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Famous Annulled Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Annulled poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous annulled poems. These examples illustrate what a famous annulled poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Alighieri, Dante
che fu nel cominciar cotanto tosta. 

so was I in the midst of that dark land, 
because, with all my thinking, I annulled 
the task I had so quickly undertaken. 

«S'i' ho ben la parola tua intesa», 
rispuose del magnanimo quell'ombra; 
«l'anima tua ? da viltade offesa ; 

"If I have understood what you have said," 
replied the shade of that great-hearted one, 
"your soul has been assailed by cowardice, 

la qual molte fiate l'omo ingombra 
s? che d'onrata impres...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...e -- serene --
Burned on -- until through Dissolution --
It failed from Men --

I could not deem these Planetary forces
Annulled --
But suffered an Exchange of Territory --
Or World --...Read more of this...

by Piercy, Marge
...uff of which we're made and unmade. 

In sleep the other night I met you, seventeen 
your first nasty marriage just annulled, 
thin from your abortion, clutching a book 

against your cheek and trying to look 
older, trying to took middle class, 
trying for a job at Wanamaker's, 

dressing for parties in cast off 
stage costumes of your sisters. Your eyes 
were hazy with dreams. You did not 

notice me waving as you wandered 
past and I saw your slip was showing.<...Read more of this...

by Stevens, Wallace
...tfulness, in alternate strain. 
52 Just so an ancient Crispin was dissolved. 
53 The valet in the tempest was annulled. 
54 Bordeaux to Yucatan, Havana next, 
55 And then to Carolina. Simple jaunt. 
56 Crispin, merest minuscule in the gates, 
57 Dejected his manner to the turbulence. 
58 The salt hung on his spirit like a frost, 
59 The dead brine melted in him like a dew 
60 Of winter, until nothing of himself 
61 Remained, except some stark...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...ering what bloody act her beauty planned, 
What evil lurked behind the thing we saw, 
What strength there was that thus annulled man's hand, 

How next its triumph would compel man's will 
Into compliance with external fate, 
How next the powers would use her to work ill 
On suffering men; we had not long to wait. 

For soon the outcry of derision rose, 
"Here comes the Wanderer!" the expected cry. 
Guessing the cause, our mockings joined with those 
Yelled from the s...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Annulled poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs