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Famous Bathe Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bathe poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bathe poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bathe poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...ndeed, beyond the common health 
As he were made and put aside to show. 
Think, could we penetrate by any drug 
And bathe the wearied soul and worried flesh, 
And bring it clear and fair, by three days' sleep! 
Whence has the man the balm that brightens all? 
This grown man eyes the world now like a child. 
Some elders of his tribe, I should premise, 
Led in their friend, obedient as a sheep, 
To bear my inquisition. While they spoke, 
Now sharply, now with sorrow...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

...from battle-fields rising—up from foetor arising. 

Perfume therefore my chant, O love! immortal Love! 
Give me to bathe the memories of all dead soldiers, 
Shroud them, embalm them, cover them all over with tender pride!

Perfume all! make all wholesome! 
Make these ashes to nourish and blossom, 
O love! O chant! solve all, fructify all with the last chemistry. 

Give me exhaustless—make me a fountain, 
That I exhale love from me wherever I go, like a moist perennia...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...nd a twilight land,
Where, hardly hid, the sun
Sent softly-saddened rays of
Red and brown to burn the iron soil
And bathe the snow-white peaks
In mighty splendor.
Black were the men,
Hard-haired and silent-slow,
Moving as shadows,
Bending with face of fear to earthward;
And women there were none.
"Woman, woman, woman!"
I cried in mounting terror.
"Woman and Child!"
And the cry sang back
Through heaven, with the
Whirring of almighty wings.
Wings, wings, endles...Read more of this...
by Du Bois, W. E. B.
...; yet 't is but the lees
And settlings of a melancholy blood.
But this will cure all straight; one sip of this
Will bathe the drooping spirits in delight
Beyond the bliss of dreams. Be wise, and taste.

The BROTHERS rush in with swords drawn, wrest his glass out of
hand, and break it against the ground: his rout make sign of
resistance, but are all driven in. The ATTENDANT SPIRIT comes in.

 SPIR . What! have you let the false enchanter scape?
O ye...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...hing."--"Now thou dost taunt
So softly, Arethusa, that I think
If thou wast playing on my shady brink,
Thou wouldst bathe once again. Innocent maid!
Stifle thine heart no more;--nor be afraid
Of angry powers: there are deities
Will shade us with their wings. Those fitful sighs
'Tis almost death to hear: O let me pour
A dewy balm upon them!--fear no more,
Sweet Arethusa! Dian's self must feel
Sometimes these very pangs. Dear maiden, steal
Blushing into my soul,...Read more of this...
by Keats, John

...must cover me;
And with as firm behaviour I will meet 
The sheet I sleep in, as my winding-sheet. 
When Sleep shall bathe his body in mine eyes, 
I will believe, that then my body dies; 
And if I chance to wake, and rise thereon, 
I'll have in mind my resurrection, 
Which must produce me to that Gen'ral Doom,
To which the peasant, so the prince must come, 
To hear the Judge give sentence on the Throne, 
Without the least hope of affection. 
Tears, at that day, shall m...Read more of this...
by Herrick, Robert
...t burdens and consumes,Dreams of Olympus bound by human flesh.And when met with a soul which foundA bit of azure to bathe its wings,Like a great, golden sun, or a shoreMade of light, your soul opened:Imagine! To embrace the Impossible!Radiant! The lived illusion!Blessed be God, the sun, the flower, the air,And all of life, because you are life!If I bought this happiness with my anguish,Bless the weeping that stains my eyes!All the ulcers of the past laughAt the sun rising...Read more of this...
by Agustini, Delmira
in that other flesh
heavy with milt,
bruised, battering toward the dam
that lips the orgiastic pool.

Come. Bathe in these waters.
Increase and die.

If the power were granted you
to break out of your cells,
but the imagination fails
and the doors of the senses close
on the child within,
you would dare to be changed,
as you are changing now,
into the shape you dread
beyond the merely human.
A dry fire eats you.
Fat drips from your bones.
The fl...Read more of this...
by Kunitz, Stanley
...d to thee;
As swimmer to the sea
I give my Spirit to the flood of song:
Bear me upon thy breast
In rapture and at rest,
Bathe me in pure delight and make me strong;
From strife and struggle bring release,
And draw the waves of passion into tides of peace.

Remember'd songs, most dear,
In living songs I hear,
While blending voices gently swing and sway
In melodies of love,
Whose mighty currents move,
With singing near and singing far away;
Sweet in the glow of morning ligh...Read more of this...
by Dyke, Henry Van
...g thee homage wonderingly. 
I see the wild bees as they fare, 
Thy cups of honey drink, but spare. 
I mark thee bathe and bathe again 
In sweet unclaendared spring rain. 
I watch how all May has of sun 
Makes haste to have thy ripeness done, 
While all her nights let dews escape 
To set and cool thy perfect shape. 
Ah, fruit of fruits, no more I pause 
To dream and seek thy hidden laws! 
I stretch my hand and dare to taste, 
In instant of delicious waste 
On s...Read more of this...
by Jackson, Helen Hunt
...zing pain, 
And thro' the purple swelling vein
With subtle influence steal: 
Heav'n opes for thee its aromatic store
To bathe each languid gasping pore;
But where, O where, shall cherish'd sorrow find
The lenient balm to soothe the feeling mind. 

