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Best Poems Written by Skylark Cromwell

Below are the all-time best Skylark Cromwell poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Anxiety from tests
But still well dressed
We must be the best
Although I must confess
That my lack of sleep
Should be more of an interest
Than the books you lay on my desk
They tell you there’s nothing to stress
Then they tell you they want nothing less
Than some four page essay on their doorstep
Don’t forget to keep your school rep
We’re nothing but dollar signs in their seats
Nothing but liars and cheats
But wait
How can you take a precious child and push them until they’re beat?
You ask,
That’s exactly it
You’re blind to see how we feel such defeat
Under your tests
Under your feet
You’re too blind to see it
To see how this is affecting how we thrive
How the pressure makes students want to end their lives
Over something as small as a test
You say you’re a community that builds people up
But you were truly the one that made the stirrup

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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Here I Am

here i am

i am here

to take a stand

for who i am

i exist

within this community of a hell

you call society

this is just a jail cell

with more of a variety

of places to be

and items to buy

the humanity you see

has just gone by

away it goes

with the freedom claimed

to exist

but i insist

that its a lie

how dare you try

to act like i dont know

because im a teenager with nothing to show

but an emotional face

without a single trace

of knowing what i am capable of

besides media blogs and mushy love

so here i am

i am here

to take a stand

because im stronger than you think i am

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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King Skylark

There once was a princess

Who lived in a far away land

She wore the most gorgeous burgundy dress

And she took off her shoes as she walked in the sand

She grew up around a family of duchesses, princesses and queens

Who told her to be lady like around guests

But she strived to be nothing but a king

And he did just that and nonetheless

He began to try on dress shirts and fitted pants

And he felt right at home

He could then hear the chants

He had more fans of his own

Now it was time for his royal crowning

By the ocean with the coral reef and the sharks

He stood tall and spoke his words without drowning

“I am King Skylark.”

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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Tell me, my friend

Did it bother you when I cried?

When I cried about the risen surface of the end?

The end of which has already granted us those who died

Those who have died from holding hands with who they choose

And those who tasted lips and an alcoholic drink

Those who had everything to lose

Those who didn’t know what to think

When it happened.


Tell me, my friend

Did you pray for my family from the beginning?

Or did you pray for that kind of end

While you lied through your teeth without grinning?

You see, we are more than just a community

We are more than just a band of friends

We are more than your self pity

We are more than a hashtag trend

As we lost fifty in Orlando

You suddenly began to feel upset

While we are still standing strong though

And most of you begin to feel regret

Regret from calling that kid fag

Or yelling the word dyke

Not that I like to see your smile start to sag

But you begin to understand what it is like

Though, you will never know how it feels

How it feels to be murdered by your pitiful words and guns

Yet, we have a heart of steel

And the love we have will always run.

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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You are free

i am too

you are you

and keep that true

to yourself

and to myself

whether you're sick

or back in health

your worth does not change

nor does it rearrange

the only opinion worthy and true

is not by me but only you

you matter to others

you may not matter to yourself

but what is most important

is not self love

but self worth

without self worth

there would be no self love

since you're in charge of your body and mind

push will soon come to shove

if you don't learn to open up

to nobody but you

then the only person who you can trust the most

is you

but how

you ask

how can you trust

the embodiment of anxiety

and distrust

in thyself

how can i believe in someone

who can look up to anyone

who knows how to make it

knows how to make it

in this disease of a world

when you're brainwashed for dead

until they make you hurl

up an answer

to their sick question of a joke

and you choke

after they say "Answer me."

"And the answer," says you

"You are free."

"I am too."

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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Thank You

I can't think

I can't speak

I can't seem to shrink

I can't seem to seek

My problem

I'm very problematic

If you couldn't tell

It's not a joke i'm trying to sell

But I might as well

Since I'm the one who fell

Fell from the emotion

The commotion

Was just an explosion

From the simplicity of people's devotion

To me

For me to be free

Of anxiety and stress

But then they want nothing less

Than a thank you.

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

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how am i supposed to be me

when all you do is conceive me

believe me

i am not a God

i am not a fraud

i am just trying to get along

with the fact that this place is not well

this is not a society

this is a hell

of a lot more issues

some issues that you cannot define

simply everyone is just out of line

and we are numbed by the fact that it is okay

if there's anything that involves speaking up

we stray away

from the voices of women

to the voices of African Americans

because why would anyone want to hear

the words they speak so clear

you say that you're just stating an opinion now

but an opinion is not an opinion if it degrades them

but how

you ask

you tell me

since my voice is not heard

since you are in control of me

Copyright © Skylark Cromwell | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs