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Reading Parties: A New Way To Get Kids To Read

by Linda S Winchester

Kids love a party. Why not use a party to get them excited about school in general and reading in particular. Give them a reading party. A kid reading party can be centered around any theme. The main idea is for reading to take place during the party.

Reading Party Materials can consist of a child's favorite book or other favorite reading material such as poetry, plays, comic books, picture books that reflect the theme. Party decorations and a cake should also reflect the theme. If a child's favorite sport is football, give a football reading party. Have football reading materials. Football party invitations should be sent out inviting guests. A childrens' book,biography or autobiography of a famous football player or a book explaining the history of the game and how it is played should be read at the party. The kids may choose to wear football costumes. A football cake and football decorations should complete the reading party decorations.

The reading party child is the guest of honor. The party starts when all guests have arrived and the host says,"welcome to my football readng party." The guests are seated. The party host says,"football is my favorite sport." He or she starts to read from their favorite book, poem, comic book or other reading material the party host has chosen. Guests should also have copies of pages so that they can participate in the readng also. The host can read the first page of the book and the guest can take turns reading subsequent pages. The reading material should be age appropriate. Never force a child to read. Some party guests may not choose to read. This is acceptable. Simply let the child know that if they later decide to read they are welcome to do so.

The role of the adults present is to insure that the children have fun. Elicit questions during the reading session after each page is read. The questions should be taken directly from the pages read. Some questions might be: How is the game started? How many points does the team score when a touchdown is made? What is a touch down? Questions should be simple and easy to answer. Always discuss the importance of reading. Kids should be given prizes for correct answers. Fathers or other adults can share funny stories or exciting experiences they have had playing football. Children should also tell about any interesting experiences they have had playing football. Ask if girls should be allowed to play football. Why or why not. Remember the format should be a child reads a page and children ask and answer questions. Don't forget the prizes!!!!

After the reading session the football cake and ice cream and other party treats are brought out. The kids can sing Happy Reading Party To You. The tune would be the same as Happy Birthday to you. The last stanza would be Happy reading party dear "childs name" Happy reading party to you. Children would then go outside and play a great game of football.

The football party was used as an example. Choose any theme in which the child is interested. Happy Reading Party!!!!!

Linda Winchester,author

Copyright © 9/7/06

I am a public school teacher. I have been teaching reading for 30 years. I believe all kids can learn. However, the strategies that are used to teach reading are very important.The strategies have to be in sync with the subject matter and with the students' particular method of learning. Educators must constantly apply new ideas and methods to insure that students reach their full potential.

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things