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Best Famous Baggy Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Baggy poems. This is a select list of the best famous Baggy poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Baggy poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of baggy poems.

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Written by Oliver Wendell Holmes | Create an image from this poem

A Familiar Letter

 YES, write, if you want to, there's nothing like trying;
Who knows what a treasure your casket may hold?
I'll show you that rhyming's as easy as lying,
If you'll listen to me while the art I unfold.
Here's a book full of words; one can choose as he fancies, As a painter his tint, as a workman his tool; Just think! all the poems and plays and romances Were drawn out of this, like the fish from a pool! You can wander at will through its syllabled mazes, And take all you want, not a copper they cost,-- What is there to hinder your picking out phrases For an epic as clever as "Paradise Lost"? Don't mind if the index of sense is at zero, Use words that run smoothly, whatever they mean; Leander and Lilian and Lillibullero Are much the same thing in the rhyming machine.
There are words so delicious their sweetness will smother That boarding-school flavor of which we're afraid, There is "lush"is a good one, and "swirl" is another,-- Put both in one stanza, its fortune is made.
With musical murmurs and rhythmical closes You can cheat us of smiles when you've nothing to tell You hand us a nosegay of milliner's roses, And we cry with delight, "Oh, how sweet they do smell!" Perhaps you will answer all needful conditions For winning the laurels to which you aspire, By docking the tails of the two prepositions I' the style o' the bards you so greatly admire.
As for subjects of verse, they are only too plenty For ringing the changes on metrical chimes; A maiden, a moonbeam, a lover of twenty Have filled that great basket with bushels of rhymes.
Let me show you a picture--'t is far from irrelevant-- By a famous old hand in the arts of design; 'T is only a photographed sketch of an elephant,-- The name of the draughtsman was Rembrandt of Rhine.
How easy! no troublesome colors to lay on, It can't have fatigued him,-- no, not in the least,-- A dash here and there with a haphazard crayon, And there stands the wrinkled-skinned, baggy-limbed beast.
Just so with your verse,-- 't is as easy as sketching,-- You can reel off a song without knitting your brow, As lightly as Rembrandt a drawing or etching; It is nothing at all, if you only know how.
Well; imagine you've printed your volume of verses: Your forehead is wreathed with the garland of fame, Your poems the eloquent school-boy rehearses, Her album the school-girl presents for your name; Each morning the post brings you autograph letters; You'll answer them promptly,-- an hour isn't much For the honor of sharing a page with your betters, With magistrates, members of Congress, and such.
Of course you're delighted to serve the committees That come with requests from the country all round, You would grace the occasion with poems and ditties When they've got a new schoolhouse, or poorhouse, or pound.
With a hymn for the saints and a song for the sinners, You go and are welcome wherever you please; You're a privileged guest at all manner of dinners, You've a seat on the platform among the grandees.
At length your mere presence becomes a sensation, Your cup of enjoyment is filled to its brim With the pleasure Horatian of digitmonstration, As the whisper runs round of "That's he!" or "That's him!" But remember, O dealer in phrases sonorous, So daintily chosen, so tunefully matched, Though you soar with the wings of the cherubim o'er us, The ovum was human from which you were hatched.
No will of your own with its puny compulsion Can summon the spirit that quickens the lyre; It comes, if at all, like the Sibyl's convulsion And touches the brain with a finger of fire.
So perhaps, after all, it's as well to he quiet If you've nothing you think is worth saying in prose, As to furnish a meal of their cannibal diet To the critics, by publishing, as you propose.
But it's all of no use, and I'm sorry I've written,-- I shall see your thin volume some day on my shelf; For the rhyming tarantula surely has bitten, And music must cure you, so pipe it yourself.

Written by Denise Duhamel | Create an image from this poem

Snow Whites Acne

 At first she was sure it was just a bit of dried strawberry juice,
or a fleck of her mother's red nail polish that had flaked off
when she'd patted her daughter to sleep the night before.
But as she scrubbed, Snow felt a bump, something festering under the surface, like a tapeworm curled up and living in her left cheek.
Doc the Dwarf was no dermatologist and besides Snow doesn't get to meet him in this version because the mint leaves the tall doctor puts over her face only make matters worse.
Snow and the Queen hope against hope for chicken pox, measles, something that would be gone quickly and not plague Snow's whole adolescence.
If only freckles were red, she cried, if only concealer really worked.
Soon came the pus, the yellow dots, multiplying like pins in a pin cushion.
Soon came the greasy hair.
The Queen gave her daughter a razor for her legs and a stick of underarm deodorant.
Snow doodled through her teenage years—"Snow + ?" in Magic Markered hearts all over her notebooks.
She was an average student, a daydreamer who might have been a scholar if she'd only applied herself.
She liked sappy music and romance novels.
She liked pies and cake instead of fruit.
The Queen remained the fairest in the land.
It was hard on Snow, having such a glamorous mom.
She rebelled by wearing torn shawls and baggy gowns.
Her mother would sometimes say, "Snow darling, why don't you pull back your hair? Show those pretty eyes?" or "Come on, I'll take you shopping.
" Snow preferred staying in her safe room, looking out of her window at the deer leaping across the lawn.
Or she'd practice her dance moves with invisible princes.
And the Queen, busy being Queen, didn't like to push it.
Written by T S (Thomas Stearns) Eliot | Create an image from this poem

Growltigers Last Stand

 GROWLTIGER was a Bravo Cat, who lived upon a barge;
In fact he was the roughest cat that ever roamed at large.
From Gravesend up to Oxford he pursued his evil aims, Rejoicing in his title of "The Terror of the Thames.
" His manners and appearance did not calculate to please; His coat was torn and seedy, he was baggy at the knees; One ear was somewhat missing, no need to tell you why, And he scowled upon a hostile world from one forbidding eye.
The cottagers of Rotherhithe knew something of his fame, At Hammersmith and Putney people shuddered at his name.
They would fortify the hen-house, lock up the silly goose, When the rumour ran along the shore: GROWLTIGER'S ON THE LOOSE! Woe to the weak canary, that fluttered from its cage; Woe to the pampered Pekinese, that faced Growltiger's rage.
Woe to the bristly Bandicoot, that lurks on foreign ships, And woe to any Cat with whom Growltiger came to grips! But most to Cats of foreign race his hatred had been vowed; To Cats of foreign name and race no quarter was allowed.
The Persian and the Siamese regarded him with fear-- Because it was a Siamese had mauled his missing ear.
Now on a peaceful summer night, all nature seemed at play, The tender moon was shining bright, the barge at Molesey lay.
All in the balmy moonlight it lay rocking on the tide-- And Growltiger was disposed to show his sentimental side.
His bucko mate, GRUMBUSKIN, long since had disappeared, For to the Bell at Hampton he had gone to wet his beard; And his bosun, TUMBLEBRUTUS, he too had stol'n away- In the yard behind the Lion he was prowling for his prey.
In the forepeak of the vessel Growltiger sate alone, Concentrating his attention on the Lady GRIDDLEBONE.
And his raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks-- As the Siamese came creeping in their sampans and their junks.
Growltiger had no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone, And the Lady seemed enraptured by his manly baritone, Disposed to relaxation, and awaiting no surprise-- But the moonlight shone reflected from a thousand bright blue eyes.
And closer still and closer the sampans circled round, And yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound.
The lovers sang their last duet, in danger of their lives-- For the foe was armed with toasting forks and cruel carving knives.
Then GILBERT gave the signal to his fierce Mongolian horde; With a frightful burst of fireworks the Chinks they swarmed aboard.
Abandoning their sampans, and their pullaways and junks, They battened down the hatches on the crew within their bunks.
Then Griddlebone she gave a screech, for she was badly skeered; I am sorry to admit it, but she quickly disappeared.
She probably escaped with ease, I'm sure she was not drowned-- But a serried ring of flashing steel Growltiger did surround.
The ruthless foe pressed forward, in stubborn rank on rank; Growltiger to his vast surprise was forced to walk the plank.
He who a hundred victims had driven to that drop, At the end of all his crimes was forced to go ker-flip, ker-flop.
Oh there was joy in Wapping when the news flew through the land; At Maidenhead and Henley there was dancing on the strand.
Rats were roasted whole at Brentford, and at Victoria Dock, And a day of celebration was commanded in Bangkok.
Written by Sir Walter Raleigh | Create an image from this poem

