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Best Poems Written by Americo Petrocelli

Below are the all-time best Americo Petrocelli poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Theory of Everything

The theory of everything
Which even an Einstein could not divine
Remains the goal
Four fundamental forces making the universe what it is
Electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction, gravity
Each with its own mediator particle that makes the force a force
Photons, W and Z Bosons, Gluons and Gravitons are their given names
All for the Graviton proven to exist
Completing their journey from postulation to theory to discovery
Only the Graviton awaits a Columbus
But herein is postulated the existence of a fifth force
More powerful, more complex than the other four
Failing, to date. to command attention in the field of physics
The powerful universal force named ....LOVE
Its mediator particle, here in, called CUPID
Difficult to discover as is the Graviton and like the Graviton it has no mass
Because it too must act instantaneously and at long distances
And has, as should be expected, a spin value of 2
Once the CUPID is discovered the theoty of everything will be complete

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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I Don'T Know Why Cliches Are Bad

Every poet worth their sault
Every teacher and professor declare you will prove to be as dense as a London fog
Using clichés
But I think clichés make it clear as the nose on your face
That there are things as beautiful as the day is long
And as far as the eye can see
As many to enjoy as there are chins in a Chinese phone book
So my advice to young writers,
From time to time abandon the ship USS Proper Expression
Be above board
Do an about face
Make clear as a bell
That a rose by any other name does still smell as sweet
That absence still makes the heart grow founder
Airing dirty laundry is a no no
And if you must have an ace up your writer's sleeve
Let it be a cliché!

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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The Island

An island
Afloat in a sea of galaxies and stars
Orbiting its sun
Light and energy to warm and stir its life
Conceived by God....
With one explosive...singular...divine idea
14 billion years ago
Launching time and place and an expanding universe
Ruled by the laws of physics and chemistry
Giving birth at once to simple atoms and then the elements
Coalescing over eons to form the places...stars and galaxies...
God's universe...ever expanding to infinity
After nine billion years of cooling, expanding and the birthing of millions of galaxies
Earth is no other planet in the universe
An island of majesty and beauty...sustainer of plants and animals
God's special house a special living species...Man
Evolved at last! Only two hundred and fifty thousand years ago
Infused as no other species or product evolved from the big bang
Infused with a soul and a free will
A soul, by which man may sense the existence of God
A free will, to chose what actions and directions he will take
I wonder if God conceived another planet, in a distant galaxy called heaven
And another, a black hole, called hell thousand of light years away
Connected to Earth by worm holes yet to be discovered
The hell hole for those who use their free will to destroy God's special planet Earth
In only 250,000 years man is set to destroy this beautiful island, conceived
In that single divine thought fourteen billion years ago
The ultimate mortal sin
By those few who control so much of the riches that spew from the bowels of the Earth
And refuse to see... the glaciers melt
The oceans rise
The poor starve
The species die...and
God cry.
Democracy devolved...the will of the many to live suppressed by the greed of the few
While proclaiming...God Bless Us all
As God cries!
The words of an unknown ancient..."Scientia Non Habet Inimicum Nisp Ignoraantem" ..."Science has no enemies but for the ignorant"
God cries for the ignorant...
And the tides rise!

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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On the Inside of the Racial Divide

Carbon, deep, deep black in one form
Refracting light in another 
Symbols of energy and wealth
Yet, still the same carbon on the inside
Three handed creature
Grasping hydrogen atoms, oxygen and themselves
Forming the hydrocarbon chains of food stuffs
Filling our bodies with the stuff of energy 
Powering the mighty engine that never stops till life's last breath
Feeding through the inner pulsing red rivers the oxygen
Absorbed from the ocean of air surrounding us all
To keep alive the organs
The inside of every human being
Identical, human from another
Until coated in a skin
Available in a variety of colors
From white to red to yellow to black and all shades between
And now we see a difference, where there is no difference.

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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Campaign 2016

The first rule is easy....
It is not hard to love a God
The second rule is much harder to obey
If my neighbor is often I think I am
We find loving each other as easy as loving God
Many are so hard to love...
Impossible to even like
It would be easier if they weren't so much poorer than me
Even got a job
Spoke my language, went to better schools
Or even went to school
Made some smart investments...voted the right way...and
were all the same color as me
Didn't trespass on my lawn or need a hand out or made do
With what their employer is willing to pay for their labor
Than I could Love them as myself.

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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Valentine's Equation

A laboratory blackboard
Filled with equations relating one thing to another
In a haze of white caulk dust
A canvas as beautiful as a Rembrandt
In the eyes of a scientist
Energy(E)....the same as mass(m) of a thing times the speed of light(c)
Times the speed of light(c)
A powerful uncovering of destructive truth
In a simple equation
In no way as powerful as the constructive truth in the simple equation


                              Where I is Me

                              And U is You

                              And = is love!

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

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New Years Wishes

The memory curtain is descending as another year fades away
With it, still born resolutions buried even before its spring arrived
I am still here, and this time I will not resolve to lose weight and exercise
This, in the past did not survive even the dusting of the first winter snow
This year I wish for the friends of the world
That their clouds of worry be dissolved
And sun light fill their days
And for the enemies of the world
That their frowns be dissolved
And that the same sun that they share with all
Melts the hating in their hearts allowing charity to fill the void
A bright spring awaits the children of the world when this wish is granted.

Copyright © Americo Petrocelli | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs