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A Brief Louise-Victorine, née Choquet Ackermann Bio

by PoetrySoup
Ackermann (Louise-Victorine, née Choquet), French poetess, b. Paris 30 Nov. 1813. She travelled to Germany and there married (1853) a young theologian, Paul Ackerman, who in preparing for the ministry lost his Christian faith, and who, after becoming teacher to Prince Frederick William (afterwards Frederick III.), died at the age of thirty-four (1846). Both were friends of Proudhon. Madame Ackermann’s poems (Paris 1863–74 and 85) exhibit her as a philosophic pessimist and Atheist. “God is dethroned,” says M. Caro of her poems (Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 May, 1874). She professes hatred of Christianity and its interested professors. She has also published Thoughts of a Solitary. Sainte Beuve calls her “the learned solitary of Nice.”

Book: Shattered Sighs