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Famous Barbe Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Barbe poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous barbe poems. These examples illustrate what a famous barbe poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
Haled to hym of her arewez, hitten hym oft;
Bot the poyntez payred at the pyth that pyyght in his scheldez,
And the barbez of his browe bite non wolde--
Thaygh the schauen schaft schyndered in pecez,
The hede hypped ayghayn were-so-euer hit hitte.

Bot quen the dyntez hym dered of her dryyghe strokez,
Then, braynwod for bate, on burnez he rasez,
Hurtez hem ful heterly ther he forth hyyghez,
And mony aryghed therat, and on lyte droyghen.
Bot the lorde on a ...Read more of this...

by Butler, Ellis Parker
...Upon Bottle Miche the autre day
While yet the nuit was early,
Je met a homme whose barbe was grey,
Whose cheveaux long and curly.

“Je am a poete, sir,” dit he,
“Je live where tres grande want teems—
I’m faim, sir. Sil vous plait give me
Un franc or cinquatite centimes.”

I donne him vingt big copper sous
But dit, “You moderne rhymers
The sacre poet name abuse—
Les poets were old timers.”

“Je know! I know!” he wept, contri...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...val;" Italian,
"cavallo," from Latin, "caballus."

15. Make a clerkes beard: cheat a scholar; French, "faire la
barbe;" and Boccaccio uses the proverb in the same sense.

16. "Gar" is Scotch for "cause;" some editions read, however,
"get us some".

17. Chalons: blankets, coverlets, made at Chalons in France.

18. Crock: pitcher, cruse; Anglo-Saxon, "crocca;" German,
"krug;" hence "crockery."

19. Dwale: night-shade, Solanum somniferum, ...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...f Thebes and the care;
For her-of been ther maked bokes twelve: --
But lat be this, and tel me how ye fare;
Do wey your barbe, and shew your face bare; 
Do wey your book, rys up, and lat us daunce,
And lat us don to May som observaunce.'

'A! God forbede!' quod she. 'Be ye mad?
Is that a widewes lyf, so god you save?
By god, ye maken me right sore a-drad, 
Ye ben so wilde, it semeth as ye rave!
It sete me wel bet ay in a cave
To bidde, and rede on holy seyntes lyves;
...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Barbe poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things