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Famous Almshouse Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Almshouse poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous almshouse poems. These examples illustrate what a famous almshouse poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Blunden, Edmund
...At Quincey's moat the squandering village ends,
    And there in the almshouse dwell the dearest friends
    Of all the village, two old dames that cling
    As close as any trueloves in the spring.
    Long, long ago they passed threescore-and-ten,
    And in this doll's house lived together then;
    All things they have in common, being so poor,
    And their one fear, Death's shadow at the door.
    Each su...Read more of this...

by Herrick, Robert
...I would to God, that mine old age might have
Before my last, but here a living grave;
Some one poor almshouse, there to lie, or stir,
Ghost-like, as in my meaner sepulchre;
A little piggin, and a pipkin by,
To hold things fitting my necessity,
Which, rightly us'd, both in their time and place,
Might me excite to fore, and after, grace.
Thy cross, my Christ, fix'd 'fore mine eyes should be,
Not to adore that, but to worship Thee.
So here the remnant...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...ncing in me glorious. 
And as I ran I yell and shriek 
"Come on, now, turn the other cheek." 
Across the way by almshouse pump 
I see old puffing parson stump. 
Old parson, red-eyed as a ferret 
From nightly wrestlings with the spirit; 
I ran acrosss, and barred his path. 
His turkey gills went red as wrath 
And then he froze as parsons can. 
"The police will deal with you, my man." 
"Not yet, "said I, "not yet they won't; 
And now you'll hear me, like...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Almshouse poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things