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Best Poems Written by Eileen R. Kelly

Below are the all-time best Eileen R. Kelly poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Tis the Irish In Me...

You'll not see determination
like it...

this spirit sailed across
seven seas...

even as a child I fondly
recall it...

I knew I was different...
for what I believe...

for instance rich kids
down the road for their
Christmas a trampoline
they received...

they refused me entry...
so I took to hills...
walked off all disharmony...

whilst up there I found a 
bog in it a dead cow lodged...

this cow bloated like any
fair ground balloon could be...

so I climbed aboard her and 
I bounced all day...

cost me nothing my soul 
in tact...

...thinking back...lucky
the old cow didn't burst
or crack...

it's the universe you see
the higher power understands
watches over me...

I often think of that day...
the spirit of the poor...
is rich...

Where there is a will there
is a way.

anyhow those same kids
they got tired of jumpin
up and down...

so they came to our house
we teamed up played rugby

for I knew from an early age
as young as five it is not t'ings
that bring fulfillment...

it is other people and love that
bring us this full of life...that we
feel inside...

Tis the Irish in me...
this spirit I believe...

the spirit that sailed
seven seas

...the spirit from above
Tis the Irish in me...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

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Devils Only Walk Straight Lines...

devils' cannot go round corners' 
evil cannot bend- 
it is mostly found in madmen many cases
"some married men"
they all wear bare face masks, 
the evil of the deciever is located 
in their eyes...connected to a rotten the deceit is beating... 

..."sin salivating demon"...

they are frustrated fallen women...
predators of women and children, 

you can find them on your t.v 
preaching Christian words,... 
more lies...
the flesh of young 
they love to torture, 

another so called "Christian, politician" 
to be exact, preaching against 
child molestation, 
found himself in prison, 
for raping children,...that's a fact 

the devils work, gives lips service 
to that of a spiritual demon flirt 

none of you can be trusted, 
you are all potential rapists' 
just a matter of time 
before your a%s is busted, 
before the truths' uncovered 

you Christian 
ass holes point the finger at gays...
when you are the real reason 
why you go to church and pray 

it is not to find your faith, 
for you have none at the start, 

...for you wouldn't do
the kinds of things
that break a childs heart...

you know it is only a matter of time 
before your life falls apart ...

hang your head in shame you bastard!!!
hang your head in shame... 

you're the reason why women leave men 
why so many despise your type
the heart of this man is not be trusted... 
from experience this logic commands 

...another supposed family man...
Hiding behind his family...his wife

don't preach to me you sinner... 
all of you make me laugh... 
you won't find me in one of churches 
your mind bending cult... 
perfectly built to house sinners 
your the ones' who take it up the a#s

this so called religion
you hide behind...
you yourself a joke...

Now I could write a passage
of compassion-be a real bleeding

but as adults who are we protecting
here...the child...or these nobs
these predators...that steal
a childs innocence...a childs dreams

there is no compassion
only an abyss I cannot forgive
anyone...anyone for this...

 for these kids
a life of nightmares dark shadows
and silent screams...they'll either end up
victims...or brave courageous...
strong and determined human beings...choose a life
of love somehow become a beautiful
loving person...

for devils only walk straight lines...
in God you will repent...
in God there is no pretence...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

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Last Sad Goodbye My Inner-Child

A bad man came 
when I was four 
he did bad things 
I couldn't find 
the door 

A bad man came 
when I was fourty one
this time he came 
with a mask and gun 

hells run a ground 
stay calm, stay cool, 
grandmas' spirit is a round 

I am older now - 
his wrath will save us both 

his crime exposed with 
my promise, and your oath

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

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I will sit in silence...
feel your warmth...

the spice of life
cinnamon and sugar...

the bark of the tree
no longer lingers...

with an orange in her
pocket there she will scarce...
today without share...

lemons lemons everywhere
not a drop to quell this thirst...

sunshine on my shoulder
without shade I tend burn

she could fall into
her mirror...

drink tea and fairy cakes...

...grab her top hat...
...not her style...

she'll stand firm with
her subject...forgive herself

allow her mind to float

she'll study the spine of
wind in willows her memory
fondly recalls...

for in her life stress levels
rise...her mindset scrambles
for the positive...once more...

she has no one but herself
to blame...her passion
unleashed runs rife...

...she has to now work
twice as hard to relieve
this life of strife...

suddenly...reality hits...
in minds eye a plump plum
before her...

she laughs out loud...
melody of  acceptance...rings
we rebuild what we have the big fix we bring...

life is not simple...the choices
determine our fate...
but for risk what a miserable
boring existence we ourselves
forsake... won't fall from the sky...
character strengthened...
only from real life...

...this truth is my truth...
not plagiarized...

I won't reach for a rosary
my direct line will suffice...
this thing I've done...

was great...greater things
to come from self sacrifice...

the faith the believing
in oneself is the essence
of my healing...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

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My Sisters Smile...

My sister left her smile 
at my house...

I found it and put it on...

Her smile laden with many memories
full of warmth joy through embattled
laughter...and song...

