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Best Poems Written by Ben Peralta

Below are the all-time best Ben Peralta poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Strongest Bond

What kind of bond can never be broken
What kind of relationship is healthy and open
A love in your heart that can never end 
A loyalty between two people that will never bend
A person you can count on through thick and thin
Who gives you motivation to dig deep and never give in
Like a partner in crime you can always count on 
Someone who loves you for you and knows how to have fun
This bond that I speak of is none other
Than the bond shared between two brothers
We may argue or fight from time to time 
But there is no stronger bond than yours and mine
And with every beat of my heart I will always love you
Little brother listen to these words for they are honest and true

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Who's To Blame

Sometimes it's hard to deal with our anger
Some commit violent acts ignoring the danger
Some seek advice from family and friends
Others lock it away hoping not to stumble upon it again
What is the true way to deal with this emotion
Maybe just to run away from all the commotion
I believe looking at the problem first hand
Determining whats important and what can be banned 
Sometimes it's hard to judge a mistake 
Especially if it's not your fault in the first place
So take a good look at the people in your life
And before you let them in you should think twice
Only because our peers influence us more than we think
Encouraging trouble then gone gone before you can blink
I'm sure this not the case for ever single person 
But as the saying goes you never know when evil is lurking

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Until We Meet Again

Aush you came in and out of my life in the blink of an eye
Over the years I have seen you happy angry scared and even cry
But through your tears you would always find a reason to smile
Giving me hope even if it is for a short little while
So many things were left unsaid
I am left only with the memories running through my head
My beautiful cousin no one can ever take your place
You are with your father in his warm embrace
I just want to let you know this isn't goodbye
Simply put it is just until next time

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Just Smile

Is life measured in years miles or pain
How about sorrow grief or financial gain
It seems now a days people focus solely on the past
Ignoring the future while hoping yesterday will always last
Forgetting to realize what they truly posses 
Only ideals of living in excess 
What happened to the values of family and friends 
or to an everlasting love that never ends
We must sometimes remember its the little things in life
That take away the pain and get us through the night
So if you ever find yourself feeling down and out
Try to remember you have a lot to smile about

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Strength is a word often misunderstood
Not the outer kind but the inner good
The kind that comes after emotional beatings
When you pick yourself up and say no retreating
As you look at your problems you say give me your worst
Calm and cool on the outside but really you're ready to burst
Forcing a smile to hide your pain
Hoping a valuable lesson is what you may gain
We all have moments where we feel vulnerable
It's what you do in these moments that make life incredible

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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The gentle kiss of the wind on my cheek
The relaxing sound of the water from the creek
The beautiful songs of the birds to one another
The pitter patter of feet as the squirrels chase each other
There is but one word to describe this life
Some say the wild while I say paradise

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Fright Night

In a dark dark room I gaze out my window, Watching as the fog engulfs the night
In the distance I notice a crow staring back, I can’t close my eyes try as I might
It’s as if I lost control of my body, The piercing stare of the crow makes me cringe 
A feeling of fear overwhelms me, A figure appears beyond the forest’s fringe
The hairs on my back stand up, My heart is racing at lighting speeds
A soft breath kisses my neck, Yes someone is in my room indeed
I can’t turn around for I’m paralyzed with fright, Is this a cruel joke or my demise
Then an ear shattering laugh fills my room, I don’t even get to say my goodbyes 
And just as all hope is lost something happens, I wake up in bed covered in sweat
Could it have just been a dream, If so what could it have possibly meant
Then I peer out my window, The outside is lit up from the light of the moon
I don’t understand how all this went down, Even if was just in my dark dark room

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

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Tick Tock

The tick tock of the clock as the day comes to an end
Until the morning comes and a new day begins
Same old same day after day
I don't know how to live any other way
I am a prisoner trapped in my own routine 
But when I think twice change frightens me
What to do besides succumb to my fears
Days full of smiles with nights full of tears
Tick tock of the clock as the day comes to an end
Until my new found strength comes and my life begins

Copyright © Ben Peralta | Year Posted 2014

Book: Shattered Sighs