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Best Poems Written by Britt Rose

Below are the all-time best Britt Rose poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I stare at your face as I remember it so vividly. 

I remember every piece of hair 
You crafted to lay so perfectly in place

The tip of your nose that became slightly rosier with each year
 The way your eyes wrinkled when you smiled
Your hard belly against mine as you gave me a hug 

When you said "I love you kid" 
And the pricelessness of those words 
Spoken more frequently towards the end.    

I wish we had more time 
So I could show you who I have become
 You may be gone but your love lingers on 

In the hearts of not only your family 
But every person you touched
And welcomed as part of that family 

You showed me that love is deeper than the surface 
It is rooted over time
Solidified in the thick and maintained through the thin.

I close my eyes 
Trying to picture the beautiful place 
You have chosen you reside 

Sometimes I whisper to you,
Hoping you can hear me
Just to say I love you

I know I will have to wait patiently 
For the next chapter 
When we all will reside together

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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Tis the Season

Tis the season of high expectation
And disappointing outcomes

Of obligations 
And guilty consciences 

Tis the season of cellulite
And failed diets

Of sinking self esteem
And blotchy faces

Tis the season of lighter pockets
And heavier souls

Ask and you shall receive

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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Life Like a Book

We all are made aware of the inevitable from an early age

Like a good book there is a beginning, a middle and an end
Beginnings are new, exciting, an adventure. 

In the middle we navigate each pages with the occasional twist 

As we feel the pages in our right hand slowly depleting
We deny that the story could ever end

We insist there is a sequel, an explanation to this inevitable demise

Instead we are left with blank pages and a chapter 
that can only be written by the omniscient  fingers behind the keyboard

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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Parents of Summer

The birds sing softly alerting the world to wake 
Dewy leaves start to dry with the warmth of the morning sun

Children open their sleepy eyes 
Sounds and smells from the kitchen lure them out of their tangled sheets

Full of energy they rush outside 
greeted by the warm sun

Parents watch from afar ready to jump at the first fall and scrapped knee 
Just a band-aid and kiss is all it takes until the little ones are off and running again

The refreshing pool water splashes as they scream with joy and energy
Pruney fingers are extracted from the pool along with bloodshot eyes and tired bodies

Showered and dressed they collapse in front of the screen of cartoons
Soon smells from the kitchen slowly creep up to their noses 

With tired limbs and full bellies they crawl into bed and drift away into a story 
Forehead kisses bring the day to a close

With aching joints and tired minds parents curl up into a glass of wine 
They toast to the close of another beautiful summer day

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

Details | Britt Rose Poem

Her and Her

They dismiss the colorfulness of curiosity
Shaming its beautiful individuality

Shackled by confines of bounded paper
Stories are manipulated as fact, and passed on for generations 
Confusion sets in as attacking inner voices
Destroy their self worth 

Hiding behind illusions and confessionals   
They pray for forgiveness, or a way out 

Until one night from across the lawn their eyes met
Vibrating emotions pulsed through every fiber of their body

Standing still the earth waited patiently for someone to react 
Inching closer her nerves shook

“She’s the one” a voice said
And she was

Illusions were replaced with reality
And forgiveness was replaced with gratitude

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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Imperfectly Perfect

We spend our whole lives
 trying to be special

As infants we cry for attention and 
As teens we cry for no reason at all

Sometimes it feels as though we speak a language
 only our minds can understand

We spend years feeling alone
 and “misunderstood”

Mirrors become a battleground for the attacking inner voices
Reality becomes less distinguishable 

A fear sets in
“Who am I?”

Panicked by uncertainty we hide behind masks
The rebel, the hippy, the jock 

Now more lost than before we break
Feeling naked and vulnerable

We stare at our spotted skin through puffy eyes
Then a wave of clarity shocks our senses 

A laugh escapes a pair of thin pink lips 
Who am I?

Who we are is not the refection in a mirror
But what we choose to see

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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What is real is the pulse of your soul 
not the beating in your chest

Real is the honesty of a child 
not the envy of your foe

Live in the world with your heart wide open  
and your eyes closed tight 

Your brain is the conductor 
in your train of life

Feed it love, 
receive happiness 

Feed it hate 
and live in fear

You choose

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

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Agelessly beautiful and benevolent 
Wise in the simplest of ways

“I’ve never been bored in my life”
She once said to me

Me, the definition of bored
She does not know this, but I do

They don’t see me as I see myself
I wish I could borrow her beautiful heart 

Just for one day so I could learn 
How exactly life is to be live

You are a gift

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

Details | Britt Rose Poem


Too heavy a shovel for such a small boy 
The hole inside him grew deeper 

His heart ached for solace 
but alone he remained 

Sadness turned into anger
 then into pain

Like a cancer attacking his beautiful young soul 
It hid behind layers of hurt, betrayal, and disappointment 

The layers grew thicker 
with each passing year

Becoming too heavy to bare 
he was ready to surrender 

Until he was introduced 
to a life tangible enough to fight for

Layers slowly and painfully were peeled away  
Bringing back overwhelming untouched emotion

Shackled to the confines of buried memories 
he found the same lost boy 

Hiss beautiful, vibrant soul
was ready to be freed 

Radiating with happiness and gratitude
He ran forward never looking back  

Beside him was her, smiling, 
because she had seen it all along

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014

Details | Britt Rose Poem

Full Circle

Life always comes full circle
The gravity of this phrase is lost in naivety

Blind to the fact that each day
Draws us more near to the end of a cycle

A cycle of growth 
Of vitality

Every second that we waste on apathy
Is a tragic waste 

We take for granted our beautiful lungs 
Breathing effortless for us each day

Until one day we are married to machines
That do all of it for us

Breath, hear, eat, 

Embrace your place in the circle 
Say no to nothing 

Because before you know it
You will be crossing the finish line

Copyright © Britt Rose | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs