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Famous Beliefs Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Beliefs poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous beliefs poems. These examples illustrate what a famous beliefs poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Stevenson, Robert Louis
...this unruly time of year,
The Feast of Valentine.

We do not now parade our "oughts"
And "shoulds" and motives and beliefs in God.
Their life lies all indoors; sad thoughts
Must keep the house, while gay thoughts go abroad,
Within we hold the wake for hopes deceased;
But in the public streets, in wind or sun,
Keep open, at the annual feast,
The puppet-booth of fun.

Our powers, perhaps, are small to please,
But even *****-songs and castanettes,
Old jokes and hack...Read more of this...

by Stafford, William
...ges, and we come back, changed
but safe, quiet, grateful.

Suppose an insane wind holds all the hills
while strange beliefs whine at the traveler's ears,
we ordinary beings can cling to the earth and love
where we are, sturdy for common things....Read more of this...

by Subraman, Belinda
with our SS# indelibly inked on our arms
storms swell and swallow our control.

I am flooded with life review,
the beliefs of my youth.
I reach for my first Bible
which has survived every move.
I am mystified by Revelation’s
hallucinations again.

I would like to clutch an answer close,
bury myself in a father’s love
but that’s not how it goes.
There is only process,
synthesizing experience toward wisdom,
almost getting there,
like hanging on to a tree in...Read more of this...

by Milligan, Spike
Like the flower to the butterfly 
The corsage to the dress 

She turns my love to dust 
my destination empty 
my beliefs scattered: Diaspora! 

Who set this course - and why? 
Now my wings beat - 
without purpose 
Yet they speed......Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily

Too mighty for the Daily mind
That tilling its abyss,
Had Madness, had it once or twice
The yawning Consciousness,

Beliefs are Bandaged, like the Tongue
When Terror were it told
In any Tone commensurate
Would strike us instant Dead

I do not know the man so bold
He dare in lonely Place
That awful stranger Consciousness
Deliberately face --...Read more of this...

by Masters, Edgar Lee
...My valiant fight! For I call it valiant,
With my father's beliefs from old Virginia:
Hating slavery, but no less war.
I, full of spirit, audacity, courage
Thrown into life here in Spoon River,
With its dominant forces drawn from New England,
Republicans, Calvinists, merchants, bankers,
Hating me, yet fearing my arm.
With wife and children heavy to carry --
Yet fruits of my very zest of life.
Stealing od...Read more of this...

by Toomer, Jean
...not in their minds?
Are we not in the world?
This is a curious blindness
For those that are color blind.
What ***** beliefs
That men who believe in sights
Disbelieve in seers.

O people, if you but used
Your other eyes
You would see beings....Read more of this...

by Schwartz, Delmore

It is the belief that hope itself was not, from the beginning, 
before believing, the most important of all beliefs....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler bathe it with the golden waves of Love? 
Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths; 
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out beliefs, 
And throw your soul wide open to the light 
Of Reason and of knowledge. Tune your ear 
To all the wordless music of the stars, 
And to the voice of Nature; and your heart 
Shall turn to truth and goodness as the plant 
Turns to the sun. A thousand unseen hands 
Reach down to help you to their peace-crowned heights, 
And all the forces of th...Read more of this...

by Masters, Edgar Lee
And the idealism of my youth,
And the strength of a high-souled fealty.
And all my hopes for the world,
And all my beliefs in Truth,
Were smelted up in the blinding heat
Of my devotion to you,
And molded into your image.
And then when I found what you were:
That your soul was small
And your words were false
As your blue-white porcelain teeth,
And your cuffs of celluloid,
I hated the love I had for you,
I hated myself, I hated you
For my wasted soul, and wasted youth....Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K a hard ground
Of doubt and reason and falsehood found,
Where no faith else could grow.

Belief that grew of all beliefs
One moment back was blown
And belief that stood on unbelief
Stood up iron and alone.

The Wessex crescent backwards
Crushed, as with bloody spear
Went Elf roaring and routing,
And Mark against Elf yet shouting,
Shocked, in his mid-career.

Right on the Roman shield and sword
Did spear of the Rhine maids run;
But the shield shifted never,
The ...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles,
And fettered flesh with devastated mind.
Open thy soul to see,
Slave, and thy feet are free;
Thy bonds and thy beliefs are one in kind,
And of thy fears thine irons wrought
Hang weights upon thee fashioned out of thine own thought.

O soul, O God, O glory of liberty,
To night and day their lightning and their light!
With heat of heart thou kindlest the quick sea,
And the dead earth takes spirit from thy sight;
The natural body of things is warm with thee,
And t...Read more of this...

by Stevenson, Robert Louis
...THE old Chimaeras, old receipts
For making "happy land,"
The old political beliefs
Swam close before my hand.

The grand old communistic myths
In a middle state of grace,
Quite dead, but not yet gone to Hell,
And walking for a space,

Quite dead, and looking it, and yet
All eagerness to show
The Social-Contract forgeries
By Chatterton - Rousseau -

A hundred such as these I tried,
And hundreds after that,
I fitted Social Theori...Read more of this...

by Subraman, Belinda

My father needs O 2
all the time now. 
His innocence 
in countering the surgeons’ truth
with his wishes and beliefs
stabs me in the heart 
with love
while his every movement
is pain.

He says he is ready
but I feel his fear.

The hum of the universe
is machine noise,
a motor with it’s timing off.

I meditate on this:
silence is a whistle,
a din in the wind,
in the dark....Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
...against their beliefs a blue spot came slowly
out of the green

nobody expected such a thing to occur
on a thursday

the watchers switched over from their electronic
eye to their notes

the evidence undeniably placed thursday as the day
of the pink circle

they recorded having seen another pink circle
in a strange light

which had (explainably) created the illusion of
bei...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Beliefs poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs