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Famous Ardour Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ardour poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ardour poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ardour poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert
...what will, I’ve sworn it still, I’ll ne’er be melancholy, O.

All you who follow wealth and power with unremitting ardour, O,
The more in this you look for bliss, you leave your view the farther, O:
Had you the wealth Potosi boasts, or nations to adore you, O,
A cheerful honest-hearted clown I will prefer before you, O....Read more of this...

by Burns, Robert
...Hence, Dempster’s zeal-inspired tongue;
Hence, sweet, harmonious Beattie sung
 His ’Minstrel lays’;
Or tore, with noble ardour stung,
 The sceptic’s bays.

“To lower orders are assign’d
The humbler ranks of human-kind,
The rustic bard, the lab’ring hind,
 The artisan;
All choose, as various they’re inclin’d,
 The various man.

“When yellow waves the heavy grain,
The threat’ning storm some strongly rein;
Some teach to meliorate the plain
 With tillage-skill;
And some...Read more of this...

by Crowley, Aleister
...sun's pomp and pageant, sign to sign,
Stately proceeded, mine not only so
In the glamour of memory and austral glow
Of ardour, but by image of my brow
Stronger than sense, you are even here and now
Miner, utterly mine, my sister and my wife,
Mother of my children, mistress of my life!

O wild swan winging through the morning mist!
The thousand thousand kisses that we kissed, 
The infinite device our love devised
If by some chance its truth might be surprised,
Are these all p...Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...ets their glory high [1]. 
Thence to Virginia, sister colony, 
Lib'ral in sentiment, and breathing high, 
The noble ardour of the freeborn soul. 
To Carolina thence, and that warm clime 
Where Georgia south in summer heat complains, 
And distant thence towards the burning line. 

These men deserve our song, and those who still, 
With industry severe, and steady aim 
Diffuse the light in this late dreary land, 
In whose lone wastes and solitudes forlorn, 
Death lo...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...ung nurse with love intense, 
Which smiles o'er sleeping innocence; 
 Sweet when the lost arrive: 
Sweet the musician's ardour beats, 
While his vague mind's in quest of sweets, 
 The choicest flow'rs to hive. 

Sweeter in all the strains of love, 
The language of thy turtle dove, 
 Pair'd to thy swelling chord; 
Sweeter, with ev'ry grace endu'd, 
The glory of thy gratitude, 
 Respir'd unto the Lord. 

Strong is the horse upon his speed; 
Strong in purs...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...ath,Not mere deliverance but great victory is;Relief from the blind ardour which consumesVain mortals here below!Virgin! those lustrous eyes,Which tearfully beheld the cruel printsIn the fair limbs of thy beloved Son,Ah! turn on my sad doubt,Who friendless, helpless thus,...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...ry joy and pain
By thee were fashion'd to the self-same end;
And as I grew in years, still didst thou blend
With all my ardours: thou wast the deep glen;
Thou wast the mountain-top--the sage's pen--
The poet's harp--the voice of friends--the sun;
Thou wast the river--thou wast glory won;
Thou wast my clarion's blast--thou wast my steed--
My goblet full of wine--my topmost deed:--
Thou wast the charm of women, lovely Moon!
O what a wild and harmonized tune
My spirit struck fro...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...That the bright glance from beauty's eyelids slanting
Would never make a lay of mine enchanting,
Or warm my breast with ardour to unfold
Some tale of love and arms in time of old.

But there are times, when those that love the bay,
Fly from all sorrowing far, far away;
A sudden glow comes on them, nought they see
In water, earth, or air, but poesy.
It has been said, dear George, and true I hold it,
(For knightly Spenser to Libertas told it,)
That when a Poet is in suc...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns), is an occupation for the saint—
No occupation either, but something given
And taken, in a lifetime's death in love,
Ardour and selflessness and self-surrender.
For most of us, there is only the unattended
Moment, the moment in and out of time,
The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all, but you are the music
While the music lasts. These are ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...their fate: 
In vain he doth whate'er a chief may do, 
To check the headlong fury of that crew, 
In vain their stubborn ardour he would tame, 
The hand that kindles cannot quench the flame. 
The wary foe alone hath turn'd their mood, 
And shewn their rashness to that erring brood: 
The feign'd retreat, the nightly ambuscade, 
The daily harass, and the fight delay'd, 
The long privation of the hoped supply, 
The tentless rest beneath the humid sky, 
The stubborn wall that ...Read more of this...

by Crowley, Aleister
Traffic with the radiance
Of her sire-& over us
Gleams the intoxicating glance
Of the Moon & Sirius.

Take the ardour of my impearled
Essence that my shoulders seek
To intensify the curled
Candour of the eyes oblique,
Eyes that see the seraphic sleek
Lust bewitch the wanton world.

Come, my love, my dove, & pour
From thy cup the serpent wine
Brimmed & breathless -secret store
Of my crimson concubine
Surfeit spirit in the shrine-
Devil -Godess -Virgin -Whore.
...Read more of this...

by Bronte, Charlotte
...he truest sense 
Were in her speaking mien. 
But bloom or lustre was there none, 
Only at moments, fitful shone 
An ardour in her eye, 
That kindled on her cheek a flush, 
Warm as a red sky's passing blush 
And quick with energy. 
Her speech, too, was not common speech, 
No wish to shine, or aim to teach, 
Was in her words displayed: 
She still began with quiet sense, 
But oft the force of eloquence 
Came to her lips in aid; 
Language and voice unconscious changed, 
A...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby
...hollow voice the sense appalls, 
Thy vigilance the mind enthralls; 
Rest hast thou none,­by night, by day, 
Thy jealous ardour seeks for prey­
Nought can restrain thy swift career; 
Thy smile derides the suff'rer's wrongs; 
Thy tongue the sland'rers tale prolongs; 
Thy thirst imbibes the victim's tear; 
Thy breast recoils from friendship's flame; 
Sick'ning thou hear'st the trump of Fame; 
Worth gives to thee, the direst pang; 
The Lover's rapture wounds thy heart, 
The proud...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...irresistible, moved on 
In silence their bright legions, to the sound 
Of instrumental harmony, that breathed 
Heroick ardour to adventurous deeds 
Under their God-like leaders, in the cause 
Of God and his Messiah. On they move 
Indissolubly firm; nor obvious hill, 
Nor straitening vale, nor wood, nor stream, divides 
Their perfect ranks; for high above the ground 
Their march was, and the passive air upbore 
Their nimble tread; as when the total kind 
Of birds, in orde...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...d thy beauty, since the day 
I saw thee first and wedded thee, adorned 
With all perfections, so inflame my sense 
With ardour to enjoy thee, fairer now 
Than ever; bounty of this virtuous tree! 
So said he, and forbore not glance or toy 
Of amorous intent; well understood 
Of Eve, whose eye darted contagious fire. 
Her hand he seised; and to a shady bank, 
Thick over-head with verdant roof imbowered, 
He led her nothing loth; flowers were the couch, 
Pansies, and violets...Read more of this...

by Arnold, Matthew the waste.

Then, in such hour of need
Of your fainting, dispirited race,
Ye, like angels, appear,
Radiant with ardour divine!
Beacons of hope, ye appear!
Languor is not in your heart,
Weakness is not in your word,
Weariness not on your brow.
Ye alight in our van! at your voice,
Panic, despair, flee away.
Ye move through the ranks, recall
The stragglers, refresh the outworn,
Praise, re-inspire the brave!
Order, courage, return.
Eyes rekindling, and prayers...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...verdure, again hold the nest
Of the dove, tempt the goat and its young to the green on his crest
For their food in the ardours of summer. One long shudder thrilled
All the tent till the very air tingled, then sank and was stilled
At the King's self left standing before me, released and aware.
What was gone, what remained? All to traverse, 'twixt hope and despair;
Death was past, life not come: so he waited. Awhile his right hand
Held the brow, helped the eyes lef...Read more of this...

by Brooke, Rupert
...ess drone.
Beauty was there,
Pale in her black; dry-eyed; she stood alone. 
Poor maz’d Imagination; Fancy wild;
Ardour, the sunlight on his greying hair;
Contentment, who had known Youth as a child
And never seen him since. And Spring came too,
Dancing over the tombs, and brought him flowers—
She did not stay for long.
And Truth, and Grace, and all the merry crew,
The laughing Winds and Rivers, and lithe Hours;
And Hope, the dewy-eyed; and sorrowing Song;—
Yes...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
...ulating thrush
To start less wild and scarce inferior songs ;
For while of half the year Care him bereaves,
To damp the ardour of his speckled breast ;
The nightingale to summer's life belongs,
And naked trees, and winter's nipping wrongs,
Are strangers to her music and her rest.
Her joys are evergreen, her world is wide—
Hark! there she is as usual— let's be hush—
For in this black-thorn clump, if rightly guest,
Her curious house is hidden. Part aside
These hazel bra...Read more of this...

by Bronte, Charlotte
Repose shall toil repay.
For youth departs, and pleasure flies,
And life consumes away,
And youth's rejoicing ardour dies
Beneath this drear delay; 

And Patience, weary with her yoke,
Is yielding to despair,
And Health's elastic spring is broke 
Beneath the strain of care. 
Life will be gone ere I have lived;
Where now is Life's first prime ?
I've worked and studied, longed and grieved,
Through all that rosy time. 

To toil, to think, to long, to grieve,­
I...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ardour poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs