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Famous Accumulated Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Accumulated poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous accumulated poems. These examples illustrate what a famous accumulated poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Neruda, Pablo
...s are raining over my heart.
Oh pit of debris, fierce cave of the shipwrecked.

In you the wars and the flights accumulated.
From you the wings of the song birds rose.

You swallowed everything, like distance.
Like the sea, like time. In you everything sank!

It was the happy hour of assault and the kiss.
The hour of the spell that blazed like a lighthouse.

Pilot's dread, fury of blind driver,
turbulent drunkenness of love, in you everything s...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...rude muscle, 
I brace myself effectually—I listen to no entreaties,
I dare not withdraw till I deposit what has so long accumulated within me. 

Through you I drain the pent-up rivers of myself, 
In you I wrap a thousand onward years, 
On you I graft the grafts of the best-beloved of me and America, 
The drops I distil upon you shall grow fierce and athletic girls, new artists, musicians,
 and singers,
The babes I beget upon you are to beget babes in their turn, 
I shall ...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
To the loud stream. Lo! where the pass expands 
Its stony jaws, the abrupt mountain breaks,
And seems with its accumulated crags
To overhang the world; for wide expand
Beneath the wan stars and descending moon
Islanded seas, blue mountains, mighty streams,
Dim tracts and vast, robed in the lustrous gloom
Of leaden-colored even, and fiery hills
Mingling their flames with twilight, on the verge
Of the remote horizon. The near scene,
In naked and severe simplicity, ...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...ever, did not yield himself 
To nourish the false hunger of a ghost 
That made no good return. He saw too much:
The accumulated wisdom of his years 
Had so conclusively made plain to him 
The permanent profusion of a world 
Where everybody might have everything 
To do, and almost everything to eat,
That he was jubilantly satisfied 
And all unthwarted by adversity. 
Young George knew things. The world, he had found out, 
Was a good place, and life was a good game— ...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...There were some words
Between us, but I don’t remember them. 
All I remember is a bursting flood 
Of half a year’s accumulated hate, 
And his incredulous eyes before I struck him. 
He had gone once too far; and when he knew it,
He knew it was all over; and I struck him. 
Pound for pound, he was the better brute; 
But bulking in the way then of my fist 
And all there was alive in me to drive it, 
Three of him misbegotten into one
Would have gone down like him—and ...Read more of this...

by Tessimond, A S J
...ght thinly unweaves
Itself through darkness
Like foam's unknotting
Strings in waves ...

Now light is again
Swords against us ...
Now it is gone....Read more of this...

by Berryman, John
...lly, he muttered for a double rum
waving the mikes away, putting a stop
to rumors, pushing his fright

off with the now accumulated taxes
accustomed in his way to solitude
and no bills.
Wives came forward, claiming a new Axis,
fearful for their insurance, though, now, glued
to disencumbered Henry's many ills.

A fortnight, sense a single man
upon the trampled scene at 2 a.m.
insomnia-plagued, with a shovel
digging like mad, Lazarus with a plan
to get his own b...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...road vales between
Of frozen floods, unfathomable deeps,
Blue as the overhanging heaven, that spread
And wind among the accumulated steeps;
A desert peopled by the storms alone,
Save when the eagle brings some hunter's bone,
And the wolf tracks her there - how hideously
Its shapes are heaped around! rude, bare, and high,
Ghastly, and scarred, and riven. -Is this the scene
Where the old Earthquake-demon taught her young
Ruin? Were these their toys? or did a sea
Of fire env...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...road vales between
Of frozen floods, unfathomable deeps,
Blue as the overhanging heaven, that spread
And wind among the accumulated steeps;
A desert peopled by the storms alone,
Save when the eagle brings some hunter's bone,
And the wolf tracks her there--how hideously
Its shapes are heap'd around! rude, bare, and high,
Ghastly, and scarr'd, and riven.--Is this the scene
Where the old Earthquake-daemon taught her young
Ruin? Were these their toys? or did a sea
Of fire env...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia
...outface the gorgon-grimace
Of human agony: a look to numb
Limbs: not a basilisk-blink, nor a double whammy,
But all the accumulated last grunts, groans,
Cries and heroic couplets concluding the million
Enacted tragedies on these blood-soaked boards,
And every private twinge a hissing asp
To petrify your eyes, and every village
Catastrophe a writhing length of cobra,
And the decline of empires the thick coil of a vast
 Imagine: the world
Fisted to a foetus head, ...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...rain;And summer melts away the snows and ice,When proudly roll th' accumulated streams:[Pg 65]Nor ever hid the heavens so thick a cloud,Which, overtaken by the furious winds,Fled not from the first hills and quiet vales. But ah! what profit ...Read more of this...

by Turner Smith, Charlotte
...e splinters fall,
Like scatter'd comets, its destructive path
Is mark'd by wreaths of flame!--Then, overwhelm'd
Beneath accumulated horror, sinks
The desolate mourner; yet, in Death itself,
True to maternal tenderness, she tries
To save the unconscious infant from the storm
In which she perishes; and to protect
This last dear object of her ruin'd hopes
From prowling monsters, that from other hills,
More inaccessible, and wilder wastes,
Lur'd by the scent of slaughter, follow ...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...fearing not the wet,
Now by the post-and-rail fences, where the old stones thrown there, pick’d from the
 have accumulated, 
(Wild-flowers and vines and weeds come up through the stones, and partly cover
 these I pass,) 
Far, far in the forest, before I think where I go, 
Solitary, smelling the earthy smell, stopping now and then in the silence, 
Alone I had thought—yet soon a troop gathers around me,
Some walk by my side, and some behind, and some embra...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Accumulated poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs