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Famous Accommodation Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Accommodation poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous accommodation poems. These examples illustrate what a famous accommodation poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...London and Edinburgh finds solace,
As they walk along the yellow sand beach inhaling fresh air;
Besides, there's every accommodation for ladies and gentlemen there. 

Then there's a large number of bathing coaches there,
And the climate is salubrious, and very warm the air;
And every convenience is within the bathers' reach,
Besides, there's very beautiful walks by the sea beach. 

The visitors to Nairn can pass away the time agreeably,
By viewing Tarbetness, which s...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz

...own,'tis sure to fill his heart with ecstasy. 

The lodging-houses at Bablicome are magnificent to be seen,
And the accommodation there would suit either king or queen,
And there's some exquisite cottages embowered in the woodland,
And sloping down to the sea shore, is really very grand. 

You do not wonder at Napoleon's exclamation
As he stood on the deck of the "Bellerophon," in a fit of admiration,
When the vessel was lying to windbound,
He exclaimed - "Oh, what a ...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...s there's none can excel
The beautiful Albert Institute or the Queen's Hotel,
For it is most handsome to be seen,
Where accommodation can be had for Duke, Lord or Queen,
And the four pillars of the front are made of Aberdeen granite, very fine,
And most beautiful does shine, just like a looking glass,
And for beauty and grandeur there's none can them surpass.
And your fine shops in Reform Street,
Very few can with them compete
For superfine goods, there's none can excel,
...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...lamp anchored to the wall is gone, the cobbles

Sold off, the steel base of an office block already raised.

Upper Accommodation Road no longer forks in two, one way

Had Deidre’s mother’s shop, with odds and ends, combs and

Cotton reels and hairgrips on cards; the road and the

Shop have gone and Deidre has died and on the other side

The Co-op is long gone where we got your mother’s

Shopping once a week from.


Sugarbag blue

I called the colour

Of your...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry

A roaster in the window

Kept bursting into flames

Like the sudden poems

I write when my feet

First touch South

Accommodation Road on

Saturday morning and I

Scour the Hollows for you

Margaret, queen of my

Ten year old heart

Among the tansies

And the broken sills.


My trouble was I’m not

Really working class,

I never was, we never were,

It was an accident of war

My family landing there;

I’ve got no working class

Leeds uncles and aunts,

A fami...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry

Steps and the waxed scarlet rinds of the Edam our

Mothers bought up at the Maypole.

There was a heat haze over Accommodation Road

And in it we saw the oases of Kandinsky

And listened to camels’ bells

And tasted the dates of the abundant palms.


There was a boat deep-delved

Sitting in the water

There was the sun of spring

On the bridge’s span

Carissima, Carissima

Hair falling

Over your shoulder

Over the worn collar

Of your mauve blazer.

...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry

‘For the founding of a lunatic asylum - no place needs it more’.

The breathing beauty of the moors and cheap accommodation

Drew me but the total barbarity of the town stopped me from

Writing a single line: from the hideous facade of its railway

Station - Betjeman must have been drunk or mad to praise it -

To that lump of stone on Castle Hill - her savage spirit broods.

I remember trying to teach there, at Bradley, where the head

Was some kind of ex-P....Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry
...nd shook his head;
"I'm sorry, Miss, but we don't take she passengers," he said.
"My boat's a freighter, we have no accommodation space
For women-folk - my cabin is the only private palce.
It's eight foot small from wall to wall, and I have, anyhow,
No room to spare, for half I share with Kathleen, That's my cow."
The lady sighed, then soft replied: "I love your Yukon scene,
And for its sake your room I'll take, and put up with Kathleen."

Well, she was so dea...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William> 

And there's steamboat communication with London and the North of Scotland,
And the fares are really cheap and the accommodation most grand;
Then there's many public works in Leith, such as flour mills,
And chemical works, where medicines are made for curing many ills. 

Besides, there are sugar refineries and distilleries,
Also engineer works, saw-mills, rope-works, and breweries,
Where many of the inhabitants are daily employed,
And the wages they receive make thei...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...t settled and the rain paused leaving the city 
Enormous and still like a great sleeping seal. 

At last they found accommodation in a cold 
Furnished room where they quickly learnt to believe in ghosts; 
They had their hope stuffed and put on the mantelpiece 
But found, after a while, that they did not notice it. 

While she spends many hours looking in the bottoms of teacups 
He reads much about association football 
And waits for the marvellous envelope to fall: 
T...Read more of this...
by Scannell, Vernon

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Accommodation poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry