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Best Poems Written by Nosipho Bleeding Ink

Below are the all-time best Nosipho Bleeding Ink poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Grown In Wisdom

I am not growing old or tall
I am maturing, not only by shape
but by wisdom.
It has been placed in the furnace of my heart,
burned with the radiance of the sun and been
molded in the storms by God's will until
I have become organic Protea.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2016

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The Tale Beyond the Sketch

She is the sketch, never looked nice,incomplete and the loner.
She never glowed like princesses,
always at the back raw
and was never expected to bloom like Gerbera daisies.
She is just the sketch

with her peers she played and laughed
and some days she would wish to take that atmosphere
back at home with.
one-time she was with friends playing in front of her house
and noticed one of her brothers coming out of his employers car
her friends were stunned to see a white man's car in front of her house
so she pulled a stunt and told them " that is my father! ",
knowing that she was lying but she just wanted to own a parent 
and boasts about what her Father will buy for her.
She only enjoyed that imagination for a minute 
then reality  kicked in in her boney chest box into her agonized heart,
Her guilty conscious caused her to promise herself to never lie about herself again.

She feels uncomfortable in the crowd
She thinks they are better than her,
like a black stone amangst white crystals.
isolating herself from others is what she prefers,
it's so peaceful and comfortable in her own.
though She can see through their eyes
that they are not free around her, she gives it a blind eye.
Its not fair.

Her soul is loving and caring but it is hidden behind the thick skin.
sometimes She can see from a distant a broken soul.
Oh! How she wish she was a butterfly,
fly over a broken one, whispering words of mending
but her wings are broken.
She is just the Sketch!

mouth silenced by the hand of low self esteem
mind talking like floods, eyes speaking like a Queen
Oh! how I wish her mouth could be just her mind,
puking words from her mind.
I guess only her tears can do the talking,
the paper and the pen does the expression.

She never chose her background but She is about to choose her future.
She is just the sketch and the sketch never glows.
when taking more than just a passing glance,
It makes you feel something so uncanny irresistible.
only the feeling can confess its beauty.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2015

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The Story of One Rotten Potato

It starts with one box
Full of good potatoes
Judging from inside out
You have good potatoes here

Slime simpering smell 

Drifting in from nowhere
Perhaps is just a heat
Supposedly is one of those days
They still look good

Just open the box to catch the air

Before you know it
The dead rat scent is unbearable
Stinking liquid wets the bottom of the box
Almost the whole box is rotten

How could you not see that coming?
Was it your ignorance?
Were you deceived by the lookssss?
What have you done?

There was something about one potato,
That did not look like it would spoil right?
Could be that small dark mark have
Spoiled the whole box?

Was it one of those contagious thing?
Nobody is perfect isn't so?
You are not perfect isn't so?
How to see a serpent covered in Human skin?

The rotten smell attracts fruit flies,
When troubles arise you will see
Promise of peace drifting by
Only to turn to be traitors

Whilst spirit beings perish
In the valleys of ignorance
Like the children of God 
Who lack's knowledge.

That could only be a scenario of 
One rotten potato!!!

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2016

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These Butterfly Kisses

I cannot tell what happened
But I heard somebody telling me:
“They vanished in thin air”

“My butterfly kisses are broken wings”
“I know no butterfly kisses”

Yes! They told me like this:

I am Petal from rosebud secondary,
I know butterfly kisses that whispers to my lapels
Drawling how irresistible My fragrance is,
Realizing not I am being carried away to permanent bunk,
Not reasoning. My reasons are these beautiful sterling waggish wings.
These are severe hands and clubs against flesh,
Designers tyre; attires to pregnant bellies.
This was illusion to knack and knackers.

“please give me a paper  and the pen so
I can write about My life of sin”

Dear Lillies :

These butterfly kisses ain’t loyal.

By:  Nosipho Madywabe 
Pen Name: Nosipho  bleeding ink

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2015

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Drifting Away From Myself

Drifting away from myself
Is like breaking of the chord
Division inside me
Disconnection of inner me from reality
Loosing my identity
Don't care whose watching
But heart sobbing silently
Arms crossed over my head
Eyes blurred with tears
Like a lost child wondering around
Its an unbearable nightmare
Is like sinking in a pool of schizophrenia.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2015

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Furtive Screams of a Christian

Though I've created my own Egypt
Doing things as if God does not exist.
Could not wait for the unknown.
I'm burning with passion, inflamed with lust. 

