing His happiness, whilst he in displeasure retreats.
I must look away from him, for my faded eyes Like a cringing dog at his heels offend him now, Like a toothless hound pursuing him with my will, Till he chafes at my crouching persistence, and a sharp spark flies In my soul from under the sudden frown of his brow, As he blenches and turns away, and my heart stands still.
This is the last, it will not be any more.
All my life I have borne the burden of myself, All the long years of sitting in my husband’s house, Never have I said to myself as he closed the door: “Now I am caught!—You are hopelessly lost, O Self, You are frightened with joy, my heart, like a frightened mouse.
” Three times have I offered myself, three times rejected.
It will not be any more.
No more, my son, my son! Never to know the glad freedom of obedience, since long ago The angel of childhood kissed me and went.
I expected Another would take me,—and now, my son, O my son, I must sit awhile and wait, and never know The loss of myself, till death comes, who cannot fail.
Death, in whose service is nothing of gladness, takes me: For the lips and the eyes of God are behind a veil.
And the thought of the lipless voice of the Father shakes me With fear, and fills my eyes with the tears of desire, And my heart rebels with anguish as night draws nigher.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

A something in a summers Day

 A something in a summer's Day
As slow her flambeaux burn away
Which solemnizes me.
A something in a summer's noon -- A depth -- an Azure -- a perfume -- Transcending ecstasy.
And still within a summer's night A something so transporting bright I clap my hands to see -- Then veil my too inspecting face Lets such a subtle -- shimmering grace Flutter too far for me -- The wizard fingers never rest -- The purple brook within the breast Still chafes it narrow bed -- Still rears the East her amber Flag -- Guides still the sun along the Crag His Caravan of Red -- So looking on -- the night -- the morn Conclude the wonder gay -- And I meet, coming thro' the dews Another summer's Day!
Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

A Funeral Fantasie

 Pale, at its ghastly noon,
Pauses above the death-still wood--the moon;
The night-sprite, sighing, through the dim air stirs;
The clouds descend in rain;
Mourning, the wan stars wane,
Flickering like dying lamps in sepulchres!
Haggard as spectres--vision-like and dumb,
Dark with the pomp of death, and moving slow,
Towards that sad lair the pale procession come
Where the grave closes on the night below.
With dim, deep-sunken eye, Crutched on his staff, who trembles tottering by? As wrung from out the shattered heart, one groan Breaks the deep hush alone! Crushed by the iron fate, he seems to gather All life's last strength to stagger to the bier, And hearken--Do these cold lips murmur "Father?" The sharp rain, drizzling through that place of fear, Pierces the bones gnawed fleshless by despair, And the heart's horror stirs the silver hair.
Fresh bleed the fiery wounds Through all that agonizing heart undone-- Still on the voiceless lips "my Father" sounds, And still the childless Father murmurs "Son!" Ice-cold--ice-cold, in that white shroud he lies-- Thy sweet and golden dreams all vanished there-- The sweet and golden name of "Father" dies Into thy curse,--ice-cold--ice-cold--he lies! Dead, what thy life's delight and Eden were! Mild, as when, fresh from the arms of Aurora, While the air like Elysium is smiling above, Steeped in rose-breathing odors, the darling of Flora Wantons over the blooms on his winglets of love.
So gay, o'er the meads, went his footsteps in bliss, The silver wave mirrored the smile of his face; Delight, like a flame, kindled up at his kiss, And the heart of the maid was the prey of his chase.
Boldly he sprang to the strife of the world, As a deer to the mountain-top carelessly springs; As an eagle whose plumes to the sun are unfurled, Swept his hope round the heaven on its limitless wings.
Proud as a war-horse that chafes at the rein, That, kingly, exults in the storm of the brave; That throws to the wind the wild stream of its mane, Strode he forth by the prince and the slave! Life like a spring day, serene and divine, In the star of the morning went by as a trance; His murmurs he drowned in the gold of the wine, And his sorrows were borne on the wave of the dance.
Worlds lay concealed in the hopes of his youth!-- When once he shall ripen to manhood and fame! Fond father exult!--In the germs of his youth What harvests are destined for manhood and fame! Not to be was that manhood!--The death-bell is knelling, The hinge of the death-vault creaks harsh on the ears-- How dismal, O Death, is the place of thy dwelling! Not to be was that manhood!--Flow on, bitter tears! Go, beloved, thy path to the sun, Rise, world upon world, with the perfect to rest; Go--quaff the delight which thy spirit has won, And escape from our grief in the Halls of the Blest.
Again (in that thought what a healing is found!) To meet in the Eden to which thou art fled!-- Hark, the coffin sinks down with a dull, sullen sound, And the ropes rattle over the sleep of the dead.
And we cling to each other!--O Grave, he is thine! The eye tells the woe that is mute to the ears-- And we dare to resent what we grudge to resign, Till the heart's sinful murmur is choked in its tears.
Pale at its ghastly noon, Pauses above the death-still wood--the moon! The night-sprite, sighing, through the dim air stirs: The clouds descend in rain; Mourning, the wan stars wane, Flickering like dying lamps in sepulchres.
The dull clods swell into the sullen mound; Earth, one look yet upon the prey we gave! The grave locks up the treasure it has found; Higher and higher swells the sullen mound-- Never gives back the grave!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things