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Best Poems Written by Karen Ann Gagnon

Below are the all-time best Karen Ann Gagnon poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Old Cowboy Boots

These boots have seen a lot of action through the years.
They’ve been through droughts and floods.
Have helped round up and brand cattle.
Have trekked through mud in the middle of the night to help a cow give birth.
Never a day went by that the rancher didn’t pull his boots on first thing in the morning.
The boots are now old and worn, with rips along the sides.
They are a good ol’ pair of boots that the rancher hates to part with.
To him, those boots are like a good friend and they’re also a part of his soul.
He has worn his faithful boots through good times, bad times, fun times and sad times.
Sadly, now the time has come to say goodbye to those dear ol’ worn out boots.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2016

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On the Farm

In the fields crops are growing
On the roof a rooster is crowing

In the yard hens are clucking 
In the paddock the stallion is bucking

Near the back door baby chicks are cheeping
In the pond frogs are leaping

From the pasture donkeys bray
And the lively horses neigh

The barn cats are slowly creeping
While the farmer’s wife does housekeeping

In the barn cows are mooing
And in the rafters doves are cooing

The frisky collie barked
As the tractor is parked

In the pen the pigs grunt
Except for the cute little runt

By the pond the duck quacks
While the coon hound tracks

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2017

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Going Fishing

Wake up bright and early
Eat a hearty breakfast
Pack up a yummy lunch
Check all of your fishing gear
Put on your oldest clothes and favorite fishing hat
Don’t forget the sunscreen
Time to get a move on, while the fish are still really biting
Quick stop at the bait shop for night crawlers
Then onto your favorite fishing spot, down at the local lake
First thing to do, is set up your day camp & make sure no wild critters can get into your food
Then, it’s time to bait your hook and throw in your line
Nothing left to do, but sit back & wait for someone to nibble on your line
Best part about going fishing is sitting back and enjoying nature, without dealing with your daily hectic life

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2016

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The Wild Child

The wild child grew up in a small cabin with his Momma and Daddy. He had a forest as his backyard, an adventure around every corner. The wild child knew when a storm was coming by watching the birds & listening carefully to their songs. He went to school in the woods, where he learned things beyond "normal" schooling.

The deer taught him how to be light on his feet.
The birds taught him how to whistle and call the other birds.
The bears taught him which berries were good to eat.
The raccoons taught him to be silent in the stillness of the night.
The foxes taught him how to clever and sly.
The wolves taught him how to run fast.
So many wonderful lessons he learned growing up in his beloved woods.

In the night, he went to sleep by the whippoorwill's call. In the morning, he awoke too the sparrow's song. It was a simple life, but a very good life. The wild child never hurt any of his friends. For the only friends he had were the animals, of the woods. All day, he would play with the baby animals, all while a mother was watching close by.

The wild child had lots of wild animals that were his "pets" and loyal friends.

A black bear, named Samson, who was orphaned after poachers killed his mother.
A raccoon, named Bando, who joined the family after a freak storm destroyed his home.
A hawk, named Osi, came into the family as a fledgling, and never left.

His most precious "pet" was his wolf, named Thunder, who was rescued by the boy from a trap. Thunder was all black, except for a white blaze down his nose. Thunder and the boy grew up together and also grew old together.

Then a very sad thing happened, the wild child grew up. He had to move into the city, where he had to teach others about survival in the woods. The wild child would never forget his special childhood, in the woods. He would never forget the lessons of hope, fear, courage, love, and faith that he had learned as a child; taught to him by his parents and his animal friends. Never would he forget his childhood home of happiness, where his happy childhood years were spent.

A home where he knew he'd always be welcomed and loved. A place he could always go back too, where he was always wanted.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2015

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There are so many words to describe you.
You are solemn and wise, stern and loving.
Always guiding me through school and everything.
Telling me not to be bad but good. 
I love you so much, Grandfather.
Though you are not my real Grandfather, I feel as though you are.
I grew up to always knowing I could come to you if I had a problem.
No matter what I did you always loved me.
Moreover, I know if you ever go away your spirit will always be with me.
I do not if I can say good-bye, but I will try too.
In addition, I will always love you no matter what.
You taught me to be fair and stern.
Moreover, to always listen to others & do my best no matter what.
You taught me that it was okay to cry and not to beat other people up.
I have learned so much from you and more.
Thank you for giving me so much faith.
I know I can do anything as long as I have faith in God.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2015

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County Fair

It’s that time of year again when the county fair comes to town.
Everyone is excited about going to the fair.
Nearly everyone in the family has entered something, in the hopes of maybe winning a prize.
Getting to spend the entire day at the fair is the best part of the summer holidays.
There are cool rides to ride (like the Ferris wheel) and awesome games to play (where you might win a prize) on the Midway.
You can also walk around the fair and look at all of the different kinds of exhibits: from farm animals to veggies, fruits, art projects and other various things, that people have collected.
There is also live entertainment from local bands to magic shows, kid’s shows and special animal acts.
Plus, you can watch tractor pulls and horse pulls, while at the county fair.
At night, before you leave the fair, you can watch the fair’s fireworks display.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2016

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The Bronx Zoo

The coolest zoo to view
With an all-around great crew

The children are running
Tiger Mountain is stunning

Hear the tigers chuffing
See the parents huffing

At Bird World, people are pouring
To see the birds soaring

Take a ride on the monorail
Around the Wild Asia Trail

In the Children’s Zoo, oh what fun
To visit the farmyard in the sun

The Indian Gharials are basking
While the children keep asking

Little penguins are splashing
The cameras are flashing

The lion pride roars
And the snow owl soars

Ring tailed lemurs leaping
While the Fossas are creeping

A Snow Leopard on the prowl
A Gelada Baboon with a smile

Western lowland gorillas interact
While the Okapi families attract

Sea lions are flipping and diving
Zoo babies are growing and thriving

Monkeys are climbing and swinging 
While their little babies are clinging

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2017

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When Lady Liberty Cried

The day dawned just like all of the others; on that faithful day.

Lady Liberty stood in the bay, greeting passing boats and travelers, just like she has done since the beginning days.

Then, on September 11th in the year 2001 at 8:45AM a building was struck in the land that she has always protected.

Terrorists had hit America hard in the face.

Lady Liberty began crying for all of the pain her proud city was in.

Many people died on that faithful day and the pain is still stinging the air.

The mighty Lady Liberty symbolizes freedom for the entire world.

Her torch, that is always burning, represents liberty.

On her tablet, is inscribed the date on which America gained its independence.

Her crown has seven rays, which symbolize the seven seas and continents.

Lady Liberty is still crying; crying for her people who have to fight.

For the people who had to leave behind their loved ones when they marched off to war.

She has cried through all the wars past.

Her tears are pouring out of her as America now enters the war on terrorism.

Why Lady Liberty wonders do people have to fight one another?

Why can on one live in peace and harmony?

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2015

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Independance Day

A holiday to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Red, white, and blue everywhere you look; during this exciting summer holiday.
Families gather together for barbeques, picnics, family reunions, baseball games and parades.
Patriotic songs fill the air, and everyone is signing America the Beautiful.
Little kids running around with sparklers & excitement in their eyes. 
Fireworks fill the night sky with dazzling colors and loud explosions.
Pride runs deep as we remember all those who help us keep our hard earned freedom.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2015

Details | Karen Ann Gagnon Poem

Day At the Beach

When the summer sun and heat get to be too much it’s time to hit the beach.
Pack up all your beach things from blankets, towels, beach toys, a beach umbrella, food and don’t forget the sun screen.
When you hit the beach first thing you do is stake out a spot and put up your beach umbrella & lay out your beach towel.
Then you can just relax for the day and spend your time swimming in the ocean, exploring the tidal pools or sitting under your umbrella reading a book and just people watching.
You see little kids having fun chasing waves & building some awesome sand castles, teenagers are hanging out playing Frisbee or beach volleyball, older folks are strolling along the boardwalk holding hands.
Seagulls are being their general pesky selves; swooping around the air, looking for food and sometimes even dive bombing someone holding a hot dog in their hands.
Spending time at the beach is pure magic, because nowhere else on Earth compares to the majesty of the sand, surf and tidal pools of the beach.

Copyright © Karen Ann Gagnon | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs