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Famous Amen Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Amen poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous amen poems. These examples illustrate what a famous amen poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Burns, Robert
...s, bags and wallets!
 Here’s to all the wandering train.
Here’s our ragged brats and callets,
 One and all cry out, Amen!

Chorus A fig for those by law protected!
 Liberty’s a glorious feast!
 Courts for cowards were erected,
 Churches built to please the priest.

 Note 1. Not published by Burns. [back]
Note 2. A peculiar sort of whisky so called, a great favorite with Poosie Nansie’s clubs.—R. B. [back]
Note 3. Homer is allowed to be th...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...ncient state
 Has clean departed; and we see
'Twas Idleness we took for Fate
 That bound light bonds on you and me.
Amen! Here ends the comedy
 Where it began in all good will;
Since Love and Leave together flee
 As driven mist on Jakko Hill!...Read more of this...

by Williams, John
...Into your shape.
But I guess that is romantic,
The old mystification-
Cramming two bodies
Into a single space.


Our separation has taught me
That, dwelling in mind,
The corporeality
Of mates has spiritual mass
Which may be formulated:
Memory times desire over distance
Yields a bodying forth.
Thus I project into the
Deadly space between us
A corposant,Pulsating a language
That will cleave to you
In the coolness of sleep
With insubstantiality
So fierce as to ...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...s the song, when God's the theme; 
 Glorious the thunder's roar: 
Glorious hosanna from the den; 
Glorious the catholic amen; 
 Glorious the martyr's gore: 

Glorious—more glorious, is the crown 
Of Him that brought salvation down, 
 By meekness, call'd thy Son: 
Thou at stupendous truth believ'd;— 
And now the matchless deed's achiev'd, 
 DETERMIN'D, DAR'D, AND DONE....Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...till we are built like angels, with hammer and chisel and pen,
We will work for ourself and a woman, for ever and ever, amen."

Now this is the tale of the Council the German Kaiser held --
The day that they razored the Grindstone, the day that the Cat was belled,
The day of the Figs from Thistles, the day of the Twisted Sands,
The day that the laugh of a maiden made light of the Lords of Their Hands....Read more of this...

by Holmes, Oliver Wendell quite enough for me;
Three courses are as good as ten;--
If Nature can subsist on three,
Thank Heaven for three. Amen!
I always thought cold victual nice;--
My choice would be vanilla-ice.

I care not much for gold or land;--
Give me a mortgage here and there,--
Some good bank-stock, some note of hand, 
Or trifling railroad share,--
I only ask that Fortune send
A little more than I shall spend.

Honors are silly toys, I know,
And titles are but empty names;
I w...Read more of this...

by Cohen, Leonard
...tual thirst.
 It's here the family's broken
 and it's here the lonely say
 that the heart has got to open
 in a fundamental way:
 Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. 
 It's coming from the women and the men.
 O baby, we'll be making love again.
 We'll be going down so deep
 that the river's going to weep,
 and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
 It's coming to the tidal flood
 beneath the lunar sway,
 imperial, mysterious
 in amorous array:
 Democracy i...Read more of this...

by Van Doren, Mark air.
Those great good things
of which the least bird sings,
So why not I?
Yet thank you even then,
Sweet muse, Amen....Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...llez and chambrez
With lordez and ladies, as leuest him thoyght.
With all the wele of the worlde thay woned ther samen,
The most kyd knyyghtez vnder Krystes seluen,
And the louelokkest ladies that euer lif haden,
And he the comlokest kyng that the court haldes;
For al watz this fayre folk in her first age,
on sille,
The hapnest vnder heuen,
Kyng hyyghest mon of wylle;
Hit were now gret nye to neuen
So hardy a here on hille.
Wyle Nw Ygher watz so yghep that...Read more of this...

by Johnson, James Weldon
...d world begins to rock beneath my feet--
Lower me to my dusty grave in peace
To wait for that great gittin'-up morning--Amen....Read more of this...

by Dryden, John
...than his father's be his throne.
Beyond love's kingdom let him stretch his pen;
He paus'd, and all the people cry'd Amen.
Then thus, continu'd he, my son advance
Still in new impudence, new ignorance.
Success let other teach, learn thou from me
Pangs without birth, and fruitless industry.
Let Virtuosos in five years be writ;
Yet not one thought accuse thy toil of wit.
Let gentle George in triumph tread the stage,
Make Dorimant betray, and Loveit rage;
Let ...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
To pick up heads, the smuggeld plays
Neath hovels upon sabbath days
When parson he is safe from view
And clerk sings amen in his pew
The sitting down when school was oer
Upon the threshold by his door
Picking from mallows sport to please
Each crumpld seed he calld a cheese
And hunting from the stackyard sod
The stinking hen banes belted pod
By youths vain fancys sweetly fed
Christning them his loaves of bread
He sees while rocking down the street
Wi weary hands and crimpli...Read more of this...

by Trumbull, John
...aged forth in stones and stocks,
And deified in barber's blocks:
So Gage was chose to represent
Th' omnipotence of Parliament.
As antient heroes gain'd by shifts,
From gods, as poets tell, their gifts;
Our General, as his actions show,
Gain'd like assistance from below,
By satan graced with full supplies
From all his magazine of lies.
Yet could his practice ne'er impart
The wit to tell a lie with art.
Those lies alone are formidable
Where artful truth is mix'd wit...Read more of this...

by Stevens, Wallace
...ave an incantation. And again, 
351 When piled on salvers its aroma steeped 
352 The summer, it should have a sacrament 
353 And celebration. Shrewd novitiates 
354 Should be the clerks of our experience. 

355 These bland excursions into time to come, 
356 Related in romance to backward flights, 
357 However prodigal, however proud, 
358 Contained in their afflatus the reproach 
359 That first drove Crispin to his wandering. 
360 He could not be co...Read more of this...

by Johnson, James Weldon
Till he shaped it in is his own image;

Then into it he blew the breath of life,
And man became a living soul.
Amen.Amen....Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...s priests cheat us laymen)
To a world where will be no furtiner throwing
Pearls befare swine that Can't value them. Amen!...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...strain, but slow
     Sunk in a moan prolonged and low,
     And changed the conquering clarion swell
     For wild lament o'er those that fell.

     The war-pipes ceased, but lake and hill
     Were busy with their echoes still;
     And, when they slept, a vocal strain
     Bade their hoarse chorus wake again,
     While loud a hundred clansmen raise
     Their voices in their Chieftain's praise.
     Each boatman, bending to his oar,
     With me...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...' late --
An' he thinks I'm dying crazy, and you're in Macassar Strait!
Flesh o' my flesh, my dearie, for ever an' ever amen,
That first stroke come for a warning. I ought to ha' gone to you then.
But -- cheap repairs for a cheap 'un -- the doctor said I'd do.
Mary, why didn't you warn me? I've allus heeded to you,
Excep' -- I know -- about women; but you are a spirit now;
An', wife, they was only women, and I was a man. That's how.
An' a man 'e must go wi...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...s divine; 
O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee close 5 
In midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes  
Or wait the amen ere thy poppy throws 
Around my bed its lulling charities; 
Then save me or the pass¨¨d day will shine 
Upon my pillow breeding many woes; 10 
Save me from curious conscience that still lords 
Its strength for darkness burrowing like a mole; 
Turn the key deftly in the oil¨¨d wards  
And seal the hush¨¨d casket of my soul. ...Read more of this...

by Carver, Raymond
...yet but I intend to start today
he said I'm real sorry he said
I wish I had some other kind of news to give you
I said Amen and he said something else
I didn't catch and not knowing what else to do
and not wanting him to have to repeat it
and me to have to fully digest it
I just looked at him
for a minute and he looked back it was then
I jumped up and shook hands with this man who'd just given me
something no one else on earth had ever given me
I may have even thanked him ha...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Amen poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things