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Best Famous Archangels Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Archangels poems. This is a select list of the best famous Archangels poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Archangels poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of archangels poems.

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Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

The Legend of Mirth

 The Four Archangels, so the legends tell,
Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Azrael,
Being first of those to whom the Power was shown
Stood first of all the Host before The Throne,
And, when the Charges were allotted, burst
Tumultuous-winged from out the assembly first.
Zeal was their spur that bade them strictly heed Their own high judgment on their lightest deed.
Zeal was their spur that, when relief was given, Urged them unwearied to new toils in Heaven; For Honour's sake perfecting every task Beyond what e 'en Perfection's self could ask.
And Allah, Who created Zeal and Pride, Knows how the twain are perilous-near allied.
It chanced on one of Heaven's long-lighted days, The Four and all the Host being gone their ways Each to his Charge, the shining Courts were void Save for one Seraph whom no charge employed, With folden wings and slumber-threatened brow, To whom The Word: "Beloved, what dost thou?" "By the Permission," came the answer soft, Little I do nor do that little oft.
As is The Will in Heaven so on Earth Where by The Will I strive to make men mirth" He ceased and sped, hearing The Word once more: " Beloved, go thy way and greet the Four.
" Systems and Universes overpast, The Seraph came upon the Four, at last, Guiding and guarding with devoted mind The tedious generations of mankind Who lent at most unwilling ear and eye When they could not escape the ministry.
Yet, patient, faithful, firm, persistent, just Toward all that gross, indifferent, facile dust, The Archangels laboured to discharge their trust By precept and example, prayer and law, Advice, reproof, and rule, but, labouring, saw Each in his fellows' countenance confessed, The Doubt that sickens: "Have I done my best?" Even as they sighed and turned to toil anew, The Seraph hailed them with observance due; And, after some fit talk of higher things, Touched tentative on mundane happenings.
This they permitting, he, emboldened thus, Prolused of humankind promiscuous, And, since the large contention less avails Than instances observed, he told them tales-- Tales of the shop, the bed, the court, the street, Intimate, elemental, indiscreet: Occasions where Confusion smiting swift Piles jest on jest as snow-slides pile the drift Whence, one by one, beneath derisive skies, The victims' bare, bewildered heads arise-- Tales of the passing of the spirit, graced With humour blinding as the doom it faced-- Stark tales of ribaldy that broke aside To tears, by laughter swallowed ere they dried- Tales to which neither grace nor gain accrue, But Only (Allah be exalted!) true, And only, as the Seraph showed that night, Delighting to the limits of delight.
These he rehearsed with artful pause and halt, And such pretence of memory at fault, That soon the Four--so well the bait was thrown-- Came to his aid with memories of their own-- Matters dismissed long since as small or vain, Whereof the high significance had lain Hid, till the ungirt glosses made it plain.
Then, as enlightenment came broad and fast, Each marvelled at his own oblivious past Until--the Gates of Laughter opened wide-- The Four, with that bland Seraph at their side, While they recalled, compared, and amplified, In utter mirth forgot both Zeal and Pride! High over Heaven the lamps of midnight burned Ere, weak with merriment, the Four returned, Not in that order they were wont to keep-- Pinion to pinion answering, sweep for sweep, In awful diapason heard afar-- But shoutingly adrift 'twixt star and star; Reeling a planet's orbit left or right As laughter took them in the abysmal Night; Or, by the point of some remembered jest, Winged and brought helpless down through gulfs unguessed, Where the blank worlds that gather to the birth Leaped in the Womb of Darkness at their mirth, And e'en Gehenna's bondsmen understood.
They were not damned from human brotherhood .
Not first nor last of Heaven's high Host, the Four That night took place beneath The Throne once more.
0 lovelier than their morning majesty, The understanding light behind the eye! 0 more compelling than their old command, The new-learned friendly gesture of the hand! 0 sweeter than their zealous fellowship, The wise half-smile that passed from lip to lip! 0 well and roundly, when Command was given, They told their tale against themselves to Heaven, And in the silence, waiting on The Word, Received the Peace and Pardon of The Lord!