O, mem'ry! busy barb'rous foe, 
At thy fell touch I wake to woe: 
Alas! the flatt'ring dream is o'er, 
From thee the bright illusions fly, 
Thou bidst the glitt'ring phantoms die, 
And hope, and youth, and fancy, charm no more.<...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Mary Darby
Bear me, indeed, as through the regions infinite, 
Whose air I breathe, whose ripples hear—lave me all over; 
Bathe me, O God, in thee—mounting to thee, 
I and my soul to range in range of thee. 

O Thou transcendant!
Nameless—the fibre and the breath! 
Light of the light—shedding forth universes—thou centre of them! 
Thou mightier centre of the true, the good, the loving! 
Thou moral, spiritual fountain! affection’s source! thou reservoir! 
(O pensive soul of m...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...d body, nothing more to me, returning to the purifications, further offices,
 uses of the earth. 

O to bathe in the swimming-bath, or in a good place along shore! 
To splash the water! to walk ankle-deep—to race naked along the shore. 

O to realize space! 
The plenteousness of all—that there are no bounds;
To emerge, and be of the sky—of the sun and moon, and the flying clouds, as one with

O the joy of a manly self-hood! 
Personality—to be s...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...worst, age vexes age; 
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they discuss I am
 silent, and go bathe and admire myself. 

Welcome is every organ and attribute of me, and of any man hearty and clean; 
Not an inch, nor a particle of an inch, is vile, and none shall be less familiar
 than the rest.

I am satisfied—I see, dance, laugh, sing: 
As the hugging and loving Bed-fellow sleeps at my side through the night, and
 withdraws at the pe...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...ins crumbled on every side of her.
Free of the dust, as though a moment before
She had stepped inside the earth, to bathe herself.

I gazed, close to her, till at last she stepped
Away in her own good time.

Many men
Have searched all over Tuscany and never found
What I found there, the heart of the light
Itself shelled and leaved, balancing
On filaments themselves falling. The secret
Of this journey is to let the wind
Blow its dust all over your body,
To let ...Read more of this...
by Tagore, Rabindranath
...rn waves of ebbing day
     Rolled o'er the glen their level way;
     Each purple peak, each flinty spire,
     Was bathed in floods of living fire.
     But not a setting beam could glow
     Within the dark ravines below,
     Where twined the path in shadow hid,
     Round many a rocky pyramid,
     Shooting abruptly from the dell
     Its thunder-splintered pinnacle;
     Round many an insulated mass,
     The native bulwarks of the pass,
     Huge as the tow...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter
...hall mine also.
I is full wight*, God wate**, as is a roe. *swift **knows
By Godde's soul he shall not scape us bathe*. *both 
Why n' had thou put the capel* in the lathe**? *horse **barn
Ill hail, Alein, by God thou is a fonne.*" *fool
These silly clerkes have full fast y-run
Toward the fen, both Alein and eke John;
And when the miller saw that they were gone,
He half a bushel of their flour did take,
And bade his wife go knead it in a cake.
He sa...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...e flames,
Men who through those wide fields of breezy grass
Where black-winged swallows haunt the glittering Thames,
To bathe in the abandoned lasher pass,
Have often passed thee near
Sitting upon the river bank o'ergrown;
Marked thine outlandish garb, thy figure spare,
Thy dark vague eyes, and soft abstracted air— 
But, when they came from bathing, thou wast gone!

At some lone homestead in the Cumner hills,
Where at her open door the housewife darns,
Thou hast been seen, or...Read more of this...
by Arnold, Matthew

O rock upon thy towery-top 
All throats that gurgle sweet! 
All starry culmination drop 
Balm-dews to bathe thy feet! 

All grass of silky feather grow--- 
And while he sinks or swells 
The full south-breeze around thee blow 
The sound of minster bells. 

The fat earth feed thy branchy root, 
That under deeply strikes! 
The northern morning o'er thee shoot, 
High up, in silver spikes! 

Nor ever lightning char thy grain, 
But, rolling as in sleep, 
Low t...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...ttle space?Ah, worldly hopes, how blind you be, how base!If since I bathe the ground with flowing tearsFor that mild soul, who sees it, witness bears;And thou who read'st mayst judge she fetter'd meThe sixth of April, and did set me freeOn the same day and month. Oh! how the wayOf fortune is u...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bathe poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry