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Famous Apron Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Apron poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous apron poems. These examples illustrate what a famous apron poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert
...She fuff’t her pipe wi’ sic a lunt,
 In wrath she was sae vap’rin,
She notic’t na an aizle brunt
 Her braw, new, worset apron
 Out thro’ that night.

“Ye little skelpie-limmer’s face!
 I daur you try sic sportin,
As seek the foul thief ony place,
 For him to spae your fortune:
Nae doubt but ye may get a sight!
 Great cause ye hae to fear it;
For mony a ane has gotten a fright,
 An’ liv’d an’ died deleerit,
 On sic a night.

“Ae hairst afore the Sherra-moor,
 I mind’...Read more of this...

by Burns, Robert shrimp, that wither’d imp,
 With a’ his noise an’ cap’rin;
An’ take a share with those that bear
 The budget and the apron!
And by that stowp! my faith an’ houp,
 And by that dear Kilbaigie, 2
If e’er ye want, or meet wi’ scant,
 May I ne’er weet my craigie.
 And by that stowp, &c.

RecitativoThe caird prevail’d—th’ unblushing fair
 In his embraces sunk;
Partly wi’ love o’ercome sae sair,
 An’ partly she was drunk:
Sir Violino, with an air
 That show’d a man o’ sp...Read more of this...

by St Vincent Millay, Edna
...I thought, as I wiped my eyes on the corner of my apron:
Penelope did this too.
And more than once: you can't keep weaving all day
And undoing it all through the night;
Your arms get tired, and the back of your neck gets tight;
And along towards morning, when you think it will never be light,
And your husband has been gone, and you don't know where, for years.
Suddenly you burst into tears;
There is...Read more of this...

by Parker, Dorothy
...So silent I when Love was by
He yawned, and turned away;
But Sorrow clings to my apron-strings,
I have so much to say....Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry a part 
Of her old-fashioned wit. 


Her son and son's wife are asleep, 
She puts her apron on -- 
The quiet house is hers to keep, 
With all the youngsters gone. 
There's scarce a sound of dish on dish 
Or cup slipped into cup, 
When left alone, as is her wish, 
Black Bonnet "washes up."...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...f Christ 
(Whose sad face on the cross sees only this 
After the passion of a thousand years) 
Till some poor girl, her apron o'er her head, 
(Which the intense eyes looked through) came at eve 
On tiptoe, said a word, dropped in a loaf, 
Her pair of earrings and a bunch of flowers 
(The brute took growling), prayed, and so was gone. 
I painted all, then cried " `T#is ask and have; 
Choose, for more's ready!"--laid the ladder flat, 
And showed my covered bit of cloister-w...Read more of this...

by Thomas, Dylan
And to the hollow minute of the womb,
From the unfolding to the scissored caul,
The time for breast and the green apron age
When no mouth stirred about the hanging famine,
All world was one, one windy nothing,
My world was christened in a stream of milk.
And earth and sky were as one airy hill.
The sun and mood shed one white light.

From the first print of the unshodden foot, the lifting
Hand, the breaking of the hair,
From the first scent of the heart, the...Read more of this...

by Rossetti, Christina
...k them,
Pomegranates, figs."

"Good folk," said Lizzie,
Mindful of Jeanie,
"Give me much and many"; --
Held out her apron,
Tossed them her penny.
"Nay, take a seat with us,
Honor and eat with us,"
They answered grinning;
"Our feast is but beginning.
Night yet is early,
Warm and dew-pearly,
Wakeful and starry:
Such fruits as these
No man can carry;
Half their bloom would fly,
Half their dew would dry,
Half their flavor would pass by.
Sit down and feast with us,...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...the while his private bill's in sight. 
In chair, he smoking sits like master cook, 
And a poll bill does like his apron look. 
Well was he skilled to season any question 
And made a sauce, fit for Whitehall's digestion, 
Whence every day, the palate more to tickle, 
Court-mushrumps ready are, sent in in pickle. 
When grievance urged, he swells like squatted toad, 
Frisks like a frog, to croak a tax's load; 
His patient piss he could hold longer than 
An urinal, ...Read more of this...

by Allingham, William
...grows, -
A wrinkled, wizen'd and bearded Elf,
Spectacles stuck on his pointed nose,
Silver buckles to his hose,
Leather apron - shoe in his lap -
'Rip-rap, tip-tap,
(A grasshopper on my cap!
Away the moth flew!)
Buskins for a fairy prince,
Brogues for his son -
Pay me well, pay me well,
When the job is done!"
The rogue was mine, beyond a doubt.
I stared at him, he stared at me;
"Servant Sir!" "Humph" says he,
And pull'd a snuff-box out.
He took a long p...Read more of this...

by Collins, Billy
...l goblet and the wine.
You are the dew on the morning grass
and the burning wheel of the sun.
You are the white apron of the baker,
and the marsh birds suddenly in flight.

However, you are not the wind in the orchard,
the plums on the counter,
or the house of cards.
And you are certainly not the pine-scented air.
There is just no way that you are the pine-scented air.

It is possible that you are the fish under the bridge,
maybe even the pigeon on the...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
thinking I was a killer,
anointing myself daily
with my little poisons.
But no.
I'm an empress.
I wear an apron.
My typewriter writes.
It didn't break the way it warned.
Even crazy, I'm as nice
as a chocolate bar.
Even with the witches' gymnastics
they trust my incalculable city,
my corruptible bed.

O dearest three,
I make a soft reply.
The witch comes on
and you paint her pink.
I come with kisses in my hood
and the sun, the smart on...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
...ove the garlands swinging hight
Hang in the soft eves sober light
These maid and child did yearly pull
By many a folded apron full
But all is past the merry song
Of maidens hurrying along
To crown at eve the earliest cow
Is gone and dead and silent now
The laugh raisd at the mocking thorn
Tyd to the cows tail last that morn
The kerchief at arms length displayd
Held up by pairs of swain and maid
While others bolted underneath
Bawling loud wi panting breath
'Duck under water' a...Read more of this...

by Trumbull, John
Like meteors, stream in troubled air;
While rifle-frocks drove Gen'rals cap'ring,
And Red-coats shrunk from leathern apron,
And epaulette and gorget run
From whinyard brown and rusty gun.
With locks unshorn not Samson more
Made useless all the show of war,
Nor fought with ass's jaw for rarity
With more success, or singularity.
I saw our vet'ran thousands yield,
And pile their muskets on the field,
And peasant guards, in rueful plight,
March off our captured bands f...Read more of this...

by Lehman, David
...te I haven't taken. I shall become the romantic poet
whose coat of many colors smeared
with blood, like a butcher's apron, left
in the sacred pit or brought back to my father
to confirm my death, confirms my new life
instead, an alien prince of dungeons and dreams
who sheds the disguise people recognize him by
to reveal himself to his true brothers at last
in the silence that stuns before joy descends, like rain....Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
...e west,
Dragging the whole sky with it to the hills.
Its light poured softly in her lap. She saw
And spread her apron to it. She put out her hand
Among the harp-like morning-glory strings,
Taut with the dew from garden bed to eaves,
As if she played unheard the tenderness
That wrought on him beside her in the night.
'Warren,' she said, 'he has come home to die:
You needn't be afraid he'll leave you this time.'
'Home,' he mocked gently.
'Yes, what else ...Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad
...un. In the pawn-shop door
The same old black cat winked green amber eyes;
The butcher stood by his window tying his apron;
The same men walked beside him, smoking pipes,
Reading the morning paper . . .

He would not yield, he thought, and walk more slowly,
As if he knew for certain he walked to death:
But with his usual pace,—deliberate, firm,
Looking about him calmly, watching the world,
Taking his ease . . . Yet, when he thought again
Of the same...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne tied this knot in my dreams.
I have walked through a door in my dreams
and she was standing there in my mother's apron.
Once she crawled through a window that was shaped
like a keyhole and she was wearing my daughter's
pink corduroys and each time I tied these women
in a knot. Once a queen came. I tied her too.
But this is something I have actually tied
and now I have made her fast.
I sang her out. I caught her down.
I stamped her out with a...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...and small. *slim, neat
A seint* she weared, barred all of silk, *girdle
A barm-cloth* eke as white as morning milk *apron
Upon her lendes*, full of many a gore**. *loins **plait
White was her smock*, and broider'd all before, *robe or gown
And eke behind, on her collar about
Of coal-black silk, within and eke without.
The tapes of her white volupere* *head-kerchief 
Were of the same suit of her collere;
Her fillet broad of silk, and set full high:
And sicker...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt’d by a contribution, died, aged forty-one
 that was his funeral. 

Thumb extended, finger uplifted, apron, cape, gloves, strap, wet-weather clothes, whip
 carefully chosen, boss, spotter, starter, hostler, somebody loafing on you, you loafing
 somebody, headway, man before and man behind, good day’s work, bad day’s work,
 stock, mean stock, first out, last out, turning-in at night;
To think that these are so much and so nigh to other drivers—and h...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Apron poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things