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Famous Artfully Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Artfully poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous artfully poems. These examples illustrate what a famous artfully poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Kilmer, Joyce
...fights for clothing and for bread:
The lances of his foemen make
A steely halo round his head.
He decks his window artfully,
He haggles over paltry sums.
In this strange field his war must be
And by such blows his triumph comes.
What if no trumpet sounds to call
His armed legions to his side?
What if, to no ancestral hall
He comes in all a victor's pride?
The scene shall never fit the deed.
Grotesquely wonders come to pass.
The fool shall mount an Arab st...Read more of this...

by Taylor, Ann
...a knew well that she could not be pleasing,
While fretting and fuming, while sulky or teasing;
And therefore in company artfully tried­
Not to break her bad habits, but only to hide. 

So when she was out, with much labour and pain, 
She contrived to look almost a pleasant as Jane; 
But then you might see, that in forcing a smile,
Her mouth was uneasy, and ached all the while. 

And in spite of her care, it would sometimes befall,
That some cross event happen'd to rui...Read more of this...

by Schwartz, Delmore
...Is the spider a monster in miniature?
His web is a cruel stair, to be sure,
Designed artfully, cunningly placed,
A delicate trap, carefully spun
To bind the fly (innocent or unaware)
In a net as strong as a chain or a gun.

There are far more spiders than the man in the street
And the philosopher-king imagines, let alone knows!
There are six hundred kinds of spiders and each one
Differs in kind and in unkindness.
In variety...Read more of this...

by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
...ballad or barcarole;
She thinketh of her song, upon the whole,
Far more than of her flax; and yet the reel
Is full, and artfully her fingers feel
With quick adjustment, provident control,
The lines--too subtly twisted to unroll--
Out to a perfect thread. I hence appeal
To the dear Christian Church--that we may do
Our Father's business in these temples mirk,
Thus swift and steadfast, thus intent and strong;
While thus, apart from toil, our souls pursue
Some high calm spher...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Artfully poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs