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Famous Bard Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bard poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bard poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bard poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...did witness bear
 Of kindred sweet,
When with an elder sister’s air
 She did me greet.

“All hail! my own inspired bard!
In me thy native Muse regard;
Nor longer mourn thy fate is hard,
 Thus poorly low;
I come to give thee such reward,
 As we bestow!

“Know, the great genius of this land
Has many a light aerial band,
Who, all beneath his high command,
As arts or arms they understand,
 Their labours ply.

“They Scotia’s race among them share:
Some fi...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert

Edward's and Henry's thunderbolts of war; 
Her chiefs victorious o'er the Gallic foe; 
Illustrious senators, immortal bards, 
And wise philosophers, of these no more. 
A Theme more new, tho' not less noble claims 
Our ev'ry thought on this auspicious day 
The rising glory of this western world, 
Where now the dawning light of science spreads 
Her orient ray, and wakes the muse's song; 
Where freedom holds her sacred standard high, 
And commerce rolls her golden tides pr...Read more of this...
by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...g flowers, or votive cypress wreath,
The lone couch of his everlasting sleep:
Gentle, and brave, and generous,--no lorn bard
Breathed o'er his dark fate one melodious sigh:
He lived, he died, he sung in solitude. 
Strangers have wept to hear his passionate notes,
And virgins, as unknown he passed, have pined
And wasted for fond love of his wild eyes.
The fire of those soft orbs has ceased to burn,
And Silence, too enamoured of that voice,
Locks its mute music in her r...Read more of this...
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...gues consenting Paeans ring!
In Praise so just, let ev'ry Voice be join'd,
And fill the Gen'ral Chorus of Mankind!
Hail Bards Triumphant! born in happier Days;
Immortal Heirs of Universal Praise!
Whose Honours with Increase of Ages grow,
As streams roll down, enlarging as they flow!
Nations unborn your mighty Names shall sound,
And Worlds applaud that must not yet be found!
Oh may some Spark of your Coelestial Fire
The last, the meanest of your Sons inspire,
(That on weak Win...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
...e Soul loves, 
Here the flowing trains—here the crowds, equality, diversity, the Soul loves. 

Land of lands, and bards to corroborate!
Of them, standing among them, one lifts to the light his west-bred face, 
To him the hereditary countenance bequeath’d, both mother’s and father’s, 
His first parts substances, earth, water, animals, trees, 
Built of the common stock, having room for far and near, 
Used to dispense with other lands, incarnating this land,
Attracting it ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt so well the night,
Since kind or chance giues both one liuerie,
Both sadly blacke, both blackly darkned be;
Night bard from Sunne, thou from thy owne sunlight;
Silence in both displaies his sullen might;
Slow heauinesse in both holds one degree
That full of doubts, thou of perplexity;
Thy teares expresse Nights natiue moisture right;
In both amazeful solitarinesse:
In night, of sprites, the gastly powers do stur;
In thee or sprites or sprited gastlinesse.
Bu...Read more of this...
by Sidney, Sir Philip stroke- a warning knell,
Which not a soul can choose but hear
From Bratha Head to Wyndermere.
Saith Bracy the bard, 'So let it knell!
And let the drowsy sacristan
Still count as slowly as he can!'
There is no lack of such, I ween,
As well fill up the space between.
In Langdale Pike and Witch's Lair,
And Dungeon-ghyll so foully rent,
With ropes of rock and bells of air
Three sinful sextons' ghosts are pent,
Who all give back, one after t' other,
The dea...Read more of this...
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
...defence and guard:
And listen why; for I will tell you now
What never yet was heard in tale or song,
From old or modern bard, in hall or bower.
 Bacchus, that first from out the purple grape
Crushed the sweet poison of misused wine,
After the Tuscan mariners transformed,
Coasting the Tyrrhene shore, as the winds listed,
On Circe's island fell. (Who knows not Circe,
The daughter of the Sun, whose charmed cup
Whoever tasted lost his upright shape,
And downward fell into...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...le earth should pass
Most like a sojourning demi-god, and leave
His name upon the harp-string, should achieve
No higher bard than simple maidenhood,
Singing alone, and fearfully,--how the blood
Left his young cheek; and how he used to stray
He knew not where; and how he would say, nay,
If any said 'twas love: and yet 'twas love;
What could it be but love? How a ring-dove
Let fall a sprig of yew tree in his path;
And how he died: and then, that love doth scathe,
The gentle hea...Read more of this...
by Keats, John
...her with his signs 
And wonders, what has fallen upon the realm?' 

To whom the novice garrulously again, 
`Yea, one, a bard; of whom my father said, 
Full many a noble war-song had he sung, 
Even in the presence of an enemy's fleet, 
Between the steep cliff and the coming wave; 
And many a mystic lay of life and death 
Had chanted on the smoky mountain-tops, 
When round him bent the spirits of the hills 
With all their dewy hair blown back like flame: 
So said my father--and...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...rful river;
To far eyes, an aërial isle,
Unploughed, which finer spirits pile,
Which morn and crimson evening paint
For bard, for lover, and for saint;
The country's core,
Inspirer, prophet evermore,
Pillar which God aloft had set
So that men might it not forget,
It should be their life's ornament,
And mix itself with each event;
Their calendar and dial,
Barometer, and chemic phial,
Garden of berries, perch of birds,
Pasture of pool-haunting herds,
Graced by each change of su...Read more of this...
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
... Murphy was there
And, as you might say, saw the lady born.
Paul worked at anything in lumbering.
He'd been bard at it taking boards away
For--I forget--the last ambitious sawyer
To want to find out if he couldn't pile
The lumber on Paul till Paul begged for mercy.
They'd sliced the first slab off a big butt log,
And the sawyer had slammed the carriage back
To slam end-on again against the saw teeth.
To judge them by the way they caught themselves
When the...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
...rses seized in victory;
But Ogier went on foot to die,
In the old way of the Danes.

Far to the King's left Elf the bard
Led on the eastern wing
With songs and spells that change the blood;
And on the King's right Harold stood,
The kinsman of the King.

Young Harold, coarse, with colours gay,
Smoking with oil and musk,
And the pleasant violence of the young,
Pushed through his people, giving tongue
Foewards, where, grey as cobwebs hung,
The banners of the Usk.

Bu...Read more of this...
by Chesterton, G K
...alled false Theseus back again nor knew
That Dionysos on an amber pard
Was close behind her; memories of what Maeonia's bard

With sightless eyes beheld, the wall of Troy,
Queen Helen lying in the ivory room,
And at her side an amorous red-lipped boy
Trimming with dainty hand his helmet's plume,
And far away the moil, the shout, the groan,
As Hector shielded off the spear and Ajax hurled the stone;

Of winged Perseus with his flawless sword
Cleaving the snaky tresses of the w...Read more of this...
by Wilde, Oscar
...aps, with faithless gleam,  Some other loiterer beguiling.   Such views the youthful bard allure,  But, heedless of the following gloom,  He deems their colours shall endure  'Till peace go with him to the tomb.  —And let him nurse his fond deceit,  And what if he must die in sorrow!  Who would not cherish dreams so sweet,  Though grief and pain...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...these have seen according to their sight. 
For every fiery prophet in old times, 
And all the sacred madness of the bard, 
When God made music through them, could but speak 
His music by the framework and the chord; 
And as ye saw it ye have spoken truth. 

`"Nay--but thou errest, Lancelot: never yet 
Could all of true and noble in knight and man 
Twine round one sin, whatever it might be, 
With such a closeness, but apart there grew, 
Save that he were the swine thou...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord's house must undergo,
     Or aught but weal to Ellen fair
     Brood in these accents of despair,
     No future bard, sad Harp! shall fling
     Triumph or rapture from thy string;
     One short, one final strain shall flow,
     Fraught with unutterable woe,
     Then shivered shall thy fragments lie,
     Thy master cast him down and die!'

     Soothing she answered him: 'Assuage,
     Mine honored friend, the fears of age;
     All melodies to ...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter
...but never a king's fool.' 

And Tristram, `Then were swine, goats, asses, geese 
The wiser fools, seeing thy Paynim bard 
Had such a mastery of his mystery 
That he could harp his wife up out of hell.' 

Then Dagonet, turning on the ball of his foot, 
`And whither harp'st thou thine? down! and thyself 
Down! and two more: a helpful harper thou, 
That harpest downward! Dost thou know the star 
We call the harp of Arthur up in heaven?' 

And Tristram, `Ay, Sir Fool, for...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord bound his fame.Then Socrates and Xenophon were seen;With them a bard of more than earthly mien,Whom every muse of Jove's immortal choirBless'd with a portion of celestial fire:From ancient Argos to the Phrygian boundHis never-dying strains were borne aroundOn inspiration's wing, and hill and d...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco' 
'Let's hear,' quoth Michael, 'what he has to say; 
You know we're bound to that in every way.' 


Now the bard, glad to get an audience which 
By no means oft was his case below, 
Began to cough, and hawk, and hem, and pitch 
His voice into that awful note of woe 
To all unhappy hearers within reach 
Of poets when the tide of rhyme's in flow; 
But stuck fast with his first hexameter, 
Not one of all whose gouty feet would stir. 


But ere the spavin'd d...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bard poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry