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Read Poems by Judy Bausch

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Below are poems written by poet Judy Bausch. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Elusive Poem

God gave me a poem this morning.
Sleepily dozing words were forming,
A dreamscape composition
With imagery, rhyme and repetition
Penned on the half-asleep journal of my mind.

I like this idea I thought with delight.
God sent me this, and I feel it might
Make a fine poem, a worthy reflection
And in my inner conversation, 
I told myself that it was sure
Set in my mind completely secure
I’d write it down, make it real.
Polish it for a finished shine and feel.

I told myself it would be readily available
When fully awake at breakfast table
But with coffee in one hand pen in the other,
Awakening reality started to smother
My inspiration, my bright light, my catchy new rhyme.
Oh, no! What to do? Would it return over time?
I should have known I could lose it
From my half-dreaming mind.

I remember a happy rhyme filled with delight.
Thanking God, I thought this just might
Make a fine poem or a least a line or two
I’d create the verse before the day was through,
But, alas, when I was ready, away it flew
My dreamscape thoughts and the subject, too.

I lost the poem today
So clear when half-awake I lay.
Now, I don’t know what I meant to say.
It’s not just foggy; it’s gone all the way.

God gave me a poem this morning,
A dreamscape composition
With imagery, rhyme, and repetition
Penned on the journal of my mind.
It saddens me to find 
That it was gone by breakfast time.

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024


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Book: Shattered Sighs