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Famous Adrian Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Adrian poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous adrian poems. These examples illustrate what a famous adrian poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Green, Adrian the soft jazz and midnight hour
your eyes are dancing close to mine
a sway of hips, a touch of lips

while on the stand
piano player’s fingers
dance around the tune
above a gentle touch
caressing music from the bass

your fingers up and down my spine

in the soft jazz and midnight hour
we lose ourselves in bluenote time...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...ighest, holiest star
That decks God's throne; then go and leave her here,
For sacred as the dead she is to me."
'Tis Adrian—he drops upon one knee
And looks upon her face with dread and fear,
Then tenderly he wipes away the red,
Dark stains, and with a strong, yet tender grace,
Uplifts her to his arms.
                          Her marble face
Lies close unto his own—he bends his head
And is he any less the man because one tear
Falls on that wayward face so proud a...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...,—Oh! are they then but dreams,
That do no good, but only lure my heart
From woman's truer paths in life apart?
"Oh! Adrian, had'st thou then the better thought,
And have I but a web of sorrow wrought?
Do all our hopes but lead to care and pain,
Has life no sunshine, only clouds and rain?
Has woman no power to rouse to nobler deeds
The heart of man, and fill his higher needs!
Oh, God! in heaven, guide thy child to-night,
Upon my longings shed thy holiest light.
Oh!...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...y one that I have loved is dead,
Save one, and he—oh, must I say it now,—
He loves me not, I dare not claim his vow.
Adrian, too late I prize thee—what is fame
When 'tis not shared with thee! No other name
Can touch me like thine own; but now, indeed,
Where is the love that answers to my need?
I had a dream amid the storm that night,
A vision strange—'mid flashes of the light
Methought I saw your face, your well-known form;
You held me close and safe from rain and s...Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...New moon on the lake.
Your voice and the nightingale 
serenade springtime. 
Full moon on the lake. 
Your voice and the waterbirds 
celebrate summer. 
Old moon on the lake. 
Owls hunting autumnal food -
your voice still singing....Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...There are no lies 
in the morning
no cheating of age

an illusion of eye
smoothing skin over bone.

No portrait hidden away
becoming skeletal
and demanding release.

Another day to face,
my confessor, so laugh
at this charting of years....Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...Not blues in twelve
but there is joy
and pink champagne,

the maker’s music
trading eights
in syncopated synergy
from Dixieland to Rock ‘n’ Roll,

and here the cornet-master
leads in tones
a trumpet cannot blow.

The sidemen nod their harmonies,
their music coursing
through an energy of swing;

piano-player’s fingers
dancing round the tune;
...Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...Drifting on a tide from long ago,
They swing at anchor silently
Wreathed in early morning mist,
Like ghosts grown mellow with antiquity.

With names like Gladys, Will and Edith May
Heroic legends motionless on ancient bows,
They are waiting for the breeze, patiently
Submissive to the whims of air and ebb.

Later, with windlass rattling as anchors a...Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...Some like to dominate,
others caress
a voluptuous rhythm
on pliant strings.

This pulse drives life
through wanton counterpoint,
the heart and harmony
of things....Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...or her sake;

Only her bosom to die on;
Only her heart for a home,
And a name with her children to be
From Calabrian to Adrian sea
Famous in cities made free
That ring to the roar of the lion
Proclaiming republican Rome....Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...follower o'er the field, 
To point the tube, the lance to wield, 
Or whirl around the bickering blade; — 
Was Alp, the Adrian renegade! 


From Venice — once a race of worth 
His gentle sires — he drew his birth; 
But late an exile from her shore, 
Against his countrymen he bore 
The arms they taught to bear; and now 
The turban girt his shaven brow. 
Through many a change had Corinth pass'd 
With Greece to Venice' rule at last; 
And here, before her walls, with...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...o him her liquid eyes
Were gently raised: "Within that symbol lies
Perhaps a truth," she says, "I dare not say,
Yet, Adrian, it cannot matter now,
Determined is my heart; upon my brow
A crown will rest that will not fade away.
Oh! seek not in my sorely troubled breast
To rouse again its strength of dark unrest;
For better were my heart in torture wrung
Than linger here and leave its song unsung."
With sad, sad eyes he looked into her face,
Then turned aside with gr...Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...Pottering around the stage,
a hyperactive ancient in his own backyard -
independent of the band it seems.

Disrhythmic shuffling of ashtray,
beer, a pack of cigarettes,
adjusting microphones,

then in the middle eight
he draws, exhales, and catches breath,
stoops forward to the mouthpiece

and blows,
  a tumbling counterpoint,
scales soaring from his h...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...s conquering eagles known.[Pg 386]Adrian, and Antonine the just and good,He, with his son, the golden age renew'd;And ere they ruled the world, themselves subdued.Then, as I turn'd my roving eyes around,Quirinus I beheld with laurel crown'd,And five succeeding kin...Read more of this...

by Green, Adrian
...The curlew and the heron call,
the hissing mud and whispering wings
beat eery through the idle air
until the moonlit midnight silence falls
and then the tide flows softly
through the gut and sluice of estuary sands
and dark against the dreamlit sky
the trees arise from hedgerows,
and the hills
alive with monstrous shapes
are menacing with soundless fear,
a...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Adrian poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things