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It started late one afternoon, there were some problems with my niece Lynn and her mother. The police brought Lynn to my house because I promised to help out if there was any problems. The police gave here to me and I took her in the house. We sat on the sofa holding each other and I just let her cry it out. When she was done crying she started to tell me what happened. I will not repeat it. After she was done I said “Are you hungry?” Lynn said “YES!!!.” So we went over and got a pizza after we ate the pizza I said lets call your Dad and Step mother. We talked for a while I said “We are leaving as early as possible so we should be there pretty early.” We hung up. I said “Lynn you can sleep here on the sofa or in the big bedroom where ever you want.” She decided to sleep on the sofa. I got her a blanket and helped her settle down. I said “You need some sleep we are leaving about 5 AM tomorrow.” She said “Why so early?” I said “I like driving early there is less traffic.” I went in my bedroom went to bed. I was up at 4:30 like usual. I woke Lynn up around 5 “I said get your clothes ready, use the bathroom. we are leaving as soon as you are ready.”

The trip started fine. We were making a lot of small talk. Just past Salisbury I saw flashing lights behind us. I pulled over and a cop car pulled up behind. There were 2 cops. One said “Get your license and proof of insurance and come with me.” So I did, as we started to walk toward the police car I heard the other cop say to Lynn “You have nice legs can I see more.” Lynn yelled “No” I heard the sound of cloth tearing and then I heard Lynn yell. I turn around to go back and help her. As soon as I did I felt something hit the back of my head. Next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. I was told I was out for 3 days.

First thing I said was how is Lynn. The nurse said “She is had a bad time. She was ***** by 2 men and left near you on the side of the highway. We put her in a group with other girls her age and she is responding nicely.” I said I want to see her now. Either I walk or you get a wheelchair and push me over.” The nurse went out and a few minutes later she came back with a wheelchair. I got in and she pushed me to the door. I opened the door. I looked in and Lynn was laying on her bed. Lynn's eyes got real big and she said “Uncle Arnold, I thought you were dead.” I walked over to her bed and sat down and we hugged and both cried for a while. I said “How are you doing?” She said “Oh I am doing alright. Talking to the the other girls is helping. Dad and Jean just left They said they would be back in a little while. I said “I will find those guys and take care of them.” Lynn said whatever you do please don't kill them” I said “Why” Lynn said “They didn't kill us, so I don't want them killed.” After a while Lynn said “I have another meeting to go too.” I said “Ok, I need to go back to my room and lay down for a while.” We hugged again and I left.

I have some friends in Salisbury I called them and told them what happened to Lynn and me. I told them I needed to find those fake cops. Everyone hates Child molesters. They were happy to help. I took a nap. When I woke up Bill and Jean were there. Jean and I hugged. Bill and I shook hands. We talked about everything. They told me Lynn will be released in 2 days and they will be taking her home. I said I am trying to get a line on the 2 men that stopped us. I will take care of them.

The next day my friend called be back. They said they have the names of the men, Joe and Dave. The live somewhere just east of the City. So I got my car out, rented a room, and borrowed a computer. I started doing some research. After about 5 hours I came up with some addresses.

A couple of days later I visited Joe about 1 am. I got in his room. I looked at him and I was so full of hate all I wanted to do was kill him. Lynn's word came back to me “Please don't kill them.” So I found a big vase by the bed and hit him over the head with it. I got out my knife and made a girl out of him. Then I left a sign on the bed it read “CHILD MOLESTER, HE WILL NOT HURT ANYMORE GIRLS. Then I left.

An hour later I was in Dave's bedroom. He was sound asleep. I felt the same hate. I wanted to kill so bad but Lynn's words kept coming back. “Don't kill.” I found a piece of pipe laying there I took it and hit him over the head. Then I used my knife again and made a girl out of him. Then I left a sign “CHILD MOLESTER, HE WILL NOT HURT ANYMORE GIRLS. Then I left.

Both men were found the next morning and taken to the prison infirmary. After that they were put in with the rest of the prisoners. The other prisoners didn't like them at all. Even prisoners can't stand child molesters. They were always going to the Dr. to get fixed up. After about 2 weeks, there was a prisoner check. Dave and Joe were found hung in their cells.


Lynn got in with a group of girls as soon as she got home. Last I heard she was practically running the group. She has learned to live with all that has happened. That is all we can hope for. Thank You God.


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Book: Shattered Sighs