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Famous Beetling Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Beetling poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous beetling poems. These examples illustrate what a famous beetling poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Burns, Robert
...streams, once hallow’d well, 2
 Or mould’ring ruins mark the sacred fane. 3

Th’ increasing blast roar’d round the beetling rocks,
 The clouds swift-wing’d flew o’er the starry sky,
The groaning trees untimely shed their locks,
 And shooting meteors caught the startled eye.

The paly moon rose in the livid east.
 And ’mong the cliffs disclos’d a stately form
In weeds of woe, that frantic beat her breast,
 And mix’d her wailings with the raving storm

Wild to my...Read more of this...

by Burns, Robert
...s hast strove;
Who, as the boughs all temptingly project,
Measur’st in desperate thought—a rope—thy neck—
Or, where the beetling cliff o’erhangs the deep,
Peerest to meditate the healing leap:
Would’st thou be cur’d, thou silly, moping elf?
Laugh at her follies—laugh e’en at thyself:
Learn to despise those frowns now so terrific,
And love a kinder—that’s your grand specific.

To sum up all, be merry, I advise;
And as we’re merry, may we still be wise....Read more of this...

by Poe, Edgar Allan heart and melancholy.
The night had found (to him a night of woe)
Upon a mountain crag, young Angelo-
Beetling it bends athwart the solemn sky,
And scowls on starry worlds that down beneath it lie.
Here sat he with his love- his dark eye bent
With eagle gaze along the firmament:
Now turn'd it upon her- but ever then
It trembled to the orb of EARTH again.

"Ianthe, dearest, see- how dim that ray!
How lovely 'tis to look so far away!
She seem'd not thu...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...d in the boiling gulf. Oh, horror and dismay! 


The Pass of Leny is most wild and amazing to see,
With its beetling crags and towering mountains and romantic scenery;
And the brawling Leny, with its little waterfalls,
Will repay the visitor for the time occupied any time he calls. 


Then lovers of the picturesque make haste and go away
To the pretty little village of Callander without delay,
And breathe the fresh air in the harvest time,
And revel am...Read more of this...

by Moore, Thomas
Ah, your Saints have cruel hearts! 
Sternly from his bed he starts, 
And with rude repulsive shock 
Hurls her from the beetling rock. 

Glendalough, thy gloomy wave 
Soon was gentle Kathleen's grave! 
Soon the Saint (yet ah! too late,) 
Felt her love, and mourn'd her fate. 
When he said, "Heaven rest her soul!" 
Round the Lake light music stole; 
And her ghost was seen to glide, 
Smiling, o'er the fatal tide....Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...midnight cove.
In pale and silver silence they remain'd,
Till suddenly a splendor, like the morn,
Pervaded all the beetling gloomy steeps,
All the sad spaces of oblivion,
And every gulf, and every chasm old,
And every height, and every sullen depth,
Voiceless, or hoarse with loud tormented streams:
And all the everlasting cataracts,
And all the headlong torrents far and near,
Mantled before in darkness and huge shade,
Now saw the light and made it terrible.
It was Hy...Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad ant, or tinier thing, 
That crept from the rocks of buried time 
And dedicated its holy life to climb 
From atom to beetling atom, jagged grain to grain, 
Patiently out of the darkness we call sleep 
Into a hollow gigantic world of light 
Thinking the sky to be its destined shell, 
Hoping to fit it well!—'

The city dissolves about us, and its walls 
Are mountains of rock cruelly carved by wind. 
Sand streams down their wasting sides, sand 
Mounts upward slowly about ...Read more of this...

by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
...we seen? Her head, sheared from her shoulders, fall,
And lapped in shining hair, roll to the bank’s edge; then
Down the beetling banks, like water in waterfalls,
It stooped and flashed and fell and ran like water away.
Her eyes, oh and her eyes!
In all her beauty, and sunlight to it is a pit, den, darkness,
Foam-falling is not fresh to it, rainbow by it not beaming,
In all her body, I say, no place was like her eyes,
No piece matched those eyes kept most part much cast do...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
...ckens me!

 You were she who abode
 By those red-veined rocks far West,
You were the swan-necked one who rode
Along the beetling Beeny Crest,
 And, reining nigh me,
 Would muse and eye me,
While Life unrolled us its very best.

Why, then, latterly did we not speak,
Did we not think of those days long dead,
And ere your vanishing strive to seek
That time's renewal? We might have said,
 "In this bright spring weather
 We'll visit together
Those places that once we visited.<...Read more of this...

by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
...ght sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay;
 But what black Boreas wrecked her? he
Came equipped, deadly-electric, 


A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England
Riding: there did stores not mingle? and
 Hailropes hustle and grind their
Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? 


Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom;
Now it overvaults Appledurcombe;
 Now near by Ventnor town
It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. 


Too proud, too proud, what a press she bo...Read more of this...

by Ibsen, Henrik
...BEETLING rock, with roar and smoke 
Break before my hammer-stroke! 
Deeper I must thrust and lower 
Till I hear the ring of ore. 

From the mountain's unplumbed night, 
Deep amid the gold-veins bright, 
Diamonds lure me, rubies beckon, 
Treasure-hoard that none may reckon. 

There is peace within the deep-- 
Peace and immemorial sleep; 
Heavy hammer,...Read more of this...

by Field, Edward
...s: no physique

Black hair going gray, hairline receding fast
What used to be curly, now fuzzy

Brown eyes starey under beetling brow
Mole on chin, probably will become a wen

It is perfectly obvious that he was not popular at school
No good at baseball, and wet his bed.

His aliases tell his history: Dumbell, Good-for-nothing,
Jewboy, Fieldinsky, Skinny, Fierce Face, Greaseball, Sissy.

Warning: This man is not dangerous, answers to any name
Responds to love, don't c...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Beetling poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things