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 Maveric Prowles
Had Rumbling Bowles
That thundered in the night.
It shook the bedrooms all around And gave the folks a fright.
The doctor called; He was appalled When through his stethoscope He heard the sound of a baying hound, And the acrid smell of smoke.
Was there a cure? 'The higher the fewer' The learned doctor said, Then turned poor Maveric inside out And stood him on his head.
'Just as I though You've been and caught An Asiatic flu - You musn't go near dogs I fear Unless they come near you.
' Poor Maveric cried.
He went cross-eyed, His legs went green and blue.
The doctor hit him with a club And charged him one and two.
And so my friend This is the end, A warning to the few: Stay clear of doctors to the end Or they'll get rid of you.

Poem by Spike Milligan
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