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Best Poems Written by Adam Lakebrink

Below are the all-time best Adam Lakebrink poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Equality Among Differences

Before you pull the trigger for that person’s color, don’t’ you already know that the calm, peaceful, and refreshing shade of a tree holds a color? Have you ever been angry at a tree for its shade? Shall we cut down the tree for its dull complexion? A loving hand can be like a shade from a tree, white or black. Let’s not cut down each other like an axe to a tree, but realize we can give shade to all despite our differences. 

Before we judge each other as if we have the authority to balance our deeds on the God’s scale, know this: We can throw off our chains of petty restrictions that dull our perspective of the simple love we can share with each other, not just family and friends, but with every soul that needs the refreshment of mercy and kindness. 

A wolf will stalk a herd of sheep, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, but we, the sheep will come to the defense of our own. Sometimes wolves come alone, lurking, and hungry, but there are some sheep which are disguised, therefore being a wolf in sheep’s skin. Know the people who want to help, but also know the ones who speak out to the crowd, blowing their horns to make peace, but only with their own logic, understanding, and their side. I tell you the truth, this matter won’t disappear from a rioting crowd, but only if every one of us behind the T.V. watching and also the people in the trenches stand up for love and equality. This will take the whole world to mend this wound of hatred that we are consumed with.

Those that dwell inside their head and not their heart will only have a halfhearted answer for everything. Their voice will be a short and brilliant light only to be snuffed out by other. We have to search within us and find unity with your spirit, soul, mind, and heart. Once you have dealt with your planks in your eyes, then and only then can you see like those who are hurting and suffering. Lower yourself to those around you and be a helping hand and you will know that the color of your skin really doesn’t matter at all.

If you were injured and the only person that could help would be a different color, would you not let them help? How foolish we are to lock a bird in a cage because one bird is brighter and another duller when they both sing the same, beautiful, and loving song.

Do not stand feeling like you must bow to each other due to your skin, but know that when the Creator made us that He wants us to thrive and bow to Him, for He is the only way we can heal from this.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Master of Time

Master Of Time
Time can be your friend.
Time can be your enemy. 
A clock ticks away life's every moment. 
A clock can be your helpful reminder.
A clock can be the one thing that you dread.
Time can never cease fully. 
We want the good times to linger.
We want the bad times to leave fast.
Life is fast.
At our last breath we remember what time has given or taken away.
We can leave this world with regret to have done more.
We can leave this world with one thing to say. Thank you.
Right when the morning sun rises, we are ready for it to set.
Sometimes our lives go dark and we make friends with the night.
It takes a person who enjoys life to remember the light.
Life is like a hungry lion, ready to devour a precious moment you've had.
Feed the lion your memories and good times goodbye or be bold and make the lion your rug. 
We are often reminded of the limits of life that restrict us like a python that sucks your every breath away.
Look at the clock when you wake up and tell it that your it's master.
Time can be strategic.
Time can be a surprise. 
Time can be your crutch for your broken heart.
Time can be the one thing that you either let rule you, or for you to rule time.
Enjoy every moment of life. 
May God bless your time.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2017

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The Walk

When you are in turmoil up to your neck, He is there.
When you don’t hear His voice, He is listening.
When our prayers are not coming true, He can provide.
If you feel like you’ve scuffed it up in life, He will make beauty out of your mistakes.

We are like an apple. On the outside we look blameless, but on the inside there are worms eating away at our heart, faith and hope. We do our best to smile at each other with all the hurt inside. No body knows how hard this can be. Often we suppress our problems and put on a well rehearsed smile as if we are acting a part in a play. 

We can walk around like an inflated balloon full of hurt, ready to explode or we can bring our problems, hurt, bruises, and scars to the one who can forgive and make new. All we must do is ask and keep believing. 
We need to remember that God is for us. Not against us. Do not be confused when you’re going through trials and bad seasons. He still loves you.

God makes no mistakes. Each of us has a weakness. You may think your weakness is a burden, but it might be your strength unknown to you at the moment. If you could have Heavens view for your life, you would understand everything is falling into place. Your condition may or never be healed, but it might be used for the glory of God in a way only God could.

A peach has a seed inside of it. When the peach is gone, the seed inside can be planted to make another peach tree. Like the seed inside the peach, our efforts, struggles, and good deeds can be planted in the garden of faith where our fruits of our life can be a blessing to all like a peach tree with much fruit.

God, we come to you with heavy burdens needing of release. 
May my deeds not go in vain. 
Hold my heart and don’t let go.
You are here to stay in my heart and soul.
Have mercy and grace to hold up my head from these deep, dark, waters.
Let me sing songs of praise through out this life as a chosen child of your family.
Let my life be a light to all people through Jesus who seeks the light of eternity.
When this life of mine is complete and I take my last breath, let me say 
“Thank you.”

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Rise and Fall

When you stand in a canoe it can be hard to keep your balance. Likewise when you live life unsure, scared, unfaithful, it can be hard to keep from falling into defeat.
“One cannot be blessed at the same time you constantly prepare for defeat.”

We are deceived by the lie that life is just “good enough” and it can’t get any better, but it can.
“You cannot move on to a better place in life when your roots are planted into the ground of mediocrity.”

 When you are doing well in life it can seem that everything is going well and falling into place. You should know when your down that you can rise to better and when you’re up, you can still rise so you may soar like eagles and never fall down. We can bend, but we won’t break.
“Why does one submit to problems and challenges like dog showing its belly in defense of adversity when you can climb your mountains and plant your flag on top of victory, not defeat.” 

Some of us just keep getting the short end of stick and wish for a larger, more fulfilling blessing. Keep believing for more by thanking and honoring God for everything and your grateful heart will be rewarded with gifts of grace.
“One can live abundantly by honoring God and believing in Jesus, but moths make holes in your clothes and locust plagues those who oppose Him.”

We wake up to the birds singing songs to the Heavens and go to sleep with the sounds of the night like a lullaby, taking you to sleep. The sunset in the evening reminds us of Heaven as well as the bright morning sun. Your life is precious.
“One can’t prepare for a new day and at the same time prevent it.”

When we make mistakes do not be hard on yourself. The God who sits on the throne of grace will forgive you and will make you’re mistakes a blessing. 
When one has been inactive in the faith of ministry and giving, God can use you. The opportunities that God presents to you come and go like smoke in the wind. Prepare to serve Him.

Do not settle in one area in life. Be like nomads who follow the direction that God gives you.
“The mouth of a lion can be shut, but the word of God speaks with no restraints.

Lord, we are a flower In need of your sunlight.
We droop and wither away without you.
With you we will survive and thrive.
May God come and wash my eyes to see.
Thank you Lord for your freedom and grace.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Fear Is a Lie

A wasp can’t sting without a stinger, but hurtful words cut like a dagger, but with a blunt edge it can’t cause harm so it may t be used to spread butter on the bread of life. “Dull your hurtful words and your daggers, spread your grace like butter on bread.”

A ram cannot butt heads without its horns and a push can’t become a shove without violence being distributed. “Let our pushing and shoving turn into a giving hand without giving others the horn of anger.”

A lion can maul with its claws, bite with its jaws, and intimidate us with its presence, but it can’t shun the light within us. “May the lion’s claws become blunt, mouth shut, 
and the frightening presence be distinguished by the light of the One who lives in us.”

We can drown in water, but the One who walks on it can lift us up to stand on top of life’s crashing waves. “Have faith.”

The wind can be peaceful and refreshing, but it can also be violent and harmful. “Turn to the One who can halt storms with a single word. May you learn by His example.”

Weather is unpredictable, but He who loves you will always be the summer shade and gentle wind that reminds you who you are. “A child of the One true king.”

A friend will offer advice and help, but the enemy will only deceive and destroy. “Don’t throw your pearls to swine.” 

Flowers bloom and blossom. “We too can blossom in the presence of the Lord, but those that chastise and spew hatred like an exploding volcano will wither away into dust, carried by the winds of nothingness.”

The trees bend and snap when a hurricane unleashes its wrath. “When we trust the One who saves we can stand strong and tall like a fortress in the hands of God.”

We each walk a unique path and sometimes we fall.
“Wet stone can be slippery, but He who guides us will not let us dash our foot against it.”

Live, love, life, breathe

Sweet little lies

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Flame of Hope

When the wood to the fire that fuels us runs out and our flame flickers within, we can fully rely on God’s illuminating lantern that can be seen through all forms of darkness, confusion, and has the everlasting flame of hope and a wick that never runs short. Stay in the light.

	Hope is like a flame that never gives up its brightness or shine. Some days the ugly side of life opens its mouth wide and spews troublesome wind that howls and screams, trying to snuff out that flame. Other days the still flame stands alone and just wants to be found so that it may give you comfort and relief, but is often overlooked. Nerveless the flame shines on. 

 Hope is the security that you attain in life so you can have reassurance within you that you will not be overtaken by adversities. It is a free gift of precious armor constructed in Heaven by the finest of angels. The armor was melted down into shape, measured perfectly, and given to you to wear for all of this life like an inflated vest that keeps your head above the violent waves that this life can try to drown you in.

Hope is the promise of rain when the sky is full of storm clouds. Hope is in the night when you’re praying for morning to come quicker. Hope is in the young and the old. Hope is for the hopeless. Hope is a robe of love that is a one size fits all. Hope will find you before you seek it out. Hope offers itself to you like a secure shelter to take refuge in like being in the middle of a relentless storm. Hope always has its arms wide open for you. Take a step closer and embrace hope in an everlasting bond.

Hope will make you put one foot in front of the other to the point where your left foot will be jealous that your right foot is taking a step ahead and then your right foot will be jealous about your left foot going forward until that gentle walk in the light becomes to be a joyful and exciting sprint to the next part of life.
Dear Lord,
Lead us to stable ground and refuge for our aching hearts to rest and heal.
Help us not to overlook the hope that You offer.
We venture to far places in this life God. 
We know that You are before us so that we may follow You in Your loving foot steps.
God, You love everyone and anyone. 
For Your love is infinite and gentle. 
Jesus Christ, blow Your powerful wind our way so our sails can catch the current and lead us to smoother sailing. Amen.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Big Prayers

When there is rain, it can create a powerful waterfall. As much, when there is faith, it can create a powerful prayer. We ask God for things large and small. We ask to heal a sickness, to be strong in a dire moment, or perhaps just to get you through a busy day. Never the less, He is there, ready to take on your requests and burdens on His shoulders.  
God does not just dwell in the logic and rational realms a we do. Sometimes we need to go deeper in the pool to be able to learn how to swim in God's grace. If we stay in the shallow depths where you can stand easily we will never learn the greater faith, hope, grace, and power that you can have if you swim out of your comfort zone and allow God to edify you. 
 It can be uncomfortable as well as joyful, the way God can reach a soul. Even so, He is there to make your sour days brighter, and your brighter days even more so. There is always much room for enjoyment, pleasure, and good days if we just believe so and do not get stuck in self pity. God wants us to be happy. Life is and can be made to enjoy. We look at the rich and wealthy as if their richness and wealth makes them happy. Nothing of the material form can out do the joy and wonder that God can give. He can give you blessings that last.  
Some of us might have always gotten the short end of the stick. We have stuck with the false truth that we are stuck in that place, always getting less than what you think you deserve. It is true that God can reach you if you have much or little, but there are some of us who do indeed have less simply because you don't ask God for anything big.  
When we get little, at times that can be a way that God calls to us. To recognize we have less is the first way to start to get more. Do not be afraid that God can't bless you with the things you want. He can give what you want and even more at times. Do not always stick with the simple prayers, but learn to ask big, keep your faith about what you have asked, and let it come into reality. All you have you do is believe. You may fall off the path of faith of what you have asked. Do not worry. He knows your not perfect. There is always doubt, but doubt can keep faith alive so do not fret.  
Think of your faith as a tunnel view sense of sight. Whenever you ask for something, always try to see what you want at the end of that sight. When you see other thoughts, doubt, or fear, try to clear your sight so you only see what you want. May these words help your faithful sight and help you to remain a strong believer in the Impossible. For anything is possible with God.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2017

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If You Do This

Like a dam that holds water back water, we cannot prepare for God's blessings if we live with barriers that block out God. Break out of the barriers and destroy the dam so that God's rushing water of healing can spew out to every part of you.

We walk with many troubles everyday. There are people and things that want to bring you down. Ask God to shut the mouth of the lion that pulls you down until you wear it's tooth around your neck, allowing others to see you as a example of Christ's power.

You can become lost in a forest with no direction. Life too can seem this way. You may think your running in circles, but God's hand is always there to bring you back to the path. Just ask for help. 

Our problems can make you fee like there is a weighted ball around your ankles while your trying to stay above in life's ocean. Just know that God can cut those chains if you trust In him. 

If you place your faith in Jesus everyday, the windows to Heaven will open and bless you beyond compare. Just be patient. Give Him a chance to work in your life.

We should not fear anything in this life. Fear is a lie. Fear is a powerful weapon and we need to always guard our mind and heart to discern what is being told to you from God and the enemy.

Let your heart be filled with joy. God isn't a boring God. He to loves our joy and would want nothing more than to increase it. Be thankful everyday for what comes next. Who says being a Christian had to be boring. Smile!

He is the cloud that blocks the heat of the sun for those who need rest.

He is the rain that pours over a drought to replenish the plants and animals. Think how much more he will do for you!

God can give you instant success, favor, and move mountains that you never thought could move.

Do not keep your head in the sand like an ostrich, but ask the Holy Spirit to unveil your eyes to see God and love Him in more ways. 

A dog is thankful for the crumbs and bones it's master gives at the end of a meal. Imagine how much more thankful we are to a God who gives a crown on your head and a helpful hand?

The path to Heaven is hard to stay on. If you ever fall off, do not be afraid. Just like a Shepard who looks for one sheep of the hundreds that is loss, He too will find you back.

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Hope In the Creator

Does it seem familiar? 
The ocean spray across your face?
The gentle wind that calms you during the storms of life?
The sun that makes rainbows dance overhead? 
The loving hand that is always offered, but we turn away as if grace is something to be earned?
You are a masterpiece to the Creator who creates wonders, not mistakes. 
You are His precious gem that may not be perfect yet, but is not overlooked. 
You feel like your walking through the valley of death, but God's oasis of love will be there with it all like a refreshing pool of water in the middle of a desert. 
The One who calls you from the crowd has your back. You are safe. The God of angels armies is always by your side.
You are wonderfully unique, black, or white. You can shine in this darkness. 
We all have a voice to be heard, but we lock ourselves up in a bird cage and our song diminishes into the world like a whisper. Do not be afraid to stand up!
Be a blessing among each other. When the least of these cry out for help, do not hesitate to help. 
We all need a friend no matter if your popular or a hermit.The Creator who spoke you into motion calls you His best friend.
Love is a warm sweater that is a one size fits all. You are welcome to bask in the warmth of God's comfort.
Hope is abundant when you make Jesus your God.
Hope is alive.
Hope lives through all of us.
God lives!

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016

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Heaven Is Real

What if we knew that the grass is greener on the other side of this life?

What a joy to it would be to have the comfort to live strife free after a life of turmoil?

What does it feel like to have a hope such as this when you lay your head down at night and know you are one step closer to your promised home?

How do you know if you are worthy of such a treasure? Just look in the mirror!

What if I feel like I'm too far gone to deserve this? It's not something you earn. It's a free gift. Receive it now!

What a love our God has for each of us that we may know we belong to him.

What if we knew how close we are to step into God's kingdom. Would you think different?
What if we could see into the future? Don't bother. Enjoy the life in your years and have hope. 

What if it sounds too good to be true? Remember that it is indeed good and definitely true. You are not alone.

What about my loved ones? Know that God won't over look them. We are all His beloved children.

What if you knew that you don't have to perform well in life to be loved. Your relationship with God is the most important.

What would happen if we knew the power of God's grace and forgiveness. You are never too far!

What if the sky falls and the ground shakes underneath our feet? Hold on to God's outstretched hand that is always being offered. 

What if we enjoyed life as much as a songbird? We would sing in the good times and bad to our God above. 

What if I am new to letting God into my life? Your life is like smoke in the wind, hear and gone fast. Done wait another second without Him!

When I fall, does that mean I have to start over? Every morning you wake up, mercy and grace are brand new once again. Ask for forgiveness and it shall be forgiven.

How wonderful it would be to know of such love in a fallen world as such.

When you long for a better life and the rain is still poring, hear His soft voice telling you that He is there with you.

When you feel forgotten and lost, remember that God knows you from start to finish.

If you feel like you own the stage, be ready to hand it over to God who dwells in the spotlight of our lives. 

When the storm clouds wont clear just remember the one who can command the roaring seas to part to make a safe way to walk through the perils of this life.

What if we had the faith to believe everything in the Bible could happen for you? Miracles happen everyday. Be ready for your blessings!

Copyright © Adam Lakebrink | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things