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Famous Appals Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Appals poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous appals poems. These examples illustrate what a famous appals poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...mbling down, stone by stone falls;
    An ague doubt comes creeping in the sun,
    The sun himself shudders, the day appals,
    The concourse of a thousand tempests sprawls
    Over the blue-lipped lakes and maddening groves,
    Like agonies of gods the clouds are whirled,
    The stormwind like the demon huntsman roves —
    Still stands my friend, though all's to chaos hurled,
    The unseen friend, the one last friend in all the world.

...Read more of this...
by Blunden, Edmund


And there's icy crags and precipices, also beautiful waterfalls,
And as the stranger gazes thereon, his heart it appals
With a mixture of wonder, fear, and delight,
Till at last he exclaims, Oh! what a wonderful sight! 

The icy mountains they're higher than a brig's topmast,
And the stranger in amazement stands aghast
As he beholds the water flowing off the melted ice
Adown the mountain sides, that he cries out, Oh! how nice! 

Such sights as these are truly magnifice...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...shadows of surrounding trees, 
The flapping bat, the night song of the breeze; 
Aught they behold or hear their thought appals 
As evening saddens o'er the dark gray walls. 


Vain thought! that hour of ne'er unravell'd gloom 
Came not again, or Lara could assume 
A seeming of forgetfulness that made 
His vassals more amazed nor less afraid — 
Had memory vanish'd then with sense restored? 
Since word, nor look, nor gesture of their lord 
Betray'd a feeling that ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...r the Corybants
       Clash their loud gongs with fiercer sounds
     Than savage wrath; nor sword nor spear
       Appals it, no, nor ocean's frown,
     Nor ravening fire, nor Jupiter
       In hideous ruin crashing down.
     Prometheus, forced, they say, to add
       To his prime clay some favourite part
     From every kind, took lion mad,
       And lodged its gall in man's poor heart.
     'Twas wrath that laid Thyestes low;
       'Tis wrath that oft dest...Read more of this...
by Horace,
...t thou that Fancy paints the future scene
In hues too sombrous? that the dark-stol'd Maid
With stern and frowning front
Appals the shuddering soul?

And would'st thou bid me court her faery form
When, as she sports her in some happier mood,
Her many-colour'd robes
Dance varying to the Sun?

Ah vainly does the Pilgrim, whose long road
Leads o'er the barren mountain's storm-vext height,
With anxious gaze survey
The fruitful far-off vale.

Oh there are those who love the pen...Read more of this...
by Southey, Robert

...would be killed dead
By the falling of the rickety and insecure walls;
When I think of it, kind Christians, my heart it appals! 

Because it has caused widows and their families to shed briny tears,
For there hasn't been such a destructive fire for many years;
Whereby four brave firemen have perished in the fire,
And for better fathers or husbands no family could desire. 

'Twas about five o'clock in the morning the fire did break out,
While one of the workmen was inspect...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz,
That fires not, wins not, weeps not, now,
And but for that chill, changeless brow,

Where cold Obstruction's apathy
Appals the gazing mourner's heart,
As if to him it could impart
The doom he dreads, yet dwells upon;
Yes, but for these and these alone,
Some moments, aye, one treacherous hour,
He still might doubt the Tyrant's power;
So fair, so calm, so softly sealed,
The first, last look by Death revealed!
Such is the aspect of his shore;
'T is Greece, but living Greece ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord) may be soured in the drab confusion
but everywhere's the making of a map
charting today's unimaginable zone

what appals me daily is the unintelligence of those
who sit on the commodes of power debowelling scented ****
public- and grammar-school yokels wet-nursed oxbridge bums
(meet them where your own world breathes you'd have the urge to spit)
their great debates are full of puff their insights comatose

but they concoct the standards in their painted kingdom-comes
th...Read more of this...
by Gregory, Rg
...tal folds just in his way,
The fear whereof doth make him shake and shudder;
Even so the timorous yelping of the hounds
Appals her senses and her spirit confounds.

For now she knows it is no gentle chase,
But the blunt boar, rough bear, or lion proud,
Because the cry remaineth in one place,
Where fearfully the dogs exclaim aloud:
Finding their enemy to be so curst,
They all strain court'sy who shall cope him first.

This dismal cry rings sadly in her ear,
Through whi...Read more of this...
by Shakespeare, William

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things