Written by D. H. Lawrence | Create an image from this poem

Whales Weep Not!

 They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains
the hottest blood of all, and the wildest, the most urgent.
All the whales in the wider deeps, hot are they, as they urge on and on, and dive beneath the icebergs.
The right whales, the sperm-whales, the hammer-heads, the killers there they blow, there they blow, hot wild white breath out of the sea! And they rock, and they rock, through the sensual ageless ages on the depths of the seven seas, and through the salt they reel with drunk delight and in the tropics tremble they with love and roll with massive, strong desire, like gods.
Then the great bull lies up against his bride in the blue deep bed of the sea, as mountain pressing on mountain, in the zest of life: and out of the inward roaring of the inner red ocean of whale-blood the long tip reaches strong, intense, like the maelstrom-tip, and comes to rest in the clasp and the soft, wild clutch of a she-whale's fathomless body.
And over the bridge of the whale's strong phallus, linking the wonder of whales the burning archangels under the sea keep passing, back and forth, keep passing, archangels of bliss from him to her, from her to him, great Cherubim that wait on whales in mid-ocean, suspended in the waves of the sea great heaven of whales in the waters, old hierarchies.
And enormous mother whales lie dreaming suckling their whale- tender young and dreaming with strange whale eyes wide open in the waters of the beginning and the end.
And bull-whales gather their women and whale-calves in a ring when danger threatens, on the surface of the ceaseless flood and range themselves like great fierce Seraphim facing the threat encircling their huddled monsters of love.
And all this happens in the sea, in the salt where God is also love, but without words: and Aphrodite is the wife of whales most happy, happy she! and Venus among the fishes skips and is a she-dolphin she is the gay, delighted porpoise sporting with love and the sea she is the female tunny-fish, round and happy among the males and dense with happy blood, dark rainbow bliss in the sea.
Written by Christina Rossetti | Create an image from this poem

The Convent Threshold

 There's blood between us, love, my love,
There's father's blood, there's brother's blood,
And blood's a bar I cannot pass.
I choose the stairs that mount above, Stair after golden sky-ward stair, To city and to sea of glass.
My lily feet are soiled with mud, With scarlet mud which tells a tale Of hope that was, of guilt that was, Of love that shall not yet avail; Alas, my heart, if I could bare My heart, this selfsame stain is there: I seek the sea of glass and fire To wash the spot, to burn the snare; Lo, stairs are meant to lift us higher-- Mount with me, mount the kindled stair.
Your eyes look earthward, mine look up.
I see the far-off city grand, Beyond the hills a watered land, Beyond the gulf a gleaming strand Of mansions where the righteous sup; Who sleep at ease among their trees, Or wake to sing a cadenced hymn With Cherubim and Seraphim; They bore the Cross, they drained the cup, Racked, roasted, crushed, wrenched limb from limb, They the offscouring of the world.
The heaven of starry heavens unfurled, The sun before their face is dim.
You looking earthward, what see you? Milk-white, wine-flushed among the vines, Up and down leaping, to and fro, Most glad, most full, made strong with wines, Blooming as peaches pearled with dew, Their golden windy hair afloat, Love-music warbling in their throat, Young men and women come and go.
You linger, yet the time is short: Flee for your life, gird up your strength To flee; the shadows stretched at length Show that day wanes, that night draws nigh; Flee to the mountain, tarry not.
Is this a time for smile and sigh, For songs among the secret trees Where sudden blue birds nest and sport? The time is short and yet you stay: To-day, while it is called to-day, Kneel, wrestle, knock, do violence, pray; To-day is short, to-morrow nigh: Why will you die? why will you die? You sinned with me a pleasant sin: Repent with me, for I repent.
Woe's me the lore I must unlearn! Woe's me that easy way we went, So rugged when I would return! How long until my sleep begin How long shall stretch these nights and days? Surely, clean Angels cry, she prays; She laves her soul with tedious tears: How long must stretch these years and years? I turn from you my cheeks and eyes, My hair which you shall see no more-- Alas for joy that went before, For joy that dies, for love that dies.
Only my lips still turn to you, My livid lips that cry, Repent.
O weary life, O weary Lent, O weary time whose stars are few.
How shall I rest in Paradise, Or sit on steps of heaven alone If Saints and Angels spoke of love Should I not answer from my throne: Have pity upon me, ye my friends, For I have heard the sound thereof: Should I not turn with yearning eyes, Turn earthwards with a pitiful pang? Oh save me from a pang in heaven.
By all the gifts we took and gave, Repent, repent, and be forgiven: This life is long, but yet it ends; Repent and purge your soul and save: No gladder song the morning stars Upon their birthday morning sang Than Angels sing when one repents.
I tell you what I dreamed last night: A spirit with transfigured face Fire-footed clomb an infinite space.
I heard his hundred pinions clang, Heaven-bells rejoicing rang and rang, Heaven-air was thrilled with subtle scents, Worlds spun upon their rushing cars.
He mounted, shrieking, "Give me light!" Still light was poured on him, more light; Angels, Archangels he outstripped, Exulting in exceeding might, And trod the skirts of Cherubim.
Still "Give me light," he shrieked; and dipped His thirsty face, and drank a sea, Athirst with thirst it could not slake.
I saw him, drunk with knowledge, take From aching brows the aureole crown-- His locks writhe like a cloven snake-- He left his throne to grovel down And lick the dust of Seraphs' feet; For what is knowledge duly weighed? Knowledge is strong, but love is sweet; Yea, all the progress he had made Was but to learn that all is small Save love, for love is all in all.
I tell you what I dreamed last night: It was not dark, it was not light, Cold dews had drenched my plenteous hair Through clay; you came to seek me there.
And "Do you dream of me?" you said.
My heart was dust that used to leap To you; I answered half asleep: "My pillow is damp, my sheets are red, There's a leaden tester to my bed; Find you a warmer playfellow, A warmer pillow for your head, A kinder love to love than mine.
" You wrung your hands, while I, like lead, Crushed downwards through the sodden earth; You smote your hands but not in mirth, And reeled but were not drunk with wine.
For all night long I dreamed of you; I woke and prayed against my will, Then slept to dream of you again.
At length I rose and knelt and prayed.
I cannot write the words I said, My words were slow, my tears were few; But through the dark my silence spoke Like thunder.
When this morning broke, My face was pinched, my hair was grey, And frozen blood was on the sill Where stifling in my struggle I lay.
If now you saw me you would say: Where is the face I used to love? And I would answer: Gone before; It tarries veiled in paradise.
When once the morning star shall rise, When earth with shadow flees away And we stand safe within the door, Then you shall lift the veil thereof.
Look up, rise up: for far above Our palms are grown, our place is set; There we shall meet as once we met, And love with old familiar love.
Written by Czeslaw Milosz | Create an image from this poem

Song on the End of the World

 On the day the world ends
A bee circles a clover,
A Fisherman mends a glimmering net.
Happy porpoises jump in the sea, By the rainspout young sparrows are playing And the snake is gold-skinned as it it should always be.
On the day the world ends Women walk through fields under their umbrellas A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn, Vegetable peddlers shout in the street And a yellow-sailed boat comes nearer the island, The voice of a violin lasts in the air And leads into a starry night.
And those who expected lightning and thunder Are disappointed.
And those who expected signs and archangels' trumps Do not believe it is happening now.
As long as the sun and the moon are above, As long as the bumblebee visits a rose As long as rosy infants are born No one believes it is happening now.
Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet, Yet is not a prophet, for he's much too busy, Repeats while he binds his tomatoes: No other end of the world there will be, No other end of the world there will be.
Written by William Cowper | Create an image from this poem

Hatred of Sin

 Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth,
Nor dare Thy least commandment slight;
Yet pierced by sin the serpent's tooth,
I mourn the anguish of the bite.
But though the poison lurks within, Hope bids me still with patience wait; Till death shall set me free from sin, Free from the only thing I hate.
Had I a throne above the rest, Where angels and archangels dwell, One sin, unslain, within my breast, Would make that heaven as dark as hell.
The prisoner sent to breathe fresh air, And blest with liberty again, Would mourn were he condemn'd to wear One link of all his former chain.
But, oh! no foe invades the bliss, When glory crowns the Christian's head; One look at Jesus as He is Will strike all sin forever dead.

Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

I cant tell you -- but you feel it

 I can't tell you -- but you feel it --
Nor can you tell me --
Saints, with ravished slate and pencil
Solve our April Day!

Sweeter than a vanished frolic
From a vanished green!
Swifter than the hoofs of Horsemen
Round a Ledge of dream!

Modest, let us walk among it
With our faces veiled --
As they say polite Archangels
Do in meeting God!

Not for me -- to prate about it!
Not for you -- to say
To some fashionable Lady
"Charming April Day"!

Rather -- Heaven's "Peter Parley"!
By which Children slow
To sublimer Recitation
Are prepared to go!
Written by Rupert Brooke | Create an image from this poem

In Examination

 Lo! from quiet skies
In through the window my Lord the Sun!
And my eyes
Were dazzled and drunk with the misty gold,
The golden glory that drowned and crowned me
Eddied and swayed through the room .
Around me, To left and to right, Hunched figures and old, Dull blear-eyed scribbling fools, grew fair, Ringed round and haloed with holy light.
Flame lit on their hair, And their burning eyes grew young and wise, Each as a God, or King of kings, White-robed and bright (Still scribbling all); And a full tumultuous murmur of wings Grew through the hall; And I knew the white undying Fire, And, through open portals, Gyre on gyre, Archangels and angels, adoring, bowing, And a Face unshaded .
Till the light faded; And they were but fools again, fools unknowing, Still scribbling, blear-eyed and stolid immortals.
Written by Aleister Crowley | Create an image from this poem

Prologue to Rodin in Rime

 To Kathleen-

Nor I can give, nor you can take; endures
The simple truth of me that is yours.
Is not the music mingled with the form When all the heavens break in blind black storm? Are we not veiled as Gods, and cruel as they, Smiting our brilliance on the shuddering clay? Silence and darkness cover us, confirm Our splendour to its unappointed term: For all the men homunculi that dance Around us shudder at our brilliance.
These puppets perish in the good grand glare, Our sworded sunlight in the boundless air ! These bats need cloisters; these tame birds a cage; How should they know the Masters of the Age? Or understand when the archangels cry Adoring us Ellên kat' asterh ei?
Written by Isaac Watts | Create an image from this poem

Hymn 2

 The deity and humanity of Christ.
John 1:1,3,14; Col.
Ere the blue heav'ns were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word: With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be adored.
By his own power were all things made; By him supported all things stand; He is the whole creation's head, And angels fly at his command.
Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars: Thy generation who can tell, Or count the numbers of thy years? But lo! he leaves those heav'nly forms, The Word descends and dwells in clay, That he may hold converse with worms, Dressed in such feeble flesh as they.
Mortals with joy beheld his face, Th' eternal Father's only Son; How full of truth! how full of grace! When through his eyes the Godhead shone.
Archangels leave their high abode To learn new mysteries here, and tell The loves of our descending God, The glories of Immanuel.
Written by Rupert Brooke | Create an image from this poem

Vision Of The Archangels The

 Slowly up silent peaks, the white edge of the world,
Trod four archangels, clear against the unheeding sky,
Bearing, with quiet even steps, and great wings furled,
A little dingy coffin; where a child must lie,
It was so tiny.
(Yet, you had fancied, God could never Have bidden a child turn from the spring and the sunlight, And shut him in that lonely shell, to drop for ever Into the emptiness and silence, into the night.
) They then from the sheer summit cast, and watched it fall, Through unknown glooms, that frail black coffin -- and therein God's little pitiful Body lying, worn and thin, And curled up like some crumpled, lonely flower-petal -- Till it was no more visible; then turned again With sorrowful quiet faces downward to the plain.

Book: Shattered Sighs