My Last Will

 When I am safely laid away, 
Out of work and out of play, 
Sheltered by the kindly ground 
From the world of sight and sound, 
One or two of those I leave 
Will remember me and grieve, 
Thinking how I made them gay 
By the things I used to say; 
-- But the crown of their distress 
Will be my untidiness.
What a nuisance then will be All that shall remain of me! Shelves of books I never read, Piles of bills, undocketed, Shaving-brushes, razors, strops, Bottles that have lost their tops, Boxes full of odds and ends, Letters from departed friends, Faded ties and broken braces Tucked away in secret places, Baggy trousers, ragged coats, Stacks of ancient lecture-notes, And that ghostliest of shows, Boots and shoes in horrid rows.
Though they are of cheerful mind, My lovers, whom I leave behind, When they find these in my stead, Will be sorry I am dead.
They will grieve; but you, my dear, Who have never tasted fear, Brave companion of my youth, Free as air and true as truth, Do not let these weary things Rob you of your junketings.
Burn the papers; sell the books; Clear out all the pestered nooks; Make a mighty funeral pyre For the corpse of old desire, Till there shall remain of it Naught but ashes in a pit: And when you have done away All that is of yesterday, If you feel a thrill of pain, Master it, and start again.
This, at least, you have never done Since you first beheld the sun: If you came upon your own Blind to light and deaf to tone, Basking in the great release Of unconsciousness and peace, You would never, while you live, Shatter what you cannot give; -- Faithful to the watch you keep, You would never break their sleep.
Clouds will sail and winds will blow As they did an age ago O'er us who lived in little towns Underneath the Berkshire downs.
When at heart you shall be sad, Pondering the joys we had, Listen and keep very still.
If the lowing from the hill Or the tolling of a bell Do not serve to break the spell, Listen; you may be allowed To hear my laughter from a cloud.
Take the good that life can give For the time you have to live.
Friends of yours and friends of mine Surely will not let you pine.
Sons and daughters will not spare More than friendly love and care.
If the Fates are kind to you, Some will stay to see you through; And the time will not be long Till the silence ends the song.
Sleep is God's own gift; and man, Snatching all the joys he can, Would not dare to give his voice To reverse his Maker's choice.
Brief delight, eternal quiet, How change these for endless riot Broken by a single rest? Well you know that sleep is best.
We that have been heart to heart Fall asleep, and drift apart.
Will that overwhelming tide Reunite us, or divide? Whence we come and whither go None can tell us, but I know Passion's self is often marred By a kind of self-regard, And the torture of the cry "You are you, and I am I.
" While we live, the waking sense Feeds upon our difference, In our passion and our pride Not united, but allied.
We are severed by the sun, And by darkness are made one.
Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