Her courage outright distinguished...

Like a rested storm...finally free...

...As I stood in the mirror...

Her smile smiled back at me...
for this is what it said... 

I wear this smile with pride...
I wear this smile with pride...

For this smile leads me into a new day...

This smile ignores me not...
It reminds me - of the fun I
have at play...

It has seen me through many battles...
...and reminds me of the ones I've won...

But it helps to remember the 
beautiful person I have today become...

From a child once abandoned...
to bare a daughter of my own...

My smile understands the feelings...
and with spirit I have grown...

My life is full and rich...and my love
for the world I have declared...

With my all...dressed in my smile
I stand before you...

...From within my smile I do share...

And today I ask that you return me
to my owner...

...and here it is my sister...

For my beautiful sister Jay...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2008

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Birthday Warning!

A cold autumn morning, 
new rains have arrived 
today not so ordinary 
A little girls birthday goes by 

she had an accident 
she awoke in her bed wet 
today she is six, a present she did 
not expect 

A day without the jug cord 
would be her birthday wish 

Her hope is soon faded, 
for there her mother stood, 
A birthday beating just begun- 
her mothers' way 
of a little fun 

"you dirty little b!#@h"! 
I'm sick of washing your sheets 
this will fix you...and fix you good 
till you're black and blue 
...or till I'll make you bleed"! 

Happy Birthday to me... 
through aches and tears 
I am happy 
I survived to date six years 

alone in her closet 
she'd make this her car 
travel to far away happy lands 
go shopping for a star 

once she bet the jug cord 
she collected up the sheets 
took her mums' old coal shovel 
buried them under the house 
darkest corner beneath, 

her father gave her sixpence 
every time she was dry, 
or if she wet, he'd make her wetter 
he'd put her in a cold bath 

the little girl would trick him, 
moving the sheets about 
her mother would come in the room 
catch the little girl out 

the little girl did such things 
out of fear she lied 
the little girl was in a place 
she was trying to survive 

she adapted to her father 
she adapted to her mother 

though difficult it was 
it affected everything 
looking back the way she was 

she changed her life completely 
eradicated the fear 
her life gets better and better 
year after year 

her mum and dad to this day 
the little girl forgave 
she understands the way they were 
a woman she has grown 
forgiving to her grave 

she struggles on her birthday 
preferring to enjoy 
her spirit accepts what happened 
on that day the present 
she avoids

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

Details | Eileen R. Kelly Poem

Hero Whisperer...

This torment...
this courage

I will be your

I surrender
this rose...

my soul feels
your pain...

my body exhausted
and drained...

I cannot weep...
for my strength
has surpassed...

this pillar I offer
a lifetime will last...

...for my wisdom to
you to your soul I speak... are not alone...
let not your love 
lost in time of retreat...

...we find our truth...
in this pain - for it
is in pain it is ourselves
we complete...

a journey you need not
travel by oneself...

...hero whisperer is
the inner self...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

Details | Eileen R. Kelly Poem


She stands - wading through puddles

like small islands encircled in glass

The tide has long gone...

returned to tired hermit crabs...
and rested clams in the shallows...

Sal-try streams and rivers calm...
lay in wait for random raindrops...
to fall from clouds exiled...

She stands wading in puddles...
feet gently bathe her silky skin...

With arms outstretched she beckons the rains...
lifts her bright emerald eyes to the sea...

The tide has long gone...
She stands - wading in puddles...

like small islands encased in glass

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2012

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...Myself I turn
...I turn from myself...

...the shadow
of the sun...

these shadows within

My soul will not allow
me to forget...

...where we come from
deep regret...

Man continues to abuse
murder his children...

...this violence reported
into my lounge it came...
with a knife he tried
to murder three...

...this incident not 
far from me...

...a blood stained knife
his reality...

...too many problems...
innocent blamed...

too many...regurgitated
memories trapped...
inside of me...

I will thrust my soul
to the ocean...
gently stand 
at waters edge

...send all this
forgiveness into the free
I will summons an
angel...I seek...
to forget...

...these reminders...
these childrens 
souls protect...

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007

Details | Eileen R. Kelly Poem

Loves Doorway...

I was reading the paper... 
in the green room, 

you walked in the door, 
I didn't know you, yet, 
of you I wanted more... 

excited, elevated, sexual tension- 
this spark, this feeling, 
sent me reeling... 

uncompromising, release... 
nearly, thirty moons on, you still 
give me this charge-my sweet

more experienced, this feeling 
lasts longer, stronger, powerful 
sweet interlude, only one, we delight in sharing 
this mood... 

woman, you make me
...for days on 
end I carry round...this payload, 
take it from me before I drop, 
this love exploding 
I'm going to pop... 

I am intoxicated in your kiss... 
you are my love promise... 

you removed the locks, 
on this loves' doorway... 

this love destined, to rewrite 
the truth, the ancients recorded 
from above...historical proof... 

all woman, who feel this and allow 
truth to in lavish love 
sweet, sweet, rare splendor

Copyright © Eileen R. Kelly | Year Posted 2007


Book: Shattered Sighs