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How Writing for Poetry Soup Can Help Reduce Anxiety
How Writing for Poetry Soup Can Help Reduce Anxiety
by terri stiles
How Writing for Poetry Soup Helps People Reduce Their Anxiety
What is a poem? Words that spring up from our souls, a way to make art out of the swirling thoughts in our head or carefully planned out prose. Probably a little bit of each. I’d like to tell you how writing for poetry soup can help people reduce their anxiety but capturing each of the opportunities above to write a poem.
Often, we poets subconsciously collect magical words that we come across from all sources. They might be from a conversation had, or a conversation overheard. They might be a word on a program we are watching, from a book or article we read. It even might be something on a street-side, movie marquee or in the junk mail in our mailbox. These words build up in us. Then, when we face situations that we can’t quite make sense of we use these words to write beautiful poems on Poetry Soup that bring joy to others and sense to ourselves.
In today's world, everyone is multitasking all the time. It starts the moment we wake up and never seems to end. Often, we have random thoughts bombarding our brains-not letting us sleep a wink. If we pick up a pen or sit down at our laptop and write down these random thoughts on Poetry Soup, they often can turn into the poems people like best because they seem serendipitous and they seem to truly reflect a swirl of unrestricted creativity.
With everything changing so fast now, many people feel they lack control. One way to feel in control is to write a structured poem, perhaps for one of the Poetry Soup contests. By challenging ourselves to write in an organized form it gives us an eerie control over the ideas that often seem to be controlling us. Limericks and Sonnets are great examples of forms that bring organization and structure to our otherwise beloved randomness.
Poetry Soup provides a platform for the world’s most creative and interesting people to reduce their own anxiety by writing out their ideas and brighten others' days when they get to read the results.