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Famous Annoyance Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Annoyance poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous annoyance poems. These examples illustrate what a famous annoyance poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by McGonagall, William Topaz
...the trees;
And in the summer time it's frequented with bees,
And also crows with their unmusical cry,
Which is a great annoyance to the villagers that live near by. 

And there in the summer season the mavis sings,
And with her charming notes the woodland rings;
And the sweet-scented zephyrs is borne upon the gale,
Which is most refreshing and invigorating to inhale. 

Then there's the stately Castle of Balmerino
Situated in the midst of trees, a magnificent show,
An...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...inclement devils
Have made of late his heart their dwelling place.
A flame half ready to fly out sometimes
At some annoyance may be fanned up in him,
But soon it falls, and when it falls goes out;
He knows how little room there is in there
For crude and futile animosities,
And how much for the joy of being whole,
And how much for long sorrow and old pain.
On our side there are some who may be given
To grow old wondering what he thinks of us
And some above us, who are...Read more of this...

by Reeser, Jennifer
...ade and garnet gem.

With clarity and ease like these a-stage,
comparison with any else in life
seems but the smart annoyance of an age,
scissors beside a blunted paperknife.

“Sit up. Pay close attention. Sugar Plum
is dancing with such dignity,” I tell
you, half-disheartened, when I hear you hum,
you know Tchaikovsky’s symphony so well....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...olks who really wound
Are those we love the best. 

The man you thoroughly despise
Can rouse your wrath, 'tis true;
Annoyance in your heart will rise
At things mere strangers do;
But those are only passing ills;
This rule all lives will prove;
The rankling wound which aches and thrills
Is dealt by hands we love. 

The choicest garb, the sweetest grace,
Are oft to strangers shown;
The careless mien, the frowning face,
Are given to our own.
We flatter those we scarc...Read more of this...

by Hacker, Marilyn
...l her Gísela.
I call her Grandma.. "Grandma will buy it for you,"
– does she add "mammele "
not letting her annoyance filter through 
as an old-world friend moves into view?
The toddler and the stout
grey-haired woman walk out
of the small park toward the shopping streets
into a present tense
where what’s ineffaceable repeats
itself. Accidents.
I dash ahead, new whistle in my hand
She runs behind. The car. The almost-silent
thud. Gísela, prone,...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...funeral gaze—and went upstairs; 
And there, in the one room that he could call
His own, he found a sort of meaningless 
Annoyance in the mute familiar things 
That filled it; for the grate’s monotonous gleam 
Was not the gleam that he had known before, 
The books were not the books that used to be,
The place was not the place. There was a lack 
Of something; and the certitude of death 
Itself, as with a furtive questioning, 
Hovered, and he could not yet understand. 
...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton alias "Silent Waters", 
But never a needless word he said 
In the hut or the shearers' quarters. 

Which caused annoyance to Big Barcoo, 
The shed's unquestioned ringer, 
Whose name was famous Australia through 
As a dancer, fighter and singer. 

He was fit for the ring, if he'd had his rights 
As an agent of devastation; 
And the number of men he had killed in fights 
Was his principal conversation. 

"I have known blokes go to their doom," said he, 
"Through...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...hares:--in a band
The jailors sent those of the liberal schism
Free through the streets of Memphis--much, I wis,
To the annoyance of king Amasis.

And timid lovers, who had been so coy
They hardly knew whether they loved or not,
Would rise out of their rest, and take sweet joy,
To the fulfilment of their inmost thought;
And, when next day the maiden and the boy
Met one another, both, like sinners caught,
Blushed at the thing which each believed was done
Only in fancy--til...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
What love of thine own kind? what ignorance of pain? 

With thy clear keen joyance 
Languor cannot be; 
Shadow of annoyance 
Never came near thee: 
Thou lovest; but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.

Waking or asleep, 
Thou of death must deem 
Things more true and deep 
Than we mortals dream, 
Or how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream? 

We look before and after, 
And pine for what is not: 
Our sincerest laughter 
With some pain is fraught; 
Our sw...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Annoyance poems.

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