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Famous Attent Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Attent poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous attent poems. These examples illustrate what a famous attent poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Milton, John>
What can be then less in me than desire
To see thee and approach thee, whom I know
Declared the Son of God, to hear attent
Thy wisdom, and behold thy godlike deeds?
Men generally think me much a foe
To all mankind. Why should I? they to me
Never did wrong or violence. By them
I lost not what I lost; rather by them 
I gained what I have gained, and with them dwell
Copartner in these regions of the World,
If not disposer—lend them oft my aid,
Oft my advice by presag...Read more of this...

by Herrick, Robert
...n leaves;
Some cross the fill-horse; some with great 
Devotion, stroke the home-borne wheat; 
While other rustics, less attent 
To prayers than to merriment, 
Run after with their breeches rent. 
Well, on, brave boys, to your lord's hearth, 
Glitt'ring with fire, where, for your mirth, 
Ye shall see first the large and chief 
Foundation of your feast, fat beef, 
With upper stories, mutton, veal, 
And bacon, (which makes full the meal) 
With sev'ral dishes standing by, 
As...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
And gathered around the illumined ground 
 Were common beasts and rare, 
All kneeling at gaze, and in pause profound 
 Attent on an object there. 

'Twas the Pyx, unharmed 'mid the circling rows 
 Of Blackmore's hairy throng, 
Whereof were oxen, sheep, and does, 
 And hares from the brakes among; 

And badgers grey, and conies keen, 
 And squirrels of the tree, 
And many a member seldom seen 
 Of Nature's family. 

The ireful winds that scoured and swept 
 Through co...Read more of this...

by Hughes, Ted
...Terrifying are the attent sleek thrushes on the lawn,
More coiled steel than living - a poised
Dark deadly eye, those delicate legs
Triggered to stirrings beyond sense - with a start, a bounce, 
a stab
Overtake the instant and drag out some writhing thing. 
No indolent procrastinations and no yawning states,
No sighs or head-scratchings. Nothing but bounce and stab 
An...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Attent poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs