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Famous Antlers Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Antlers poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous antlers poems. These examples illustrate what a famous antlers poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Dickinson, Emily
...A curious Cloud surprised the Sky,
'Twas like a sheet with Horns;
The sheet was Blue --
The Antlers Gray --
It almost touched the lawns.

So low it leaned -- then statelier drew --
And trailed like robes away,
A Queen adown a satin aisle
Had not the majesty....Read more of this...

by Davidson, John
...nable stag.

So a fateful hope lit up his eye, 
And he open'd his nostrils wide again, 
And he toss'd his branching antlers high 
As he headed the hunt down the Charlock glen, 
As he raced down the echoing glen 
For five miles more, the stag, the stag, 
For twenty miles, and five and five, 
Not to be caught now, dead or alive, 
The stag, the runnable stag.

Three hundred gentleman, able to ride, 
Three hundred horses as gallant and free, 
Beheld him escape on the even...Read more of this...

by Owen, Wilfred
...ughing round an apple.
There lurk no claws behind his fingers supple;
And God will grow no talons at his heels,
Nor antlers through the thickness of his curls....Read more of this...

by Gunn, Thom
...meets over
the bright path he makes, where rain
has darkened the earth's dark. He
moves in a wood of desire,

pale antlers barely stirring
as he hunts. I cannot tell
what power is at work, drenched there 
with purpose, knowing nothing.
What is a snail's fury? All 
I think is that if later

I parted the blades above
the tunnel and saw the thin
trail of broken white across
litter, I would never have 
imagined the slow passion
to that deliberate progress....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...ow, as I quit you to-night,
It's Youth that I'm leaving behind.
And often I'll think of you, empty and black,
Moose antlers nailed over your door:
Oh, if I should perish my ghost will come back
To dwell in you, cabin, once more!

How cold, still and lonely, how weary you seem!
A last wistful look and I'll go.
Oh, will you remember the lad with his dream!
The lad that you comforted so.
The shadows enfold you, it's drawing to-night;
The evening star needles the sky:...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...Go, my son, into the forest, 
Where the red deer herd together, 
Kill for us a famous roebuck, 
Kill for us a deer with antlers!"
Forth into the forest straightway 
All alone walked Hiawatha 
Proudly, with his bow and arrows; 
And the birds sang round him, o'er him, 
"Do not shoot us, Hiawatha!"
Sang the robin, the Opechee, 
Sang the bluebird, the Owaissa, 
"Do not shoot us, Hiawatha!"
Up the oak-tree, close beside him, 
Sprang the squirrel, Adjidaumo, 
In and out among the b...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Beautiful and childlike was he, 
Brave as man is, soft as woman, 
Pliant as a wand of willow, 
Stately as a deer with antlers.
When he sang, the village listened; 
All the warriors gathered round him, 
All the women came to hear him; 
Now he stirred their souls to passion, 
Now he melted them to pity.
From the hollow reeds he fashioned 
Flutes so musical and mellow, 
That the brook, the Sebowisha, 
Ceased to murmur in the woodland, 
That the wood-birds ceased from s...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...ows, shod with snow-shoes,
Heeding not his brother's warning,
Fearing not the Evil Spirits,
Forth to hunt the deer with antlers
All alone went Chibiabos.
Right across the Big-Sea-Water
Sprang with speed the deer before him.
With the wind and snow he followed,
O'er the treacherous ice he followed,
Wild with all the fierce commotion
And the rapture of the hunting.
But beneath, the Evil Spirits
Lay in ambush, waiting for him,
Broke the treacherous ice beneath him,
Dr...Read more of this...

by Patchen, Kenneth
...le I must carry her the flowers
Which only fade here; and she will not cry
If my hands are not very full.


Fiery antlers toss within the forests of heaven
And ocean’s plaintive towns
Echo the tread of celestial feet.
O the beautiful eyes stare down…
What have we done that we are blessèd?
What have we died that we hasten to God?


And all the animals are asleep again
In their separate caves.
Hairy bellies distended with their kill.
Culture blubbering in an...Read more of this...

by Slessor, Kenneth with black staghorns, quietly sucking, 
And trees whose boughs go seeking, 
And tress like broken teeth 

With smoky antlers broken in the sky; 
Or trunks that lie grotesquely rigid, 
Like bodies blank and wretched 
After a fool's battue, 

As if they've secret ways of dying here 
And secret places for their anguish 
When boughs at last relinquish 
Their clench of blowing air 

But this gaunt country, filled with mills and saws, 
With butter-works and railway-stations 
And...Read more of this...

by Jeffers, Robinson,
Grass and a shallow pool. But all about there were bones Iying in the grass, 
 clean bones and stinking bones,
Antlers and bones: I understood that the place was a refuge for wounded 
 deer; there are so many
Hurt ones escape the hunters and limp away to lie hidden; here they have 
 water for the awful thirst
And peace to die in; dense green laurel and grim cliff

Make sanctuary, and a sweet wind blows upward from the deep gorge.--I 
 wish my bones were with thei...Read more of this...

by Hood, Thomas
...anner shuddered, and the ragged streamer;
All things the horrid tenor of the sound
Acknowledged with a tremor.

The antlers where the helmet hung, and belt,
Stirred as the tempest stirs the forest branches,
Or as the stag had trembled when he felt
The bloodhound at his haunches.

The window jingled in its crumbled frame,
And through its many gaps of destitution
Dolorous moans and hollow sighings came,
Like those of dissolution.

The wood-louse dropped, and rolled ...Read more of this...

by Williams, William Carlos (WCW)
sturdy hunters lead in 

their pack the inn-sign 
hanging from 
a broken hinge is a stag a crucifix 

between his antlers the cold 
inn yard 
is deserted but for a huge bonfire 

that flares wind-driven it is tended by 
women who cluster 
about it to the right beyond 

the hill is a pattern of skaters 
Brueghel the painter 
concerned with it all has chosen 

a winter-struck bush for his 
foreground to 
complete the picture....Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...must turn to bay,
     Where that huge rampart barred the way;
     Already glorying in the prize,
     Measured his antlers with his eyes;
     For the death-wound and death-halloo
     Mustered his breath, his whinyard drew:—
     But thundering as he came prepared,
     With ready arm and weapon bared,
     The wily quarry shunned the shock,
     And turned him from the opposing rock;
     Then, dashing down a darksome glen,
     Soon lost to hound and Hunter's ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Antlers poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things