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Famous Angered Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Angered poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous angered poems. These examples illustrate what a famous angered poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...n, rain, and sun! and where is he who knows? 
From the great deep to the great deep he goes." 

`So Merlin riddling angered me; but thou 
Fear not to give this King thy only child, 
Guinevere: so great bards of him will sing 
Hereafter; and dark sayings from of old 
Ranging and ringing through the minds of men, 
And echoed by old folk beside their fires 
For comfort after their wage-work is done, 
Speak of the King; and Merlin in our time 
Hath spoken also, not in jest, a...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...ough season-earlier. Art thou sad? or sick? 
Our noble King will send thee his own leech-- 
Sick? or for any matter angered at me?' 

Then Lancelot lifted his large eyes; they dwelt 
Deep-tranced on hers, and could not fall: her hue 
Changed at his gaze: so turning side by side 
They past, and Balin started from his bower. 

'Queen? subject? but I see not what I see. 
Damsel and lover? hear not what I hear. 
My father hath begotten me in his wrath. 
I suff...Read more of this...

by Tessimond, A S J
...les or routes for journeys; counter
Attack with non-resistance; twist
Enticing through the curving fingers
And leave an angered empty fist.

They wait obsequious as darkness
Quick to retire, quick to return;
Admit no aim or ethics; flatter
With reservations; will not learn

To answer to their names; are seldom
Truly owned till shot or skinned.
Cats no less liquid than their shadows
Offer no angles to the wind....Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...n at all

The egregarious Silkin

Tried to get off with my wife -

May he rest in peace.

I can’t remember what angered me

About Geoffrey Hill, quite funny

In a nervous, melancholic way,

A mask you wouldn’t get behind.

Harrison and I were close for years

But it sort of faded when he wrote

He wanted to hear no more

Of my personal life.

I went to his reading in Galway

Where he walked in his cosy regalia

Crossed the length of the bar

To embrace me, m...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
..., seeing the city is built 
To music, therefore never built at all, 
And therefore built for ever.' 

Gareth spake 
Angered, 'Old master, reverence thine own beard 
That looks as white as utter truth, and seems 
Wellnigh as long as thou art statured tall! 
Why mockest thou the stranger that hath been 
To thee fair-spoken?' 

But the Seer replied, 
'Know ye not then the Riddling of the Bards? 
"Confusion, and illusion, and relation, 
Elusion, and occasion, and evasion"? 
I...Read more of this...

by Homer,

[Line 90] But grief yet more terrible and savage came into the heart of Demeter, and thereafter she was so angered with the dark-clouded Son of Cronos that she avoided the gathering of the gods and high Olympus, and went to the towns and rich fields of men, disfiguring her form a long while. And no one of men or deep-bosomed women knew her when they saw her, until she came to the house of wise Celeus who then was lord of fragrant Eleusis. Vexed in her dea...Read more of this...

by Edgar, Marriott
...this plight." 
And the King having nothing to say to this, murmured 
"Leave your address and I'll write".

This angered the gallant Fitzwalter;
He stamped on the floor with his foot, 
And were starting to give John a rare ticking off, 
When the 'ole in his 'elmet fell shut. 

"We'll get him a Magna Charter,"
Said Fitz when his face he had freed; 
Said the Barons "That's right and if one's not enough, 
Get a couple and happen they'll breed.'' 

So they set abou...Read more of this...

by Fu, Du
...Have you not seen on the border of Qinghai, The ancient bleached bones no man's gathered in? The new ghosts are angered by injustice, the old ghosts weep, Moistening rain falls from dark heaven on the voices' screeching."...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor worse; 
 You'd have no roses but those grown 
 Above some buried corse. 
 Am I not pinioned firmly? 
 Why be angered if the door 
 Repulses fifty suing maids 
 Who vainly there implore? 
 Let them live on—to envy 
 My own empress of the world, 
 To whom all Stamboul like a dog 
 Lies at the slippers curled. 
 To you my heroes lower 
 Those scarred ensigns none have cowed; 
 To you their turbans are depressed 
 That elsewhere march so proud. 
 To...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...e Queen of Beauty and of love, behold 
This day my Queen of Beauty is not here.' 
And most of these were mute, some angered, one 
Murmuring, `All courtesy is dead,' and one, 
`The glory of our Round Table is no more.' 

Then fell thick rain, plume droopt and mantle clung, 
And pettish cries awoke, and the wan day 
Went glooming down in wet and weariness: 
But under her black brows a swarthy one 
Laughed shrilly, crying, `Praise the patient saints, 
Our one white day o...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
...Huge vultures, and red eagles' wheeling flight 
 Was through each porch descried. 
 "Must I complete it?" said the angered cloud. 
 "On still!" "Lord, whither?" groaned it, deep not loud. 
 Two cities, strange, unknown in history's page, 
 Up to the clouds seemed scaling, stage by stage, 
 Noiseless their streets; their sleeping inmates lie, 
 Their gods, their chariots, in obscurity! 
 Like sisters sleeping 'neath the same moonlight, 
 O'er their tw...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...child's eyes hast thou taken in their stead--"

Mother, thou knewest not what she had to give,
Thy goddess, though then angered, for mine eyes;
Fame and foreknowledge, and to be most wise,
And centuries of high-thoughted life to live,
And in mine hand this guiding staff to be
As eyesight to the feet of men that see.

Perchance I shall not die at all, nor pass
The general door and lintel of men dead;
Yet even the very tongue of wisdom said
What grace should come with death...Read more of this...

by Harrison, Tony
...I made my mind up that I'd got to get her
with the fire hose I can't say, but I'll try.

It wasn't just the singing angered me.
At the same time half a crowd was jeering
as the smooth Hugh Gaitskill, our MP,
made promises the other half were cheering.

What I hated in those high soprano ranges
was uplift beyond all reason and control
and in a world where you say nothing changes
it seemed a sort of prick-tease of the soul.

I tell you when I heard high notes th...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Angered poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things