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Best Poems Written by Kit-Kat Lee

Below are the all-time best Kit-Kat Lee poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Dancer

The beat hits my ears and captures my soul
Takes me over and leaves me with no self-control
The words clash against my head and transfer through my body
For the moment the song runs is the time I release my inn self
For that span of time I forget the world 
For that little bit i can just enter some other place
Another dimension 
For some time I have had to live up to certain expectations
Do this do that 
Those words that go on and on and repeat like a track stuck on replay
Society today has taught me that originality shouldn't exist
That it will interfere with the future 
But who can really tell what the future holds?
Burning my head and molding my mind into what you want it to be
MR. this and Mr. that 
They tell me that dancing will get me nowhere
But for me personally I don't give a damn about whether it does or not
Dancer is who I am
From what I see a dancer can be success
On the street corner i see a person with a hat full of bills to pay his rent
In a club I see a stripper who makes enough money to put food on her table
In a School I see a dancer who makes enough money to live
A dancer can be successful
I am a dancer and from what I see I will be successful too

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

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Untitled Document

I feel like my mind is heavier than my heart. 
And my heart is weaker than my mind. 
The bandage that covers the scars on my heart is the love from you 
The thoughts in my mind are like tidal waves
Clashing nonstop are the voices I hear 
As if they were a song stuck on replay
To this day I feel a feeling unexplainable
A hand reaches out
But I push away
I am drowning in my own self
Not moving forward 
Standing as if I'm stuck in time
My mind screams for relief
My heart yearns for a fresh start
My eyes hurt from the tears I cried
I look around
I see no one
I am alone
Friends betrayed me 
Family never existed
Life is hell......
The boy I made love to broke my heart
I see these things in my mind over and over again 
Suddenly I close my eyes 
I hear a ring in my ear
I open my eyes 
I look beside me 
Tears fall again
This time I smile 
Not only does a hand touch me
But I see the eyes of the boy I made love to
I look twice
I fall to the ground
He drapes his arms around me
I look up in his eyes
He kisses my lips
He said he was looking for something
He takes out a key 
I take out my heart
He takes my heart and puts in the key
He says that he has always held the key close
I smile but still unsure
He then puts my heart back in place
My heart has been replenished
I no longer feel pain
Skies are now clear and blue
I look to my left I see the future I dreamt
I stand 
My love's hand in mine
I walk with a smile
I now am replenished
The past now just seems like a bad dream
I look and your still there
I feel different
I'm smiling and not feeling alone
To this day I look back and am in shock
The person standing now once was weak
But now as the days go by....
I grow stronger
The memories still roam inside me
But they remind me to keep hope and faith
To this day the boy I love/loved is still with me
To this day I look around
I can remember being in isolation 
But now I play a part in this generation
Tears no longer leave my eyes
To this day I no longer feel as if I can never find love
I used to think that humanity was a fantasy
But this fantasy turned into reality

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem

To the One I Love

Look at yourself and tell me what you see
Don't tell me something I know not to be true
Hold the mirror that will show the beauty I see
Your eyes of warmth that have been exposed to things unseeable 
Even some unspeakable
Skin so soft and tender to the touch 
Fingers run across it and the smell of shae butter and cocoa butter rub off into the air
A body that is so mesmerizing that I feel as if I'm looking at a goddess
But I don't have to take a second glance
You are the goddess I see
Heart, face, eyes and soul are broken 
But I have the glue
You have said that you were always ending up alone
Well truth be told you never were
You were just blinded by your past that you couldn't see what was in front of you
Look now because here I am standing before you
Tears fell on the ground but here I am to catch them before they even develop
You were put here on this earth for a reason
You have a destiny that's just yet to be put into light
You have the obligation to live out this life
Your soul will be restored but you have to look beyond your past
The pain will heal when you open your heart to the ones who care
You do have people who care
Don't believe me then look in my eyes
I love you with all my heart
It took me some time to realise and come up with the words because love is a strong word 
Once said it can't be unsaid
When I said it and say it I meant it 
My words are true
Don't believe me then take a look in my eyes and tell me otherwise
Still don't believe?
Then I will just have to prove to you 
As time goes on you shall see that I am being real

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem

As the World Turns

As the World turns clock hands rotate in circular motions
For the hours I count in hopes of all of them to freeze 
For the silent moments I think to myself of the time that has passed
The person who stares to the ground while they walk on the streets
One step they take going farther into a direction yet known

As the world turns so do the heads 
In search for some kind of entertainment 
In hopes of satisfying the need to laugh or gossip
The world is funny

As the world turns there is always a voice that speaks 
But yet there are so many secrets and miscommunications
Words roll of the tongues of today's generation
The people expected to continue whats been started
Blood sheds before a tongue slips

As the world turns there is always the word change 
If there is a yearn for change why is there a display of consistency?

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem


The days pass 
But I wish the time would move at my pace
One day I wish I could stop
One day I wish I could jump
One day I wish I saw you
Everyone wishes for a dream come true but that's a fantasy
But to me dreams come true only if you want them to
Everyone has the I be who they want to be
Look around you and tell me I'm wrong
It's not possible because if you look around you see future people
People who become lawyers and doctors
Some say that these are "normal" things
But then there are some who will be singers, actors 
Even some will be writers
I wish I was something I wanted to be
But I can't because my back is against the wall everyday
I have to act like someone I'm not
I have to be fake as some would say
Survival is the way to live these days
No one has the freedom to be who they are
Afraid of what society has become known to being
Fearing what the people around you say and think about you
I wish the times would pass to better times
Not having to worry every moment
Just to have the ability to be who we are and who we want to be
Dancers/singers have to come out at night because people say that jobs like that are unstable
Everyone has a talent but is afraid to show it because of what the world has come to be
Why is that we have to cover up who we are
Why do we have to pretend to be something other than ourselves
Why should I (you) have to change jus because someone says you have to
You were given the right to be who you are
To be yourself and not someone else
So why the change
Do you have any idea of how hard it is to hide who you are
In today's generation it's like wearing a jacket and putting a hood over your head
The only thing people will see is a shadow
This shouldn't be happening
People should be who they are 
Love has been blinded with so many conditions and laws
Binded with so many traditions and expectations
Today anything is possible
Why can't "change" be a possibility 
So much has evolved over a period of time
Nothing surprises me anymore
I take things as they come
I take it one day at a time 
As do the rest of several billion other people on this earth
I hear the word unity come out of a persons mouth
First thought that comes to mind is equality
In other words respect and understand should run like a marathon on this earth 
But as far as I can see not much of those things happen that often
The world may be cruel 
But it doesn't have to be this way
We all have the ability and capability to make this change
Though it will take time and effort
In the end you will see that it's worth it

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

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Im Fine

I said I'm fine.
But in my mind are thoughts of suicide.

Tears rush down my face.
Blood seeping through my skin at a fast pace.

Falling on the bed with paper sitting close by
Wishing the ceiling was the sky and fly

Taking a pencil and dipping it in blood.
Taking the paper and writing a letter saying goodbye for good. 

No one loves me.
No one wants me. 

Maybe its best for me to leave this earth or for me this hell
For today I wish all well

Too many times ive slit my wrists.
Too many times ive just wanted true loves kiss.

Too many nights I spent alone. 
I have no more strength left to exhaust another days goals.

I change my sheets daily. because they are constantly filled with tears from the night before. 
Here I sit writing this letter
After today things will be better. 

Because one less life will be on this earth.
I guess I wasnt of earths worth. 

I pray for the next birth. 
Maybe someone will see their worth.

I guess this is goodbye
I've slit my skin for the last time.

Enough scars to be mistaken for tattoos.

Time for me to find the gun and the rope
Everybody thought this was a joke.

Here it goes
As I tie the noose.

Putting it around my neck with the gun in hand
Grasping it like it was the love of my life on a one nightstand

Putting the gun to my head and pulling the trigger 
Blood pouring from my head like snow in the winter

I now hang from the ceiling 
Now just have to see if someone would actually read the note I left behind and be the one reading

Then notice that ive now succeeded. 
My life I've conceded

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem

Unexpected Miracle

I walk around with so much on my mind
But nothing seems to make sense
So much weight on me 
It's like the weight of the world is on my shoulders
My head aches and pounds like thunder is hitting it
I try to find some type of peace
But it was taken away 
The people I thought cared about me left
I though of dying right then and there
No one seemed to care so no one will miss me
I then see two people push through the crowd formed
Those two people look down at me 
They tell me they care
But with all the shit I've been through Im not sure this is another lie
Mother Nature must not like me because all my strength has been drained
It's been drained from trying to fight back tears
Trying to put a smile on my face to hide the pain
To not take a drink and pass out and die
To not do drugs that could possibly kill me
I feel these two people's hands holding mine
I look in there eyes
I see that they are not lying 
But with all this I still am not sure
I let go and start to walk away
But then I fall to the ground 
I'm knocked down because I can't take another step
For so long I have carried nothing but sadness,pain, and scars
Infinite number of times I cry in a day 
And endlessly throughout the night
I try to hide so people don't see a trail of tears till from my eyes
The two people who say they care about me try to wipe away my tears but I turn away
They seem hurt and angry
They look as if they are ready to kill and kick butt
But there is no specific person to blame
Because it isn't just one person
It's more than what they could probably handle
They probably do care 
I look in their eyes again and tell them thank you
As tears roll down my cheeks like a raindrops during a storm
I fall into both of their arms 
They hold me close 
I feel safe 
I am still nervous
But I don't want to be alone
These two people stayed with me from that night until the dawn
I wake up they still holding me in their arms 
I didn't ask them to stay
I am worn out and exhausted 
And each of our shirts is soaked 
But there were no complaints
I still feel weak and not sure where to go
Then the other two people wake up
We look into each others eyes 
They get up and each of them takes my hand
I get up and we walk arm in arm 
And they tell me that I am not alone and that they care 
I still feel uneasy 
But I the look in their eyes tells me that I can take this risk 
The three of us walk hand in hand 
I feel stronger than I was before
Now I smile instead of frown
I laugh instead of cry
At night I dream endless dreams of happiness
In the day I enjoy being happy
I look back now and remember thinking I was done
But I look at now and say that I was just in a hole and that now I am on solid ground
People still treat me the same way 
But those to people who stayed with me that night with me
Those people are still with me
I look back and used the past as a motivator 
I say that this was a miracle unexpected

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem

The Angel

Eyes like stars 
Heart like pure gold
Spirit like one of a wild animal
Soul of Mother Nature
Rarest of one to find
No real identity so what to call her is a challenge I must master
My prize possession I old most dearly
Love can be seen through your eyes 
For you look upon everything with love
Still no identification
I fear to call you unknown because with the assets you contain you deserved to be named
Angel comes to mind 
I wish you were mine
Could I take your hand? 
Could I have your heart? 
You body is a blessin
And has vastly become my main obsession
Her walk is so graceful it leaves me in awe 
Her face leaves me breathless
Therefore I shall call you my angel since nothing else comes to mind
Where did you come?

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem


If words could speak every room on earth would shake 
With echoing whispered voices and no breaks in between 
You would think that a breath would taken 

Secrets and lies reveled and let truth be no longer concealed
Living in a generation full of mistrust and assumptions
Ignoring certain possibilities just to linger on the moments of numbness

Filling the smiles and weighing them with weight to face them downward
Through the air it slowly becomes polluted with the harmful discoveries
Lights are dimmed so the shadows can be no longer be visible 

Darkness is no longer ceases but now only commences
For not too long ago the world was full of shit and unspeakings 
That was said to be meant for safety reasons

To protect broken hearts and create friendships and some more beyond
To go past a greeting or the acceptance a wave
But why?

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Details | Kit-Kat Lee Poem


She called my name 
Still thought I was a game
I said goodbye for the last time
No need for another set of repetition
Only to be deprived more of loss of my own identification
Tears fell down my face but not anymore
It’s now her time to cry
Maybe it was time for our journey tto die
Maybe this was life’s way of saying to find something new
It all started out as a onetime screw
But she caught a hold of my heart
And she became my piece that made me no longer torn apart
I ask and beg and ask stop this
I don't want to know this was just temporary bliss
There's been enough pain
What can I do to erase this agony this memory from my brain
Heart in constant repeating ache
But I guess this is the price I must pay

Copyright © Kit-Kat Lee | Year Posted 2015

Book: Reflection on the Important Things