Just! Because sin is the matter in the heart.
I was told the lies that are almost the truth
My mind sponged sinful ideas,
and was left illegally unfolded
to the dregs of morals beyond repairs.

As a result the pain is too deep
Piercing and violating my soul
grabbing where it is small, drilled by guilt.
I can feel each wrenching twists and turns
I think I am not worthy for this Title.

I'm being convicted a sinner
My reasoning is the reasoning of a rebellious child,
according to the scripture.
been distanced by the code of conduct of Salvation.
I am not worthy for this Title.

You cannot pen down  this poem without my Pangs.

This is the immortal battle field 
as an inside belly foetus
caged, struggling for rebirth.
tangled with sinful cords
choked to spiritual death.

This is not onion dialogue 
but a cry for Redemption.
Judge me on your way to your knees Brethren!

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2017

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It Was a Setup


In the beginning the was word
And the word became flesh
It was a setup! When a virgin was with a child
And the little child shall lead them.

Et tu, Brute? Et tu, Brute?
In exchange of your brothers blood for the kisses of death? Oh! Judas!
Is that your brothers blood in your hands, oh! Simone Peter?
Betrayal is deeper than a cut in flesh itself.

"Let him be crucified" they said.
In brutality they forced crown of thorns on his head
Knowing not it was a prediction
It was a setup!

Untransformed minds mocked him,
bowed and knee before him 
Saying " Hail King of the Jews"
Knowing not the power of the tongue
It was a setup!

he dug his own grave
Creating the weapon
To kill the anointed
It was a setup!

They should have bound his arms behind,
Instead they crossed him, drank from the cup of confusion.
Bones crossed grievously,
Flesh ripped and blood pouring like water
To conquer, heal and to save children of God, they miscounted
It was a setup!

Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani?
The Father groans for His only begotten son
for he knew no sin hence became a sin
For so He loved the world.
" it is finished "

The mouth of Sheol, swallowed him rejoicing
"You bite off more than you can chew"
Grave couldn't contain him for He has been crowned.
It was a setup!

By: Nosipho C Madywabe

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2015

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I'M Rare

I am sorry to disappoint you
I could be anything you expect me to be
But you have a better chance to stop the war inside you
Than to try diminish my own personality
There's a saying that say's
"Misery likes company"
I refuse to be your candidate.

Your opinions about me are based on your perspective,
Your perspective is driven by your state of mind
If your state of mind is an ill wind 
Be blown away.

I am the colourful gem in Africa
The collage of my ancestors DNA
Glued together to form a rare
Epitome of beauty

I am the mother of gift
The shooting star in the world
Filled with turmoil.
I'm the flower that grows through the stones.

I am the tried and tested Baobab tree
I stand tall and been deemed the shelter.
"The beauty lies in the eyes of the admirer"

I come as the rolling waves in the ocean
Seen as a threat to those with evil will
And as a fascinating life enhancer to the waterman,
Change is constant and so is my mood because I'm alive
I am an emotional being
I'm the paragon art of the Creator

As the mist in the forest region
I am each and every droplets that lands on dry grounds
That spark's the life 
Imbued with irresistible earthy smell.

I'm the Soil.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2021

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Hidden Pearl

It is not the swing in her waist
The click of her heels
Uniqueness of her voice
Her sensational scent
The look in her eyes that melts the iron bars of fear
Nor the spark on her face when she curve the lips,
That blows dark clouds away.
A contagious smile that spreads like wildfire.

It is the mystery behind her creation
A man had to sleep for her to be formed.
She is so uncanny irresistible masterpiece
She's deep as the Potter's heart.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2022

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Her Crown

She wears her Crown
Not only that She carried souls in Her womb,
Her umbilical cord is extended like a river 
Many from near and far quench their thirst from it.
Her wings are of the Eagle,
Soaring against the storms and not faint.

Copyright © Nosipho Bleeding Ink | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs