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Famous Bakes Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bakes poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bakes poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bakes poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert
...At times that day.

Now, butt an’ ben, the change-house fills,
 Wi’ yill-caup commentators;
Here ’s cryin out for bakes and gills,
 An’ there the pint-stowp clatters;
While thick an’ thrang, an’ loud an’ lang,
 Wi’ logic an’ wi’ scripture,
They raise a din, that in the end
 Is like to breed a rupture
 O’ wrath that day.

Leeze me on drink! it gies us mair
 Than either school or college;
It kindles wit, it waukens lear,
 It pangs us fou o’ knowledge:
Be’t whisky-gil...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...ere the serpents are in millions, all of the most deadly stamp; 
Where the station-cook in terror, nearly every time he bakes, 
Mixes up among the doughboys half-a-dozen poison-snakes: 
Where the wily free-selector walks in armour-plated pants, 
And defies the stings of scorpions, and the bites of bull-dog ants: 
Where the adder and the viper tear each other by the throat,— 
There it was that William Johnson sought his snake-bite antidote. 
Johnson was a free-selector, an...Read more of this...

by Riley, James Whitcomb
...nen she'll stop
An' stoop an' slide it, ist as slow,
In th' old cook-stove, so's 'twon't slop
An' git all spilled; nen bakes it, so
It's custard-pie, first thing you know!
An' nen she'll say,
"Clear out o' my way!
They's time fer work, an' time fer play!
Take yer dough, an' run, child, run!
Er I cain't git no cookin' done!"

When our hired girl 'tends like she's mad,
An' says folks got to walk the chalk
When she's around, er wisht they had!
I play out on our porch an' talk
T...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy such hospitality as maiden may,
Without disdaining rules must not be broke.
Katrina will have coffee, and she bakes today."

She straight unhasped the tall, beflowered gate.
Curled into tendrils, twisted into cones
Of leaves and roses, iron infoliate,
It guards the pleasance, and its stiffened bones
Are budded with much peering at the rows,
And beds, and arbours, which it keeps inside.
Max started at the beauty, at the glare
Of tints. At either en...Read more of this...

by Lindsay, Vachel
...there's but a rim of scraps
That crumble all away.

The South Wind is a baker.
He kneads clouds in his den,
And bakes a crisp new moon that . . . greedy 
North . . . Wind . . . eats . . . again!...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry Hotel – 
In case two missuses should send from homes where they did dwell. 

No barber bides in Coolan, no baker bakes the bread; 
And every local industry, save rabbitin', is dead – 
And choppin' wood. The women do all that, be it said. 
(I'll add a line and mention that two-up goes ahead.) 

The shadows from the sinking sun were long by hill and scrub; 
The two-up school had just begun, in spite of beer and grub; 
But three greybeards were wagging yet dow...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...The Work of Her that went,
The Toil of Fellows done --
In Ovens green our Mother bakes,
By Fires of the Sun....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...Light up your pipe again, old chum, and sit awhile with me;
I've got to watch the bannock bake -- how restful is the air!
You'd little think that we were somewhere north of Sixty-three,
Though where I don't exactly know, and don't precisely care.
The man-size mountains palisade us round on every side;
The river is a-flop with fish, and ripples silver-c...Read more of this...

by Akhmatova, Anna

July 1914


Smells like burning. For four weeks now
The dry ground on the swamplands bakes.
Today even birds did not sing songs
And the aspen-tree does not shake.

Sun has stopped in divine displeasure
Easter rain did not pelt fields hard.
A one-legged passerby came here
And alone said in the yard:

"Awful times near. For freshly dug graves
There will be not be enough place soon.
Expect pest, expect plague, exp...Read more of this...

by Wylie, Elinor
...en against earth a wooden heel 
Clicks as loud as stone on steel, 
When stone turns flour instead of flakes, 
And frost bakes clay as fire bakes, 
When the hard-bitten fields at last 
Crack like iron flawed in the cast, 
When the world is wicked and cross and old, 
I long to be quit of the cruel cold.

Little birds like bubbles of glass 
Fly to other Americas, 
Birds as bright as sparkles of wine 
Fly in the nite to the Argentine, 
Birds of azure and flame-birds go 
To th...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bakes poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs