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FANTASTIC BEASTS - Collab with Tom Woody, spoken by Sam Scott and Sara A

A big shoutout and thank you to Tom Woody for being an amazing collaborator on this epic project. Also, a huge thank you to Sam Scott and Sara A for your stellar narration that truly brought this production to life. 
Thank you all once again!

Synopsis Paleontologist Sam and his assistant Sara set out on a fun expedition to look for dinosaur fossils at a well-known dig site. Little were they to know that they were about to embark on a thrilling adventure and an extraordinary journey traveling sixty-five million years through time into the past.
Our world was once dominated by dinosaurs, who walked where we walked. They then faced a death that none of us can imagine. The last day of the dinosaurs – 65 million years ago. The domain of the ultimate form of prehistoric evolution – DINOSAURS
We thought we'd return on a Sunday just to browse the wonder of Broome Sandstone rock formations. I'm a paleontologist, and I've brought my young assistant Sara with me. To our surprise, no one is present, so we are free to rove about as we please. We are absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs and have learned much about them through the remnants left behind. Suddenly, strange things start to happen. I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my eyesight, but those rocks seem to be moving. I turn to my assistant Sara to see if she has noticed, only to find her staring rather gob-smacked at something else in the other direction. It is a small rainbow, yet there has been no rain or mist to produce such on this day. The rainbow slowly morphs from an arch into a circular shape, with a Centre that appears to be dark and shimmering with raindrops. We look at each other with a mixture of surprise and excitement, curious about what this phenomenon might purport to be. It almost feels like an invitation. We approach cautiously. The sky turns from a cobalt blue to midnight black. Suddenly, without warning, we are sucked into the vortex and are instantly transported to another place. Or is it another time? Just as we consider it all, we hear the roar of beasts engaged in battle. My God! There are two trumpeting Mammoths with tusks locked in mortal battle.
What have we stepped into? What have we stepped into?
Quite unexpectedly, Sara waxes poetic -
Oh my God! - What have we done? Transporting ourselves into this unintentional prehistoric dream!! Spellbound, we watch as conception unfolds right before our gaze. What once crested some high divide of past liminal space? Beneath strange skies, claws like daggers and eyes of neon, gleam Slicing through dappled forest fog, a shrill and piercing scream. The pending presence of new imprints that would shake this muddy ground. Goliaths of yore, rumblings of a lost world, splendid rebirth re-bounds Mammoth majestic slip through time, to our ears, their alien sounds Through vibrating crashing castanets, booming bass beats resounds.
The portal that transported us here - a mysterious Gate a doorway to a world beyond our own - Fate Throwing caution to the wind, our past behind now - we embrace this new world intertwined. The tales of the unknown that have been whispered and told, It will be examined and re-examined, and accuracy will unfold. So, let these visions forever ingrain - wonders without restraint. Past resonances release - For in their world, we find our peace. Maria Williams ©

Copyright © Maria Williams | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 6/5/2024 1:06:00 PM

To find a door to the past to witness our world that was lost to time. Wouldn't that be sublime? To witness that which we only postulate of now? Through bones and rock formed of mud deposited millennia past and deceased. This piece transported me to the fantasy of course we always wanted to live. Thank you! Loved the video!! WOW you guys ROCK!!
Date: 5/27/2024 11:52:00 AM

This is a masterpiece Maria, you always bring out the best in those we work with you, you are an encourager and a fantastic poetess too. :)
Date: 5/24/2024 12:03:00 PM

Wonderful teamwork, poetry and video, well done all of you… Beryl
Date: 5/24/2024 10:39:00 AM

Another definition of the notions of pleasure, joy and peace! Not just the absence of roaring.. not just in the now living.. nor in having the pets at home residing.. Rather time travelling.. wildlife daring.. worlds of wonder discovering.. Another dimension unlike any where we are transported by two dear poets of grandeur, Maria and Tom, to a "world beyond our own" in a so eloquent and stunning poetry! The whole work, the visual art, a masterpiece! A treat to read! Stay all blessed..
Date: 5/24/2024 10:23:00 AM

Many congratulations to all for this amazing, brilliant production. The writing is superb, the video is outstanding and the narration is perfect. Perfection all round. Loved reading and listening as the story unfolded and the reader got drawn into their world. There’s a lot of great talent here and it shows! ‘ Past resonances release - For in their world, we find our peace ‘ so profound. Loved it! Many congratulations to you all for a breathtaking collaboration.
Date: 5/23/2024 8:09:00 PM

Beyond superb. You all did such a great job. A project you can be proud of.
Date: 5/23/2024 6:16:00 PM

As always, Maria (and everybody), a fabulous team effort.. such a privilege to be part of this and of the highest quality as we have come to expect from you and Ron. Thanks for asking! Love it <3 Sam :)) x
Date: 5/23/2024 5:33:00 PM

I am left speechless after having read this collaborative poem. I loved the metaphysical journey intertwined with the physical journal. Truly an awesome creation. Hats off to all!
Date: 5/23/2024 3:48:00 PM

Truly an amazing story. So full of wonder and information. I can’t tell you how much I love this. It must have been a lot of work to compose /|\
Date: 5/23/2024 3:15:00 PM

You guys really are amazing, too good for PS. Gosh this should win an Oscar for, well I don't know what category but there should be one. I was only too happy to provide the prose and setup. You did the rest. This is epic adventure and deserves wide exposure. Always good to work with ya. Fave, of course
Date: 5/23/2024 11:05:00 AM

A stunning write and a phenomenal video, Maria -taking the reader way back --superb dialogue in the video and mystical journey through your world of imagination and intrigue. Kudos to you and your collaborators, my friend. Everyone so talented and gifted!
Date: 5/23/2024 8:24:00 AM

I like how it follows a clear narrative arc, starting with the mundane reality of a paleontological dig and escalating into a fantastical adventure. This progression keeps readers engaged as they follow Sam and Sara through their extraordinary experiences... The poem is not just about a physical journey through time but also a metaphorical one, exploring the human quest for knowledge and the profound impact of uncovering ancient truths. .
Date: 5/23/2024 8:23:00 AM

A brilliant video from Ron, he did really well with this one.. Very creative and I like how he mixed the audio with the graphics.. Both narrated very well.. You and Tommy are both very talented writers and that is reflected here in your storytelling... I like how it embarks on a journey that merges scientific exploration with poetic imagination, blending the rigor of palaeontology with the awe of encountering ancient history first hand. Beginning with a factual prelude, the poem swiftly transitions into a realm of wonder and discovery, effectively capturing the reader's imagination.
Date: 5/23/2024 7:45:00 AM

How creative and imaginative is this collaboration! Along with the video too, very well created. I smiled too as i read some parts. You both are brilliant collaborators, your way with writing and storytelling goes well together and flows seamlessly! But, i felt like some parts in the beginning sounded a bit like tomsz. And the ending more like you? But cant really tell. I love dinosaurs and history surrounding dinos, and paleontologists are so cool! But my fave is ross in “friends” hah. Its always so good to read you and the way youv put yourself and shown us readers through mindset of sam and sara is clever! Both of you did an excellent job! Well done! Love it! sending you light always
Date: 5/23/2024 7:41:00 AM

You transport us to a prehistoric era where brontosaurs, dinosaurs, flying Pterosaurs, the biggest whale - Basilosaurus (60 Tons) and other giant mammals, some carnivorous, some vegetarian, all battling each other until evolution shrunk them all. You entered a dimension with Sara into no man's land. An excellent poem with only relics to guide you to learn of the long-lost past. Very intriguing. Your writing always excels with great descriptions. Very well done. Hugs xx


Book: Shattered Sighs