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Famous Ammer Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ammer poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ammer poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ammer poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Service, Robert William
..., which was 'eapin' 'igh with dead,
And we started for their second, which was fifty feet ahead;
When something like a 'ammer smashed me savage on the knee,
And down I came all muck and blood: Says I: "That's number three."

So there I lay all 'elpless like, and bloody sick at that,
And worryin' like anythink, because I'd lost me 'at;
And thinkin' of me missis, and the partin' words she said:
"If you gets killed, write quick, ol' man, and tell me as you're dead."
And ...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...t's *****.
They're up to somethin' -- 'oo'll volunteer
 To crawl in the dark and see?'
Then I felt me 'eart like a 'ammer go,
And up jumps a chap and 'e says: 'Right O!'
But I chips in straight, and I says 'Oh no!
 'E's a missis and kids -- take me.'

"And the next I knew I was sneakin' out,
And the oozy corpses was all about,
And I felt so scared I wanted to shout,
 And me skin fair prickled wiv fear;
And I sez: 'You coward! You 'ad no right
To take on the job of a m...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ammer poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things