The Wargeilah Handicap

 Wargeilah town is very small, 
There's no cathedral nor a club, 
In fact the township, all in all, 
Is just one unpretentious pub; 
And there, from all the stations round, 
The local sportsmen can be found.
The sportsmen of Wargeilah-side Are very few but very fit; There's scarcely any sport been tried But they can hold their own at it; In fact, to search their records o'er, They hold their own and something more.
The precincts of Wargeilah town An English new-chum did infest: He used to wander up and down In baggy English breeches drest; His mental aspect seemed to be Just stolid self-sufficiency.
The local sportsmen vainly sought His tranquil calm to counteract By urging that he should be brought Within the Noxious Creatures Act.
"Nay, harm him not," said one more wise, "He is a blessing in disguise! "You see, he wants to buy a horse, To ride, and hunt, and steeplechase, And carry ladies, too, of course, And pull a cart, and win a race.
Good gracious! he must be a flat To think he'll get a horse like that! "But, since he has so little sense And such a lot of cash to burn, We'll sell him some experience By which alone a fool can learn.
Suppose we let him have The Trap To win Wargeilah Handicap!" And her, I must explain to you That round about Wargeilah run There lived a very aged screw Whose days of brilliancy were done.
A grand old warrior in his prime -- But age will beat us any time.
A trooper's horse in seasons past He did his share to keep the peace, But took to falling, and at last Was cast for age from the Police.
A publican at Conroy's Gap Bought him and christened him The Trap.
When grass was good and horses dear, He changed his owner now and then At prices ranging somewhere near The neighbourhood of two-pound-ten: And manfully he earned his keep By yarding cows and ration sheep.
They brought him in from off the grass And fed and groomed the old horse up; His coat began to shine like glass -- You'd think he'd win the Melbourne Cup.
And when they'd got him fat and flash They asked the new chum -- fifty -- cash! And when he said the price was high, Their indignation knew no bounds.
They said, "It's seldom you can buy A horse like that for fifty pounds! We'll refund twenty if The Trap Should fail to win the handicap!" The deed was done, the price was paid, The new-chum put the horse in train.
The local sports were much afraid That he would sad experience gain By racing with some shearer's hack, Who'd beat him half-way round the track.
So, on this guileless English spark They did most fervently impress That he must keep the matter dark, And not let any person guess That he was purchasing The Trap To win Wargeilah Handicap.
They spoke of "spielers from the Bland", And "champions from the Castlereagh", And gave the youth to understand That all of these would stop away, And spoil the race, if they should hear That they had got The Trap to fear.
"Keep dark! They'll muster thick as flies When once the news gets sent around We're giving such a splendid prize -- A Snowdon horse worth fifty pound! They'll come right in from Dandaloo, And find -- that it's a gift for you!" The race came on -- with no display Nor any calling of the card, But round about the pub all day A crowd of shearers, drinking hard, And using language in a strain 'Twere flattery to call profane.
Our hero, dressed in silk attire -- Blue jacket and scarlet cap -- With boots that shone like flames of fire, Now did his canter on The Trap, And walked him up and round about, Until other steeds came out.
He eyed them with a haughty look, But saw a sight that caught his breath! It was Ah John! the Chinee cook! In boots and breeches! pale as death! Tied with a rope, like any sack, Upon a piebald pony's back! The next, a colt -- all mud and burrs, Half-broken, with a black boy up, Who said, "You gim'me pair o' spurs, I win the bloomin' Melbourne Cup!" These two were to oppose The Trap For the Wargeilah Handicap! They're off! The colt whipped down his head, And humped his back, and gave a squeal, And bucked into the drinking shed, Revolving like a Catherine wheel! Men ran like rats! The atmosphere Was filled with oaths and pints of beer! But up the course the bold Ah John Beside The Trap raced neck and neck: The boys had tied him firmly on, Which ultimately proved his wreck; The saddle turned, and, like a clown, He rode some distance upside-down.
His legs around the horse were tied, His feet towards the heavens were spread, He swung and bumped at every stride And ploughed the ground up with his head! And when they rescued him, The Trap Had won Wargeilah Handicap! And no enquiries we could make Could tell by what false statements swayed Ah John was led to undertake A task so foreign to his trade! He only smiled and said, "Hoo Ki! I stop topside, I win all li'!" But never in Wargeilah Town Was heard so eloquent a cheer As when the President came down, And toasted, in Colonial beer, "The finest rider on the course! The winner of the Snowdon Horse! "You go and get your prize," he said; "He's with a wild mob, somewhere round The mountains near the Watershed; He's honestly worth fifty pound -- A noble horse, indeed, to win, But none of us can run him in! "We've chased him poor, we've chased him fat, We've run him till our horses dropped; But by such obstacles as that A man like you will not be stopped; You'll go and yard him any day, So here's your health! Hooray! Hooray!" The day wound up with booze and blow And fights till all were well content.
But of the new-chum all I know Is shown by this advertisement -- "For sale, the well-known racehorse Trap.
He won Wargeilah Handicap!"

Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

A Bush Lawyer

 When Ironbark the turtle came to Anthony's lagoon 
The hills were hid behind a mist of equinoctal rain, 
The ripple of the rivulets was like a cheerful tune 
And wild companions waltzed among the grass as tall as grain.
But Ironbark the turtle cared no whit for all of these; The ripple of the rivulets, the rustle of the trees Were only apple sauce to him, or just a piece of cheese.
Now, Dan-di-dan the water rat was exquisitely dressed, For not a seal in Bass's Straits had half as fine a coat, And every day he combed and brushed his golden-yellow vest, A contrast with the white cravat he wore beneath his throat.
And Dan-di-dan the water rat could move with ease and grace, So Ironbark appeared to him a creature out of place, With iron-plated overcoat and dirty little face.
A crawfish at the point of death came drifting down the drains.
Said he, "I'm scalded to the heart with bathing near the bore.
" The turtle and the water rat disputed his remains, For crawfish meat all day they'd eat, and then they'd ask for more.
Said Dan-di-dan, "The prize is mine, for I was fishing here Before you tumbled down the bank and landed on your ear.
" "I wouldn't care," the turtle said, "if you'd have fished a year.
" So Baggy-beak the Pelican was asked to arbitrate; The scales of justice seemed to hang beneath his noble beak.
He said, "I'll take possession of the subject of debate"; He stowed the fish inside his pouch and then began to speak.
"The case is far from clear," he said, "and justices of note" -- But here he snapped his beak and flapped his piebald overcoat -- "Oh dear," he said, "that wretched fish has slithered down my throat.
" "But still," he said, "the point involved requires a full debate.
I'll have to get the lawyer birds and fix a special day.
Ad interim I rule that costs come out of the estate.
" And Baggy-beak the Pelican got up and flew away.
So both the pair who went to law were feeling very small.
Said they, "We might have halved the fish and saved a nasty brawl; For half a crawfish isn't much, but more than none at all.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things