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Famous Angular Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Angular poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous angular poems. These examples illustrate what a famous angular poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Ammons, A R
...Walking is like
imagination, a
single step
dissolves the circle
into motion; the eye here
and there rests
on a leaf,
gap, or ledge,
everything flowing
except where
sight touches seen:
stop, though, and
reality snaps back
in, locked hard,
forms sharply
themselves, bushbank,
dentree, phoneline,
definite, fixed,
the self, too, then
caught real, clouds
and win...Read more of this...

by Boland, Eavan
...ew more days
sinless, foodless,

I will slip
back into him again
as if I had never been away.

Caged so
I will grow
angular and holy

past pain,
keeping his heart
such company

as will make me forget
in a small space
the fall

into forked dark,
into python needs
heaving to hips and breasts
and lips and heat
and sweat and fat and greed....Read more of this...

by Keats, John
..., millions sparkled on a vein of gold,
Along whose track the prince quick footsteps told,
With all its lines abrupt and angular:
Out-shooting sometimes, like a meteor-star,
Through a vast antre; then the metal woof,
Like Vulcan's rainbow, with some monstrous roof
Curves hugely: now, far in the deep abyss,
It seems an angry lightning, and doth hiss
Fancy into belief: anon it leads
Through winding passages, where sameness breeds
Vexing conceptions of some sudden change;
Whether...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
...Cayster or Ganges, though:
A feeble Norman salt-infested watercourse); 
On the right, to the north, bizarre terrain
All angular--you'd think a shovel did it. 
So that's the foreground. An old chapel adds
Its antique spire, and gathers alongside it 
A few gnarled elms with grumpy silhouettes;
Seemingly tired of all the frisky breezes, 
They carp at every gust that stirs them up.
At one side of my house a big wheelbarrow 
Is rusting; and before me lies the vast
Hori...Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
...c forest

  safely - distorted joke
  from bog to twisted forest
  gnarled trees writhe and fork
  asphixiated trunks - angular branches
  hook claw throttle frederick in their creaking
   jagged weird
  knotted and misshapen
  petrified maniacal
  figures frantically contorted
  grotesque eccentric in the moon-toothed
  tug clutch struggle
  with the haggard form
  zigzag he staggers
  awe-plagued giddy
  near-garrotted mind-deranged
  forcing his saggi...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Angular poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things