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Best Poems Written by Skye Stoddart

Below are the all-time best Skye Stoddart poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Not My Problem

I'm just one grain of sand on this earth,
but you told me I was a beach.
I know I am a nobody,
but you made me feel like I meant something.
I thought you meant everything you said,
but I guess I was fooled,
fell for all your stupid lies,
it wouldn't be the first time it happened.
You said you'd never hurt me,
none of that was true.
I sit here now with blood dripping from my wrist,
trying to forget,
your lies,
your kiss,
your touch,
But you cheated on me,
and now I fell like dirt.
I'm just a shadow on the wall,
Im trapped here within these four walls.
Im so confused,
I don't know what to do,
I feel so lost and alone.
I thought you were different,
from all the others,
But I guess I was wrong.
You must have got bored with me.
It looks like I just wasn't good enough,
All those kisses meant nothing to you.
One day you'll realize you made a mistake,
hurting me like you did.
But for now I see its all for the best,
your no longer my problem to deal with.
I don't have to wonder,
who your with,
what your doing,
or if your lying,
Im free to live my life,
without that little voice in the back of my mind,
telling me your lying.
I wish I would have listened sooner,
then I wouldn't be sitting here,
pouring my heart out through this pen,
But Im glad its over.
I have no more worry,
I no longer care,
Cause you're NOT my problem anymore.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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As My Tears Fall

As my tears fall,
all I can hear are your bitter words.
I thought you loved me,
but you've changed.
You no longer have feelings for me,
and without your hand to hold I wont last long.
I would of given you the world,
but you turned your back on me,
like we were never together.
You tore my heart to pieces,
I feel so alone,
I thought you were the one.
I thought we'd be together forever,
but you desieved me.
You said youd love me,
you said you'd always be mine.
Did you even mean those things you said?
Do you even care?
I can't believe I fell for all your lies.
In the end, you said I wasn't good enough.
You said there was another girl taking my place.
As my tears fall,
all I can hear are your bitter words.
Im dying inside,
I have nothing left to live for.
Everything is gone,
All I can do is cry,
As my tears fall.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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Always and Forever

I sit here thinking about,
the sound of your voice,
the curves of your face,
the way you move,
and tears start to fall from my eyes.
I remember the day,
it all went wrong,
even after all the pain,
you've put me through,
Im still in love with you.
Everyday I see your face,
I see your smile,
I hear your voice,
You're a piece of heaven,
but you put me through hell.
I think of you,
 when I touch you,
you flinch away,
God I just wanna die.
Why is it that the one you love,
never loves you back?
My friends say,
"Girl he's not worth it."
But boy I love you,
more then life itself.
Tell me Im yours,
and you'll hold me in your arms.
Oh please make this stop,
I don't want to love you anymore,
I don't want any more pain,
You've already ripped my heart out,
why not finish me off?
It would be better for both of us.
Your right in from of me,
but I can't have you,
No matter how I try,
I can't have you.
Boy I love you so much,
but you wont notice me,
Im filled with pain,
Im going under,
Im drowning in my sorrow,
You're the only one,
Who can save me.
But you don't see me,
all I think about is you,
Everything about you,
I sit here thinking about,
the sound of your voice,
the curves of your face,
the way you move,
And it hurts me so much,
and it will,
Always and forever.

Alyse Ann Cronin

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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Run Away

Whats this feeling I have deep down inside?
I get really angry,
then I get real sad.
Feelings of pain and sorrow,
fill me up till I explode.
Im so lost and forgotten,
confused of where to go.
And then I hear a voice,
run away little one,
run from the looks,
run from the pain,
run from the stares,
run from all who care,
run from this world,
run away little one.
I must be perfect,
put on a show,
can't have a flaw.
I try so hard to fit in,
but the more I try the farther I get.
I give so much,
but never get anything in return.
And then I hear a voice,
run away little one,
run from the looks,
run from the pain,
run from the stares,
run from all who care,
run from the world,
run little one.
I start to see life for what it really is,
the path leading me to hell.
Death seems so much easier now,
oh how I long for the emptiness.
I climb so high to the top of the cliff,
I look over the edge it seems so far,
I take a step to the side, 
and as I fall to my death,
I hear a voice on the wind,
Run away little one,
run from the looks,
run from the pain,
from all the stares,
run from all who care,
From everything in the world,
Your finally free my little one.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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What You Do To Me

You hurt and used me,
And now I've had enough of it.
I can't take it anymore,
I love with all my heart, 
but all I get is rejection.
This is all too hard,
can't you just be with me,
And stop playing around.
You put me through so much pain,
all I want to do is die.
But even after all you've done,
I can't stop loving you.
I want it all to go away,
Till theres no more pain,
But it wont,
and it hurts so bad.
Please just make it go away,
no more pain.
I see you flirt,
I know thats who you are,
But every time I see you with another girl,
Doin what you do,
I sit and cry,
knowing you could never love me back.
You have no feelings for anyone but yourself,
I know its true.
But im still hoping you'll change,
maybe for me.
But then I see you with the other girls right in front of my face.
You know it hurts me,
but you don't care.
I just want you to hold me,
and tell me you'll always be mine,
to wipe away all my tears.
I need you to save me from all this 
You're the only one that can,
but you wont.
You hurt so many people,
you don't care if they cry.
I can't stand the way you treat people.
I would die for you,
I'd do anything for you,
but you don't care.
You just sit back and watch my pain.
You've seen the tears I've cried for you.
You treat me like Im nothing,
And Im not good enough for you,
Well, maybe its true.
I know I don't stand a chance with you,
but please don't hurt me anymore.
I cant take this pain,
you've put me through hell,
and all I want to do is die.
But even after all you've done to me,
and all the pain you've put me through,
I still love you more then life itself,
but I don't want to feel this way anymore,
I need it all to stop.
No more tears, 
no more pain.
I want to forget it all,
Please make it stop,
Can't you see what you do to me?

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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Nowhere To Go

I lay here alone and forgotten.
I  watch,
the world pass me by,
no one to turn to.
Trying to find where I went wrong,
in this world.
I feel like a mistake.
I wish it would all end.
Broken hearts, crying eyes.
It's misery all around,
I try to look forward,
But its so hard not to look back.
Im being pulled under.
This lake of broken dreams.
Rumors, lies
Spinning around
It makes me so dizzy.
Lost love, broken friendships
It's all gone downhill.
I've detached myself from everyone.
Im alone in this world,
with nowhere to go.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

Details | Skye Stoddart Poem

Can'T See Me

You look around,
trying to find someone to love you.
I wish you'd see me,
and how I can't live without you.
I need you to breath,
but you look right past me.
I cry for you,
scream for you,
bleed for you,
I'd die for you,
But still you can't see me.
I sit here alone in the darkness,
and all I see is you.
Im waiting, waiting, waiting,
for you to see me,
hold me,
love me.
I cry for you,
scream for you,
bleed for you,
But still you can't see me.
So much pain,
so much sorrow,
wishin for you to wonder across,
me and my love for you.
Wishin you'd finally see me,
Wishin that won't come true.
I cry for you,
scream for you,
bleed for you,
I'd die for you,
But still you don't see me.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

Details | Skye Stoddart Poem

Heart Broken

You moved on,
left me here to cry my heart-broken tears.
How can you act like nothing happened?
You ripped my heart out,
and tore it to pieces.
Now Im so confused,
How could I believe all your lies?
When everyone told me the truth.
I was so stupid,
blinded by your show.
But I still love you,
even after all you've done.
And it's killing me,
I don't want to feel this way.
Theres so much pain,
When I see your smiling face.
My tears fall like rain, 
but you don't care.
My eyes are windows into my soul,
but you wont even look at me.
At night I scream when no ones around,
just to let it all out.
Sadly I sit staring at the ceiling,
as I slowly slip into a tearful sleep.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

Details | Skye Stoddart Poem

Missing You

I miss you so much,
theres nothing I can do.
I tried to get over you,
telling myself its not worth it.
But everywhere I go,
there's a memory of you.
No matter what I do,
Your there.
I can still see you,
walking through the front door.
All I can think about ,
is your hand in mine or an arm around my shoulder.
All the warmth you made me feel,
now there's only the bitter cold.
My heart has been shattered to pieces,
I try to pick them up,
but I cant get a hold of them,
there all so small.
Every time I think I'll be ok,
I see your face and it all slips away.
I've said I'll never cry for you again,
but at night my tears start to fall.
You said you loved me,
and stupid me thought it was true.
So I in turn fell in love with you,
only to have my heart ripped out.
You made me believe you cared,
that you'd always be there.
But I watched you change,
there was nothing I could do.
You may have loved me once,
I'll never know,
But in the end,
your love rearranged.
Even though you don't feel the same way,
Im still in love with you.
So all I can do is sit here,
missing you.

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006

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People think that I've moved on,
that thoughts of you aren't flying through my mind.
Well, they're all wrong.
Every time I close my eyes I see your face,
every time I fall asleep I dream of how it used to be,
When we were still together,
and I thought you actually cared.
I never thought that looking back on all the laughter would bring tears to my eyes.
I can still see you walk through the front door,
I still feel your hand in mine,
your arm around my neck.
I know you hurt me,
but I still want you back.
I want to feel you standing next to me again,
even if its all a lie,
and all I feel is pain.
I need you back by my side,
at night when no ones around.
I think about you and the way it was before.
I sit and cry when Im all alone,
so no one can see how weak you've made me.
I felt so safe when we were together,
like no one could hurt me.
I never thought that it was you,
who'd bring so many tears to my eyes.
People tell me to move on, and forget about you,
but without you here to help me through,
I feel so alone and broken

Copyright © Skye Stoddart | Year Posted 2006


Book: Shattered Sighs